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Page 10

by Annabeth Leong

  Emily wanted to melt with gratitude. She hurt where he’d spanked her, but the pain made her feel open to him in a way she would never have otherwise allowed. Emily could see herself curled into his arms, dropping the need to be tough for a few precious moments. Shattering arousal pierced her, and she ground her pelvis against his leg. Still, she couldn’t let go of the challenge. She couldn’t stop thinking about what had happened with Matthew. “I can take more.”

  Javier squeezed her ass. The pressure on the sensitive areas he had just spanked made her suck in a breath. “I’m sure you can. But I think that’s enough for now.”

  Emily whimpered. She wanted him to force the submission out of her, since she couldn’t surrender freely. Javier leaned forward and kissed the spot where the curve of her ass met her thigh. Desire flared anew inside her. She didn’t have to give herself completely to Javier to take pleasure from him.

  Emily pushed up on her hands, curling her back as if in a yoga pose. She twisted, reaching to kiss Javier. His lips moved to hers with a tenderness that surprised her. She wriggled in his lap until she could kick off her shorts and panties. The sharp scent of her arousal filled the car. With a quick, agile movement, she transferred her hands to his shoulders and climbed astride him, restoring herself to a position of control.

  “I want you, Javier,” she whispered in his ear. Emily felt reluctant to make the admission out loud.

  He ran his hands down her sides and over her ass. His fingers curled around the backs of her thighs, far enough to allow him to tease the wet valley between her legs. “Do you have a condom?”

  Emily froze. She probably should have her own, but she’d always relied on Matthew to supply the protection. “Do you?”

  “Well, you didn’t exactly give me a chance to pack.” His fingertips darted up, brushing the lips of her sex. “I can make you come, Emily, but I think we’re otherwise out of luck for now. Unless you want to wait until we can get to a convenience store.”

  Emily didn’t want to wait. She didn’t want to think about this long enough to talk herself out of it. “Touch me.”

  He wrapped his arms around Emily, then reached beside the seat and pulled the release. She shrieked as it snapped back, but Javier held her steady in his lap as they moved. The moment reminded her of the surrender she wanted but couldn’t quite give. When he moved to kiss her again, she relaxed a little more into it. He rolled them in the seat so that Emily ended up lying beneath him. The fabric felt rough against her bare, well-spanked ass.

  She expected him to reach between them and put his fingers on her clit, but instead he kissed her with a patience she didn’t share. His tongue and weight held her captive beneath him, and he stroked her hair and the sides of her arms. His hard cock pressed against her clearly through his jeans, bearing down on her clit with the simple force of gravity. For a while, Emily waited for him to do something else, but Javier was in no rush at all.

  By this time, she’d been wet and aroused for what felt like ages, and more than ready for sex if that had been possible. Javier’s patience began to frustrate her. Emily rocked her hips up in an attempt at a subtle hint. The movement rubbed her clit across the hard length of his cock. She imagined opening his pants, taking out his cock, and sliding just the tip inside herself. Her body shuddered, which caused another electric touch, the fabric of his pants a little scratchy against her most sensitive flesh. She felt wet enough to soak straight through his pants and whatever he wore underneath. Emily moaned, now thinking about what he would look like naked, and how soft and hot the bare flesh of his cock would feel against her inner thighs.

  Javier made no acknowledgement of the sound she made, or the rocking movements that she now could not stop. He continued to kiss her, his body lying heavy on hers. The situation forced her to become more aware of every part of him than she had imagined possible. His chest flattened her breasts, causing the ribbed fabric of her tank top to tease her nipples hard. Because of the nearness and warmth of her body, she began to pick out the unique male smell of him, previously hidden beneath soap and cologne. The understated muscle of his lean physique became ever more present in her mind as his legs wound around hers and his arms rippled beside hers.

  And Emily could not stop thinking about the fabric-covered erection nestled between her legs. She could not stop rubbing against it. She couldn’t remember the last time she’d been left to stew this way in her own arousal. When she had been the one aching to rip away the clothing between her body and her lover’s body, unsure if she could stand the wait.

  Emily’s kisses grew more desperate. Her hands roamed Javier’s body, greedy for his bare flesh. She rubbed against his still-concealed cock, her intention unmistakable. She noticed the little grunts in the back of her throat as she worked herself against him, but worries about what they sounded like faded behind the growing pleasure centered in her clit.

  She developed a rhythm—massaging a circle over her clit with the firm, constant pressure of his erection, then dropping her hips and scraping her tenderized ass over the seat fabric, then raising her hips to grind again, his tongue stroking hers all the while. Javier allowed her to masturbate with his body, and the longer it went on, the wilder her fantasies about him became. The slightest touch of his fingertip to her clit would have made her come, to say nothing of the head of his cock, but it did not come.

  Emily barely recognized herself, sweating beneath him, her legs wrapped around his waist, gripping his shoulders for maximum leverage. She needed just a little more and she would come. Her muscles tensed as she searched.

  When lust overtook her brain completely, Javier made his move at last. Disentangling himself gently from her grasp, he slipped down her body and extended his tongue, squirming it around her clit. Emily screamed and grabbed the back of his head in desperation. In only a few seconds, all that had been building within her released, complete pleasure rippling through her body in an orgasm that loosened every muscle that had knotted over the course of her effort.

  “Oh my God,” Emily gasped. She reached for his pants almost before she realized it, wanting to return some part of the pleasure he had given her.

  “You sure you don’t want to head to the convenience store?”

  She didn’t bother answering, only hauled him up by the waistband so she could reach his zipper. She opened his pants with one hand and spat in the other for moisture. His cock felt every bit as delicious in her palm as she’d imagined it. “I want this inside me.”

  He gave a low growl. “I am human, you know. I want to be safe, but I can only take so much temptation.”

  Emily adjusted her position to get a little closer to him. She rested her cheek against his smooth chest, looking down his body at the erection jutting forward. Her hand wrapped around it looked small in comparison. “Just close your eyes and imagine how it’s going to feel when you first push into me,” Emily whispered, tightening her hand and sliding down his shaft to suggest the experience her words described.

  Javier flung his head back, his eyes squeezed shut and the muscles in his neck standing out. He thrust into her hand. “I’m not going to be able to take this for long.”

  A sense of power flooded Emily. “Then don’t.” She lowered her voice a little more. “I’m going to swallow it all.”

  His hips moved in earnest now, his cock slipping in and out of her fist. She could not take her eyes off it. She wanted to rub herself again, thinking about what it would be like to watch it disappearing into her body instead of her hand. “Faster,” Javier gasped. Emily obliged, squeezing a little harder and speeding up.

  A long groan poured from Javier’s throat and his cock pulsed in Emily’s hand. She reacted immediately, replacing her hand with her mouth. Before she even got it all the way inside, he began to come in a series of hot, salty bursts. Emily swallowed them quickly and fitted her mouth gently over his full length, holding still once she took him to the hilt. She wanted them both to have a chance to savor the moment.

  Javier brought one hand up to cup Emily’s head. He traced the line of her jaw with his thumb. She took the gesture as a sign and eased back slowly, looking up into his eyes. Javier seemed dazed.

  “I still want to go to the convenience store,” he said.

  Emily laughed her agreement. “If what just happened is any indication, we need to get there soon.”

  Chapter Ten

  Javier wanted to get to bed with Emily as soon as possible and stay there for the rest of the week and possibly the rest of his life. The taste and smell of her body and the memory of her orgasm taking her over before his eyes made it easy to forget the serious matters demanding both of their attention.

  Emily, unfortunately, wasn’t as easily distracted. She pulled herself together after their interlude with a speed that stunned Javier and climbed back in place behind the steering wheel. He, on the other hand, had barely zipped up his pants and definitely hadn’t recovered his brain. She started the car, seeming cool and collected despite the sheen of sweat on her forehead and the rosy flush to her cheeks, neck and chest.

  “Where to?”

  “I’m going to drop you at the apartment and then do some errands.”

  Javier raised an eyebrow. “Errands? The convenience store doesn’t take that long, does it?”

  She laughed and shook her head. “Matthew was sniffing around for a reason. He wants to find your brother before I do. I can’t afford to take the rest of the day off, not even considering the things we could get up to. I know you won’t help me catch Fernando, but trust me on this one—it’s better for your brother if I’m the one who finds him. Matthew doesn’t see a person—he just sees dollar signs.”

  Javier stayed quiet. He’d been careful not to agree to the deal she’d offered, but he didn’t think she’d noticed. He’d successfully distracted her with sex, but instead of feeling victorious, the knowledge bothered him. He’d never been the type to use a woman.

  And he genuinely liked Emily. He hadn’t needed to feign anything about what had passed between them. He adored her body, but her stubborn streak fascinated him even more, along with the sweetness he glimpsed beneath. It had been so easy to slip into the fantasy of being together that he’d fooled himself along with her.

  Now she was about to drop him off at her apartment and leave him alone there. With her computer, which she probably wouldn’t think to detach from the Internet. The power of their attraction had already given Javier plenty to think about, but on top of that he had to chew on what she’d said about contacting Fernando. “Isn’t not getting in touch with him as much of a betrayal as anything else?” That sentence would ring in his ears for the rest of the night. She’d been damn right. He needed to make a decision about where his loyalties would lie for the remainder of this ordeal. He needed to do it soon.

  If she left him free to get on the Internet now, without even a set of handcuffs to plausibly prevent him, Javier would have to contact Fernando or he wouldn’t be able to live with himself. He wanted more time before being forced to face that.

  “Take me with you,” he said suddenly. “On the errands.” He couldn’t come any closer than that to warning her.

  She laughed again and his heart sank. “Are you the clingy type, Javier? Come on. You’ll be fine at my apartment. I’ve got to talk to a bunch of contacts. A lot of them will freak out if I show up with a Bonavita.” She flashed a smile full of lustful promise. “Don’t worry though. I’m going to come back with a case of condoms for us.”

  He managed a weak smile in answer. “Okay.” He spent the rest of the drive in silence, running through his options over and over and coming down to the same one each and every time.

  * * * * *

  Fernando tossed the last bone from an order of chicken wings into the small trash can beside the motel bed. For the past few days, his exit couldn’t have gone more smoothly. Javier knew his stuff and he’d prepared Fernando well for the possibility he might have to get out of town someday. The whole time he’d maintained his usual pretense, that he knew nothing about what Fernando really did.

  Javier’s self-righteous attitude would completely infuriate Fernando if he weren’t so brilliant. Fernando couldn’t argue with results. He’d followed every suggestion so far, paying with cash, traveling by public transit, being careful not to go too far, heading for places unlikely to notice strangers. At a public library in southern Rhode Island, Fernando had logged into an encrypted account Javier had set up years before, triggering a set of automatic actions that would deliver a fabricated set of identity documents to a P.O. box in Hartford, Connecticut. He’d holed up at a motel in New Haven to wait a few days for the paperwork to process.

  All like clockwork, better than he could have hoped. If he weren’t so damn lonely, he’d be pleased with himself. He sighed and lay back on the motel’s lumpy bed. Carolina would never have come with him. She would never have left her lovely little house to sleep beside him in sketchy motels with German cockroaches in the bathroom, mattresses that smelled of mildew and water stains on the ceiling. He couldn’t wish such a thing on her in good conscience.

  Unfortunately that didn’t stop him from missing her with every fiber of his body and soul.

  Losing Carolina fitted the pattern that had dogged him for his entire life. Fernando cared about family more than anything else, but the world seemed designed to deny it to him. Just a few months after his father had died in an accident at the factory that had employed him illegally, his mother had been caught in a raid at the same place. She’d arranged for Fernando, Javier and their baby sister Sabi to move in with a distant relative. That way, they could stay in the United States where they’d been born even after she got deported. He would never forget the day he’d promised her, as the oldest son, to be the head of the household and to take care of his younger siblings.

  He’d tried so hard to be a little man, refusing to cry even when she told him they would probably never see each other again. He still remembered her sweet, floral smell, though he’d never smelled that flower anywhere else. He remembered the way she’d crushed him against her chest and how he had allowed himself to grip the corner of her rough, homemade red sweater. She had pried his fingers one by one from the holes he’d gripped in its loose weave.

  What would she think of him now? By age fourteen, Fernando had realized he could only take care of Javier and Sabi if he had money. He’d made money since then the best he knew how, and plenty of it, but deep down he’d always known his mother wouldn’t have approved. He imagined the downcast expression she would wear if she were in the room with him now, her eyes as luminous and hurt as Carolina’s when she learned about his lies.

  And Javier… When he was honest with himself in the middle of the night, Fernando knew Javier should have gone to a prestigious university, somewhere he could have learned to use his considerable talent for legitimate purposes. His younger brother had been brilliant enough to win scholarships. Fernando had subtly prevented him from taking that path, hinting that he needed him to stay close, that he had no one else he could trust. He had been selfish, taking comfort from his brother under the guise of providing for him.

  Fernando rolled onto his stomach and rested his forehead on his clenched fists. He tried never to think of Sabi at all, but the moment called for it. Their glorious baby sister, whose every word glowed with curiosity. He’d never found the man who’d gunned her down, but he’d suspected Sergio’s gang. He’d been on the receiving end of one too many knowing sneers and one too many taunts laced with too much knowledge to be innocent.

  Even his current trouble felt like a subtle reference to Sabi. They’d framed him for the very crime that his family had suffered. Fernando could not believe it an accident.

  His stomach clenched. Carolina thought him capable of hurting a little girl the way Sabi had been hurt. She said she loved him, but she must never have known him at all. If he had only explained to her, maybe even told her the story of his baby sister… Fernando shook hi
s head. He had no choice but to forget Carolina, no matter how much he’d indulged the fantasy of spending his life with her, of one day seeing a child smiling with her mouth and his eyes.

  He sat up on the bed, then leaned across it to the denim jacket he’d left slung over a rickety chair. He preferred nicer clothes, but Javier had insisted that he would need to change all his habits if he ever needed to successfully evade detection. He fished in the jacket pocket for the inexpensive tablet computer he’d picked up earlier that afternoon. Lying back on the motel bed’s thin pillow, Fernando laboriously typed a URL into its finicky touchscreen keyboard. He could practically hear gears grinding as it struggled to get online.

  He took a deep breath and waited as patiently as he could. He’d rarely met anyone as paranoid as Javier. The man thought of every possible attack, every avenue, everything that could go wrong. He’d warned Fernando many times of the dangers of staying in touch with loved ones. “I can protect you,” Javier liked to explain, “but I can’t protect every other person you might want to talk to.”

  Fernando couldn’t imagine being cut off from everyone he cared about though, so he’d made Javier promise that, at minimum, the two of them would always be in touch no matter what. He forced himself to follow the complex process that Javier had drilled him on. Before heading for his real destination, he visited a website that masked his identity and hid his online trail. Only then did he log onto the encrypted dropbox that Javier had set up for them to use to communicate with each other. With a few clicks, he posted a message for his brother.

  He gave the name of the motel, his room number and a few details about his activities over the past few days. He thanked his brother for the hard, clever work that had made this trip run so smoothly. Fernando hesitated, prepared to sign off there. Loneliness won over his better judgment, however, so he posted the number of the motel phone, said he’d be there for a few days and asked for a phone call.


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