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Turkish Delights 0.50 - 4.00 Series Bundle

Page 7

by Liz Crowe

  Vivian tugged a nightgown over her head and lay back on the bed. A soft, raspy meow at the window made her sit up. The scruffy grey cat shuffled in, sidling around, glaring at her as if blaming her for his recent brush with a damp death. She grinned. It was a sign. If her cat could survive her father’s wrath, so would she.


  Levent sat, staring at the paperwork in front of him, exhaustion making him woozy. Every night was fresh torture. His mind reeled with all the various business enterprises he’d landed, trying to sort through whom to trust and whom to keep at arm’s length. Hiring an entire support staff for his construction offices and finding trustworthy sub-contractors he left to Burak, and his friend was proving to be efficient, if a little cut throat, when it came to hiring staff away from other contractors.

  Their partnership position in the Ottomano chain was also proving to be time consuming and stressful. But as busy as he stayed, it didn’t keep Vivian out of his brain. He’d turn a corner of the new offices they’d rented, his mind flying in a million different directions, and he’d get smacked in the face with the memory of her smile, her perfume, her blasted stubbornness. And the memory of her hand on his flesh, her lips, the gentle curve of her breast in his hand all served to drive him completely insane with lust and frustration. Walking around with a hard on over half the time did not lend itself to productivity.

  Burak offered no help whatsoever. He had finagled himself into Lillian’s life with little effort. It helped that his family was known as wealthy, successful and without a trace of “servant” in his background. Annoyingly head over heels for the pretty blonde girl he already had plans for their life together. Levent ground his teeth and downed yet another bitter cup of coffee. The office girl they’d found was staring at him again. He could feel it. That and his cock, which sent another message of need to his lizard brain.

  “You’re a catch, my brother.” Burak liked to remind him lately. “A bona fide successful business man. Go after her. What are you waiting for?” He’d lean into Levent’s ear. “Or at least knock the off edge my brother. You’re getting a little tough to be around, you know? She’ll have you.” With a wink and nod to the obviously eager secretary. Levent closed his eyes and tried to focus. It was no use. He stood, stretched, and smiled at the girl. Burak was right. Vivian had to be banished. It was the only way. And the first step in that direction was a nice hard fuck. And from the look on his new secretary’s face, he’d found accommodation for that very thing.


  Vivian spent an hour at the hands of an old crone of a woman who spread her legs and poured hot wax over the entire expanse of her womanhood. She never endured anything more painful and tried not to cry. The woman muttered and mumbled and cursed as she yanked hairs from crevices Vivian didn’t even know she possessed. She’d never given a single minute’s thought to her body hair other than the normal shaving of legs and under arms. But when she emerged, pink and gleaming after the wax torture session she’d never felt sexier.

  The next couple of hours she relaxed in one of the traditional hammams in the old city. The room boasted floor to ceiling marble with ornate inlay, the whole thing full of steamy, soapy smells. Women draped around naked, washing or being washed. The old woman there used some sort of rough exfoliate on her now bare mound. It stung but once washed clean, again with embarrassingly close attention to every fold of her female anatomy, Vivian was amazed at the beauty revealed. A simple slit in her body, which held mysteries, pleasure, and pain.

  She touched herself, found the hard nub of flesh at the top of her opening and gasped at the sensation. It was if every single nerve ending she had was centered on it. The old women elbowed each other and giggled. Then they commenced washing her hair, her face, under her arms and everywhere with same single-minded focus. Vivian let the comforting Turkish conversation babble ebb and flow around her as she got washed like a baby.

  The rough massage after the bath left her gleaming, slick and panting in anticipation of surprising Levent with her presence. She had talked herself out of it earlier, but now that her entire body zinged with a languorous sensuality, she knew it was time. She would convince him, let him take her virginity in his small apartment, and they would finally be together. She smiled at herself in the floor to ceiling mirror in the ancient dressing room. Draping herself with an easy fitting dress, no stockings, daring open-toed high heeled shoes, Vivian nearly laughed out loud at herself. The gleam in her eye meant one thing. She would get her man. Tonight.

  Chapter Seven

  She’d memorized the address. Her innate sense of direction stood her in good stead once again as Vivian made her way through the busy, late afternoon streets. She had her hair entirely covered with a simple blue scarf and kept her gaze cast down. Disapproving looks followed her, she knew. An unescorted woman on the sidewalks was strange. But she simply did not care. Her newly bare skin seemed to glow with an energy she couldn’t contain. She already felt his hands on her. She bit her lip and tried not to smile.

  Glancing around, she slipped inside the door to his building and headed upstairs. Levent had taught her how to pick a lock so he had no one to blame but himself, really. Realizing she’d have some convincing to do once he arrived, she settled herself on the couch, arranging and rearranging her body for maximum effect several times. Finally, anxious and antsy, she stood and gazed out the tall window. She heard his laugh before she saw him and stepped back behind the curtain so he wouldn’t see a shadow in his supposedly empty flat.

  She clutched her throat when he came into view around the corner, his long arm draped around a very mousy-looking girl dressed in a plain brown dress. The girl tipped her gaze up to Levent’s face and smiled. Vivian shuddered at the blatant adoration in her gaze. Holy Mary mother of God, she had to get out of here. That ugly girl was coming up here, with him, to his apartment. Her heart stuttered in her chest as she looked around, trying to find somewhere to hide when she heard their voices in the hall.

  The girl’s giggle and wet sounds of kissing made her shudder as she ducked into the single closet in the entire two-room space. Rows of dark suits, light-colored shirts, and the intoxicating scent of Levent was all over the place in the small space. She tried not to retch, thinking about what was going on outside the door.


  Levent was trying like hell to figure out a way to get the girl out of his place without coming off like a complete, cold-hearted cur. But he just couldn’t follow through. He didn’t even want whatever relief her body would offer his. It wasn’t right. He opened the door, making jokes, small talk, his mind spinning with ways to get out of this.

  He poured her a glass of tea. Her plain face lit from within, and he sighed realizing she thought something special was about to happen. He joined her on the couch, close enough to be polite, and they sipped. She told him about her family and he listened with half an ear. Something made him anxious all of a sudden. The energy in the room seemed to increase as the moments passed. Levent observed the girl, wondering where it was coming from—certainly not from her. He had no desire whatsoever to touch her, have her touch him. He stood, trying to dispel some of the restlessness he’d developed since entering his small apartment.

  “Come, sit.” The girl patted the couch. She ran her hand across the buttons of her dress. He gave her a weak smile but stayed on the other side of the room. He smelled something, it was tangy, citrusy, edgy, and completely Vivian. His whole body hardened, and he groaned as his shaft pressed against his zipper. Would he never be free of her? When he realized the office girl was standing next to him, had a hand on his crotch he gasped.

  The girl sank to the floor. Levent shut his eyes and leaned back against the wall. His body ached for this, but his mind was full of Vivian. He held her head, as she swallowed him, groaned as his cock bumped against the back of her throat then at the exquisite sensation of being sucked all the way down. Despite his own inner nice guy berating him the whole time, he braced himself, spread his
legs and proceeded to fuck the girl’s mouth. He pulled out before he climaxed, gave himself a couple of quick tugs and grunted in relief, as he coated his hand with fluid. The out-of-place sound of a door slamming shut made him open his eyes. When he locked eyes with Vivian, he stumbled back in panic. Where in the hell had she come from? He tucked his softening manhood back into his pants and wiped his hands on a towel.

  “Well, gee whiz, Levent, at least help the girl up from her knees.”

  Levent stared as the girl scrambled to her feet, staring from him to Vivian and back again. Levent tried to find something suitable to say. But words defied him. Vivian’s eyes snapped with anger. The girl who’d just sucked him to orgasm—dear God, he had forgotten her name—had a hand to her throat.

  “I shall, um, see you tomorrow, Mr. Deniz?” She stepped backward, grabbed her bag, and headed for the door too quickly for him to respond. He stood, like an idiot, staring after her, his body cooling but his face burning with remorse. Vivian remained silent, arms crossed. Levent couldn’t help but notice how the soft blue dress clung to her curves, highlighted the swell of her amazing breasts.

  “What are you doing here, Vivian?” He let a misplaced anger justify his direct approach.

  “Came to surprise you, actually. But lo and behold you had a little surprise of your own.” She sank into one of the three chairs he possessed. “When are you going to buy yourself a better flat? One where you can bring your office sluts to with a Bosporus view? And more than two rooms?”

  “What are you talking about?” He tried to calm his wildly beating heart. Tried to figure out how to salvage this.

  “My whole household tells me how rich you are, how you hang around my kitchen talking and asking about me. The upstairs maid was practically orgasmic describing your success, Mister Deniz. According to them, you’re a millionaire, a real catch, and pining for me.” She scoffed and stood. “They sure were wrong about at least one of those things.”

  Levent groaned. He’d told them not to reveal that he’d been lurking around like a loser. He caught her arm as she brushed past him. Her scent filled his nose again, and he closed his eyes as his supposedly sated cock sprang to immediate attention. The woman was worse than a drug. And he was hooked. He opened his eyes and stared, determined to tell the truth. Might as well now. “I love you, Vivian.”

  She whirled on him, eyes blazing. “Don’t be so dramatic. I only came here to…to….” She looked away, biting her lower lip. Levent tugged her into his arms, needing her lips against his more than he needed to breathe. She let him, let his tongue into her mouth, arched into his body, and sighed. The kiss was gentle, without the usual urgency they had experienced earlier. He held her face, clutched the back of her neck, ran both hands down her arms, couldn’t stop touching her. This was it. This was his life. And he was planning how to make it work when she spun away from him, chest heaving, eyes bright with longing and yet more anger.


  God help her, did he say he loved her? She gave into this caresses, let his tongue and lips possess hers, felt herself letting go, giving in to him. Her body still buzzed from her earlier efforts, and she was aware of her bare sex pressed against his leg. She knew she loved him, too. But couldn’t make the words form. Refused to admit it, even to herself.

  Images of the girl on her knees with Levent’s long elegant cock down her throat emerged, enraging her and giving her the strength to pull away from him. She forced herself to stay calm, to keep her voice even. His face was so familiar to her, so beautiful and already loved. But how? How could they?

  “I wanted to surprise you, Levent. I came here tonight so we could…so we could make love. I want that so badly, I….” Suddenly the harsh reality of her position hit her between the eyes. The velvet hammer made her blink. She had no business here, initiating sex with a man. She gasped and clutched her arms together, turning from him before she lost her nerve and fell back into his arms. “But we can’t, can we?”

  He had her gathered in his arms, pressing kisses to her forehead, nose, cheeks, and lips. “Oh yes, my love, please yes, we can. I will make it work. I will do anything to make it happen.” His large hands were rough against her skin. She placed her palms against them and swallowed hard. His perfectly formed face, odd, yet compelling blue-green eyes, lip marred with that small scar made her whole body ache with longing. But she stepped away.

  “I’m meant for another. I can’t.” Vivian’s body was on fire with the flame centered right in her lower body. She felt dampness at the tops of her thighs and was aware that her bare clitoris was pulsing, a sensation she had no frame of reference for but which made her gasp when he kissed her again. “I love you, Levent. God help me.” She whispered around his lips, reached up to grasp his hair, and held him close. As she was about to speak, he scooped her up and deposited her on the couch. His lips were insistent, hard, and demanding as he loomed over her. The somehow primal urge to spread her legs, the heat and weight of his body was perfect, over her, poised to take her made her moan with satisfaction. But he slid off, making her whimper at his sudden absence.

  He knelt on the floor beside her, pressed fluttery kisses down her neck, between her breasts. She arched up into him, willing him to go further. His large hand cradled a breast, pulled it free of the dress, flicked over her achingly hard nipple before he leaned down and sucked on one then the other, his groans making her writhe on the couch, needing his touch all over her. She bent one knee, let her filmy dress slide up to her waist.

  “Please, Levent, I need….” She moaned as his hand traveled up her massage-oil smooth leg, to her hip as he continued to suck her nipple. She gasped and wrapped her arms around his head, tilting her hips up so he’d move to her center. “Touch me.”

  “Ah, my darling. This? This is what you need?” He lifted his face from her breasts. The wicked twinkle in his eye and the sensation of his palm against her sex completely warming her, as she pulsed, forced her eyes closed.

  “Yes,” she whispered. “Now kiss me.” He did, plunging his tongue into her mouth, invading her there as one finger pressed against her clit, teasing and caressing the enervated bud of flesh. She propped a leg up on the back of the couch. He broke the kiss and stared into her eyes. The intensity of his gaze made her body break out in chills.

  “May I taste you, my love?” She bit her lower lip and nodded. He helped her up, guided her legs around so she sat, no longer reclined on his couch. He tugged her dress up and off, leaving her with soaking wet panties and mostly disassembled bra. She grinned as he yanked all the undergarments off and dove down between her legs. Her body flushed then she groaned as his tongue touched her lower lips. It was the most exquisite, most amazing sensation. She cried out, hips bucked up into his face, her fingers twined in his hair. He clutched her bottom, rode the knee-jerk orgasm out with her, moaning and licking all the juices she released as her body clenched and spasmed in continuous waves of pleasure.

  “My God, Levent.” Vivian blinked up at the ceiling. She tried to catch her breath as he kissed and licked the inside of her thighs, avoiding the over stimulated and pulsing core of her body. Vivian smelled the scent of her arousal, and suddenly had never felt emptier. She whimpered.

  “What my darling?” he whispered against the skin of her leg. “What is wrong?”

  “I need you inside me.” She gasped as his hand covered her mound again. “Please? Please take me.”

  He rose up between her thighs, found her lips, and kissed her with a passion that spoke volumes. She wrapped her arms and legs around him, pressing her bare sex to the huge bulge under his zipper. “I need you. Now.” She insisted, sucking at his full lower lip. He groaned and pushed her back onto the couch.

  “I want to, Vivian, my darling. You know I do. But first, allow me to—”

  “Oh God!” Vivian clapped a hand over her mouth when he pressed two fingers inside, but not all the way in, keeping his thumb hard against her clit. She thrust up, willing him deeper. Wanting not
hing more than for him to breach her maidenhead, to own it, make her a woman. But when she stared into his eyes, their breathing combined and harsh, she knew he wouldn’t. His innate need to make it special, make it certain, his damnable sense of honor threatened to rob her of his whole self. A whole self she’d never ever, get.

  Tears rose behind her eyes and she let them flow as he suckled her nipples, used his fingers to bring her to a rolling, beautiful, mind blowing orgasm. She clutched his arm, the one he was using to invade her body, enough to pleasure her but not enough to break her hymen. She tried to shove her hips up, harder, force him go all the way in. But the climax gripped her too quickly, making her sob and cry out his name as he put fluttery kisses all over her breasts, up her neck, and finally on her lips. She was surprised when he stopped, removed his fingers from her body, and stared at her. His midnight dark eyes shone. She smiled and sat up, wrapped her arms around his neck.

  “My love, if this is the only time we are ever to be together I want, I need you. So much.” He silenced her with his lips.


  Levent’s body ached. His brain was in overdrive. The woman in his arms was perfect, everything he wanted—smart, independent, beautiful, shapely, and a little rough around the edges. He tried to resist, he truly did. But her last whispered plea made him realize that she still wanted him, in spite of the impossibility of their ultimate union. The oncoming rush of lust and possessiveness made him dizzy. Her kiss-swollen lips were tilted up to his, her beautiful bare flesh so responsive under his hands. The smell of her arousal swirled through his consciousness.


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