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Page 11

by Mark Walden

  ‘Let her go,’ Dekker said, pointing the gun at Tackle. He did as he was instructed and released Laura as Otto ran over to her. Otto was amazed by how quickly Dekker had responded to the alarm.

  ‘Are you OK?’ he asked.

  ‘Yeah,’ Laura said, her voice shaky. ‘I think so.’

  ‘Would someone care to tell me exactly what’s going on here?’ Dekker said, her Sleeper still trained on Tackle. ‘H.I.V.E.mind triggered the alarm when he discovered that the security camera system had been compromised. I assume that was so we wouldn’t see what was going on here.’

  On the other side of the atrium, Harrington crept towards the open door of the accommodation block. Dekker had not seen him when she entered and she had conveniently left the massive doors that usually sealed their living quarters wide open for him. He knew he had to get out of there before anyone discovered what had just happened. He slid along the wall towards the door, keeping his eyes on Dekker who still had her back turned towards him.

  ‘Going somewhere?’ a voice behind him asked.

  Harrington spun round and saw Raven standing in the doorway. Raven shoved him ahead of her as they walked across the atrium towards Dekker and the other students. A minute or so later Dr Nero strode into the room with a furious expression on his face.

  ‘H.I.V.E.mind, please deactivate the alarms,’ Dr Nero said into his Blackbox and the alert sirens stopped wailing as he walked towards them. ‘Now I’d like to hear your explanation of exactly what’s going on here.’

  ‘Malpense told me to come here,’ Harrington said quickly. ‘He tried to sell me the exam papers that he and Brand had stolen but when I said I wasn’t interested he attacked me. My two friends here had come along to help me get the Blackbox with the stolen data off them so that I could turn it in. They were protecting me so that I could bring you this.’

  Harrington handed Nero Laura’s Blackbox.

  ‘Why, you lying little . . .’ Laura said angrily. ‘Otto, tell them what really happened . . . Otto.’

  Laura turned to Otto who had a faraway look on his face for a moment before he focused on her with a single blink.

  ‘Is this true, Mr Malpense?’ Nero asked.

  ‘Of course not,’ Otto said. ‘It was Harrington who stole the data but it wasn’t really the exam papers he was after. He’s also stolen H.I.V.E.mind’s source code, and he’s planning to sell it on the black market. He came and unlocked mine and Laura’s quarters and brought us down here to the atrium. He thought that with our abilities we’d be able to help him transmit the source code off the island. He offered us a cut of the profits and showed us the files – they’re all on his Blackbox. When I said I was going to report him he knew he had to silence me and so he tried to get these two idiots to do his dirty work for him.’

  Nero looked at Otto and Harrington, unsure what to believe.

  ‘Well, I can see that there’s only one way that we’re going to resolve this,’ Nero said with a frown.

  Nero stepped over to one of the access points on the wall nearby and hit the call button. A moment later the blue wireframe head of H.I.V.E.mind appeared on the screen.

  ‘How may I be of assistance, Doctor Nero,’ H.I.V.E.mind asked.

  ‘I want you to run a scan of the Blackboxes belonging to students Malpense, Brand and Harrington to identify any unauthorised files,’ Nero said.

  ‘Scanning,’ H.I.V.E.mind replied. Harrington looked at Otto with a nasty smile.

  ‘Scan complete,’ H.I.V.E.mind replied. ‘Miss Brand’s and Mr Malpense’s Blackboxes are free of unauthorised files. Mr Harrington’s Blackbox, however, contains copies of the papers for the upcoming examinations, details of the location for the assessment exercise known as the Hunt and, most disturbingly, a copy of my own system source code.’

  ‘What!’ Harrington shouted. ‘That’s impossible. Malpense, what did you do?’

  ‘Stopped you from stealing incredibly sensitive data by the looks of it,’ Otto said with a smile. ‘I’d say that much is obvious.’

  ‘The evidence is indisputable,’ H.I.V.E.mind replied calmly. ‘The time-stamps on the files indicate that they were copied directly from my own core systems to Mr Harrington’s Blackbox thirty-three minutes ago. That was during the time power was cut to my systems.’

  ‘That’s not true. I was here half an hour ago, waiting for Malpense to show up,’ Harrington said.

  ‘Actually, the positional logs on your Blackbox indicate that you were in the Central Data Hub at the time in question,’ H.I.V.E.mind replied. ‘Students Malpense and Brand, according to their own logs, have not left their accommodation block since overnight lockdown began.’

  ‘It sounds like you have some explaining to do, Mr Harrington,’ Nero said with a frown. ‘Chief, take him and his accomplices to the detention area. I shall question him myself later. Mr Malpense, Miss Brand, you will return to your quarters. I am pleased to see that you did not involve yourself in whatever it was that Mr Harrington was planning. Needless to say I will not be using these exam papers now that they have been compromised. They will all have to be rewritten. Dismissed.’

  ‘Do you get the feeling that we may not have the full story?’ Raven said as she watched Otto and Laura walk away.

  ‘Indeed,’ Nero replied, ‘but just occasionally I find myself thinking that may be for the best.’

  Shelby leapt up off her bed as Laura walked into their quarters. She looked pale and exhausted.

  ‘What happened?’ Shelby asked, as Laura sat down on her bed. ‘I heard the alarms. Did you guys get busted?’

  Shelby sat down next to Laura as she described the events of the past few minutes.

  ‘Oh no,’ Shelby said. ‘Laura, I’m sorry. I just thought you’d got held up talking to Otto or something. If I’d had any idea . . .’

  ‘It’s OK,’ Laura said. ‘I just can’t believe we went through all of this for nothing.’ Suddenly, out of nowhere, she started to cry.

  ‘Hey,’ Shelby said, putting her arm around her, ‘it’s OK. Come on.’

  ‘I’m sorry,’ Laura said after a minute, stopping crying with a sniff and a sigh. ‘It’s just . . . I don’t think I can . . .’

  ‘It’s all right. You’ve had a shock. That’s all.’ Shelby said, hugging her. ‘Hey, come on, it’s not like it’s the first time anyone’s ever tried to kill you. I’d have thought you’d be starting to get used to it by now.’

  ‘I suppose I should,’ Laura chuckled and wiped her eyes. ‘It’s just with everything that’s going on with the exams coming up and the Hunt. I don’t know. I guess, I just needed this to work.’

  ‘Who’s my favourite control freak?’ Shelby said, grinning at her. ‘Anyway, I’m the one who should be worrying about the exams, not a brainiac like you. What’s the worst that could happen? You get a B. I know that would be unprecedented but it wouldn’t be the end of the world, you know. Now, I don’t know about you but I’m ready to hit the hay. It’ll all be OK tomorrow.’

  ‘You sound like my mum. She always says that things will look better in the morning,’ Laura said with a sad smile.

  ‘Well, your mom’s obviously nearly as smart as your Aunty Shelby. Now try to get some sleep.’

  The next morning Otto sat with the other Alphas, quietly explaining the events of the night before.

  ‘So while Harrington was telling Nero his version of events I copied the files from Laura’s box to his and made a few minor changes to his position log,’ Otto said with a grin. ‘I only just managed to finish making the changes before H.I.V.E.mind scanned both the boxes. He almost caught me.’

  ‘I thought it was an odd time for you to drift off like that,’ Laura said. ‘I should have realised that you were up to something.’

  ‘I’m just glad you’re both OK,’ Shelby said, shaking her head. ‘I can’t believe I was up there getting ready for bed while you two were down here nearly getting murdered by Harrington and those two Neanderthals.’

  ‘I also regr
et that I was not able to offer any assistance,’ Wing said. ‘If I’d had any idea what was happening . . .’

  ‘Hey, it wasn’t your fault,’ Laura said. ‘They jumped us. There was no way for any of us to know what Harrington was planning.’

  ‘Hey guys,’ Nigel said, as he sat down on the sofa next to them.

  ‘Where’s Franz?’ Otto asked.

  ‘Yeah. How is our favourite ninja warrior this morning?’ Shelby asked with a grin.

  ‘Fine,’ Nigel said with a sigh, ‘considering that he’s been up all night trying to get that stuff off his face. You’ll be glad to hear that it does come off . . . eventually. I heard what happened with Harrington. What a jerk.’

  ‘I’m just upset that because of him we went through all that for nothing,’ Laura said, looking sad. ‘Now Nero’s having the exam papers rewritten and we’ve got nothing whatsoever to show for all of this.’

  ‘Actually, that’s not entirely true,’ Otto said with a sly smile. ‘You see, I had a chance to take a quick look at the file on this year’s Hunt before I copied it to Harrington’s box. I know where we’re going.’

  ‘Oh, thank God,’ Laura said, looking relieved. ‘Come on, tell us then, where are they sending us?’

  ‘I can do better than that,’ Otto said, checking to make sure that he could not be overheard before pulling a folded piece of paper from his pocket. ‘I have a map.’ Otto unfolded the paper to reveal a map of an area of rugged-looking wilderness, criss-crossed by rivers and with several large mountains.

  ‘Where is that?’ Penny asked.

  ‘Siberia,’ Otto replied. ‘The Hunt’s taking place in Siberia. These coordinates here give the precise location.’

  ‘You drew this yourself?’ Tom asked, staring at the map in surprise. It looked like it had just rolled off a laser printer.

  ‘I have a pretty good memory for this kind of thing,’ Otto replied. ‘We need to find out absolutely everything there is to know about this area. We need details of exactly what resources will be available to us. Are there any particularly good places to hide? Any man-made structures, any unusual natural features, absolutely anything that might give us a tactical edge over Raven and her hunters.’

  ‘I can do that,’ Laura said quickly. ‘If I can borrow this, I can hit the library and do some research.’

  ‘OK,’ Otto said, handing Laura the map. ‘Be careful though. We don’t want Nero finding out that we know where the Hunt’s taking place. Do you want any help?’

  ‘No, it’s fine,’ Laura said. ‘You know what I’m like when I get into study mode. Don’t worry, I’ll be careful.’

  ‘OK,’ Otto said, ‘Laura’s going to get some background for us but then we have to make some plans. We’re going to be the first people to break that twenty-four hour record and this just might give us the edge we need. The Hunt starts in less than forty-eight hours and when it does we’ll be ready.’

  Otto had checked all of the spots in the library that Laura normally liked but there was no sign of her. He pulled his Blackbox out of his pocket with a frown. He was about to ask H.I.V.E.mind for Laura’s current position when he saw her walking in through the library’s engraved glass doors.

  ‘I was just wondering where you were,’ Otto said with a smile as she approached.

  ‘Bathroom break,’ Laura replied, blushing slightly. ‘I didn’t realise you’d be checking up on me. Don’t worry, I’ve got plenty of info on you know where.’

  ‘I never doubted you for a second,’ Otto said, ‘but, actually, there was something else I wanted to talk to you about. You got a minute?’

  ‘Sure,’ Laura said. ‘What do you need?’

  Otto steered Laura over to a quiet corner of the library and sat down next to her at one of the desks.

  ‘I’ve been thinking,’ Otto said, ‘about what you asked me the other day.’

  ‘Oh, that,’ Laura said, ‘don’t worry about it. I was just curious if you remembered what had happened when the Animus had taken over your system, that’s all.’

  ‘I know,’ Otto replied, looking her in the eye, ‘but I never really gave you an answer. You asked me if I meant what I said. Well . . . I did. After everything that happened with Lucy I was . . . I don’t know . . . frightened, I suppose. Frightened that something would happen to you too. I didn’t want to feel that pain again. I don’t think I could stand it. But I want you to know that I meant what I said then and I mean it now . . . I really do love you.’

  Laura stared back at him for several long seconds before giving him a sad smile and placing a hand on his cheek.

  ‘Oh, Otto,’ she said, ‘you sure know how to pick your moments, don’t you. Listen, can we talk about this when we get back from the Hunt? There’s just so much going on at the moment that I can barely think straight. It’s not that I don’t feel the same way, it’s just . . . it’s hard to focus on anything.’

  ‘I’m sorry,’ Otto said, looking slightly uncomfortable. ‘I didn’t mean to put you on the spot like that. I understand if you don’t feel the same way.’

  ‘It’s not that,’ Laura said, shaking her head. ‘It’s just that . . . we’ll talk about it when we get back, OK?’

  ‘Yeah, OK,’ Otto said, sounding slightly disappointed.

  ‘Come on,’ Laura said, standing up, ‘we should go and brief the others on all the info I’ve found on the target area.’

  ‘I’ll be along in a minute,’ Otto said. ‘I just need to dig out a couple of books that Wing wants for his revision.’

  ‘OK, see you back at block seven,’ Laura said, before turning and walking away.

  Otto watched her leave before he let out a long sigh.

  ‘Smooth, Malpense,’ he said to himself, shaking his head, ‘real smooth.’

  ‘I don’t suppose there’s any point me asking how you got your hands on this information?’ Joseph Wright said as he studied the data scrolling past on one side of the flat-screen display mounted on the wall. The other half of the screen was filled by the digitally distorted face of Minerva.

  ‘Let’s just say that we have a reliable source,’ Minerva replied. ‘They have given us everything we need. Our operatives will be waiting – they won’t stand a chance.’

  ‘I have heard that before where Raven is concerned,’ Wright replied. ‘You would be foolish to underestimate her.’

  ‘We are quite aware of that, Joseph, believe me,’ Minerva replied. ‘Don’t worry, we’re not taking any chances. I shall be overseeing the operation personally. That particular piece is about to be removed from the board once and for all.’

  ‘And what then?’ Wright asked. ‘Do you intend to mount a strike on Nero immediately?’

  ‘All in good time,’ Minerva replied. ‘First we destroy his power base and undermine the other members of G.L.O.V.E.’s confidence in him. If we succeed in our plan, they might even do our job for us.’

  ‘We shall see,’ Wright said, with a slight frown. ‘I suspect that eliminating Nero may be rather more difficult than you expect.’

  ‘You worry too much, Joseph,’ Minerva said.

  ‘And you don’t worry enough,’ Wright snapped. ‘Report in to me when the operation is under way.’

  He severed the connection and sat down with a tired sigh in one of the leather armchairs nearby. He couldn’t shake the horrible creeping feeling that he might have made a deal with the devil when he allied himself and the other former members of the ruling council with the Disciples. Only time would tell if he was right.

  chapter eight

  Nero watched as the Alpha students assembled in H.I.V.E.’s hangar bay. All around them technicians were working feverishly to prep the Shroud dropships that would carry them to the start point of the Hunt. The expressions on the faces of the students were a mixture of excitement, curiosity and nerves. They had doubtless heard the various stories that had circulated round the school regarding the exercise. If they were all true then Raven would actually be even more terrifying than she al
ready was, Nero thought to himself with a smile. The truth was that the Hunt played to all of Natalya’s strengths and, while she would never admit it, he knew that she was just as determined to preserve the twenty-four hour record as the students were to beat it. There was a certain amount of professional pride at stake after all.

  ‘The G.L.O.V.E. troops are in the air and ready for you to transmit the destination coordinates,’ Colonel Francisco reported as he approached.

  ‘Very good,’ Nero said. ‘I’ll send the data as soon as the Alphas are airborne. That should give our hunters plenty of time to prepare the landing site for their arrival.’

  ‘Understood,’ Francisco replied. ‘I’ll make sure that they’re fully briefed.’

  Nero nodded and walked over to where Raven was checking her pack.

  ‘You should be careful that no one notices you smiling like that,’ Nero said quietly as she looked up at him. ‘They might realise how much you actually enjoy this.’

  ‘I like a challenge,’ Raven replied, ‘that’s all.’

  ‘Well, you’ll certainly get that from some of these students,’ Nero said, glancing over her shoulder at where Otto and his friends were gathered in a tight knot, talking quietly to one another. ‘Just try to make sure that you bring them all back. I still think that the sub-dermal tracking chips might have been a good idea.’

  ‘It’s no fun if I only have to look at my Blackbox to see where they all are,’ Raven replied. ‘I’ve never lost any before, Max, and I’m not going to today.’

  ‘Of course you won’t,’ Nero said, still looking at Otto and the others. ‘I’ll just be interested to see if any of them can make it to the twenty-four hour mark. Professor Pike and I have a small wager riding on it, in fact.’

  ‘Who’s your money on?’ Raven asked, raising an eyebrow.

  ‘That would be telling,’ Nero replied with a crooked smile.

  ‘Excuse me, sir,’ a technician said, ‘the Shrouds are all prepped for launch. They’re ready when you are.’


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