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Blackness Awaits

Page 10

by Karlsson, Norma Jeanne

  Holy fucking shit! I told him. I jump up and look straight into Nicky’s sapphire eyes.

  “I told him!” I squeal.

  “Good girl, Shanny,” Nicky compliments and offers me a big grin. I grin back. Then it drops.

  “I still have no fuckin’ clue what that means,” I huff.

  “Talk it through with me.”


  O’Sullivan just took a call from Kieran. He ran upstairs and locked himself in the bathroom to take the call. My heart is pounding as I stare at the staircase trying to make O’Sullivan appear with good news.

  “How was the gym?” Taylor comes up to me from behind. My whole body goes tense, but I will it to relax. I can do this. I’m the king of bullshitting.

  “Fuckin’ needed that release, man. How was the nap?” I ask lightly.

  “Needed. I was wiped. Any news from the feds?”

  “Nah, just more hurry up and wait. I’m goin’ fuckin’ nuts!” I am going nuts so my tone is genuine, motivation not so much. I sit on the couch and he follows. I really wish one of the guys would come help me out, but I know they’re avoiding Taylor so they don’t fuck up our plan. Who would have thought I would be the calmest of our bunch? I’m not the calmest…I’m focused.

  I hear O’Sullivan thunder down the stairs and out to the sunroom where all the other guys are. Taylor turns a questioning brow at him but doesn’t follow.

  “What’s that about?” he asks me trying to see O’Sullivan from around the corner.

  “No clue,” I lie. That was good news running (like a girl) through the room.

  “Haven’t seen Kellerman.” It’s a question not a statement.

  “He’s at my brothers’ place. Needed some alone time or some shit.”

  “Huh,” he scoffs.

  “What?” I ask harshly. Keep it in check Kavanagh.

  “Figured he’d cut out on Shannon, just thought he’d last a little longer,” Taylor says in a full of himself smarmy tone. I take multiple deep breaths before I respond. If the guys don’t get in here soon…Taylor’s a dead man. Our plan was to relieve anyone stuck with Taylor after three minutes. They’re not coming to intercede…fuckers.

  “He just wanted a few hours on his own to get his shit together. The beat down did a number on him and he doesn’t like feelin’ like he can’t do shit,” I growl.

  “He’s a pussy,” Taylor scoffs. “So he got slapped around a little. So what? Put your big girl pants on and find your girlfriend…or soon to be ex.”

  I stand up to cave his skull in when Cal and O’Sullivan walk in. Thank FUCK!

  I give them a knowing eyebrow raise to indicate I’m hanging on by a thread with this motherfucker.

  “You two wanna join us where we don’t have an audience?” Cal asks politely. I haven’t seen his dimples in days and his bright eyes are getting duller by the hour. But right now those fairytale eyes have a sparkle of fury in them that gets me excited.

  Taylor stands up and we all silently move into the sunroom where all of our brothers are, except Collin and Hugh. We can’t risk their jobs and they will surely be pissed at us for taking that into consideration.

  The chairs and couches in here are yellow and pale green with flowers all over them. We have picked the girliest room in this huge house to hang out in. I’m sure that means something, but I don’t have the time to analyze it. Once the four of us sit down, O’Sullivan starts in.

  “I called a guy I know today,” he lies. “A guy that I thought might know something about stuff like this.” O’Sullivan does a good job of convincing Taylor based on his determined attention. “Turns out he does. He knows who has Kid. Now we need to decide what we do with this information.”

  “Who has her?” Taylor is out of the blocks quick with his question, almost foaming at the mouth.

  “I think we should decide our move first. Do I tell the feds or do we go this alone?”O’Sullivan questions seriously.

  “Why wouldn’t we tell the feds?” Finn asks…that was not a real question. They planned this conversation before we got in here. If Taylor wasn’t so intent on the name he’d notice the lies around the room because we’re shit actors. But he doesn’t.

  “You see how slow they are with shit. What if they don’t move on this information fast enough and we lose her?” O’Sullivan points out.

  “That’s good thinkin’ O’Sullivan,” Taylor interjects. God he really did do this!

  O’Sullivan’s eyes flare at the comment, but he reins it in. Aidan is sitting next to me, fuming. His fists are pumping and he’s panting short hard breaths. I turn my gaze to him and give him a look that says “keep it together”. Aidan closes his eyes and tries to meditate himself back to normal (that’s what it looks like anyway).

  “All right so we sit tight on the name and wait for my guy to call back. They got a lock on a possible location and are scoutin’ it out right now. We should know soon.” I really wish what O’Sullivan just said was true, but I can see he’s lying and it’s painful for him. If we were really this close to finding Kid we’d all be frantic. Taylor doesn’t notice again.

  “That’s good. Maybe we should do some background on the people that have her. Who is it?” Taylor asks too eagerly. O’Sullivan smiles before he answers knowing we’ve got Taylor right where we want him.

  “Nick Scarso.”

  You know those scenes in movies where everything stops around a person and all you can hear is a ticking clock…that’s me right now. My gaze moves through the room of stopped emotions seeing every eye in the room on Taylor and his reaction is priceless. I can almost hear his brain screaming fuck. His eyes are closed in defeat, his hands show the slightest tremor, his breath is short, and his throat is bobbing trying to swallow the pill we just shoved down it.

  Time picks back up and the room remains silent. I slap my hands together loudly causing Taylor to jump and me to chuckle internally.

  “Well let’s hope your guy calls soon. I’m ready to get this shit done!” I bellow excitedly.Everyone in the room agrees with similar levels of enthusiasm, not Taylor.

  “You good?” I ask Taylor with fake concern in my voice. “You don’t look good.”

  “Nah…I’m…I…Just shocked I guess,” he stutters and stumbles over his words.

  “It’s good to have connections,” I state suggestively, but he doesn’t pick it up. He’s dazed and confused and trying to formulate a plan. I figured he’d have his phone out texting Mancini or Scarso or something, but he’s just sitting here like an idiot.

  Finn sneaks out of the room and I block Taylor’s view, not knowing what Finn is doing. I’m sure it’s something he doesn’t want Taylor to see. A few minutes later Finn comes back and offers O’Sullivan a chin lift indicating success with his plan. Taylor’s wheels are still spinning until he abruptly stands up.

  “Gotta take a piss,” he says absently and leaves the room. I want to follow him but that would be super fucking weird so I stay where I am. Once Taylor’s gone a few minutes we huddle.

  “What’s the fuckin’ plan?” I ask enthusiastically.

  “Kieran’s idea. Lie and tell Taylor we know who has Kid and hope he leads us to her. Finn put a tracker on Adam’s car so we can follow him,” O’Sullivan explains.

  “How do you know he’ll take Adam’s car?” I ask hoping they have planned this shit out.

  “Only one pair of keys by the door. He’ll take ’em,” Finn responds knowingly. He pulls his phone out and messes with it then holds the screen so we can all see it. A little blinking light on a map. It’s moving.

  “Time to move out ladies,” Cal commands. We all rush to the front door. It’s after midnight so the house is pretty empty now that the feds have taken over. We make a clean getaway. All of us pile into my dad’s S-Class and Aidan’s G-Wagon like we did earlier. I get Aidan on the handsfree and we pull out of the driveway.

  “He’s headed West on Half Day Road,” Finn’s voice filters through the speakers. I race in his
given direction.

  “What about Kieran and Kellerman?” I ask the car.

  “They’re on conference too,” Aidan informs me.

  “We’re rollin’ your direction,” Kieran’s voice comes through. “Got three guys and some firepower with us. You guys dodge the feds and cops okay?”

  “Yeah the house was pretty empty actually,” O’Sullivan informs him.


  We ride in silence for a while before Finn’s voice breaks the silence. “We’re about seven miles behind Taylor. He’s on Illinois twenty-two now.” I punch the gas a little harder. I don’t want to be that far behind him. I know we need distance so he doesn’t make us, but I want to be close. The silence resumes…we’re coming Kid.


  Kieran’s plan is working like magic. His guys that are following us are three rough, hard, ex-cons that are packing enough heat to make Kid jealous. This is going to be…intense. Kieran’s almost giddy at the idea of exacting revenge on Kid’s part. I’m fucking terrified that we’re driving into an ambush and Kid won’t be there. We left Canaryville as soon as we filled O’Sullivan in so according to Kieran we should be intersecting the guys in about fifteen minutes if Taylor stays on his current route.

  Since we have no idea where Taylor’s going we could be on the road for hours or he could stop before we catch up. I’m hoping for the former so we can be there to stop whatever he’s planning.

  “I’m headin’ North on fifty-nine,” Kieran informs the guys on our extended conference call.

  “Taylor just turned onto North Old McHenry Road. We’re headed to the country,” Finn’s voice comes through the car. I really wish I knew Chicago. I’m lost and have no clue where we’re going or if we’re close to the guys at all. Kieran’s GPS isn’t helping me, but I can tell he’s happy with the development.

  “We’ll intersect with you guys in ten minutes tops. Let’s hope he’s movin’ out further. Less witnesses,” Kieran says followed by an evil cackle. He’s bloodthirsty for sure.

  For the most part we’re riding in silence other than to get or give updates. The silence is edgy. I’m trying to keep as calm as I can, but I can feel the adrenaline kicking up a gear every mile we turn. Kieran’s flying down the highway with a car full of guns and ammo. I’m a little nervous what will happen if we get pulled over, but I don’t ask him to slow down. I want him to speed up.

  “We’re on North Rand Road. Where’s he at?” Kieran asks as he smashes the throttle a little harder.

  “Hang on,” Finn responds. Kieran grumbles as we wait. “He’s on Rand now too. Where’re you at?” Adrenaline is screaming through me now!

  “Cuba Road.”

  “He’s about five miles ahead of you and we’re about five out from him. We should meet up soon.”

  Five miles. Five minutes away from him. This is really fucking happening. I close my eyes and will this car to move faster…take me to Kid.


  “We’ve been at this for hours, Nicky!” I yell stomping my heels into the bed like a child. We have gone over every restaurant and meal I ever had with my father…nothing. Nicky put more salve on my backside a few hours ago, then we ate some sandwiches, we talked about the guys for a while, we went to the bathroom, but other than that all we’ve done is talk about two brief twenty-two year old memories. I’m wiped and frustrated and in the middle of a full blown temper tantrum and Nicky is laughing at me.

  I glare at him and he laughs even harder. His laugh is deep and raspy, it makes me smile.

  “Jerk,” I huff after he calms down.

  “I’ve been called worse,” he jeers. “Let’s try one last thing and then we need to get a new plan.”

  “One more,” I warn. His team is coming back soon and I don’t know what we’re going to do then.

  “Where did you have milkshakes with your dad?” he asks simply.

  “At the kitchen bar. It was our treat, my mother fuckin’ hated the mess we’d make,” I say through a smile.

  “Where would you have a sit down meal?”

  “At the dining room table. That almost never happened though. I still have that table. Uncle Mick got it in the will. I thought it was weird because he was only family by marriage, but it’s a beautiful antique table…” I stop mid-sentence. The table…a nice meal…Uncle Mick… “It’s in the table, Nicky,” I whisper.

  Gunfire…I hear gunfire outside.

  “FUCK!” Nicky bellows jumping up from the bed. “I missed the deadline. That’s a new team comin’ to grab you. Put this on.” Nicky rips his long sleeve T-shirt over his head leaving him in a white tank and jeans. I fly out of the bed no longer in any pain as the adrenaline kicks into high gear. I pull his huge shirt over my head and roll the sleeves up.

  “Gun Nicky,” I demand with my hand out.

  “I’ve got one piece on me. I need to go get a visual on what’s goin’ on. I’ll come back for you with your piece. Get under the bed.”

  This goes against every instinct I have, but I do as Nicky says. I crawl under the bed like a child afraid of the boogie man.

  “Hurry,” I implore. He slowly moves out the door into the hallway. I’m in blackness again. Alone and unarmed while men are coming to take me. I’m pissed. I breathe calmly thinking of Uncle Mick.

  Never let them take you without a fight.

  Oh I’ll fucking fight.

  The gunfire is getting closer, louder, more constant fire than brief bursts. I breathe and listen. I can use this bed as a barrier if they get in here. The door flies open.

  “Shanny,” I hear Nicky and let out a huge breath. I quickly scurry out from under the bed and make my way to him. He’s still in his tank, no injuries. “We need to move you.”

  “Gun!” I demand loudly.

  “Couldn’t get to ’em. They’re on the other side of the house. I can get you out come on,” he says holding his hand out to me. Hand in hand we approach the door, before I’m stopped by a familiar sight.



  We met up with the guys perfectly. I’m a little in awe of how perfectly. We were driving (illegally paced) down the road and then I saw Kav at an intersection. We pulled our caravan off the road and supplied everyone (that can operate one) a gun. As soon as that was done we were back on the road. Taylor has stopped. So either he made it where he was going or we’ll catch up to him and make him take us to Kid, either way this is coming to a quick end.

  Kieran just pulled onto a dirt road behind Kav and Aidan. It’s either a road or a long ass private drive because I see no signs of life. My stomach is in my throat and I’m clutching my pistol tightly. I see a flicker of light over a hill and to our right that looks like headlights. All four of our caravan turn off their headlights and creep toward the lights.

  I have two extra pieces on me. My plan is to find Kid and put a gun in her hand (maybe two). I’m good with a gun and so is Finn, but the rest of the guys are average at best. Kieran and his boys are comfortable with guns, but I’m guessing they’re less about precision and more about destruction. Kid can out shoot anyone I’ve ever seen. I know Taylor beat her by two millimeters to get his job (I cringe at the thought) but Kid creamed his ass in shots on target…she never missed. If she’s whole and has a gun, all will be well.

  Kav takes a sharp turn into the fields heading toward an old farm house. We all follow. As we creep slowly toward our target a large SUV tears up the road toward the front of the house. Who the fuck is that? We park at the back of the house surprised to see Adam’s car empty with the door open near where we parked. Then gunfire erupts hitting the cars. We all scatter and I run toward an open door at the back of the house. There’s a light dusting of snow frosting the fields around us and the moon is reflecting off of it making it a little easier to see at almost 5:00 a.m.

  Before I reach the door I’m brought down hard from my right side by a tackle. My gun flies from my hands as I wrestle this guy as best I can in the dark.<
br />
  I don’t know if he has a weapon, but I’m not waiting to find out. I roll him to his back, sit on his chest and wail away at his head. I continue until he’s no longer moving. Satisfied he’s not coming back anytime soon, I jump up snatch my gun from the snow and haul ass to the door.

  I scoot in quietly my back to the wall, my gun at the ready. I look like something out of a cop show. I don’t know what I’m doing, but I want my back against something solid and my finger on the fucking trigger. As I move through the house I can hear voices. One sounds like Kid and I pick up my pace silently, letting my ear guide me to her.

  I make my way down a stairwell leading to the world’s longest hall in the basement and see Taylor’s back in a doorway. A man (I’m guessing Nick Scarso) is in front of him facing me. I move quickly down the hall creeping quietly as the gunfire enters the house. I get maybe twenty-five feet behind Taylor when I hear her.



  “What the fuck are you doin’ here?” Nicky spits at Taylor.

  “Two birds, one stone, Nick. Gettin’ rid of you and takin’ her,” Taylor sneers and then smirks that Taylor smirk. I don’t understand. Does he know Nicky? It sounds like they know each other. How is that even possible? He’s here to rescue me. I knew he’d find me, but I can see him training his eyes on Nicky. He’s going to kill him. Everything moves slowly. Taylor raises his gun toward Nicky as Nicky returns aim. I drop Nicky’s hand and throw myself in front of his body wrapping my arms around his neck. I hear multiple pops and look up into Nicky’s face smiling into the blackness.


  Scarso recognizes Taylor. I fucking knew it. Gunfire starts going off like crazy upstairs drowning out whatever is being said and then it happens. Taylor raises his gun simultaneously with Scarso. Then she’s there. She throws herself around Scarso like a shield.


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