Seduction: Book 4 (Strong Young Women Series)

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Seduction: Book 4 (Strong Young Women Series) Page 9

by Joyce Jordan

  Jes returned the favor as she pulled his t-shirt off again. His lips came back to her other nipple and Jes moaned and held his head closer and tighter to her. She pulled his head up and initiated the next kiss as she pulled his zipper down and helped him take his pants and underwear off. She moved closer, intent on sinking onto his cock.

  Nate pulled away. “Not so fast, baby,” he said and held her nape as he used his other hand to enter two fingers deep inside her. “You’re going to tell me who Alesandro is to you, otherwise,” he said and pushed against her g-spot but quickly pulled back, “we’ll be at this all night.”

  Jes moaned. “Fuck you.”

  “Yes, I’d love, love for you to fuck me. Now are you going to answer my question?”

  Jes grabbed his hand and tried to pull away from him. Nate struggled with her and managed to hold her hands behind her back, then brought his other hand back into her cunt. She jerked away, and he held her still, then finger fucked her hard until she was moaning and whimpering for release. “Please,” she cried out.

  “Tell me what I want to hear, baby.”

  “You’re a cruel sad man,” she hissed at him.

  He chuckled and leaned down to taste her tempting breasts. He moaned against her as he licked his way between the two globes and suckled each nipple like a prize, he moved from one to the other giving each the same treatment. “Alesandro. What is he to you?”

  She whimpered. “Ex boyfriend.”

  “How long?”

  “Four years.”

  “Have you been fucking him all along? Yesterday?” Nate increased pressure and was rewarded by her moans.


  “Ah, ah.”

  He laughed. She had clearly forgotten what he had asked. “Are you going to answer me?” he sucked harder.

  “What? Oh, please,” she begged.

  “Yesterday, did you fuck him?”

  “No.” She whimpered again.

  “When was the last time?”

  “For what?”

  “You fucked him?”

  “When we broke …oh…up.”



  “What do you want? Tell me and it’s yours.”

  “You, please. I need you inside me. Please,” she begged.

  Nate released her hands. “Ride me baby.”

  Jes held onto Nate’s shoulders as he held her hips and lifted her up.

  “Guide me inside you,” he said through his teeth. “Now, baby. I need you too.”

  Jes grabbed his cock with one hand and led him to her center then she slowly sank onto him. “Oh, God,” she said. She was about to break into two. She lifted up.

  “Oh baby, no. Look at me,” he said to her. “Look into my eyes.” Nate started guiding her back down his cock. It was an impossible fit, but her wet juices were helping her slide down. “Kiss me.”

  Jes leaned towards him and the angle changed. She was able to slide easier as she kissed him. She smiled and held his head in her two hands and kissed him hard.

  “Move baby,” he said holding her hips hard.

  Jes started moving up and down slowly. She got a rhythm and increased her speed.

  Nate needed her to move faster, but he wanted this for her. She needed to feel in control after the control he had just taken away from her. He gentled his hold and moved his hands up and down her body, holding her closer and closer to him as she moaned and cried out in joy. Nate swelled at her joy and she whimpered but didn’t stop.

  Jes felt fuller than before. How was it possible that he could grow in size? She was almost there. She lifted herself higher and slammed down on him. It was very erotic. Her breasts were pressed against his chest and each time her nipples slid against his body it was heaven.

  She felt Nate’s hand coming in between their bodies and her nipple being pinched. She cried out but he quickly moved to the second. Again she cried out and couldn’t hold the climax that invaded her body. Finally. She rested her forehead against his and lay limply against his body.

  “Jes, I need you to lean back,” he said lifting her forehead.


  “Trust me baby.”

  Jes had no idea why she trusted him, but she did. She leaned back and felt his hands tighten around her hips. He started moving her up and down his shaft. His teeth were clenched together. Jes felt her body catch fire again. “Oh, no.”

  “Yes. You’re going to come again. This time with me.”

  Jes didn’t know what to do. Her body was his to do with whatever he wanted to do. She thought she would burst anytime now. Tomorrow they would have to plan her funeral. Her orbituary would be talked about for centuries to come. She died while being fucked. Who could top that?

  “Oh, oh, oh.”

  “Yes, baby, come for me.”

  Jes trembled and erupted at his words. She would have fallen if he hadn’t pulled her against him, still slamming her against his cock. “How was that even possible?” she asked after she finally found her voice.

  “It’s you Jes. You’re a very passionate woman.”


  His softening dick, hardened inside her.

  Her eyes grew large and she gaped at him.

  Nate laughed. This was a first. “When you say my full name like that, it’s very sexy and makes me want you even more”

  “But we just…”

  He kissed her. “I know. But I want you again. In bed this time,” he told her and stood up. He went to the kitchen with her still attached to him. “Lights,” he said and she flicked the switch light off. They went round the house as she hit the off switches each time he stood next to the light switches.

  Nate cleaned her up, then threw her on the bed. She squeaked in surprise as she bounced twice and landed with a soft plop.


  Despite the lack of sleep the other night and partial sleep last night, Nate woke up feeling refreshed. It was odd sleeping with someone beside him, but for whatever reason it felt right. He had held Jessica throughout the night, wondering if she would be gone the next morning. Now he had been awake for almost an hour when he felt her body awakening.

  He waited as she slowly came awake and realized her surroundings were her own house but with a foreign occupant. He wasn’t sure whether he needed to be insulted or delighted when her expression changed from delight to worry to delight then confusion.

  He decided if she needed a reminder of last night, then he should be the one to remind her. And the sooner the better. He needed her in a certain mind frame before he brought up what he wanted to discuss with her.

  Nate pulled her against his body and gave her a long good morning kiss to which she instantly responded to. He was delighted in her response and rolled her to lie on top. She moaned, and he deepened the kiss, hungry for her. Nate groaned when she began rubbing herself against his body. Surely, she must be sore.

  “Nate, please…” she begged.

  “Baby, you’re sore after last night.” Nate pulled her up his body, and lifted her then lowered her until one breast was in his mouth.

  “No, I…please. Oh, oh…”

  Nate suckled and struggled to hold her still as she trembled and twisted in his hands. He pulled her nipple with his lips before it popped free, then moved to her other breast and gave it the same treatment. Nate brought the nipple to his back teeth and lightly bit the nipple and she jerked and screamed her release, crying in ecstacy. He lowered her back to his body until they were mouth to mouth, kissing her until her cries had died down.



  “Look at me,” he asked her and rolled her to lie on their sides. “I want you, very much. I’m sure you have already gathered that from last night and this morning.” He leaned in and kissed her forehead. “I apologize for the way I came at you last night. My only excuse is that I was worried and when I found you, all safe, and you didn’t seem to have a care in the world, I just lost it and forced mys
elf on you.”

  She didn’t respond.

  “I’ve never behaved that way before. It’s all foreign to me, but I’d like to pursue a relationship with you. And I hope you’ll say yes, because I’m not sure if I’m prepared to give you any other options.”

  Jes snorted. “Jeez. Shouldn’t I be a willing participant too?”

  Nate chuckled. “Your body is already willing and it gets ninety percent of the vote. You’ll just have to bring your mind to the same thinking.”

  “Seriously Nathaniel. Are we having this conversation? And right now?”

  He grimaced. “Actually I had planned to have this conversation over dinner or soon after dinner, but we kind of did things in reverse order.”

  “Was breaking and entering part of it too?”

  He chucked again. “You left me no choice. Besides I didn’t have your phone number to find out what time you’d be home, but I knew you’d need dinner when you finally made it home.” He had only just remembered that he could have found her number on the report he had run.

  “Why couldn’t we have met at a bar or party like normal people do? What I mean is, I don’t think it’s a good idea,” she said and held her hand when he tried to speak. “I’ve just reconnected with Evelyn and already like Ana and Kelly. You in the mix will just make it awkward, especially when we do break up.”

  “Who says we have to break up?”

  “Duh? Every relationship breaks up, Nathaniel.”

  He carressed her cheek with one finger. “From someone who plans weddings, that is a surprise. Shouldn’t you be believing in forever after?”

  “It’s a myth. Granted some are lucky and meet the right person, but more often than not? It’s just a fantasy and I guess that’s what I really am there for. To give people the fantasy. Only about one percent of my clients are for real. The rest, sometimes I wonder if they even know why they are getting married in the first place. That’s why I do other events including baby showers.” She smiled. “Now that’s fun. I love babies.”

  Nate rubbed her belly. He could picture her with his baby inside her belly. “Would you like a baby Jes?”

  She laughed until she cried. “Are you offering Nathaniel?”

  He smiled and shrugged. “It’s just that it just clicked that we didn’t use any protection. I had brought some condoms, but left them in the car hoping to talk then bring in my bag, but with what happened last night, it didn’t even cross my mind. I’m sorry, if that puts you in a difficult position.”

  Jes smiled and cupped his cheek with her palm. “It’s fine, I’m on the pill. I love kids, but I’d prefer to plan for one.”

  “I’m clean, so you don’t have to worry about anything.”

  “Thanks. I know what we did was irresponsible. You don’t have to carry the blame alone. We were both involved and should have known better.” She sighed. “I haven’t had sex for slightly over a year. I’ve always been careful before, regular check ups and all, so you don’t have to worry about me.”


  Jes frowned. “Why what?”

  “Why haven’t you had sex for over a year?”

  She shrugged. “I don’t know. Busy with the business. We’ve really grown a lot in the last eighteen months and I just never found the time to date or any of that stuff. My last boyfriend didn’t understand and wanted everything his way when he wanted it. So I just finally cut him off and focused on my business.”

  Nate smiled. “He was a fool, but I’m glad because he left an opening for me.”

  Jes shook her head. “You sure surprise me, Nathaniel. You don’t behave like the normal men I’ve met before.”

  He grinned. “That’s because you have been meeting the wrong men, baby. Now you’ll be having a real man in your life and bed every single night.”

  Oh Lord, what had she gotten herself into? “Not a good idea,” she reminded him and shook her head again.

  “I’m not asking for forever after. I’m just asking for time, however long we both want it to be.”

  “Don’t you already have a girlfriend? I’d be surprised if a man as good looking as you didn’t have a whole bunch, one for every single day of the week.”

  “I think there is some compliment in there somewhere, though I fail to see it. But to answer your question, no I don’t. I’ve never wanted to hold any serious relationship before.”

  “So why me?’

  “Honestly, I don’t know Jes. You just…You are under my skin and I need you. My body hungers for you, has been since that Sunday I met you at my sister’s house.” Nate looked at her with hungry eyes and when he saw the answering passion in her eyes, he knew it was just a matter of time before he brought her to his way of thinking.

  “Baby, we’ll be good together. Last night was just a sample of what we can give each other. Feel me,” he said and took her wrist and brought her hand to his cock. He was hard and aching for her. “You do that to me Jes. Just you,” he told her and brought her body closer to his.

  She whimpered.

  Nate licked her lips with his tongue and teased the sides, dipping his tongue slightly in, but never fully seeking entrance. “Please say yes, Jes.”

  She lifted her leg and hung it over his waist as she brought his cock to the entrance of her pussy. “Nate, please…” she cried out as he held her hip with one hand and held her still.

  The tip of his cock was inside her and he moved slowly in and out of her, teasing her. “Jes, you only have to say yes. And I’m all yours.”

  “Yes, yes. Please now.”

  “Not so fast,” he said and clenched his teeth with the effort it was taking him to hold back. “What are you saying yes to, baby?”

  “I…What you asked for. I don’t know. Just please…”

  “I want an exclusive relationship with you.”

  “Okay yes. Now…pl…”

  “I want you in my bed, every night.”


  “Every single night,” he said and dipped slightly deeper.

  Jes moaned. “Yes, every…single…night.”

  “Look at me, baby,” he said and lifted her chin until her eyes were level with his. “Now do you understand what that all means?”

  “Yes, you want me to be your girlfriend, sort off.”

  Nate slipped in another inch.

  Jes trembled.

  “That, yes,” he said and kissed her hungrily. “And much more. I want to take care of you. Will you let me do that, Jes?”

  “I can take care of myself.”

  Nate pulled out until only the tip was inside her.

  Jes cried out. “Oh, no, no, no, please.”

  “I want to take care of you, Jes. Will you let me?”

  “Yes, okay. Yes, please…I can’t…Oh God, please…”

  “Thank you baby,” he said kissing her again. “I’m going to fuck you hard now. I need you too much to be gentle. Just tell me if I hurt you okay?” he told her. He slowly sank in and took his time wanting to make sure she was okay. “I can’t bear the thought of hurting you, but for some reason, you don’t seem to be sore from last night.”

  He pulled out and she cried in disappointment. Nate lifted the leg from his waist and held it over his arm then he rammed hard into her. She erupted like a geyser around him and he took her mouth silencing her as he moved in and out of her in a hard and controlled fast pace. Her nails dug deep into his biceps but he didn’t feel the pain. All he felt was the pleasure he was getting from her body. She moved her top hand to his butt and pulled him tighter against her.

  “Jes,” he groaned into her mouth. “Please tell me you’re okay, baby. I don’t want to stop, but if you’re hurting baby…” He grabbed her mouth with his before she could answer. He hissed at her. “Jes.”

  “No, I’m coming…again. Nate, please…help me,” she cried.

  Nate twisted and made two hard thrusts into her and she screamed her sought after release. “Now,” he said and rolled her to her back, the
n lifted both legs over his shoulder and held her shoulders tight as he went wild, ramming into her, dripping sweat which fell onto her body.

  Jes cried out and thrashed wildly, holding onto his waist, but her hands kept slipping off, finding no dry flesh to hold onto tight enough. She finally gave up and fisted her hands onto the sheets next to his knees.

  Nate hit her pussy hard and each time her bed hit the wall but none of them cared. The house could have fallen down on them, and they wouldn’t have cared.

  “Jes,” he roared and made four deep thrusts and finally erupted deep inside her.

  Jes thought she would need to go to the ER after those last few thrusts. The man was build like a machine. What if he had just taken a Viagra pill? Jes groaned and knew she would never be the same again. This wasn’t natural surely? But if so, what had she just signed up for? Sex? And more sex? Since it wasn’t a permanent deal, she thought to herself that it was probably worthwhile to give it a try.

  Nate lifted his heavy body off her and straightened her legs, massaging them. “Jes? Did I hurt you?” he asked with a worried look.

  Jes groaned as she stretched. Her body ached. “No, but I think I need a week of bed rest.” She wondered if it would have been a good idea to take ballet classes as a kid. It would certainly have made her more flexible for this last sex position.

  “A day, two max,” he told her. “We’ll shower,” he said as he scooped her into his arms, “then complete that little contract issue on the upcoming party. Then I’ll leave you to your planning while I go to work.”

  Jes had never shared a shower with a male before. Nate wasn’t shy about his body as they both stood in the shower, bumping against each other. Finally Nate took the washcloth from her and washed her, then led her out of the shower, and washed himself.

  Jes was sitting on the bed, talking on the phone when she saw Nate exit the bathroom with a towel wrapped around his waist. He gave her a brief glance then walked out of the bedroom. Jes thought he was going to collect their clothes they had left in the sitting room, but was shocked to hear the door opening and then heard voices.


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