Evening Hours

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Evening Hours Page 29

by Mary Lynn Baxter

  “What…what if I step out on that limb of trust and it breaks?” she whispered.

  He rose to his feet and with his mouth working, he reached for her. “I’ll be there to catch you, my darling.”


  His kisses were sweet and deep, and he was holding her so tenderly.

  “Hey,” she whispered against his lips, “you’ve got to stop treating me like I’ll break. I promise I won’t.”

  Cutler pulled back and smiled down at her. “Are you sure?”

  “Yes, I’m sure. Women have babies every day.” She grinned. “It’s no big deal.”

  “It was a big deal for me, thank you.” Cutler’s face turned somber. “I was afraid something was going to happen to you, that you might—” He broke off.

  Kaylee saw his mouth work and knew that his emotions were still running high. But then, so were hers. The birth of their son two months ago had been an awesome and blessed event. Surprisingly, the pregnancy and delivery had gone extremely well; as had their wonderful life together.

  When she had first married Cutler, she’d been ecstatic even though she had known he didn’t love her as she loved him. During this past year, through the months of carrying the baby, circumstances had changed.

  He had changed.

  Once Cutler had declared his love for her, he had become a different person. Along with being her lover, he had become her best friend. They had the awesome threesome, she kept telling him—friendship, laughter and love.

  “An unbeatable combo,” he’d said, and he had been right.

  Even though Cutler had won reelection and remained as dedicated to his job as ever, their life hadn’t been all flowers and honey. During that year, before their son, Nate, was born, they’d had their share of bumps in the road. The abortion/priest trial, long and tedious, had been a disaster for Cutler, as had the Cullen Bryant retrial. Both losses had been blows to his professional pride.

  During that time her business had floundered as well, having taken a licking with the conviction of Jessica for the murder of Barbie.

  Kaylee still had trouble coming to grips with that unnecessary tragedy. As it had turned out, both drugs and jealousy had been the motives for the stabbing. The pills had belonged to Jessica. Her boyfriend had been her supplier. The evening she’d stabbed Barbie she’d been high, and with that combined with her seething jealousy, she’d gone over the edge.

  The idea that one beautiful young woman was dead and another was serving a life sentence was unthinkable and unbearable to Kaylee. Nonetheless, it was a fact.

  Cutler had been learning to live with the undisputable fact that Drew Rush was his biological father and that he was the product of rape, rather than of love. To this day, Cutler struggled to deal with his torturous past, and his only comfort was that Drew was serving time—not for rape, but for his criminal business misdeeds. Cutler took comfort that when Drew entered his prison cell, he no longer wielded any power over anyone.

  “What are you thinking about, darling?” Cutler asked, breaking in to her thoughts.

  It was early on a Sunday morning. Since Nate was sleeping later than usual, they were taking advantage of the time by relaxing in bed themselves.

  “Us. The good times and the bad.”

  “Such as?”

  His finger began circling her breast, fuller now following the birth of their son. “How do you expect me to answer when you’re doing that to me?”

  He tweaked a nipple. “You like it, huh?”

  “I love it,” Kaylee said with a catch.

  “Your breasts are so incredible.”

  “I was afraid they would sag since I’m nursing Nate.” She smiled. “Not that I would care.”

  “Nor I. Watching that little mouth latch on to and suckle your breasts is an experience I’ll treasure always.” His eyes darkened. “Not to mention what it does to my libido.”

  She grinned. “I’ll have to say you’re a good sport about sharing your territory with your son.”

  “I have to keep in mind that he’s a growing boy and needs you much more than me.”

  They both chuckled, then held each other in a long, sweet silence.

  “Thank you for your patience,” Cutler said at last.

  “What do you mean?”

  “My ongoing battle with Drew and who I am.”

  She sighed. “You’ve come a long way toward releasing your bitterness and hostility.”

  “But I still have a long way to go.”

  “He’ll be out of prison soon, won’t he?”

  “I guess that’s what has me turned inside out again.”

  “You know, darling, it’s okay if you can’t ever forgive him. As long as you don’t let it fester inside you, that is.”

  “That’s what I keeping telling myself. But I never want him in my life or in our son’s.”

  “I feel the same. I just can’t believe it took me so long to see the real man under that facade.”

  “In your defense, he was good to you, which I see as his only redeeming grace.”

  “Daddy’s glad to be out from under him, too. He’s a different man since Drew’s empire toppled and he went to prison.”

  “I just keep reminding myself of what Mother told me.”

  “Consider yourself blessed instead of bitter.” Kaylee smiled at him. “That’s the best advice a mother could give a son, especially a mother who’s been so wronged.”

  “She’s a remarkable person.”

  “Yes, she is,” Kaylee responded. “I’ve come to love her like a second mother.”

  “And she loves you, too.” He kissed her. “But what’s not to love about you, Kaylee Benton McFarland?”

  She jabbed him in the ribs. “I’d say you’re a bit prejudiced.”

  “Ah, really.”

  They both laughed again. “I guess I’d better go check on our son. He’s too quiet to suit me.”

  “What time is everyone due?” he asked.

  She and Cutler were having their families for brunch. She had prepared everything the night before, so there wasn’t much to do. Anyway, they didn’t really care about the food. They wanted to play with the baby. He was the apple of everyone’s eye.

  “I told them to come whenever.”

  “Oh, brother, we’d better get cracking.” Cutler tossed back the covers, exposing his nude body.

  Kaylee whistled.

  He grinned, raising his eyebrows up and down. “Think we have time for a quickie?”

  “We’ve already had several quickies,” she pointed out in a teasing voice.

  “But he’s not satisfied.”

  They both looked at his erection.

  “Think you can wait until after we check on our son?”


  She rolled her eyes before she got out of bed. “You know what, I may decide not to go back to work.”

  He looked at her. “Are you serious?”

  “I had a call about selling the agency. I’m thinking seriously about taking the offer.”

  Cutler looked taken aback. “And stay home with Nate?”

  “Yes, and have another baby.” She grabbed his hand and brought it to her lips. “I love being a mother.”

  His gaze heated. “I just love you.”

  “And I love you.”

  Cutler swatted her on the butt. “Come on, let’s go see about our son.”

  Soon they were bending over his crib, watching their son’s tiny chest move up and down. Kaylee thought she might suffocate with love. She turned to Cutler, who was looking at her with that same emotion.

  “From my heart to yours,” she whispered, physically moving her hand from her heart to his.

  “And mine to yours.” He kissed her deeply. “Forever.”

  Her eyes glowed. “Forever.”

  ISBN: 978-1-4603-0634-5


  Copyright © 2005 by Mary Lynn Baxter.

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  All characters in this book have no existence outside the imagination of the author and have no relation whatsoever to anyone bearing the same name or names. They are not even distantly inspired by any individual known or unknown to the author, and all incidents are pure invention.

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