Seduction: Book 4 (Strong Young Women Series)

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Seduction: Book 4 (Strong Young Women Series) Page 8

by Joyce Jordan

  She picked a pen from the numerous pens in her desk organizer. “Here,” she said handing it to him. “No, not good enough,” she said throwing it on her desk. She walked towards Gabe and pulled open his jacket. She found a fountain pen and clicked it, then handed it to him. “Ah! Much better.”

  Gabe laughed and had the decency to move away.

  Nate took the pen and quickly scrawled his name on all three pages. He had never known that it was possible to be outwitted by two kids. Well three if he added Jes to the mix. Not that she had outwitted him directly. Just her guards. Actually, yeah, maybe him too. She was supposed to have met with him today, but hadn’t shown up.

  Ana took the pages from him and put them aside. “Here,” she said handing each one a flute. “Drink up. Tom and I will be leaving Sunday night. And of course, besides the hotel that you’ll pay upfront, he’ll need pocket money to cover food and other incidentals,” she said with a huge grin. “Bottoms up. It’s non alcoholic. Please, we have a teenager. Did you really think we wanted to make you drunk?”

  Tom giggled like a school girl.

  “One week in DC should be fun. Five hundred per day should cover it, don’t you think Tom?”

  “What the …?”

  “Don’t say it,” Gabe cut him off.

  “”Yeah, nice save Gabe,” she said pouring more into her glass. “Or maybe he thinks it’s too low. We could double it. What do you think, Nate?”

  Nate mumbled his answer and Ana smiled. Gabe just laughed outright. And Tom sniffled his laughter.

  “I’m not much of a lip reader, but I guess what you said was yes to the double?”

  “Ah fuck Ana. Sorry,” he quickly said in Tom’s direction. “Five hundred. Now if you’ll excuse me.” He threw the rest of the white grape juice into his mouth and left.

  Gabe pulled her into his arms. “Now that was sexy, babe.” He pulled her head to his and gave her a light kiss.

  She pulled the sheet of paper from her top drawer and handed it to Tom. “Now better make sure your parents sign this, and bring it back tomorrow.” She handed him an envelope and watched him insert the form she had given him. “And no forging their signatures. I’ll be sure to call them,” she warned him.

  “Thanks Ana,” he said and hugged her then quicly released her. “Sorry,” he said to Gabe and ran out of the door.

  “Tom, wait,” she called out. “Gabe, if we’re going to christen my office, we need the guards out of the way. Do you think they can escort Tom home?”

  “Don’t move,” he said. He walked closer to the two guys sitting in the front office that Ana had fashioned like a reception area. “Listen guys, I need some time with my fiancee, so if you can take the kid home, I’d appreciate it.”

  Gabe locked the door as they left and walked back to Ana. She squealed when he grabbed her dress and tore right through from top to bottom, then pulled her to him and kissed her before she could say anything more.


  Jessica was on a high. Her time in the city had been a success. A huge success. She was humming as she flagged a taxi. Her last stop had fortunately been close enough to the train such that she had managed to pile her bag with some samples of wedding, bridal shower and baby shower favors. People were always coming up with nice and unque ideas. Her car was going to be out of commission for twenty four to forty eight hours. Alternator. Whatever the hell that was. Jes just needed a working car. She didn’t need to know what made up the engine besides the battery.

  Even kids knew what a battery was. So that was all Jes needed to know. Now favors, oh yeah, she could go on and on talking about them. She knew the good ones, the bad ones, the funny ones, the classy ones, the sexy ones. And it was her job to match them to her client. With the way things were going, she probably needed more space. Soon her little house was going to run out of space.

  Both guest rooms were already used for business purposes. One was her office and the other held sample products. Even the walls of her garage acted as storage for her little odds and ends she always collected. At first even her team had thought she was crazy, but they later realized the rhythm to her craziness. It always helped having a sample especially when the item was no longer produced. Jes just took a sample and took it to someone who usually replicated and reproduced it for her.

  Jes wasn’t surprised to find a car seating outside her front door. But what did surprise her were the lights on in her house. Did someone break in or had she forgotten and left the lights on in her hurry? As she paid the cabdriver, Jes knew who it was in her house. The assistance of his goons was her one and ultimate clue.

  The man had broken into her house. What was wrong with him? Just because she called his bluff, he thought he could take liberties of breaking and entering? Well, he better have a good reason because she had 911 on speed dial and wasn’t afraid of hitting the dial button.

  She wasn’t a fool, so she didn’t refuse the help to carry her heavy bag and box into the house. She almost laughed when she saw the evidence of dinner that was sitting on her table. So the fool thought they could have dinner, did he?

  She motioned for her box and bag to be set down on the kitchen counters. “Thanks guys,” she said to them. She hadn’t memorized their names, since she hoped she didn’t get to see them again. They needed to follow their boss out the door.

  “Breaking and entering? Really Nathaniel?”

  The way she said his name. It was so sexy. Nate needed to focus otherwise he would fall under her spell. He stood from where he had been sitting on her couch. “You left me no choice. I figured we had a meeting then lunch, and since you forgot, I thought I’d come here and we could still have that meeting and dinner instead.”

  Jes shook her short hair. “Oh, no I didn’t forget. I just figured I didn’t care for being someone’s plaything. And planning for a fake party isn’t my cup of tea. I value my time and it’s way too expensive for the likes of you.”

  Nate hissed. His nostrils flared. “The likes of me? Care to explain that?”

  “You’re an intelligent man Nathaniel.” Jes walked to her fridge and took out a can of soda. She popped the top off and took a long swallow of the refreshing cool drink. “You need to leave.”

  “Oh, no baby. I’m not leaving. We have lots to discuss. The party, dinner, then some other issues later.”

  Jes took her phone. “Well, if you don’t leave, maybe the cops can escort you out.” She didn’t get to dial. Nate was on her so fast she panicked and dropped her now empty can of soda. “What are you, crazy?”

  “Damn straight. I’m crazy about you,” he hissed and effectively shut her next words as he took her lips in a punishing kiss.

  Jes fought him. She clawed at him but her efforts were in vain, and all she managed to do was remove his golf t-shirt from his pants, as she tried to pull him away from her. “Fuck you,” she screamed at him when he allowed her a moment to breathe.

  “Dam straight. We are gonna fuck.” He slammed his mouth back against hers and another fight took place. Unable to continue fighting her feelings, Jes grabbed his head and pulled him further down. He groaned against her and gentled his mouth slightly.

  Oh, God! Jes thought. Her body was on fire. She couldn’t think, she couldn’t remember what had started all this. All she knew was that she wanted to finish it. She wanted him to finish it. She grabbed the hem of his golf t-shirt and pulled it over his head. Her t-shirt followed his and soon her jeans too.

  Jes grabbed his belt and pulled it free of his pants and before she could get her hands back on him his pants were already on the floor. He was kicking both and his underwear to the side. His cock sprang up huge and long. Jes whimpered and grabbed it, filling her two hands.

  Nate groaned like a man in pain at her touch. “Not now baby he said and took her hands in one of his, then lifted them both above her head. He pulled at the flimsy string holding her thin white lace panties. It broke on one side and he pulled at the other side, and as it broke as well,
he pushed her legs apart and it fell to the floor. It stuck to the floor with her juices and he aimed his hand to her cunt, pushing a single digit right up until he couldn’t go any further.

  “My hands,” she cried out.

  Nate slammed his mouth against her lips and started pushing tongue into her mouth as he was pushing now two of his fingers into her cunt. “You have a tight cunt, Jes,” he said with a hiss. “Why is that?”

  Her answer was a whimper as she rode him. Nate didn’t think he could last. He added another finger and her moan just about undid him. He twisted and reached her sensitive spot and pushed against the wall. Never had Nate heard such a beautiful scream from a woman. Uninhibited and unplanned.

  As much as he wanted to continue hearing her moaning through her climax, he really needed to be inside her. Nate lifted her legs and aligned himself to enter her. He entered her in one hard thrust and she screamed at his huge cock. “Sorry, baby,” he said kissing her. “I’ll make it good for you, I promise.”

  And good he did make it. Better than good. Jes saw the picture aginst her wall shake each time Nate slammed her against the wall. It was one of her favorites, but right now she just didn’t care. What was happening right now was more important. Her last lover had been good, but not to this extent. She groaned as he twisted and slammed harder into her. Jes thought surely the wall would fall anytime now.

  Not yet, but her picture did fall.

  She took his head and pulled his head for a kiss. She had been dreaming of those lips for days. She needed to get her fill otherwise she would go crazy and live to regret it. She went wild as she bit his lower lip in passion and unknowingly set Nate off. He shook with excitement and reared up, and slammed faster and harder into her until she came on a string of screams, that Nate finally caught with his mouth and groaned his release into her.

  They were both sweating heavily. Nate knew her bedroom. He pulled out, kissed her and thrust back in. He walked towards her bedroom and into her bathroom. He took a washcloth and wet it in warm water then pulled out and cleaned her up. After that he cleaned himself.

  He took her to her bed and laid her out like an offering. He trailed his fingers along her cunt and she was wet before he could make a return trip. Immediately he went for her pussy and licked her.

  “Oh,” she said and covered her eyes in embarrassment.

  Nate chuckled. “Look at me Jessica.”

  She shook her head. “No.”

  He shrugged. “Suit yourself,” he said and licked her again. He wasn’t disappointed when she started dripping heavily again. Her juices were flowing like a tap left running throughout the night. He lapped up and saw her peeking. He smiled to himself and held his mouth against her cunt then pulled like he was sipping through a straw. She shook with the orgasm that hit her and she opened her mouth into a perfect ‘O’ of surprise.

  Nate rose up and fisted his hands in her hair as he kissed her yet again, sinking into her waiting pussy. He went slow, taking his time to love her. And love her he did. He sank into her one last time as they both cried into each other’s mouths, moaning and groaning with their release.

  Nate allowed her a short nap, before he woke her and took a shower with her. His dinner was probably shot, but it was still food. As she dressed, he went back to the sitting room and picked up their clothes. He pulled on his underwear and pants, minus the belt, then his t-shirt.

  Jes was still in shock over what had happened. She was officially a slut. She just needed to go somewhere and dig a hole big enough to hide with enough food to last a year. By then Nate would have forgotten and moved on. She would change her appearance and he wouldn’t remember her as the slut from Jersey. She groaned in silence and accepted the plate he placed in front of her.

  She needed to eat, then after that still kick him out. This couldn’t happen again. It was a one time deal. An insanity. If insanity included such sex, where could she sign up. Because she would gladly enter that psychiatric hospital after all.

  Nate didn’t engage her in talk until the end. He knew she was a second from tossing him out again. But he wasn’t going anywhere. Not after the best sex of his life. He was signing up for more of that tonight and every other night. He began to realize why he thought his brother’s had been mad, crazy, cuckoo. He could only guess that they had experienced what he had experinced tonight. Not that he was rushing to buy a wedding ring, but hey, sex was meant to be enjoyed by two consenting adults.

  All he needed now was to make her see his side and they could both live happily enjoying each other’s bodies. He had yet to sample her whole body, and he didn’t intend on leaving tonight before he did.

  “You’re very quiet.”

  “I’m just wondering why you’re are still here.” And there it was. “I thought I told you to leave.” Yep, she was back.

  Nate laughed. She was such a breath of fresh air. He stood up. “I made dinner. It didn’t seem right for me to leave before I sampled my own cooking.”

  She snorted. How could such an indelicate act sound so sexy? She waved her hand, “Dinner’s over, and the door is right there.”

  Nate took their plates to her kitchen and scraped the food items on the plates. He took his time and rinsed them, then took soap and washed them both. He covered the dish he had used to make the lasagna. He would need to place the left over in her fridge. If the guys outside hadn’t eaten, he would have offered the food to them.

  After he had told them he was coming to spend the night, they had made arrangements and come prepared. Nate had seen their cooler box with several bottles of water and even paid for their dinner. He hoped he could quickly convince Jes to sleep at his penthouse so the guys wouldn’t have to sleep in the car for long. At least they had a huge SUV, which was better than the sedans the other guys had been using, trying to blend in.

  Jes sighed. Stubborn man. What was he still doing here? He needed to leave before she jumped him. Her pussy was already aching for his huge cock. And huge it was. It was still a mystery to her. Of how he had fit it inside her. But now wasn’t the time to solve the mystery. Later when she was all alone. And reflecting on the night’s activities.

  “We need to talk,” Nate said and came to pull her chair out.

  Oh, no. they were not going there. “Nathaniel. There’s nothing to talk about. You, me,” she said pointing. “Whatever happened today, was a mistake. Huge mistake.”

  “Watch it Jes.”

  She ignored him. “But as adults, we get to acknowledge that mistake and move on. Never to be repeated.”

  “Oh, baby. But that’s where you’re so wrong. We will be repeating that again, before the night’s over.” He lifted her and ignored her ‘put me down screams’. “But for now,” he said placing her onto a sofa, “we get to talk about the issue of your ex-boyfriend.”

  Jes laughed.

  “I want to know what’s he to you now. Why you spent the better part of Sunday at his house and the night there?”

  She snickered. “What are you? My keeper?”

  “I’m serious Jes. I’m the man you just had sex with and will be having sex with tonight again.”

  She laughed again. “You must be delusional. Besides, I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

  Now it was his turn to laugh. “You think I don’t know that you were at Alesandro Di Pietrantonio’s house yesterday since noon? And that you spent the night there?”

  Jes rose and shook with anger. “You need to stop following me. I don’t know what your end game is, but following me is kind of creepy. There are dozens, no hundreds of event planners you can hire for your fake party. Just keep me out of your delusions.”

  “Jes, this isn’t a game. I came and waited for you, and you didn’t exit that house until this morning. I want to know what you were doing. I waited for you to make it to our meeting…but you didn’t have the decency to show up there either…]Not even to cancel the appointment…and tell me…if you had other conflicting business.”

sp; Now he was trying to make her feel bad. “Look, I’m sorry. I guess I should have cancelled. That would have been the professional route to take.” She took a huge breath. “But can you blame me? You created a fake meeting to plan a fake party.”

  “The neeting was real, and so is the party. It’s supposed to be on Friday and now you have four days left to make preparations.”

  “Are you for real?”


  “Okay, well, I’m sorry. If you still want me to do it, I’ll have that contract done by morning. In fact,” she said and stood up. “I’ll go and print it out now.”

  Nate pulled her back down. “Later, maybe tomorrow. Now we need to get back to the Alesandro situation.”

  Jes tensed. “And you need to butt out of my life. We can have a professional relationship. I will do your damn party, but you will not butt into my personal relationship with Alesandro.”

  “I know he owns a car repair shop. Is he still your boyfriend?”

  Jes pushed against him, but he was like a wall. “What part of what I just said didn’t you understand?” Did she need a nail and hammer to make sure he got it?

  “Frankly, all of it.”

  Jes laughed. Yeah, this guy was a clown. She was angry but how could she not laugh. “Remind me to hire you for the next kids birthday parties I plan. You’d be a nice addition.”

  Nate had just had it. Why wouldn’t she answer? He didn’t realize that what he was feeling was jelousy. He grabbed her against his front and growled at her. “I’m serious.”

  “So am I.” Jes looked at his angry face and wondered why he was angry? Did he even have a right to be angry. And at what? She watched in fascination as his lips thinned and he snarled. He roared like a lion and then pulled her to meet his lips. She never had a chance of resisting him. She opened up and they kissed until she felt like she was about to combust. She moaned and kissed him back.

  The sundress she had slipped on was suddenly pulled off her body. The front clasp of her bra opened and she groaned as his lips closed over one nipple. She soared through the air and found herself straddling him. Her panties were torn from her body before her butt had even landed on his lap.


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