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Double Doms

Page 92

by Tia Siren

  “We figured you might need your own little space in a house full of men,” Kyle said, grinning.

  I sank to my knees and put my face in my hands. It was all so beautiful, and it was all too much. I heard a stampede of feet enter my room as all eight men gathered around me. My face was buried into Kyle as I tried to gather myself.

  “Thank you. Oh, holy hell, thank you so much.”

  “So long as you’re with us, you’ll want for nothing, darling,” Tony said.

  “And you’ll always be safe,” Logan said.

  “And you’ll never be want for affection,” Cameron said.

  “And you’ll always be loved,” they all said together.

  I rose to my feet and hugged their necks, every single one. I saw all my bags piled on my bed, and Kevin and Cole sat there grinning. I ran toward them and hugged them both, tackling them to my bed as they chuckled along with me.

  Then I felt someone’s hands run up to the small of my back.


  The weekend came and went, and I helped all the guys get settled into the house. Parking our cars was going to be a bitch, but we had time to figure that out. The Wolf brothers simply wanted to build another garage, and for the first time, I was actually on their side.

  So, Terry made the call, and Monday morning I woke up to the sounds of construction workers calling to one another across the site.

  I stayed in bed most of the day, simply losing myself in the luxurious sheets. All the men came in eventually to check on me, with Kyle and Kevin bringing me lunch from town. Apparently the Wolf brothers had hired a permanent chef to cook our dinners for us, which meant another family dinner around the table tonight.

  The menu that evening consisted of roasted duck with a mild pepper jam sauce along with roasted vegetables and garlic mashed potatoes. The meal was delicious, all of us humming our gratitude to the chef as we stuffed ourselves full. Each of us had a wine glass filled to the brim with decadent white wine, and as I looked around the table at all the guys laughing and carrying on, I felt my heart leap with joy.

  I had the family I’d always wanted.

  I studied their faces as they each regaled one another with stories from their days. Kyle and Kevin talked about their patients while Cole and Cameron talked to the guys about sports. Their tangents and promises of getting everyone front row tickets were met with whoops and hollers, and all the while I quietly watched. I sipped on my white wine as someone carried my plate away. Liam and Logan talked about the firehouse, how they wanted to bring all the guys over and have some sort of cookout.

  I thought it was a wonderful idea and quickly sounded in with my opinion.

  “We’d have to get a grill, I think, unless you guys have one. But we might need a bigger one anyway that can pump out meat for a crowd.”

  All the men slowly settled their gazes on me as my face flushed. I’d only just realized what I’d said, and I giggled as I shook my head.

  “Settle down, boys. I just think the cookout is a good idea. Heaven knows we’ve got the room to host it.”

  “I could take a peek at the hot tub and see if it’s up and running,” Terry said.

  “And if you guys wanted to wait until the spring, we could get the pool up and running,” Tony said.

  “Won’t matter. The pool is heated,” Terry said.

  “The pool’s heated?” Tony asked.

  “Well, the inside part of the pool is, yes. Remember? It’s that dual indoor-outdoor thing,” Terry said.

  “Wait. There’s a pool? And a hot tub?”

  All the men whipped their gazes back to me before a rumbling chuckle cascaded through all of them. I had yet to venture through half of this massive place, but it seemed as if I still had some more goodies to stumble upon.

  “Yes, love,” Terry said, grinning. “There is a pool and a hot tub.”

  “Then why in the world are we not using it right now?” I asked.

  I watched as the gears turned behind Terry’s eyes. He took his napkin and wiped his lips before tossing it onto the table and throwing back the rest of his wine.

  “Give me fifteen minutes to make sure it’s all right,” Terry said.

  “Sounds like we’re gonna be having dessert in the hot tub tonight,” Liam said, grinning.

  “Who says dessert is a slice of food?” Tony asked. “I figured Lexi would make a nice dish.”

  “If I didn’t know you any better, I’d have to say that statement was a bit Hannibal-ish,” I said, grinning.

  “If devouring your beautiful pussy is cannibalistic, then color me guilty, darling.”

  I shivered at his voice as my mind began to whirl. I watched the men slowly stand up and strip out of their clothes, their pants and shirts falling to the floor. Their cocks were slowly growing, and my eyes widened at the sight. Just before I could react, Terry came back into the room.

  “Looks like I’m missing the party,” he said, smiling. “Hot tub’s just fine. Anyone fancy a dip?”

  Kyle walked over, his cock glowing with precum and already leaking as he extended his hand. I slid mine into it, feeling electricity rush between us as my nipples puckered underneath my bra. One by one, the men came over and removed a piece of my clothing until I was clad in nothing but my smooth skin while their chiseled muscles taunted me with their lustful cravings.

  I loved them. As they ushered me naked down the hallway and toward the hot tub out back, I realized I loved them. It wasn’t the type of love that came with the fear of losing something, or the type of love that came with finding something that connects with you. No, the kind of love I felt for these men was the kind of love you dreamed about as a child, the kind of love that left you breathless and shaking. It was the type of love that would cause someone to dive in front of a bullet or take someone else’s place.

  The type of love I felt for all of them would be a love that harnessed me for the rest of my life.

  I felt myself be lifted off my feet as Cameron pulled me close to his body. I shivered in the cold winter air until he walked me down into the hot tub. As we sank into the bubbling water, I sighed, my body relaxing instantly against Cameron’s lean, strong chest.

  The hands of the others caressed my skin as they floated me around, each taking their turn holding me close and murmuring in my ear how much they loved me.

  Yes, the love I felt for these men was a love that would strangle my heart until I could no longer breathe. I smiled as a tear of happiness slowly trickled down my cheek.



  Sneak Peak: Double Doctors

  Two hot surgeons.

  Four expert hands.

  The possibilities are endless.

  It was my first day at work as a nurse.

  I tried to be professional.

  Care for the patients. Learn from the doctors.

  But I just couldn’t concentrate.

  My two new bosses were hot as hell.



  Dangerously sinful.

  By lunch time, they had me blushing.

  By the afternoon, they had me begging.

  I really shouldn’t... right?

  I’m supposed to look after the patients, not the surgeons.

  But I want them.

  Both of them.

  Me in the middle.

  Writhing and moaning.

  So tonight after work, when the doctors order me to remove my clothing…

  I'll do my best not to disappoint.

  Do I have to choose?

  Or is a throuple relationship just what the doctor ordered…

  Chapter 1


  “I’m a surgeon.”

  And, just like that, I had her.

  She was the one leading me by the wrist into the bathroom. It had been the third thing I told her, off-hand. I didn’t know her name, I didn’t know her eye color, and I didn’t know one fucking thing about her. And yet, how much did I have t
o know about her, other than she was a hot blonde, whose body I really wanted to meet? Well while you’re at it, ask her name at least, asshole. Say something nice to her.

  I shoved her to the wall, and kept her there with my kisses. Her skin tasted like banana cream pie, although I resisted the urge to ask. Talking led to questions, which led to stalling. I’d gotten what I wanted, why waste time with more chit-chat? Jesus, when did I get to be such an ass?

  Although already, this hook-up was not as hot as I might have wanted. Bathroom girl was clearly into it, she was groaning like I was already in her, after all. But her body was limp, as if waiting for me to do what I wanted. And yet, when her hands snaked for my package, I grabbed them, lifted them over her head and held them there. She needed to understand—I’d be fucking her at my pace, not hers. And, if I was being perfectly honest, for most of these hookups, by this time I was critical as fuck. I couldn’t remember the last time I’d been pleasantly surprised by a one-night bar stranger. Come on, admit it. Where women were concerned, I was a self-centered dick.

  As my tongue explored her mouth, my hands explored her body. She tasted like vodka and felt creamy. I kissed my way down her body, my lips following the path my hands were tracing. First the long slick neck, then the silky pink camisole, then the short leather skirt, then the legs—

  Her hands grabbed my face—I’d let them go in my haste. Now she was ramming her tongue down my throat. Just then I reached up her skirt and pulled down. Her black lacy G-string fell to the floor and she let out a pleased sigh.

  That was when the bathroom stall door flew open. A girl, her freckled cheeks bright red with embarrassment, raced by and out the door. I watched her go with a slight pang. Maybe she could have joined us.

  We both laughed. Bathroom girl turned my head so it was facing her. Her fake-nailed hands went for my package, and this time I let her. She fumbled a bit with the buttons of my jeans, the ones I jokingly called my ‘chastity pants.’ I spanked her. Dude, most people would have the good graces to be horrified or at least embarrassed right now. What’s wrong with you? Now there’s a question I don’t have nearly enough time to answer. Besides, if I knew, I wouldn’t still be living like this. I might have a wife, two kids and a dog by now. Hells-bells, somebody shoot me now.

  “Faster,” I growled, trying to turn off the voice in my head.

  She paused to narrow her—brown, they were brown, right?—eyes, in an expression of sassy defiance. I took those glossed-up lips and shoved my tongue in between them.

  By now, my hands had found their way up her waist, up to her tits. One camisole strap down and then the other. And then, wow.

  My first thought upon seeing her tits held precariously by a glittery bra, was that they couldn’t be real. My second thought was—who the fuck cares! They were ridiculously big and jiggly. The poor girl was still working on the buttons of my jeans, although I hardly cared. Right now I had much bigger—pun intended—things to concern myself with.

  And oh, what big beautiful things they were. When I finally reached around and unhooked her bra, there was a beautiful second of anticipation where the thing hung there. Then I swiped my fingers into the strap, pulling it off of her and… there they were. Two jiggling mounds of perfection. I had been right, of course. Takes one to know one after all. Not to mention that anything too good to be true, usually is. But fuck—what fucking glorious orbs of fake perfection they were. You’d think a man in your profession would have a more discerning eye and not act like an adolescent obsessed with gigantic tits.

  My lips shot to her breast. Around and around the nipple my sucking nibbling lips circled, drawing nearer and nearer. Her shrill moans grew louder. When my mouth finally closed on that perfectly pink nipple, her whole body sagged down a little. Down enough for my hand to slide up her thigh. Stroking, higher and higher and then, gotcha. Her pussy was just as wet as I’d expected.

  My mouth moved on to her other perky tit, just as a few fingers ventured inside of her. Oh yes, this was more like it.

  Now the girl was groaning loudly, her head thrown back, bleached blonde locks spilling over her shoulders. I paused, and she cast a tormented look down at me.

  “Hey,” she whined.

  I drew back, wiggling a glistening finger in her face. I pointed it at her skirt.

  “Take it off.”

  Never had I seen a girl fling off an article of clothing so fast. Her leather skirt toppled to the floor, adding to the pile her G-string, camisole and bra had made. She stepped out of it, then towards me, her lips meeting mine. Fuck, she even tasted like cotton candy, like this girl was some kind of candy incarnate.

  When the kiss ended, she stepped away from me, indecision flickering in her eyes.

  “What now?”

  With the palm of my hand I pressed her to the wall.

  “Now,” I said, devouring her neck, “I get to enjoy you.”

  Enjoy her I did. As her body trembled with moans, I kissed, sucked and licked my way up and down the length of her, from neck to lower leg. She was deliciously tanned and soft. When my hands grasped her hips, her whole body was still shaking. In one rapid motion, I lifted her and set her on the counter.

  Her eyes widened, while her lips parted. Perhaps to raise some perfectly reasonable, but inconvenient concerns about cleanliness—but right now who really gave a fuck? I slammed my lips onto hers, and tongued away anything she might have to say. I parted her legs with my hands, and when I glanced up, my eager gaze met hers. I smiled, and she understood. That was when I shoved myself into her.

  The first entrance was spec-fucking-tacular. Her pussy was crazy-wet, practically dripping. I slid myself in easily. As I pounded away, her moans joined into one cry of pleasure, and her tits jiggled with every slam. This was really fucking hot and clearly; this slut was nearing orgasm— but I wasn’t finished with her yet. Slut? Come on man, she didn’t deserve that. Have a little respect. And really, if she’s a slut, what does that make you?

  As I thrust into her, harder and deeper each time, my hand snaked to her ass. It was all slick with her juice, so circling her back hole and then burrowing in a finger partway was easy.

  As soon as I was in, her eyes fluttered open and she gasped. Immediately, I slid my finger and dick out, then flipped her around. Now, seeing her well-formed little ass right in front of my face, I couldn’t help myself anymore. I shoved one finger in her ass, then another in her pussy. She tensed up.

  “Don’t worry, you’ll like it,” I said, and her ass drooped back down obediently.

  I was true to my word. It only took about thirty seconds of jack-hammering her pussy and burrowing my way into her ass, before she was sticking it out for more. I gladly complied, pumping her ass further and further, until I was all the way in. By now, she was cooing pleasure and I was more than ready. So, I slid my finger out, and slipped in what she had really been wanting all along.

  “Fuck,” she groaned as I entered her. Spurts of pleasure started at my cock and zipped throughout my whole body. Her ass was crazy-tight and wet as fuck, too.

  I grabbed her hips to steady myself as I thrust even deeper. Both of us groaned, but I was clearly getting more out of this. That pert little ass, that jiggly-wiggly tightness felt like fuck yes personified, and ugh, already, I was on the edge.

  The freckles on her ass looked like they were smiling at me. As if they could have any idea about just how good this feels.

  In and out. Deeper and deeper. More and more. Bathroom girl is shaking, or maybe it’s me—it doesn’t really matter. All that matters is that I keep on going. In and out, more and more, dick into ass, until the swirling feeling around my dick, grows, expands—explodes. I am. Exploding, and emptying myself into her, grunting and groaning with the glory of it. Oh fuck was it glorious!

  Then, it was over. I grabbed some paper towels to clean myself up and handed her some as I pulled on my clothes, wondering why getting my jeans back on always seemed so much more difficult in these situations.r />
  As I briskly left the bathroom, I caught the dumbfounded look on her face. Clearly, this was not how our sexy bathroom fuck was supposed to have ended in her mind, but what did she expect? She had plenty of time, it’s not up to me to jump through hoops to make a stranger cum? And besides, the longer I stayed around, the more opportunity she had to figure out my name or number, which would only lead to more disappointment for her. No, it was better to rip off the Band-Aid nice and fast. I’d seen all too well what giving these girls time to get attached entailed. Broken hearts and keyed-up cars, not to mention middle-of-the-night sob-fest calls, and vicious face to face encounters involving shrieking and threats. Nope, it was better to let the poor girl down as soon as possible. Nice try asshole. Justify it all you want, but you’re still a pig.

  Outside, I called a cab. As I waited, a stunning woman with ebony skin and dark eyes passed by. I took a step after her.

  A car horn sounded. It wasn’t my cab, but it did bring me to my senses. It was almost 1 a.m. and one glorious pussy and ass fuck session was enough. I had to work tomorrow, after all. Inside the cab, as my efficient bearded driver did a sort of Mario-Kart style weave through the other cars on the street, I glanced at my iPhone to check out my to-do list for tomorrow. Monday was consultation day, so my schedule was pretty much the usual routine. Consultation for rhinoplasty, consultation for breast implants, and two consultations for Botox. Then lunch and—oh yeah.


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