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Guilty by Blood (Santiago Family)

Page 13

by CJ Bishop

  Nodding slowly, Caterina shivered. “I would love to go back to bed with you.” Night after night…after night…


  Flynn chanted to himself that his words to Caterina were simply part of his plan to get deeper into her life—and closer to the one he wanted to erase from this earth. But as her soft, sensual touch drew him in, drowned him in her passion and desire and want, fear sparked in his heart that maybe it wasn’t all just a ploy, convincing lines to fool her into thinking he really wanted more than just this here tonight.

  Their sex fueled his fears as the depth of emotion and passion woven through it forced him to face the reality that this was a woman—perhaps the only woman—that he could imagine making a life with. And as their passion and ecstasy heightened with each thrust of his hips, his uncertainty mounted; what he intended to do to her family would forever sever all feelings she had for him. And whatever love that might be taking root in her heart—would transform into hatred.

  Lying next to each other—fevered, sweaty, breathless—Flynn could find no way to justify letting the man go when he was finally so close…all for a woman he’d only met two nights ago. Regardless how perfect she was for him. Vengeance demanded to be served.

  “Tell me about your family,” Flynn murmured breathlessly. “You said your father died when you were twelve. Was it just you and your mom after that?”

  “I never knew my mom,” Caterina said. “She passed away when I was two. My father raised me alone.”

  “He never remarried?”


  “That’s impressive, him raising you himself.”

  “He was an impressive man,” she whispered, her love for her father strong in her voice. “But he had support from friends. One particularly good friend. Lorenzo.” Deep affection went into that name. “They had been friends for as long as I can remember, but became extra-close when Lorenzo’s wife passed away. I was eight then. I didn’t actually spend much time around Lorenzo, I’d only met him a few times, but it was through my father that I learned how much Lorenzo had helped him out. Helped us. All I really knew during my younger years was that Lorenzo was a man of integrity and whom my father trusted with his life—and my life.”

  “Your life?”

  “He named Lorenzo my godfather,” Caterina said.

  Flynn smiled. “Sounds gangster. Like in the movie Godfather.”

  Caterina laughed softly with a nervous catch. “Yeah.”

  Was it really a surprise that she didn’t want to come right out and admit that she lived with a mob family?

  You and me, baby…we’re more alike than you can imagine.

  “I didn’t have any other family when my father died,” she told him. “Lorenzo took me in and accepted me as his own daughter. And his son…” she smiled fondly. “…he knew how sad and alone I felt with the loss of my father, and we fast became best friends. We’re like blood siblings now. I don’t even think of him as my god-brother, but my blood brother. I don’t think I would have adjusted to my new life so quickly if not for him. He’s the best.” She smiled at Flynn. “You’d like him. You remind me of him.”

  Flynn pulled back his bitterness and pushed forth a smile. “Maybe I’ll get to meet him one day.”

  Caterina laughed lightly. “One day soon if you decide you want to see more of me.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “Well…” Caterina smiled. “Like most big brothers, he’s kind of protective of me. He will insist on meeting you. You know, to check you out and make sure you’re a cool guy an all that.”

  Flynn cocked an eyebrow. “And did he approve of your ex?”

  “Oh God no,” Caterina laughed. “He didn’t trust him from the start.”

  “But you still dated him.”

  “Yeah, well…” Her face scrunched. “I was…infatuated…blinded by what I thought was love. When he warned me against Armand, I got upset, then rebellious, told him he couldn’t tell me who to date. I should have listened. I knew he was smart and could read people. But I was…” she groaned and laughed. “…out of my mind.”

  “We’ve all been there,” Flynn nodded. “Do you think he would approve of me?”

  Caterina turned to him and kissed his mouth. “I know he will.”

  Flynn smiled. “Can’t wait to meet him.”


  “Dawn of a New Day”


  Last night while standing in the shower, Tae had watched the filth of the Blue Grotto wash from his body and swirl down the drain; like he was shedding the dirty, ugly life he’d always known…for a fresh, clean, new life.

  He’d learned that Adrian was a registered nurse and when he had noticed the stiffness in Tae’s body when he moved, had asked if he could examine him. Tae was uneasy at first, so used to men who had only one purpose for touching him. But Adrian was gentle and took Tae’s fears into consideration. After checking his vitals, he discovered the ugly abrasion on Tae’s lower back and applied a soothing salve, then gave Tae some pain medicine so he could sleep comfortably.

  Wrapped in one of the men’s large t-shirts that hung to mid-thigh on Tae, he crawled into the biggest, softest, warmest bed he’d ever seen. The sheets and blankets were soft and smelled good, the pillows thick and plush. Adrian had brought him a sandwich, a half of apple sliced, and a glass of milk. His owner hadn’t fed him very well, and what he did feed him wasn’t very good. The bed he’d slept in before didn’t smell good and the blankets weren’t clean.

  This place…these people…were like a dream that he hoped he never woke up from.

  For the first time in his life, Tae had slept soundly all through the night. He didn’t wake up at random hours, fearing every sound he heard, terrified that his owner would come into his room drunk and force himself on him…as he had done many times before.

  When he awoke in the morning, he was afraid to open his eyes and find that it really had been a dream. As he lay there, though, eyes scrunched closed, the warmth and softness of the bed and covers became a reality, the pleasant fresh scent of the linen and the room itself. And sifting through the slightly ajar bedroom door—the mouth-watering scent of breakfast.

  His deprived body had long consumed the small meal from the previous night and now craved the food at the other end of that tantalizing aroma. But no one had come in and invited him to eat with them. He scooted up in bed—and spotted the folded clothes placed on top of the dresser. He didn’t think they had been there last night. Tae crawled out of bed and walked across the carpet. His body ached, his back hurting the worst. He picked up the clothes and found a gray t-shirt, jeans, underwear, and socks—all in his size. On the floor by the dresser was a pair of sneakers. Also his size.

  A soft knock on the door made him jump and drop the clothes. “I-I’m sorry.” He hurriedly picked them up.

  Adrian entered. “It’s all right,” he smiled. “They’re for you. I had a friend bring them over earlier this morning. His two younger brothers are about your size. Maybe slightly smaller, so the clothes may not fit perfectly.”

  Tae smiled hesitantly. “I don’t mind,” he whispered. “Thank you.”

  “You’re welcome.” He nodded at the clothes. “Go ahead and get dressed, then come out to the kitchen. I’ll fix you some breakfast.” Concern filled his eyes. “How is your back this morning?”

  “A little better,” Tae said quietly. “Still kind of hurts.”

  “It will for a couple days or so,” Adrian said. “Just try to rest as much as possible.”

  Tae shifted and lowered his eyes, and asked with uncertainty, “Am…am I going to stay here?”

  “For now,” Adrian said softly. “But don’t worry, whoever you go to live with, it will be a good family.”

  Fear crept through Tae; he’d been in orphanages in Korea, and occasionally went to families. None of them were good. Would they put him in another orphanage here?

  “What’s wrong?
” Adrian asked with concern.

  “Do…” He blinked as tears formed. “Do I have to go to an orphanage?”

  “No,” Adrian replied. “When I said whoever you go to live with, I meant friends of ours. Good people. Once they take you into their home, you’re family—forever. You don’t have to be afraid. We’re not going to send you somewhere that you won’t be treated well.”

  Tae swallowed thickly and nodded. “Thank you.” His chin trembled.

  Adrian hesitated, then stepped closer and squeezed his shoulder affectionately. “Everyone who comes into our family, and our extended family, is a blessing to us. And you’re no different, Tae.”

  Tae ducked his head, a tear sliding down his cheek. “The man at the bar, he…he called me a…a gook whore.”

  Adrian touched his hair and lifted his face. “Those are two very ugly words that you’ll never hear again. Not in this family circle.” He kissed his head. “I promise. Skin color, race, gender, sexuality…none of that matters. Not to us.” He tentatively hugged Tae and smiled. “You’ll see.”


  Flynn was in the shower when Caterina awoke in the morning. This morning felt different that yesterday morning. She smiled and stretched, the sleek sheets slipping against her naked skin. Last night…Flynn had asked if she wanted to keep seeing him. It was crazy to be so happy about that when she hardly knew the man, but she couldn’t quell her joy and excitement at this new romantic venture.

  Her smile and joy wavered when she suddenly remembered Armand was out there and wouldn’t just walk away and leave her alone. Cruz said they were going to have a talk with him and make sure he didn’t bother you anymore. That comforted her. She wanted to be free to pursue this thing with Flynn and not be harassed by her ex.

  She left the bed and dug her phone out of her jacket, then returned to bed and slid back under the warm blankets. Cruz and Sanchez would probably scold her for turning her phone off last night, but she hadn’t wanted to take the chance of being disturbed. She turned the device on and was immediately notified of a voicemail message.

  It was from Sanchez; Cat, give us a call as soon as you get this. It’s important.

  There was a note of concern in his voice that made her uneasy. She called Cruz’s phone. When he picked up, she asked anxiously, “Is everything okay? Why did you need me to call?”

  “We need to talk to you,” Cruz said. “It’s important. Will you be home soon?”

  “Uh, yeah,” Caterina answered. “Shouldn’t be too long.”

  “Why did you turn off your phone?” Cruz asked. “You need to keep it on when you’re out. I don’t like not being able to contact you.”

  Caterina nodded. “I know. I’m sorry. It’s just…I didn’t want any interruptions.”

  “I get it. But don’t do it again. I worry about you, that’s my brotherly right.”

  “I know it is,” Caterina smiled. “And even when I complain, I’m still glad you care enough to worry.” She hesitated, then asked, “Did you guys go over to Armand’s place?”

  Cruz was quiet a moment before saying, “That’s what we need to talk to you about.”

  “You didn’t hurt him too bad, did you?”

  “We didn’t hurt him at all.”

  “Then what happened?” she asked.

  “Just come home as soon as possible,” he murmured. “We’ll talk then.”

  Caterina frowned, her stomach knotting. “Okay,” she whispered.

  “How did night number two go with your one-night stand?”

  Caterina blushed. “It went…very well.”

  “You starting to like this guy?”

  Sighing, Caterina laid back against the pillows and smiled. “Yeah, I am. He asked me if I wanted to keep seeing him. I said yes. So…I guess we’ll see where it goes.”

  There was a long, heavy pause at Cruz’s end.

  “You still there?” she laughed lightly.

  “Yeah.” Cruz cleared his throat. “Well, you know the drill, little sister. If you’re going to date this guy, we have to inspect him.”

  “Yes, I know,” she mumbled with amusement. “And he knows, too. You will get to meet him very soon.”

  “All right then.”

  The shower shut off.

  “I got to go,” she said.

  The bathroom door opened a moment later and Flynn emerged, wet and naked.

  Caterina’s breath shuddered in her throat and she swallowed hard. “I’ll…be home soon.”

  “Okay. We’ll talk then.”

  Caterina offered a mumbled goodbye and absently dropped the phone on the nightstand, her eyes glued to Flynn’s damp, sexy body. His erection formed before her eyes.

  “Not too soon,” Flynn smiled.

  “You just showered,” she reminded. “You sure you want to get all sweaty again?”

  “Another shower won’t kill me.” He walked over and crawled onto the bed. “Do you mind fucking a wet man?”

  Caterina caressed his damp, hot skin. “Why should I?” she moaned and sucked water droplets from his chest, licking up to his throat. “You’re about to fuck a very wet woman.”


  Riccardo returned to Flynn’s apartment and waited for the woman to leave before knocking on Flynn’s door. The man didn’t look happy to see him. No shock there.

  “What do you want?” Flynn stared at him, making no move to invite him in.

  “Same thing I wanted yesterday.”

  “I told you, I have nothing to say to him.”

  “Well, that’s good,” Riccardo said. “Because I’m pretty sure he’d prefer it if you kept your mouth shut and just listened—for once.”

  Flynn looked at him dryly. “He’s never said anything worth listening to. He wants respect as the boss, but hasn’t done a fucking thing to earn it.”

  Riccardo huffed. “You don’t know shit. You’re an immature child who acts out when he doesn’t get his way.”

  “Fuck off.” Flynn slammed the door in his face, and Riccardo knocked it back open, entering without permission. Flynn glared at him. “Hey! Get the fuck out.”

  “Your father wants to talk to you about the men who killed your uncle.”

  “What about them?” Flynn asked coldly. “He’s always known who they were. He was just too chicken shit to go after them. What? Did he suddenly grow a set of balls?”

  “You are an insolent little fuck, you know that?”

  “I call it as I see it.”

  “If you’re so fucking brave, then why haven’t you gone after them?”

  “Because it wasn’t a one-man job,” Flynn growled. “And you and the others were too busy kissing my father’s ass to take action without him.” He chuffed. “But things have changed. I plan to do something about it—on my own.”

  Riccardo stared at him. “Don’t be a fucking idiot. Your father is ready to move, and he wants you with us. You try doing it alone, you’re dead. You know that. Like you said, it isn’t a one-man job.”

  “It wasn’t,” Flynn murmured. “But it is now. I don’t need my father’s help. I don’t need anyone’s help. I will get the fucker who killed my uncle.” His eyes hardened. “And the one who killed my mom.”

  The one who killed my mom.

  If he only knew the truth of that—all fucking hell would break loose.


  “Visions of Grandeur”


  When Tae walked into the kitchen for breakfast, there were two extra people he hadn’t seen before. A guy who looked a couple years older than him, and a little boy, maybe four or five. The child wore a cowboy hat and was eating pancakes. He paused as Tae stepped into the doorway, a bite of pancake halfway to his mouth, syrup dripping onto his plate and a dribble on his chin. The boy suddenly dropped his fork on his plate, startling Tae, and scrambled off the chair as the older kid twisted around.

  “Hi!” the child exclaimed as he rushed up to Tae. He wore little cowboy boot
s that clacked against the hard tile. “My name’s Jules! What’s your name?”

  Tae started to speak when the other boy scooted his chair back and stood. “Give him some room, Jules,” he smiled. He looked at Tae with friendly blue eyes. He was taller than Tae and lean with blond hair that was kind of long in the front, cut short in the back. “He can be excitable,” the guy grinned. “But he’s harmless, I swear.” He hesitated then stepped toward Tae, his hand outstretched. “I’m Callum. But you can call me Cal.”

  “And I’m Jules!” The little boy hopped excitedly, his boots tapping against the floor.

  “You told him already,” Callum laughed softly as Tae tentatively shook his hand.

  “I’m Tae Min,” Tae whispered. “You…you can call me Tae.”

  “That’s a funny name.” Jules looked up at him, face scrunched comically.

  “Jules…” Callum lightly scolded. “It’s not a funny name. It’s…Korean.” He looked at Tae. “Right? I think that’s what Adrian said.”

  Tae nodded.

  “What’s…Krean?” Jules made another face as he tried to get the word right.

  “Ko-rean,” Callum emphasized. “It’s another country. Tae isn’t from this country.”

  The child stared up at him thoughtfully. “Is that why you look different?”

  “Yeah,” Tae murmured. Though Jules was just a child, he tensed, prepared for an insult.

  The boy’s eyes squinted and he smiled. “You’re pretty.”

  Callum suppressed a laugh—but only for a moment before it tumbled out of him. “Out of the mouth of babes.”

  A hand touched Tae’s shoulder and he jumped a little as Adrian appeared beside him. “Now, when a little cowboy tells you that you’re pretty, you know you’re pretty indeed.”

  Tae ducked his head, face warming. He gazed down at the child and blinked back tears; no one had ever told him he was handsome, beautiful, cute…or pretty. He bit his lower lip as a rogue tear slipped out.


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