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Wayward Love (Wayward Saints MC)

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by K. Renee

  Wayward Love

  The Wayward Saints, MC

  Novella, 8.5

  K. Renee





  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Sneak Peek: Wayward Sin

  About the Author



  Wayward Love

  © 2018 K. Renee

  Published by K. Renee

  1st Edition

  All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form, including electronic or mechanical, without written permission from the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles or reviews.

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events, and incidents are either the products of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.

  This book is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This book may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each person you share it with. If you are reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then you should return it to the seller and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the author’s work.

  Published: K. Renee - 2018

  Cover Design: KLa Boutique

  Formatting: K. Renee

  Cover: © RplusMPhoto

  Cover Model: Bryan Hennessy

  Editor: Ellie McLove @ GrayInk

  Love Trumps All

  Even when all else fails, be the one to protect the ones you love.



  It’s been years since I’ve been anywhere near any of the Wayward Saints. Growing up, I wasn’t allowed near the clubhouse, so I didn’t really get to know any of them unless they were friends with my brother Ryder.

  The twins, Brantley and Jase, and Gunner pretty much went everywhere with Ryder, and they all protected each other. Sometimes it was more like they were in their own little world most days.

  You never saw one without the others, and the rumors about them flew around the school. All the girls wished they could be on their arms, while the guys tried to be like them. They were what you would call royalty around this place. I was just Ryder’s little sister.

  I got to know them, but it’s been a while since I’ve talked to any of them. Even after seeing Ryder for the first time in a while, I was so happy, yet so scared. I was afraid that he would still be pissed at me after what I said to him about Danni being better off without him. I know I hit a nerve, but I couldn’t help the words as they fell from my lips.

  He was a dick and needed to be put in his place for the first time ever by a woman. I know how much he loved her and I saw how much it killed him when she walked away from him. He didn’t say anything about it though; instead, he just threw himself into the club full throttle and never looked back.

  He became someone different, and we stopped talking altogether after that. I didn’t agree with his lifestyle, and he didn’t care what I thought.

  Growing up, Ryder used to love to tease me about my crush on the twins. I was head over heels in love with them, and I swore that no one would ever compare. I was young and naïve back then, but even now, I’ve heard that they have really grown up. I thought that I would marry one of them until I met Hendrix. A barbecue brought us together, and my secret tore us apart.

  It took me weeks to convince our mom and dad that I needed to move back here. They didn’t like knowing that I would be pretty much by myself while I was here. They knew that Ryder would be around, but they knew that he’d be busy with his MC and thought that it wasn’t safe for me to be there alone.

  I had to remind them that I went to college all by myself and that turned out fine. I am fine, for the most part. I didn’t tell them what happened either. I didn’t tell them how I was about to disgrace my family and everyone that ever really mattered to me.

  One drunken night was all it took for my life to change – one stupid frat party. Why the fuck would a biker be at a frat party anyway… Thinking back now, it all made sense. They were targeting me. I was the sister of Ryder Stark, the Wayward Saints’ best-kept secret.

  I should have told Ryder why I was really back, but I couldn’t. I didn’t want to disappoint him, and I knew once he found out my secret that he would probably disown me. The disappointment I feel in myself already is enough to make me want to end everything.

  One ruthless bastard was all it took for me to run home and pray that no one else found out. I ran away because once I knew who he was, I knew that nothing was going to save me. I was a fool. Hell, I still am one. No one would ever trust me again. I lied. I had to. I had no other choice. Keeping Hendrix was the only way I’d survive.

  I loved him so much that it killed me to lie to him. I felt like part of my soul was gone when he walked away. He never even looked back as he walked away from me with tears falling down my cheeks.

  Everything was gone in the blink of an eye, and I was left with nothing. They left me holding the gun with my finger still on the trigger in a way.

  Hendrix was told to stay away from me. My brother is banned from seeing me. Everything is a mess, and I don’t know what to do.

  I want to go back in time and change everything. Go back to being the girl who was afraid of being more than just a bookworm. I want to go back to the days when everything was easy, and no one wanted me dead.

  I need him to survive, and I can’t turn to him without getting him in trouble with the club. He lives for them and breathes for them. I would never make him choose. He doesn’t deserve that. Hendrix deserves everything, and if I had just told him the truth, he would have never been in this situation. He wouldn’t be the one that they blame.

  This wouldn’t be his problem, and he would live just like he did before I showed up. Wild. Crazy. Fearless.



  My heart was pounding. I knew that she was too damn good to be true. I should have listened to my gut when I knew there was something off about her story. She made me feel like I could fucking do anything and I knew she was the one. One look was all it took for me to fall so damn hard for her that I didn’t see anyone else.

  Nothing else mattered.

  I knew the mark, I knew the tell. But none of that mattered. Not when I possessed every inch of her body. I knew it like the back of my hand. She was ingrained into me whether I wanted her to be or not.

  I thought that the only thing I wanted was to be a Wayward Saint. Now, I’m not so sure.

  She’s a part of me. No matter what I do to try and rid myself of her, I can’t. I need her like I need the air that I breathe, but I can’t. I can’t go back to her. I would lose everything that I’ve worked so damn hard for.

  I’ve been banned from seeing her again. Ryder has been going fucking insane because he can’t even see his little sister to find out why she even did it in the first place. She wouldn’t have turned her back on him like that. She wouldn’t sell him out. I know that for sure. It looks bad, fuck, does it look bad.

  She was with the enemy. Fuck. I run my
hand over the side of my head and stare at the bottle of gin that I’m about to down. Drinking her memory away won’t help. I’ll still wake with thoughts of her and the way her body felt against mine as she straddled me. The way it felt when I was inside of her. I feel my dick strain against my jeans and I hate that she still gets me going just with one thought. I need to feel her body pressed against mine one more time. I know that she isn’t a traitor, but I can’t fucking prove it. I wish like hell that I could change what happened so that I could have her in my arms right now. I would give anything…

  I’m so damn screwed. Nothing will ever wipe the memory of her from my brain. I want her so damn bad that I’d risk everything for her. I’d protect her until my dying breath. I just need to know the truth, the whole damn truth.

  Grabbing my phone, I dial the number that I’d called so many times that it was burned into my brain like second nature. I need to hear her voice and to make sure she’s okay. I have to, or it will eat away at me.

  “Hello?” I can hear the tears in her voice. I know she’s fucking scared and I want to take away the pain. I want her to feel safe again.

  “Syd,” I murmur, closing my eyes to keep from letting my emotions show. I’ve always been good at keeping neutral, not letting anyone know what I’m thinking. It was my best defense, and I won’t be letting anyone see what she does to me.

  When Prez demanded that I stay the fuck away from her, I remained passive. Like I didn’t give a shit if I saw her again, while inside I was dying. It was like the breath was being stolen right from my lungs.

  “Is it really you?” she chokes out.

  I’m sure she knows the rules. No contact. None at all. We leave her to fend for herself because she betrayed her family. A family that she never really knew until the day we met. That damn family barbeque where I first saw her beautiful face and long tan legs.

  “Yeah, it’s me. I can’t stay away. I love you, Syd.”

  I know that it’s going to be the end of me, but I can’t bring myself to care right now. I would do anything for her, including losing the only family I’ve ever really known. She needs me more than they do.

  If he finds her again, he will kill her. Every one of us knows that her life hangs in the balance and I can’t watch something happen to her. No, I won’t allow anything to happen to her. She’s mine, and I’ll go to hell and back just to ensure her safety.

  She’s the beat of my heart and losing her isn’t an option.

  Chapter One


  Six Weeks Prior

  Walking through the bar, I make my way outside into the bright desert sun. Last week, I became an official member of the Wayward Saints motorcycle club; it was the best day of my life. It felt like I had been waiting forever to become a patched member and now that I finally am, I can’t wait for what the future holds.

  This club has always been my dream, and the moment I got a prospect slot, I knew that I would do everything I could to become one of them.

  As I make my way toward Ryder and Brant, I notice a beautiful girl walking toward them. Her dark hair flowing over one shoulder and I can’t help but stare at her. Long legs, tiny body. Shit. She has that pixie look that I love and a pair of Ray-Bans covering her eyes.

  A huge grin appeared on her face as she walked right up to Brantley and wrapped her arms around him. He hugged her tightly, and I look over to see the pissed off expression on Anslie’s face. One thing I knew about Anslie was that she got pissed when girls would try and hang all over her man. Just as she starts toward them with Braxton on her hip, one of the twins went running to Brantley.

  He pulls away from the girl and picks his son up before continuing to talk to her, introducing her to his little guy.

  I make it to them just before Anslie, and I give Brant a nod in her direction when our eyes meet. He turned slightly wrapping his arm around her and pulling her into his side. “This is my ole’ lady, Anslie. Ans, this is Sydney, Ryder’s sister.” Her tension fades instantly, and she reaches her hand out to shake Sydney’s.

  “I had no idea Ryder had a sister!” She looks to Ryder and gives him a dirty look causing him to hold his hands up in the air.

  “My bad, she’s been out of state the last five years, and we never let her around the clubhouse when she was younger.” Ryder’s eyes meet mine, and I can’t help but continue to stare at her. She puts her Ray-Bans on top of her head and reaches out a hand to me.

  “Hi, I’m Sydney.”

  I grin at her and take her hand in mine. The electricity hits me like a damn freight train. She looks down at our hands before looking back at me with a look of intrigue. I don’t know if she felt what I just felt, but fuck me.

  “Hendrix,” I reply, staring into her gray eyes. She looks nothing like her brother, but I can see the love he has for her. I don’t have a doubt that he would do anything for her.

  “Nice to meet you, Hendrix.” My name rolls off her tongue and fuck if it doesn’t do things to me. I finally release her, and she just grins up at me like I wasn’t just holding her hand hostage while I eye fucked the shit out of her.

  She turns back to her brother and punches him in the shoulder before asking him, “So where are my future sister-in-law and that other sexy twin?” I narrow my eyes at that, and she just winks at me in response. I don’t like knowing that she thinks the Brantley and Jase are sexy, but I know they probably have no feelings like that for her.

  They are both happy with their ole’ ladies, and I don’t see either of them dropping their families for her. That makes me feel a little better about her wanting to see them. It still means that I have a chance with her.

  “Yeah, he should be here somewhere with his ole’ lady, Wynter, and their daughter,” Brant says giving his little boy a kiss on the forehead. He puts Severye down, and we all watch him run to where his twin is sitting in the grass playing with a toy truck.

  People crowd around us, but nothing takes my eyes off Sydney. She is nothing like the other women around here, and that is what pulls me in more. I watch her as she runs over to Ryder’s ole’ lady, Danielle, and wraps her arms around her, kissing her cheek. They both talk animatedly for a few minutes and a hand lands on my shoulder, forcing me to take my eyes off of her.

  I look over to Brant, and he’s got a stupid smirk on his face. “I suggest you find a new piece of ass to chase. Ry isn’t going to let you anywhere near her, especially now that he just got her back.”

  I can’t help but grin at that. “She looks like a big girl that can make her own choices.” I turn my attention back to the brunette and see her staring at Jase as he comes out of the bike shop. Her eyes light up at the sight of him.

  She practically bounces over to him, and the moment he sees her, he grins and wraps his arms around her. I can’t hear their conversation from here, but it’s probably the same one that Brant and she had.

  It doesn’t take long for her to flit through the crowd, taking her time to walk around and talk to some of my brothers as well as a few of the ole’ ladies before coming back over to Brant and me.

  I take a pull from my beer and watch her sway her hips as she stops in front of me. Her dark hair is now down her back, and I have to force myself to not reach out and pull her body into mine.

  Something about her is calling to me, and I want so badly to see if whatever that was between us a few minutes ago is still there. I need to know that it wasn’t just some fluke thing that doesn’t mean anything.

  “So Hendrix, how about you buy me a drink.”

  I hear Brant snicker from beside me, but I ignore him. I don’t even want to hear him warn me away from her because I don’t think I would be able to if I tried.

  “You realize they are free, right?” Brant grins. “I still can’t get over that you are all grown up.” She pushes her sunglasses up on top of her head again and puts her hand on her hip.

  “Sorry to burst your bubble, Brantley.” She narrows her eyes at him, and I can’t help but grin. S
he’s got a feisty side, and I love that.

  “Yeah, you no longer have the braces or the dorky haircut.” He winks at her, and a blush starts to creep up her neck.

  “Don’t make me tell your girl about all the dorky things you did as a kid.” She has one of that cat ate the canary looks, and I can’t help but just stand back and watch them.

  Brant just shrugs off her threat and wraps a hand around the back of her neck, pulling her closer to him. “Anslie knows more about me than anyone else. Trust me, your brother had a field day with that shit already. You don’t have anything that she hasn’t heard yet. Unless you want to tell her that you were in love with Jase and me for years.” He winks at her again when she pulls away and grabs my hand, pulling me away from him while flipping him the bird.

  “I don’t know why you would want to hang out with my brother or the twins,” she mutters under her breath as we head toward the clubhouse.

  “They are more like family now. More family than I’ve ever had.” I pull the door open and let her walk in front of me before following her inside.

  “You grow up around here?” She eyes me up and down before continuing toward the bar where a bunch of my brothers are gathered.

  “Nah, California. Moved here a few years ago,” I answer, resting my hand on her lower back as I steer her toward the end of the bar that doesn’t have anyone crowding it. I motion to the new prospect, and he slides a beer in front of me, and I turn to Syd and ask her, “What will it be?”

  “Whatever you’re having.” A grin toys at the corners of her lips and the prospect slides another beer toward me. I hand her one and lean against the bar.

  My eyes rake over her body as I study her. She’s fucking breathtakingly beautiful, and I have no fucking idea how she can be related to Ryder. They seem like polar opposites, and I wouldn’t doubt that they had nothing in common even now.

  “So where have you been hiding? I’ve been here for three years and have never once seen you. Ryder doesn’t even mention you.” She flinches, and I feel like an ass, but I don’t let it show. I want to know more about her.


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