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White is for Virgins

Page 11

by Necks, S. Eva

“Ohhh,” I replied, blushing as I remembered he’d caught me on the phone, “I don’t know.” I shrugged. “I mean, I’m just tutoring him and stuff.”

  “And stuff?” she inquired, arching her eyebrow.

  “Well, everyone was calling me a nun so he offered to help me with that,” I told her sheepishly.

  “I see. And how exactly is he helping you with that?”

  “I don’t know. He’s so freakin’ cocky, he thinks that if he hangs out with me and hugs me in front of people that they’ll accept me and shut the hell up,” I said, mixing the batter.

  After the loud droning of the mixer stopped, and we poured the batter into the bottom layer of the cake, Lily spoke up. And by spoke up, I meant whispered.

  “Emery, I thought you knew better,” she said softly.

  “What do you mean?” I asked, confused.

  “People who hang out with Fox and his posse aren’t really accepted. They’re just talked about more,” she said, giving me an intense look. She looked sad, but I couldn’t decide if it was because she felt sorry for me or if she was speaking from experience.

  She must’ve known what she was talking about, since she had been at this school longer than I had. I just didn’t want to accept that Fox was the male version of Regina George and I was reliving Mean Girls, that movie where everyone was either bisexual or a whore of some sort. I also had issues with playing Lindsay Lohan. She bothered me.

  “What are you saying, Lily?” I asked, placing the first pan into the oven and then getting the ingredients for the top layer of the cake.

  “It’s just that… people at this school, at any school really, love their gossip,” she shrugged uncertainly.

  “Lily, just. tell. me,” I laughed lightly.

  “The rumors haven’t stopped, Emery,” she stated, staring at the egg on the counter.

  “Which rumors? The nun rumors?” I asked curiously, “Or the sacrificing squirrels rumors?”

  “Those are gone,” Lily said, “People are heading in a totally different direction now.”

  I clenched my jaw, and the egg fell from my hands and cracked on the floor. The yoke spilled out and I just stood there.

  “I’m sorry Emery, I just didn’t want you to find out from some bimbo in the bathroom or something,” Lily said softly, kneeling down the clean up the mess.

  “No, thank you, Lily. I’m glad you told me,” I sighed, working on the chocolate mix.

  “Why is it that I don’t believe you?” she laughed halfheartedly. “You didn’t actually think he’d be a nice guy, did you?”

  “No,” I shook my head, “I just… wanted him to be, I guess.”

  “Yeah, I know the feeling,” she nodded.

  I didn’t doubt she did.

  We put the other layer in the oven and pulled the bottom layer out to fill the cavity with strawberry icing.

  “Hey Lily, how bad are these rumors?” I asked suddenly, licking some icing off my finger.

  “You sure you want to know?” she winced.

  “Crap, they’re that bad, huh?” I forced out a laugh. “Seriously Lil, just tell me. I want to be prepared.”

  “Well…” she sighed, “It’s going around that you lied about being a virgin and the nun thing was just a cover to seduce guys.”

  I almost dropped the cake, but Lily took it from my shaking hands and set it on the counter before they gave out.

  “That’s so messed up!” I practically shouted, then blushed and lowered my voice. “How is being a nun even attractive? That wouldn’t seduce anyone, besides like, Hugh Heffner.”

  “I know, Em, but these people are desperate to ruin your life,” Lily grimaced, “Anyone’s life.”

  “What else?” I pressed.

  “What else?”

  “Yeah, what other things are they saying?”

  She gave me an uncertain look, and then said, “Justin says you’re a freak in bed.”

  “That fucking prick!” I whisper-screamed.

  “I know, I hate him,” Lily sighed with anger.

  “You know the worst part of it, Lily?” I laughed with fury.


  “I have to see Fox every day after school for the next like three or four months.”

  We decorated the cake, squeezing the crap out of the frosting tubes and pressing fruits into the top layer.

  It looked painfully good… I wanted to shove it into Fox’s face.

  “Lovely work, ladies. My star pupils!” Mr. Aurell clapped, extending his ‘s’ sounds again.

  Lily and I smiled, despite my situation. Mr. A was such a happy person… he should’ve been a guidance counselor.

  “Hey Em?” Lily called as we exited the classroom.

  “Hmm?” I responded, clutching the cake in the box. I was going to give it to Nina, she loved fruit and chocolate. I hoped it would make her feel a little better.

  “Nail the bastard,” she laughed, and I nodded with an evil grin.

  But I felt like shit on the inside, and I think we both knew that I probably wasn’t going to do anything about it except ignore him.

  At my locker, I carefully balanced the cake on the top shelf while I stuffed some books and papers into my backpack.

  “Hey, Em,” I heard a voice that made my skin crawl. He touched my shoulder and I refrained from kicking him in the shin.

  “Don’t touch me,” I said simply, swinging my backpack around and over my shoulder. He took it as a sign to back up.

  “Woah, what’s up with you?” he smirked.

  “Your miraculous plan worked, Fox, people aren’t calling me a religious freak anymore,” I smiled menacingly.

  “Great,” he shrugged.

  “Yeah, fan-effing-tastic,” I said sarcastically. “Now they’re calling me a whore,” I said through my teeth.

  His face formed a placid expression that I couldn’t make out. So instead of wasting my time, I spun on my heel and walked toward the front doors.

  Now the only tricky part would be ignoring him the rest of the day.

  Chapter 12


  I walked through the doors with the cake in my hands, determined to keep a straight face for the next hour and a half.

  “Nina,” I smiled as I stepped into her office. She looked up from the desk and returned the smile, especially when she saw the mysterious box.

  “Em Gem…?” she asked, tapping her pen on the desk.

  “I baked you a cake,” I cooed, placing it on the desk in front of her.

  “Aww, honey,” she laughed, opening the box and grinning, “You didn’t have to.”

  “Are you saying… you don’t want it?” I asked, reaching for the box. She held it down with her hands.

  “No, I’m just saying I don’t want to gain a dress size,” she smirked, taking a fork out of her drawer.

  “Oh, don’t worry. The teacher made sure we had the most nutritious, low-cal ingredients ever,” I told her, “With it still tasting amazing.”

  She furrowed her brow and then stabbed some cake with her fork. She bit it, and chewed, her eyes practically rolled back.

  “Mmm, this is delicious,” she sighed, narrowing her eyes. “If I gain a dress size…” she said, her warning drifting off.

  “It will be worth it,” I joked.

  She laughed, taking another bite.

  I laughed too. That was… until Fox popped up in the doorway next to me.

  And just like that, the mood died.

  “Nina, is there anything you want me to do? Like, put up more posters for the Blood Drive or…?” I asked her, anxious for work; for something to keep me busy and away from all things Fox.

  “No honey, nothing,” she said, eyeing me strangely as she took another bite of the cake, “But thank you.”

  “Ok, well I’m glad you like the cake,” I told her, and headed for the door.

  Fox moved out of the way, but only after he tried making eye contact with me. I could feel him watching me as I charged my way behin
d the counter.

  I looked at him, and just stared. I didn’t frown, or narrow my eyes. I didn’t move, just glared. He mirrored my gaze, probably studying me as well.

  His eyes were dark, and his white blonde hair fell into his face just a bit. It was wispy, and straight. But it didn’t stick to his face, it… had volume. His figure was great, I wasn’t gonna lie. Toned arms, strong legs… just built overall. He was… too perfect.

  I could see why girls swooned over him - it was why I despised him. He was Fox Evans. He had one of ‘those names’, all infamous and important-sounding.

  Why is it that when I tolerate time with him, there isn’t any? But when I can’t stand the sight of him, I’ve got all the time in the world?


  Emery hated me, most likely.

  She was set on ignoring me, but kept sending me malicious glares nonetheless. It was her signature ‘go-get-hit-by-a-bus’ type of glare.

  “Impressive form of intimidation, Em,” I muttered, leaning on the counter while she worked on some history homework. I was pretty sure she’s done all of it already, so this was probably extra credit. Something she didn’t need at all.

  “You’ve mastered the look,” I told her again, hoping to get some kind of reaction.

  “I’m sure you’ve never had to use it before,” I smirked, “You’re a quick learner.”


  “Emery,” I said, hoping saying her full name would do something, “Why are you doing extra credit history?”

  She just shook her head and kept working.

  “Emery, I didn’t mea-” I started, but she shouted over me.

  “Nina, I’m out!” she called, grabbing her bag and heading for the door.

  Damn. I never expected the virgin to be so vicious.

  It was, dare I say it, almost hot.


  I parked the car by the sidewalk and ran to the Daycare. It was down pouring, and I was soaked by the time I ran inside.

  “Fox!” Holly called, running to me on her wobbly legs.

  “Hey Holly,” I laughed, picking her up. Emery was smiling in my direction, probably at Holly. Once we made eye contact, her smile fell and she looked away.

  I took Holly back to the car and buckled her in while I waited for Emery to come out.

  It didn’t take long. She stood there in the doorway for a while, as if she were hoping the rain would magically stop.

  I rolled the window down and stuck my head out, “I’ll drive you home!”

  She shook her head, and crossed her arms.

  “Come on, Emery! You’ll get sick!” I yelled, trying to coax her into it.

  She looked down at her feet, and stood there for another minute before breaking into a sprint for my car. I leaned over and opened the door for her, and she slipped in. Completely soaked, I might add. Her hair was dark, and was stuck to the sides of her face and her forehead.

  “I’m going to ruin your car,” she winced.

  “It’s just leather. I hate the car anyway,” I smirked, surprised she was actually speaking to me. She seemed surprised too, but she turned to smile at Holly in the back.

  I drove in the direction she told me to, and we passed by the local liquor store. I remembered seeing her pass there on the night I got caught with DUI. We were probably close to her house, so I figured it’d be best to speak up now.

  “Listen Em,” I sighed, and she just kept looking straight ahead.

  “I didn’t mean for the rumors to get worse,” I said, turning over to look at her real quick. She was staring at her hands, which were folded in her lap.

  “Well they did,” she said, her voice coarse.

  “I know. I should’ve thought it through,” I told her, and I seriously meant it. She was a new girl, nothing interesting, and people just wanted to talk. She didn’t need the attention; she seemed to hate it, in fact.

  “I’m… sorr-” I started to say, as stupid as I felt to say it.

  “This is it,” she said, reaching for the door handle.

  I pushed the button on my side of the car to lock the doors. She shot me a strange look, and moved to manually unlock the door.

  I pushed the button again.

  “Just, hear me out, Em,” I told her, “You’re mad at me, and when I try to apologize you try to run away.”

  “You suck at apologizing, Fox, so let’s stop pretending you actually mean it,” she sighed, reaching to unlock the door again.

  I smirked and pushed the lock button.

  “I do mean it! You think I just go around spreading these rumors for fun?” I asked her, feigning amusement.

  She looked at me like she was considering the idea.

  “I’m sorry,” I blurted. She just sat there, seemingly annoyed and staring at the handle.

  “Emery, I am sorry for the shit you’ve had to deal with because of being in my presence,” I said formally, trying to hide my smile as she smirked and shook her head.

  “I’ll fix this,” I told her, and unlocked the door.

  “Yeah, whatever,” she sighed, opening the door, “You’ve said that already. And look what happened.”

  She slammed the door and ran behind the little white house.

  Holly started mumbling some kind of song, a mix of ABCs and Elmo’s World. I watched her through the rear view mirror as I backed out of the driveway and headed for home.

  Girls are strange. Very, very strange.

  Chapter 13


  I didn’t expect much from Fox, but I couldn’t deny that the smallest inkling of interest pulsating through my veins was curious as to how he planned on fixing the mess he’d made.

  Mondays, as I’ve said before, were not my days. They never are, never had been, and I would never expect them to be. But I also never expected the situation to escalate…

  Boy, did it escalate.

  Everyone was whispering my name as I walked by; it usually was followed by a rumor of some sort. I tried shutting it out as best I could.

  Exiting the stall, I walked to the sink to wash my hands before heading to 4th period. My stomach grumbled, and I regretted not eating something for breakfast, but I was a nervous wreck. The whole school thought I was some slutty STD spreading leech. I doubted my body could function right as it was, and I didn’t want to burden it with having to digest anything.

  The mirror, much to my horror, was covered in lipstick and eyeliner. Words like ‘slut’, ‘whore’, ‘white trash’, ‘virgin-my-ass’, ‘pregnant cow’, ‘HIV positive’ and ‘ugly, nasty bitch’ were smeared under two bold words at the top of the mirror: Emery Price.


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