Fake Fiancée Truly Angel
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“Excuse me pervert,” she noticed that I was staring at her or more like checking her out. I could tell by the way she’s glaring at me that she doesn’t recognize me. “But I’ve been waiting for a very long time for a simple black coffee.” she said.
“I think we’ve been waiting the exact same time miss because when I entered the shop I didn’t see you.” I told her.
“Look, I’m already late for work. So could you take your hand off of my coffee.” she demanded.
“Then I believe we’re in the same position. I have a meeting to attend.” I told her. The employee came up to us and said “No need to fight guys. Besides the other coffee is almost done. We apologize…” but the raven haired woman didn’t let him finish. “This is my coffee.” she hissed.
I knew for a fact that this could be her coffee but since it was her, I liked teasing her. It gives me the chance to be with her even if it’s for a little while. I also like the fact that she doesn’t recognize me. I can’t blame her though, my mask did cover most of my face while her mask only covered near her eyes.
“And what if I took this coffee from you?” I teased her as I leaned close to her face, I couldn’t even help myself but glance at her cleavage. I was expecting a snarky comeback or an adorable scowl on her face. What I didn’t expect was for her to swipe the coffee cup out of my hands and literally spilt the steaming hot coffee onto my shirt causing it to stain my white shirt underneath my suit. I jumped in surprise and pain from the hot coffee and yelled at her “What the fuck was that for?”
She smirked as she slowly walked towards the exit. “That’s for being an ass towards a woman. Just because you have a nice face doesn’t mean I’ll give in to your sweet words and alluring stare.” she said.
So she thinks I have a nice face and an alluring stare?
I watched as she stormed out the coffee shop. Half of the people in the shop stared at me while the other half glared at the woman who just left. The employee came up to me and said “I apologize sir, I don’t know what’s up with that lady.” I gave him a smile assuring that I was alright. Once I received my black coffee I started heading towards Anderson Inc.
Employees from the Anderson Inc. greeted me and some even questioned the stain on my shirt but I told them not to worry. I was a few minutes late for the meeting but I wasn’t worried since they can’t really start the meeting without me. Finally arriving at the meeting room I went straight for Eric who was patiently waiting for me.
“So glad you can make it Mr. Maxwell.” Eric said as he shook my hand.
“Glad to be here Mr. Anderson, sorry for my tardiness. There were a few complications at the coffee shop.” I explained myself. Before the both of us could utter a single word, we heard a gasp and somebody dropping books. Both of us turned towards the commotion and to say I was surprise was an understatement.
There stood in shock was none other than my raven beauty. Her eyes were wide like saucers as her gaze were glued to me. Her mouth was slightly open from the shock and my mind started fantasizing about the things I can do with that pretty mouth of hers.
I smirked at her and said “And this is your…” as I turned towards Eric. Eric replied “This is my secretary Angelica Adams, but everybody calls her Angel.” Her name definitely suited her. She quickly shook her head as she started gathering the books that she dropped.
“I do apologize for my behavior Mr. Maxwell, I’m such a klutz.” There were two meanings to her words. She apologizes for dropping the books and making a ruckus and then there was that time at the coffee shop. I also noticed how she’s suddenly avoiding eye contact with me.
“Mr. Maxwell, did you spill some coffee on your shirt? That’s unlike you.” Eric pointed out.
“Don’t worry, I told me driver to bring me some fresh clothing. No, I didn’t spill it… it was just some rude lady with a nice ass.” I teased as my eyes were glued on Angel to see her reaction. Angel jumped from my comment which made her hit her head underneath the table.
I smirked to myself, enjoying how Angel reacted to my teasing and loving how fate keeps bring us together.
She’s the one. I needed her.
This was definitely going to be fun.
Chapter 3
I wanted nothing more than for the ground to swallow me whole. We’ve prepared all week for the meeting with Mr. Maxwell who was one of the most powerful CEO’s in New York City and not to mention always on the Forbes magazine. What I failed to do was to at least search a picture of him.
Although I heard from my boss, Eric that there’s only a few pictures of Mr. Maxwell since he didn’t enjoy having his face everywhere. Not only did I make a complete fool of myself but I also was terribly rude towards Mr. Maxwell. I should’ve noticed that it was him to begin with but I was too caught up trying to remember where I heard his voice since it was annoyingly familiar.
When I picked up the books and placed them in their respective places, I made sure the meeting was ready then quickly left the conference room. By the time I’m out of the conference room I took a deep breath almost as if I’ve been holding my breath the whole time inside.
I’ve never felt so ashamed. I literally ran into my boss’s office and started yanking on my hair. I then placed my hands upon my chest trying to calm my heart down, when my heart began beating at a normal pace I then remembered the night at the masquerade party. My hands then traveled to my lips as I recalled my very first kiss.
It’s been a week already and every time I fall asleep my dreams would be about that kiss. I would dream about my blond savior and the kiss almost as if telling me what would’ve happened if we didn’t stop kissing that night.
Suddenly Mr. Maxwell’s blue eyes entered my mind making my whole body tense. Could it be? His voice did sound familiar but I refused to believe that Mr. Maxwell was my blond savior that night. He would’ve said so. But the idea kept nagging in the back of my head.
I shook my head once more and started doing a few things to pass the time and to also get these thoughts out of my head. I didn’t know that time passed by so fast because when I entered the elevator to deliver a few papers to a different floor, right before the elevator doors could close a hand stopped it from closing. I looked up to see the last person I want to be with enter the elevator.
Mr. Maxwell.
He smirked once his gaze landed on me. “Ms. Angel, it is lovely to see you again.” he said. I wanted nothing more than to disappear but I knew that if I was going to see him more at work then might as well apologize. “Uh… Mr. Maxwell, I’m terribly sorry for purposely spilling coffee on you. I was just having a rough day but still it doesn’t give me the right to do what I did.”
I expected him to accept my apology or scold me for being rude but instead he leaned in towards me with his hands resting on the wall behind me. His face was so close to mine that I got a sense of the déjà vu.
We practically didn’t press any button on the elevator so it was basically going nowhere. Meaning I had to stay longer in his presence.
“I know how you can make it up to me.” he said. I suddenly felt shivers running up and down my back. I had a bad feeling about this. “How?” I asked hesitantly. He pressed his finger to his lips and said “By giving me a simple kiss.” My whole body tensed as I stared at him with eyes of horror.
Not only was he the guy I was being rude to but he was also him.
I didn’t know which one was worse.
“You.” I managed to say. He only smirked and said “So you finally noticed me? It was truly entertaining watching you being so oblivious.” His face was so close to mine that if I leaned in just an inch then our lips would meet once again. “I’m hurt that you didn’t notice it was me. I guess I didn’t leave an impression on you or at least a good one at that,” he said. “But the moment I laid eyes on you I immediately knew that it was you.”
But he did leave an impression. I couldn’t get him out of my mind for the whole week and I feel st
upid for not noticing that it was him. Suddenly the elevator seemed to get hot. I could smell his familiar scent and felt myself almost melt. Unconsciously, I laid a hand on his chest.
“Here… let me make it up to you for not telling you who I was.” he whispered as he caught me off guard by closing the distance between our lips. I was about to push him away but as his lips moved against mine I found myself drowning within the kiss. His lips were just the same, warm and moist. He chuckled against my lips making it tingle even more.
“Your lips are dry again… maybe I should wet them more often.” he said as he licked my lips. He pressed another kiss against them before gently sucking on my lower lip making me moan against him. His body leaning against mine which crushed my body against the elevator wall. His hands then traveled around my neck and waist while my arms rested against my sides.
He licked my bottom lip, wanting entrance to my mouth but I denied him. But as he suddenly yanked my closer he caught the opportunity to insert his tongue into my mouth. He explored my mouth and I couldn’t help but moan into the heated kiss. His lips were addicting almost like I never wanted to stop. Our tongues danced together as my hands suddenly flew to his shirt and grip it tightly.
Suddenly the elevator started moving but we didn’t stop kissing nor did he show any signs of stopping. The elevator dinged signaling that the doors were about to open and Mr. Maxwell still continued kissing me. As much as I wanted the kiss to go on I was quick to move as I literally shoved him away by using my leg and finally kicking him to the other side of the elevator, making him crash to the wall.
A young employee entered the elevator but once he saw Mr. Maxwell and I he was hesitant to enter. “Good morning.” he stuttered as he entered the elevator completely and pressed the ground floor button. “Good morning.” Mr. Maxwell and I said in unison. We looked absolutely suspicious since we both were breathing heavily not to mention both of us were sweating and the elevator was swimming with sex tension.
Mr. Maxwell fixed his tie while I fixed my skirt, the third party kept glancing between him and I. I was dead serious since this was my work place if ever they found out that I was making out with someone in the elevator then my reputation would be tarnished, after all the hard work I’ve been through.
Mr. Maxwell smirked as he gave a silent laugh which made me scowl at him. He found the whole situation funny. When the elevator arrived on the ground floor and the doors finally opened the third party was quick to exit. Not knowing how to face Mr. Maxwell, I decided to follow in his footsteps and exit the elevator hastily. But Mr. Maxwell was quick to grab my wrist, stopping me from leaving.
He exited the elevator and casually dragged me to the side of the lobby. “What do you want?” I asked as I avoided eye contact with him. I’ll blame his lips for making me so willing. I won’t deny that I’m attracted to him, he was a sexy man. Not to mention he had a strong silky voice and piercing blue eyes. Who wouldn’t be attracted to that?
“Let me introduce myself, I’m Asher Maxwell. So you can stop calling me Mr. Maxwell and start calling me by my first name,” he said. “Since we’re on first name basis can I call you Angel?”
I suddenly started blushing. Almost everybody called me Angel but the way he’s saying my name has me all flustered and nervous. “Yeah… I guess.” I managed to say. Even without looking I can tell that he was smirking.
“Angel, I’d like to get to know you better.” he unexpectedly expressed. From what I hear from my boss was that Mr. Maxwell was also known as one to not date or spend time with any woman. He also didn’t have a secretary or a personal assistant which would be hard for a CEO, I can only imagine all the work he would have to go through without one.
My eyes finally met with his and I was struck with surprise by how much he was staring at me as if I was someone interesting. “Why me?” I asked him. He chuckled and even though I heard him chuckle many times even just knowing him for a short while I could just not get enough of the sound.
“I just find you interesting Angel... especially those lips of yours.” he said as he suddenly caressed my lips. Who would’ve known that a simple gesture could be so erotic, the feeling was all new to me. He sucked in a breath as his fingers traveled up my face and down towards my neck.
“Maybe we could hang out… sometimes.” he suggested. Before I could give him an answer my boss appeared out of nowhere. “There you are Angel! Oh, and Mr. Maxwell as well.” he said as he strutted over to us. “Since you’re here Mr. Maxwell I would like to say that I found a perfect person to be your temporary secretary.” My boss said as he clasped his hands together.
In a blink of an eye, Asher’s flirtatious expression was gone and was replaced with an intense frown. “I don’t need a secretary.” his lowering voice hostile and vindictive. Laced with a nasty toxic venom that was rattled with tremendous anger. His tone sent a shiver down my spine, it was frightening.
My boss chuckled as he held both hands up and said “I get it, I get it.”
I suddenly saw Asher and my boss looking at each other as if they were having a silent conversation. “If it’s alright with her then go ahead.” Was all my boss said as he slowly walked away.
I didn’t quite understand what happened when all of a sudden Asher grabbed my hand and said “I know we’ve just met Angel,” There he goes again saying my name making my heart skip beats. “But I need your help in something.”
My mood instantly changed from love stricken to serious employee mode. My eyes narrowed in determination as I asked him “What do you need help with? If it’s secretarial work then I’m fine, I don’t have to be your secretary to do a few papers or calls.” I was extremely serious about the situation since Asher is a partner of the company I work for, and he was asking my help.
“Will you be my fiancé?” he unexpectedly asked like it was not a big deal.
I froze for a few seconds before literally shouting “What?” But before I can attract more attention Asher’s hands covered my mouth. My eyes were wide as I stared at him like he grew another head. What the hell is he asking? I just knew the guy and he was suddenly asking my hand-in-marriage like he was picking cereal at a grocery store.
It’s too late for him because most of the people around the lobby were already staring at us. He rolled his eyes and said “Come with me.” But he didn’t give me time to answer because he was already dragging me out of the building with my hand in his.
Chapter 4
I didn’t want to attract anymore attention. Eric gave me permission to borrow his secretary and I was grateful. I dragged Angel until we arrived at my car where my driver awaited me, I literally threw Angel in the car.
“You know this is kidnapping?” she voiced out but she wasn’t really putting up a fight. “Don’t worry, I told Eric that I would borrow you.” I assured her that I wasn’t literally kidnapping her, though the thought didn’t stray too far from my mind.
“Let me explain further about what I asked you back in the building… I need you to be my fiancé even if you have to be a fake fiancé.” I told her. She looked absolutely confused and I wanted nothing more than to press my lips against hers.
“First of all, why do you need a fake fiancé? And second, you can ask literally any girl and I bet you can even hire a professional actress… why me?” she asked. My driver was already driving towards my house and I was thankful that she didn’t notice.
“Well, you see… my parents have been pestering me about getting a wife and all. They want to see me settle down even if I’ve made a name for myself. Since I’m not one to date, they’ve been trying to get me on blind dates with random girls that they’ve met. So for them to finally leave me alone I need a woman to present herself as my fiancé,
And as for you being the one to represent is because I so happen to enjoy your company and I’ve heard from Eric that you’re an exceptional worker.” I explained myself although I left out the part that I chose her because I’m addicting li
cking those lips of hers.
Just thinking about licking those lips of hers makes me feel bothered in a certain area. I wanted nothing more than to devour her.
She pouted and my eyes were zoomed in on those puckered lips of hers. The window that separates me from my driver was shut so it gave me the opportunity to do what I want with this Angel beside me. I couldn’t help it, before she got the chance to voice out her answer I already pressed my lips upon hers.
I could tell that she was startled since she literally jumped but I took that opportunity to lift her up onto my lap. She gasped lightly as I pressed my lips against her warm flesh in the curve of her collarbone. I smirked against her milky white skin as I whispered against it, slightly tickling her. “As you can see as well that I can’t keep my hands off of you. It would be impossible to stop if we were elsewhere.”
Her eyes were still wide, so innocent almost like a deer caught in the headlights. It only made my want for her to increase. “May I hear you answer?” I teased her as I dragged my lips up her neck making her shiver in my arms. She didn’t say anything but she did give a whimper. I could already feel my member standing in attention, poking her bubbly ass.
She squeaked as she felt the bulge, still not giving an answer. I chuckled and said “Then I guess I have to persuade you.” I then attacked her into a passionate kiss. My hand was slowly trailing up her pencil skirt and I was almost near her heated womanhood when all of a sudden the speaker turned on and my driver informed me “We’re here Mr. Maxwell.”
This made Angel pull back immediately almost like she was caught doing something she shouldn’t. Angel then peered over at the window and noticed my mansion. “Where the hell are we?” she asked. Although she tried masking her dazed expression away with a serious look still it was obvious that she was flustered and dazed.
“We’re home darling.” I said as I exited the car making sure my boner was gone. I saw Angel slowly got out of the car as she stared at my mansion and said “What makes you sure that I’ll agree to be your fiancé?” I saw that my driver overheard the question and this made him tense up and stare at Angel with shock. I can’t really blame him because he can’t really hear anything in the car if the window that separates the driver and passenger is closed.