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Taking What He Wants

Page 5

by Jordan Silver

  My babygirl was alright though, both of them were, and that's all that mattered to me. I've been extra loving and tender with her, I knew when this shit was over she was going to have a hard time dealing with the fallout. Who the fuck could deal with assholes for parents?

  Hopefully by then she'd have realized that she was better off without them.

  I've been at the office for a couple hours already, dad thought I should stay home with her one more day, but I convinced him that she was okay there alone, I'd taken a ton of time off already and although my original plan was to take off longer, her injuries was such that I felt comfortable leaving her on her own. Besides the bulk of my cases were scheduled for today, if I could knock them out then I could have a three day weekend.

  I've called home every hour on the hour though, I even found myself doing something I'd never done before, making a patient wait while I checked in with her.

  She kept laughing at me because she would hang up the phone only to be answering it again in ten minutes as she puts it. Cute.

  "Chase we're good, really, I haven't even moved, well hardly except to go to the bathroom, I'm going to get fat if I keep this up."

  "You're perfect, just keep dong what you're doing, I know what the docs say but you took a pretty hard fall and you were out for a little bit, I don't want you overdoing it okay?"

  "So you don't trust your colleagues?" She joked.

  "No, when it comes to you and peanut I don't trust anyone but myself." The silly nickname for the baby was stuck, poor thing.

  "Okay, can I at least make dinner for us tonight?"

  "No, I'll be home in time to put something together, just concentrate on getting better. I put a sandwich and a salad in the little fridge, there's plenty juices and water in there as well, and those chocolate covered almonds you can't live without."

  She squealed at that, such a girl, I sometimes forget how young my wife is. She still has a touch of the innocent left in her. It warmed my heart to know that in the short time we'd been married she'd started breaking out of her shell, she smiled more now, enjoyed things. Sometimes I would catch her playing with my choker around her neck with a dreamy smile on her face. I had explained to her that the choker meant she was mine in all ways forever. It seemed to give her comfort.

  It's been two nights without making love, after she'd broken through my resistance the first night I'd put my foot down, that's a first since our wedding, I hoped we didn't have too many more nights like those, this morning I was hard as fuck and my girl was needy, rubbing her heat against me, whining in her sleep. She missed her daddy's loving too.

  Tonight though, tonight we'd be back to tearing up the sheets.

  I got off the phone with her after ascertaining that there had been no surprises, no one had tried to get in or call. Huh, so far so good.

  It was four thirty in the afternoon, Charlotte the receptionist that I shared with dad had just informed me that my last appointment for the day was in half an hour and then I was free and clear.

  It was a consultation with an elderly lady who already had an opinion from another specialist but wanted a second opinion and maybe a third.

  Dad and I had a reputation for no bullshitting, we took pride in our profession, helping people or making them healthy if we could was our number one priority. Yes we made great money, but that's not why we got into the field.

  My family has been well to do for generations so money wasn't an issue. Anyone who got into the medical field just to get rich was an outright asshole.

  Anyway, because of mine and dad's rep for straight shooting and putting the patient's needs first, we had more patients than we could handle. It kept us both busy which I never used to mind before, but now with Delia waiting at home for me in the evenings I found myself resenting the time I spent away from her. She was fast becoming my everything, my whole world. That's saying a lot considering a few short months ago I had been ready to swear off women.

  She wasn't like anyone else I knew though, she was genuinely sweet, naive and damn near innocent. In fact, outside of my corruption of her she was still relatively innocent, funnily enough I wanted to keep her that way.

  When the commotion came ten minutes before my last appointment of the day I can't say I was surprised. I'd expected it, been waiting for it almost, but I think I was still a little floored by their audacity.

  I came out in the middle of Charlotte repeating her mantra of you can't go in there. Of course it was both of them, they travelled in pairs or packs like most vile things did.

  "It's okay Char, I'll see the Fieldings, you can knock off for the rest of the day."

  "Okay if you're sure Dr. Thornton, your father's still in his office if you need him." She gave my two visitors a suspicious look before grabbing her purse and heading out the door.

  I led them out of he waiting room and into an empty office between mine and dad's. I wouldn't dignify them with a visit to my private office, they aren't welcomed, why should I pretend?

  "Make this quick, I have a patient in a few minutes."

  "We want you to undo it." Joann was her usual snarly annoying self, which meant I was ready to annihilate her ass coming out the gate.

  "Undo what Joann?"

  "You know what, you had your brother buy up our mortgage and call in the loan. Where are we supposed to come up with that kind of money?"

  "I'm sure the bank gave you time to come up with it didn't they?"

  "Ten days, where will we get one point five million dollars in ten days?"

  I shrugged my shoulders in a how the fuck should I know gesture. This bitch knew the deal, she knows what I want, I refuse to play her game. I don't trust this family at all. How they'd managed to raise my babygirl was a complete and total fucking mystery, because she was nothing like these monsters.

  Not once had they asked about her, after hearing that their pregnant daughter had been attacked, their only concern has been for her attacker, they could give a fuck about my wife and I could give a fuck about them.

  "There's nothing I can or will do for you, if that's all you need to go I've wasted enough time on you already."

  "We'll not stand for it." She moved to block my path, not exactly a smart move on her part.

  "Stand for what exactly?" I folded my arms across my chest, spread my legs apart and waited, this ought to be good.

  "We'll not be bullied by the Thorntons, just because you have money and we don't......"

  "Stop right there, the "Thorntons" aren't attacking you, or bullying you. I am. Direct your anger towards me, I told you what would happen if you crossed me. Your fucking bitch of a daughter brought harm to my wife and child....." I shouted in her face finally reaching my limit.

  "Your wife and child, your wife and child, that's all you think about, what about Celine what she's been through, do you think it's been easy for her, how can she keep her head up in our community after what you did?"

  "After what I did huh, I don't recall being anywhere on that tape, that was your bitch of a daughter and her greed, you really are a piece of work, now I see why she has such a false sense of entitlement, it's all you, you're a joke, your tyranny of Delia is at an end. You want to keep Celine's whereabouts a secret, go right ahead, I'll find her eventually. In the meantime I'll destroy everything you hold dear, I will take everything from you."

  "What have we ever done to you Thornton?"

  "Oh ho, Carl Fielding, finally found your balls I see, I thought your bitch of a wife and whorish daughter had neutered you long ago, what was that again, what have you ever done to me? Nothing, absolutely nothing, other than spawning that bitch who humiliated me and my family."

  "We had nothing to do...."

  "Shut up Joann I'm not finished, you might not have done anything to me, but you did plenty to Delia, my wife, the mother of my child."

  "You keep saying that but it's not true."

  "It's not true, I didn't watch you for months belittling and putting her down, always choos
ing Celine over her even when she was wrong? I didn't hear the insults, see the put downs, did you think I was blind and deaf?" At least the dickless wonder had the decency to look ashamed. Too late asshole.

  "That's enough Chase, you don't owe them any explanations, Mr. and Mrs. Fielding, I would appreciate it if you left now. The next time you come onto my property I will have you arrested."

  "This is public property, it's a doctor's office for heaven's sake."

  "You'd think so wouldn't you, but no, it's mine and I reserve the right to see whom I will, I don't choose to see you. Goodbye."

  "You people don't understand..."

  "I understand as a father that you two are severely lacking in the parental department, I understand that a member of your family sought to bring harm to my son."

  "Delia's a part of this family too..."

  "No, she's a part of mine, I haven't seen any part of you in her, she's a sweet, kind hearted young lady who now falls under my care as head of this family. Trust me, you don't want to piss me off anymore than you already have. Stay away from my son and my new daughter."

  "Just as I thought, bullying tactics."

  Dad laughed her off, I kept quiet and let him finish them off, I had no idea he felt so strongly about the whole situation, but the anger was coming off of him in waves. We'd discussed the issue of course, but not once had he let on that he was this angry.

  I should've known, both my parents loved my Delia and were looking forward to their first grandchild. I had no doubt dad could use his formidable power to bring them down, but I don't want him to. This is my fight, I have to do it, for her.

  Maybe some of that was my guilt for how I'd treated her in the beginning, when I'd set out to use her for my own end, but mostly it was because I hated what they'd tried to do to her.

  Dad's voice intruded on my thoughts once again.

  "Call it what you will, I'm sure my son has already told you, but if he hasn't let me warn you now. Delia is now a Thornton, she carries the name and is accorded everything that comes with that. That means she now has access to heads of state, not only in this country, but quite a few in other parts of the free world. She's not to be touched, if she so much as stubs her toe while you're in the vicinity, run and hide....... Chase you have a patient waiting."

  Dad turned and left, I raised my brow at the now sheet white pair.

  Oh well, I had only intended to play with them for a while, but papa bear had brought the hammer down on them.

  I wanted to laugh my ass off.

  "If you'll excuse me, unless you have something to tell me?"

  I waited to see if they would give her up, Carl made as if to speak but once again he was beaten to it by his lovely wife.

  "We don't know anything, this is just an attempt to get back at us for some imagined slight against that...that...she spluttered as I felt my ire rise.

  If she wanted to play it that way, so be it.

  "I warned you against speaking against my wife, but as usual you choose to ignore that, as my father has said, you've overstayed your welcome, leave or be escorted from the premises."

  I watched them walk out the door before leaving the room myself. "That's one nasty piece of work there son, he's a complete tool and her, well, I think she's a bit deranged, you and Delia be careful."

  "We will dad, not to worry."

  "Okay son, you go see your patient, I think I'll hang around 'til you're done for the night." He looked at the door where they'd disappeared.

  I hid my smile. See that's a father, still watching out for me although I'm a grown man, I will never stop being his responsibility. I'm glad Delia had that now too. My sister and her were always chatting away on the phone , or it was her and mom. Even Drew and her were building a fondness for each other, though their relationship was a bit more antagonistic.

  Drew being the overgrown ape he was compared to her tiny stature loved to make fun of her. She gave as good as she got though, and now instead of cowering or trying to blend into the woodwork, she had laughter and teasing.

  All in all things were good except for her family's continued existence.

  After my consult I called Jameson for an update on his search for Celine and was disappointed once again to learn that there was o sign of her. Disappointed but not completely put off. I know it's only a matter of time. In the meantime.....

  Joann had finagled her way into the pretentious country club set that she erroneously thought was a way into my mothers' good graces. Though mom did attend certain charity events there, my family hasn't been members for years, not for lack of trying on the committees' part though.

  I know the yearly fees are astronomical, another sign of how they stretched themselves beyond their means to appear to be something they aren't.

  I'm sure they'd been relying on my marriage to Celine to afford them certain things in the long run. I wonder if they'd listened closely to that tape, if they'd heard her talk about shedding them like unwanted refuge. Probably not, they were so blinded by her that they probably just heard what they wanted to.

  I called up Janice the head of the committee who was only to happy to comply with my wishes, seems she was none too fond of Celine, yet another person she had pissed off with her snotty bullshit attitude, and Joann of course was thrown into the mix.

  Delia was taking a nap when I finally made it home. I watched her sleep for a little while without disturbing her. She looked at peace, her soft peaches and cream skin smooth and glowing. Her tummy was barely noticeable but I could see evidence of my child in her growing breasts.

  Looking at her made my chest tight, my heart hurt, my knees almost buckled. Life was so fucking strange, who would've thought that I would find this, out of all that ugliness? How did I ever get so fucking lucky to find such a treasure? It didn't seem real at times like this, when my mind was clear of everything else, and it was just her and I, when I took the time to really think of us, it seems so far fetched that this amazing person was in my life. I'm not sure I deserved her but what the fuck, I'm keeping her.

  I snuck downstairs quietly to make her favorite spaghetti bolognese and garlic bread with Caesar salad.

  Cooking relaxes me, so I felt more of the day's tension leave me as I puttered around the kitchen. When everything was ready and warming in the warming dish I went back upstairs and climbed into bed behind her.

  Folding her back against me, my hand covering the slight mound of her stomach where our child rested, I kissed her temple softly.

  "Wake up sleeping beauty."

  She scrunched up her cute little nose, eyes fluttering open before she turned over in my arms with a sleepy smile.

  "Hi." She placed her hand on my cheek." I missed you."

  "I missed you more, dinner's ready." Why was it that whispering in bed, no matter what you were talking about seemed more intimate?

  She threw her leg over my hip, rubbing her pussy against my rapidly swelling cock. My gym shorts offered very little protection against her heated core.

  "Love me first, please, I miss you."

  I pulled her bottom lip down with my teeth before licking inside of it with my tongue. Cupping her ass cheek in one hand I pulled her over on top of me fully so her clit fit right over the head of my already leaking cock.

  She didn't need any direction as she ground her pelvis against mine.

  "Hmm, put it in, I can't wait, please it's been too long."

  Pushing my shorts down to my knees I released my fully erect cock, pulling her thong to the side I pushed her down until I slipped into her.

  My pre cum and her natural lubrication made it easy to slide up into her, placing both hands on my chest, she pushed back and down until she had all of me buried deep. Sitting up she pulled her tank top off and threw it to the floor.

  "Ride me babygirl."

  Hands back on my chest she pulled up and sat back down on my dick before rotating her hips in circles, rubbing her clit against my pelvic bone.

  Taking her hi
ps in both hands I pushed up, digging deep, searching for that little patch of rough flesh inside her with my dick head. When I found it she groaned and clutched me tighter.

  "Give me your nipple baby."

  She pulled up until only my cock head stayed inside the opening of her pussy and put her tit in my mouth. I bit and sucked it deep into my mouth as I slipped the tip of my middle finger into her tight, hot ass as I sat up, driving my dick back in to the hilt.

  She came with a purr, body trembling, legs quivering as I continued to pound up into her soaking wet snatch. Fucking into her while she came had me on the brink.

  The pressure against my cock was almost too much as I pounded against her cervix, every once in a while my crown peeked into her womb before I pulled back.

  It wasn't enough in this position, I'd been without her for two days and apparently that was too much.

  I released her nipple, lifted her off my cock and positioned her on her hands and knees in the middle of the bed.

  I started eating her from behind, paying special attention to her reddened engorged clit before sticking my stiffened tongue into her then pulling out and licking back and forth to her rosebud. Getting to my knees behind her I led my dick into her tunnel with an almost punishing thrust.

  "Fuck, fuck, fuck, so tight, so good." I could go deeper from this position, I watched as I slid in and out of her heat. Nice slow strokes that teased her. She pushed back at me. "Chase, please."

  I watched her ass clench and quiver as she drew me in and tightened around me to keep me there. Hunching her ass, she rode my dick from tip to base.

  "You missed me, did you miss this huh?" I kept teasing her, not giving her the pounding she liked when I took her doggie style.

  "Yes, yes, oh yes, please, please, please."

  "Please what little girl?"

  "More, more, more, make me cum, please Chase I need to cum."

  "Play with your clit baby.....yeah, that's good, now taste yourself."

  I pounded hard as she put her fingers in her mouth and sucked as she came. Pulling out I went around to her mouth and fed her my cock.


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