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Highland Shifters: A Paranormal Romance Boxed Set

Page 57

by Unknown

  Once she woke up, I'd know, for better or for worse.

  Chapter Seven


  My body ached like fire burning under my skin and through my battered muscles. Alistair had done quite a number on me. I didn't want to think about the rage in his eyes, or the force behind his fists as he pummeled my head. But those were the least of my bad memories about him.

  A groan slipped from my lips, and I heard the creak of a chair nearby. My heart pounded in my chest like a trapped bird, but I pulled myself back from the edge. No, I'd be taken from the cage. I was safe. Dougal had carried me upstairs and promised to take care of me.

  I didn't know what to think of him after our argument, but he’d been by my side when I was injured. Maybe he did care about me, and our close encounter hadn’t been all sexual.

  Dougal leaned into view and worry slid through his eyes. "You're awake. I was beginning to get worried. You took quite a punch."

  "No need to worry about me. I’m stronger than I look.” I bit my lower lip as he flashed me a grin. Emotions rushed through me at the care he’d shown, and his rugged good looks didn’t hurt, either. "Where’s my brother?"

  “I bet you are.” He glanced away from me. “Your brother has been by your side as you recovered, but he couldn’t wait any longer. He left a while ago to start his own healing process.” He sat back in his chair that was pulled up beside the bed, propping his feet next to my mine. “I’m sorry you didn’t have a chance to talk with him before he left.”

  My heart ached, but I knew that was why he’d come back to Scotland. He needed to heal from his own emotional wounds. "Did he say when he might be back?" I knew it was a silly question, but I couldn’t help asking.

  He shook his head. "No, he didn’t." His jaw clenched, and he stared at me with such compassion in his eyes. It reminded me of the first time we’d met. However, that encounter had taken a slightly more erotic turn. The thought of him jumping on the bed and stripping me of my remaining clothing, fiercely kissing me, splaying me out for him and ravaging my body, leapt into my head with such intensity. If I hadn’t kept my eyes open, I’d have thought it had happened for real. I squeezed my legs closed. This wasn’t the most appropriate time for wanting those things.

  His nostrils flared and he trailed his gaze over my body, before returning his attention back to my face. I couldn't tell what he was thinking, except that his eyes had darkened to a smoldering wolf amber, and I licked my dry lips. He took in that small action, then he once again dropped his eyes further, taking in my breasts that rose and fell quickly as I shoved air in and out of my lungs in harsh pants.

  "Why do I feel this way about you?" I asked quietly.

  "We’re mates. I’ve never felt this way for anyone else, and I’ve never wanted anyone else like I want you." His words were huskier than they had been, and I noticed he squirmed a little in his chair. The depth of his attraction filled my heart with joy. I wasn’t alone in my feelings.

  Taking in a deep breath, I scented his arousal, and a smile curved my lips. The flush of his skin and the way he looked a little shy tickled me. While I wished I could be there for my brother, more than I’d been able to so far, I also wanted to experience with Dougal what Colin had interrupted downstairs.

  He leapt onto the bed faster than I could even react, his body covering mine, and he stared down at me. "Your scent is driving me to my breaking point. I need to be inside you. It’s consumed my thoughts, but as I said, I don’t want to rush you into this."

  My heart beat frantically. Part of me wondered what Colin would think to find me mated with his Alpha, but I couldn’t care. The emotion running through me was mine to bear, and I would be stupid to shove Dougal aside just because of our species differences. “I want you filling my body. You’re not rushing this. I dinnae want to stop our earlier encounter, either.”

  "You just keep burying yourself deeper." He leaned closer and my body lit aflame beneath him. The space between us burned up like a wildfire, and the idea of closing the distance sent warmth spreading through me.

  I leaned up a little, our lips nothing more than a hair’s breadth away.

  He fisted his hands in the sheets near my shoulders, and his body trembled with restrained passion.

  I licked my lips again, nervously, and my tongue unintentionally brushed against his lower lip. I'd forgotten, and yet...

  He froze for a couple of heartbeats before crushing his mouth against mine in a frenzy that I'd expected, but that I'd thought might never come. The fact it was here made my heart skip a beat in sheer gladness.

  His kiss bordered on forceful, but its passionate intensity stole my breath away. I wrapped my arms around him, balling my hands into his shirt, uncaring if I ripped it apart or not. He shoved his tongue against my lips and teeth, wanting entrance. The heady scent of his arousal overpowered me, drowning me in lust.

  My leopard brushed against the surface of my skin, nearly letting out a rumbling purr at the sensations Dougal lit within us. Maybe I wasn’t the only one who wanted this.

  He slid his hand over my arm and goosebumps broke out over my skin. Heat burned me and I took a deep breath, soaking in his heat and basking in him.

  My hands trailed over his muscular torso to the hem of his shirt. I tugged with one sharp pull and the material fell apart in my hands. The sight of his hard chest sent shivers through me. He looked so powerful and strong, exactly what I'd expect of an Alpha. Moisture formed between my legs and we weren’t even naked yet.

  I looked into his eyes. I didn't know the protocol for when you were about to have sex with an Alpha, but I wouldn’t avoid his gaze while we were this intimate. He met mine, and his hot look of desire burned into me. Any animal challenge had been taken away and replaced by sexy dominance. That wasn't usually my thing, but I could possibly make an exception in this case. Having him over me while he looked at me like that was spectacular.

  He slid off the side of the bed and jerked the blankets off me, sending them flying to the floor. I gasped. His grip was gentle as he pulled me toward him, so that my legs were dangling off the edge. I looked up at him, my breath coming out faster, and he grabbed the oversized T-shirt, ripping it in two, before stripping off my shorts and leaving me naked except for my panties.

  Dougal lowered his head to my breasts and caressed one perky nipple with his tongue, then pressed kisses to the surrounding flesh. "You taste so good."

  His hand dropped a little lower, toying with the hem of my panties, but he didn't do anything just yet as if he wanted my permission. I pulled his mouth up to kiss him. Letting whatever I felt for him soak into the passionate exchange between us. I was ready. I wouldn’t just let this go, not again.

  He hardened under my advances and pulled back just enough to look me in the eye. “Are you sure about this?” His breath brushed against my lips and his voice was husky with desire.

  I knew he didn’t want to pull away, but I respected this one last attempt to give me an out. He wouldn’t try to take what he wanted, regardless of how I felt. The more I knew Dougal, the less I could discount him as another horrible werewolf. He’d already proven himself as so much more than that.

  “Yes,” I said, any uncertainty I’d ever felt was gone. I arched my back, pressing into him and moaning. “I’m certain. Now get yerself naked.”

  He smirked and pulled back again. “Aye.” He slid his pants down. No underwear marred my view of his thick cock. “Your turn.” In one swift move, he removed my panties.

  I lay before him, ripe for the taking. My body burst into flames. If he could affect me this much without even touching me, then how would it be with him inside me?

  He pulled my bum a little closer to the edge and carefully wedged himself between my thighs. With his size, I couldn’t be sure I’d sheath all of him, but I wanted to try. His abs flexed as he eased himself within me, going far too slowly for my tastes, but I marveled at the sight of his muscles moving beneath his skin. “You’re wet, lass.”
He smirked at me and started with gentle rocking thrusts. While I loved the feeling of him inside me, I needed so much more.

  Pleasure ignited in me at the movement. “You’re magnificent,” I said breathily. But under his brave demeanor, I felt his body slightly shake with pent-up need to claim. “Take me. Claim my body as yours. I’m not a fragile human.”

  He froze mid-thrust and blinked at me in surprise, but he nodded. “If you’re sure.”

  “I am.” I ran my hands over his chest, raking my nails over his skin as he slammed into me. My body arched of its own accord and I threw my head back. My leopardess rumbled with the intensity, and I clenched the bed sheets, not caring if I ripped them to pieces.

  He eagerly picked up the pace, holding my hips with fingers that dug into my flesh to keep me from moving beneath him. His cock swelled within me until I knew he too was growing ever closer to ecstasy.

  “Dougal,” I cried out, as desire crashed through my body like a giant wave. I pulled him down to me, desperate to hold onto him like a lifeboat and not drown in the sensation. His echoing groans of pleasure and the hot warmth of his release within me stabilized me.

  When the moment subsided, he lifted me into his arms, his semi-erect cock still within me. Contentment warmed his eyes. “Once we’ve had brunch, I’d like to do that again.”

  I pressed a kiss to his lips. “Why wait? I might need help in the bath.” The second I said that, his erection grew once more. Dougal had no trouble with stamina, and I couldn’t wait to find out all his other talents…

  But would the delicious sex be enough to withstand the Pack’s judgment? Werewolves didn’t play well with other shifters, and I couldn’t expect the wolves to change their mind about me just because I was intimate with their Alpha.

  Dougal ran his hands down my back, cupping my arse. Any doubts I had floated away spurred by his gentle caresses. Instead was a burning hunger for more of him. All of him.

  I’d have plenty of time to worry about the Pack. Besides, maybe he’d be both the protector I needed and the leader his people desired. If anyone could accomplish that feat, it would have to be him.

  Time would tell.

  About the Author

  New York Times and USA Today bestselling author Sarah Mäkelä loves her fiction dark, magical, and passionate. She is a paranormal romance author, but she's written all over the romance spectrum with cyberpunk, sci-fi, fantasy, urban fantasy...even a sweet contemporary romance!

  A life-long paranormal fan, she still sleeps with a night light. In her spare time, she reads sexy books, watches scary movies (and Ghost Adventures), and plays computer games with her husband. When she gets the chance, she loves traveling the world too.

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  Knights of Stone

  Lisa Carlisle

  Knights of Stone

  Copyright 2014 Lisa Carlisle

  The right of Lisa Carlisle to be identified as author of this Work has been asserted by her in accordance with sections 77 and 78 of the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988.

  All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in retrieval system, copied in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise transmitted without written permission from the publisher. You must not circulate this book in any format.

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  All characters in this book are fiction and figments of the author’s imagination.

  Find out more about the author and upcoming books online at,, or @lisacbooks.


  As always, I’d like to thank my husband. If he didn’t cook, we’d never eat since I’m always on my laptop! I treasure his support of my writing, even if it means I’m turning on the lamp at 2am to jot notes so I don’t forget. Also, I thank my family and friends for tolerating my multiple projects, leaving me unable to socialize much. I can rarely sit through a movie without drifting off and returning to work on my latest project.

  I also want to thank my editor, critique partners, and new beta readers, Iliana and Trisha. You don’t know how much I treasure and value your feedback. Thank you!


  The crowd pushed Kayla closer to the stage as the last trails of fiery sunset faded. They knew what happened once darkness fell. She recovered her footing and focused again on the five life-sized stone gargoyles perched on pedestals on the perimeter of the stage. The space between them was set with instruments—guitars, a drum set, mic stands, and massive amplifiers, while a bonfire in a pit behind them cast the statues in a warm glow.

  A stagehand with tartan draped over one shoulder climbed onto the stage and walked to the closest statue. He fastened the kilt over its shoulder and around its waist with a thick belt, covering the statue’s massive thighs. Kayla flushed, picturing why the coverings were necessary once the transformation began. The kilt had become a key detail in her fantasies about the guitarist, since it was the only clothing he wore. The stagehand continued dressing each statue with the same brilliant blue tartan worn by the gargoyle clan.

  The last vestige of sunlight disappeared from the sky, and night draped the stage like a closing curtain. The statues loomed, dark silhouettes barely discernible by the crescent moon with the backdrop of the craggy cliffs and the rugged peaks of waves in the Atlantic Ocean behind them. The murmur of voices was replaced by silence. Waiting…

  Five torches blazed on the stage all at once, lit by an unseen force. The audience erupted in cheers as the dancing lights from the flickering fire basked the statues. The flames lowered, casting the gargoyles in an eerie, almost reverent glow.

  Movement. So slight, Kayla wondered if it was simply a play of light and shadows in her anticipation for the change. She fixed her gaze on the statue in front of her, the one she’d gravitated to each time she’d had snuck out to see the show. Its massive gray form stood straight on two legs built for sturdiness. Its chest jutted out proudly. Gray wings with detailed feathers etched in the stone arched from a point below its shoulder blades. Eyes cast straight ahead on a face that appeared to be a mixture of canine and lion. Its right hand twitched, so slightly she would have missed it if she hadn’t stared so intently. Then a clawed foot inched forward.

  Murmurs of astonishment burst from the crowd as the transformation began. Their cries of fervor grew louder as the monstrous statues transformed into taller, slimmer figures with the bronzed skin of warriors who battled under the midday sun. The tartan fabric fell over their thighs as they stood erect, covering their nudity.

  Kayla barely blinked, mesmerized as always, as the statue before her stood to full height, taking on the form of a human male, but with beautiful raven wings. Hair just as black snaked rebelliously past his chin. The stony eyes flickered with animation, turning to a mossy green. His deep gaze seared the audience, seeming to burn anything in the path. When he found Kayla, he stopped. His expression was unreadable, but the intensity in his unblinking eyes made her swallow. She froze under the scrutiny as if hypnotized, unable to break eye contact. Her stomach lurched, heart pounded, and every muscle in her body tightened, fueled with blood now scorching through
her veins. His penetrating appraisal affected her so. When his eyes took on a smoldering glint, her skin tingled and a red-hot awareness grew between her thighs.

  He broke the stare and continued to assess the audience. She gasped, not realizing she had been holding her breath, and panted while she tried to breathe at a normal rate.

  He turned on robust legs and strode to a guitar stand. She tore her eyes from him to note the other gargoyles. They, too, had shifted into the form of striking males. One had black hair draped further down his back, one had long blond hair, and two had reddish-brown hair—one wavy and shaggy, the other straight. They took their place at other instruments. She sought the guitarist again and caught the first sound of the pick striking the strings. On hearing the guitar projected through the amp, the crowd roared again, pressing Kayla forward.

  The freak show was about to begin.

  Spotlights flooded the musicians, powered by solar panels near a massive amplifier. The guitarist continued playing and the others joined in, playing a raucous crossover between hard rock and heavy metal. The one with long blond hair grabbed hold of the microphone and belted out a shattering cry that sounded like a call to battle. The crowd went pin drop silent to listen and then cheered in unison as the band played on. The front man sang piercing growls and low croons about the Knights in Stone, the protectors of the ancient forests, battling against the evil tree witches.

  Kayla’s coven.

  * * * * *

  Blood pumped through Mason’s system, animating him during the transition to his human form. Every cell in his body ignited with the change from stone to flesh.


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