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Devouring Santa

Page 1

by Kacey Hamford

  Devouring Santa

  Kacey Hamford





  1. Chapter One

  2. Chapter Two

  3. Chapter Three

  4. Chapter Four

  5. Chapter Five

  6. Chapter Six

  7. Chapter Seven

  8. Chapter Eight

  9. Chapter Nine

  10. Chapter Ten

  11. Chapter Eleven

  12. Chapter Twelve

  13. Chapter Thirteen

  14. Chapter Fourteen

  15. Chapter Fifteen

  16. Chapter Sixteen

  17. Chapter Seventeen

  18. Chapter Eighteen

  19. Chapter Nineteen

  20. Chapter Twenty

  21. Chapter Twenty One

  22. Chapter Twenty Two

  23. Chapter Twenty Three

  24. Chapter Twenty Four

  25. Chapter Twenty Five


  About the Author

  Devouring Santa

  * * *

  Kacey Hamford


  Text copyright © 2017 Kacey Hamford

  All rights reserved

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, organisations, places and events are the products of the author’s imagination and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

  No part of this publication may be reproduced or distributed in any form or by any other means without permission from the Author.

  First of all, I’d like to thank my partner, for always supporting me and telling me to stop talking and write.

  Stef, my friend, beta reader and synopsis writer – without her the synopsis would not be good.

  Amy, my #BookBestie was always being encouraging.

  Emma and Donna for helping me get my books out there.

  Kathleen, Chele and all the girls from Kacey’s Kick Ass Crew team, for beta reading and pimping my books.

  Francessca PR&Designs for the fabulous cover.

  And finally to you, the readers for buying this book and supporting me in my journey.

  Thank you x


  December 1st

  * * *

  My precious little boy was born three months ago and I couldn’t be happier. Oliver Comet Hades came into the world screaming at a healthy weight of seven pounds and four ounces.

  I climbed to my feet as the doorbell rang. I was still living in my two bedroom apartment and it was plenty big enough for the two of us. I pulled it open and Marcus smiled at me as he handed me a bouquet of lilies - my favourite flower.

  “There’s my boy.” He smiled as he pulled Oliver off my shoulder. He kissed me on the cheek as he passed by.

  “I thought we agreed you weren’t going to just show up like this anymore.” I sighed as I walked past him and placed the flowers in a vase full of water.

  “I wanted to see you both.” He smiled as he stood in the doorway of the kitchen.

  “Really? Both of us? I thought now that you aren’t with Melody anymore that you’d be at Santa Land tonight?”

  “There’s nothing I need at Santa Land. It’s all here right in front of me, Angel.”

  “No, no you don’t. Don’t come in here calling me that in the hopes of hooking up.”

  “You know it’s not just a hook up, baby. I’ve been asking you for months to give me a shot. To give us a chance of being a proper family, all under one roof.”

  He had been pursuing me ever since Oliver was born. Melody wasn’t happy that he had got me pregnant even though it all happened before they met. So she dumped him. He said he was relieved, she had gotten whiney and bitchy and he didn’t want to be hearing it.

  Oliver cried on Marcus’s shoulder and as he pulled him away to look at him his lips started pouting.

  “Our son is hungry.” I knew he was, once he cries my nipples leak. It was a pain in the arse. I was only going to breastfeed him for a little while longer. I held out my arms for him and Marcus sat next to me on the sofa and watched his son feeding.

  “Please give us a chance,” he pleaded.

  “I’m scared, Marcus.” Oliver wrapped his tiny hand around my finger; he liked to hold onto me as he fed. “If it doesn’t work out it’ll be tough on him as well as me.”

  “Then we make sure it works. Put some trust and faith in me, baby. I won’t break your heart.”

  He angled my head towards him and brushed his lips over mine gently. A shot of desire surrounded my body and I leant in to kiss him more. He had kissed me the day that Oliver was born but that was just a peck. We hadn’t kissed like this since this time last year.

  “Ok,” I whispered. “I’m trusting you to protect us both, Marcus.”

  “I will, baby. I promise.” Just as Marcus was about to kiss me again Oliver let out a loud cry. We both laughed. “I guess I should get used to that.” Oliver had lost my nipple, once I had re-positioned him he was happy.

  “Let’s see what Christmas shit is on the TV tonight.”

  “Language,” I scolded him.

  “Sorry, baby.” He kissed me once more and all of a sudden I was wishing that Oliver would fall asleep and soon.


  One Year Later

  December 1st

  * * *

  There are a couple of things you should know about me.

  •I’m an assistant to the local accountant.

  •I don’t trust men easily, especially after I was hurt twelve years ago.

  •I used to be a stripper at Santa Land, called Angel, until I had my son.

  •I’m an only child and was raised by my mum.

  * * *

  This very day two years ago was the first time I had sex with my now boyfriend, Marcus. We were both employed at Santa Land as strippers and didn’t know each other. After the condom broke our son Oliver was conceived.

  Today was the first anniversary of us being together, officially. This was a big deal to me as I hadn’t been in a long term relationship for twelve years. I had been hurt and found it difficult to trust people.

  I woke up and rolled over to see Marcus climbing out of bed.

  “Where are you going?” I croaked before clearing my throat.

  “I have an early personal training session.” He slipped his t-shirt on over his head and grabbed his training bag. “I’ll see you later.” He leant over me and gave me a quick kiss. It was so quick that I didn’t have time to enjoy it.

  Just as he was leaving the bedroom I heard Oliver crying from his bedroom.

  “Can you grab Oliver, please?” I called out to Marcus.

  “I can’t. I’ll be late.” I swung my legs over the bed and climbed to my feet. I reached Oliver’s bedroom just as the front door was opened and slammed shut.

  Marcus and I had bought this house together six months ago. It was in the perfect location, as it was only ten minutes away from the gym that Marcus ran and fifteen minutes away from the office I worked in.

  “Morning, gorgeous boy.” I cooed at Oliver. He pulled himself to his feet and held his arms out for me. I pulled him out of his cot and held him close to my chest. He had Marcus’s blond hair and blue eyes and at fifteen months old was already gorgeous. “You’re feeling a little hot.” I pressed the back of my hand against his head and he was overly warm. I stripped him out of his onesie and walked downstairs with him in his nappy and vest.

  Once I was in the kitchen I placed him in his high chair and rooted around in the cupboards for some medicine.

  Ruby - Oliver’s got a temperature x

  Marcus - Give him some medicine and see how he is later x
br />   Ruby - That’s what I’m doing now x

  Marcus - Let me know how he is later. I’m about to start training x

  I sighed in frustration, it felt like he was more concerned with the gym than with his family these days. I tried not reading too much into it, but when he didn’t wish me a happy anniversary it had my mind wondering if he wanted to be with me anymore. I couldn’t help the doubts that formed in my mind. For the last twelve years I had refused to let any guy close to me, except to help with certain urges. I was too scared to let myself fall for someone and in return have my heart broken.

  “Hello?” Eve called out as she walked in through the front door. I poked my head out of the kitchen door and smiled at her.

  “You’re here early.” I said as I gave Oliver some medicine.

  “I figured you’d be awake when Marcus went to work early. Connor had to go in early too.”

  “How’s my little niece?” I cooed as I looked at Isobelle in her pram all bundled up in a pink blanket.

  “I’m still not sleeping through the night, auntie Ruby.” Eve sighed as she pulled her six month old daughter out of her pram and held her in her arms as she sat at the kitchen table. Eve and I had been best friends for over twenty years and although she was Marcus’s sister, it felt like we were sisters more than friends.

  “Oh dear. Any more wedding plans?” I asked as I placed a bowl of porridge in front of Oliver and gave him a spoon. I was relieved to see that he wanted to eat. Hopefully his temperature wouldn’t come of anything.

  “Yep, we’re almost ready. I just need to lose the last bit of my weight before my final dress fitting next week.”

  “I can’t believe you chose Christmas Eve of all days to get married.” I laughed. Eve was mad for Christmas, she loved everything about it.


  I was exhausted after working all day. One of my personal trainers called in sick so I ended up doing a fifteen hour day. It had been a mental one and I only had a brief minute to call Ruby to see how Oliver was doing. I was glad that he was feeling better.

  I was surprised when I walked into our house to find it in darkness and quiet. I knew they were home as I could see Oliver’s night light lighting up the hallway. I was starving hungry, so I ambled to the kitchen to find something quick and easy to eat. I stopped dead in my tracks when I saw that the kitchen table was laid out nicely. It had red placemats, silver cutlery, wine glasses and melted down candles. Shit, what was the date? I grabbed my phone out of my pocket and glanced at it to see that it read ‘1st December’.

  “Fuck!” I growled before jogging out of the kitchen and up the stairs.

  I pushed our bedroom door open to see that Ruby was sleeping. Her long dark hair was fanned out behind her on the pillow. Her hands were tucked under her cheek and her long dark eyelashes laid against her high cheekbones. I wanted to rush over to her and tell her how sorry I was that I forgot, but I didn’t want to wake her either. She must have been tired to be in bed this early.

  Marcus - I fucked up. I forgot our anniversary. How do I fix this? x

  Eve - Show her that you love her. Don’t let her overactive mind convince her that you don’t. I wondered why she was so quiet today x

  Marcus - How the hell do I do that? Come on, sis. I’m crap at this sort of stuff x

  Eve - Sorry Marcus, you’re on your own for this one x

  How do I show her that I love her? I tell her all the time. Marriage? Another baby? I was completely clueless.


  December 2nd

  * * *

  Marcus - I’ve already collected Oliver from the childminder x

  I was surprised to receive this text as I gathered my bag from my desk. What was he doing home already?

  “Have a good evening, Ruby.” Mr. Grant nodded his head at me as I rounded my desk.

  “You too, Mr. Grant. I’ll see you next week.”

  I only worked at the accounting office three days a week now. I’d up my hours once Oliver was in nursery.

  Ruby - I’m on my way home x

  It didn’t take me long to get home. I drove today as I had dropped Oliver off at the childminders and she lived twenty minutes away.

  I smiled to myself as I walked in through the door. There was Christmas music playing and I could hear Marcus singing.

  “What’s all this?” I asked as I slipped out of my coat and placed it on the arm of the sofa.

  “Oliver wanted a Christmas tree.” Marcus smiled as he ambled over to me. He placed a soft kiss on my lips. “Do you like it?”

  “It’s big.” I was staring at our six foot real Christmas tree that was squeezed into the alcove next to the TV.

  “Bigger’s always better.” He winked at me as he flexed his arm. I loved the fact that Marcus was a personal trainer. He always kept himself in top condition and that made me eat healthier too. I wasn’t much for exercising, and running around after a young child kept me fit.

  “It looks good.” I pulled Oliver out of Marcus’s arms. “Hi, baby.” I cooed at him. “Let’s go and see what we have for tea.”

  “It’s all done.” Marcus announced as he followed me into the kitchen. I was surprised to see that the kitchen table was still laid out from our non anniversary dinner last night.

  “What’s all this?” I placed Oliver in his high chair and attached a bib around his neck.

  “My apology for forgetting our anniversary.” He wrapped his arms around me from behind and kissed my neck. My long dark hair was tied up in a bun exposing my neck for him.


  “Let’s eat as a family, get the boy to bed and spend some quality time together.” He leant around me and lit the candles. He pulled out a chair for me and pushed it in as I sat down. I couldn’t stop the smile that was covering my face. Maybe I had overreacted about him forgetting our anniversary, maybe he did love me and still wanted to be with me. I hated the fact that my past has impacted my present and future.

  “What are we having?”

  Marcus placed a small plastic plate in front of Oliver that was filled with spaghetti bolognese.

  “He’s going to make a right mess with that.” I laughed. Marcus placed a plate in front of me along with a plate of fresh bread.

  “It’s all wipeable, babe.” He winked at me before getting his own plate and sitting down.

  “When did you have time to make this?”

  “I took a half day.” He shrugged his shoulders like it was no big deal. Marcus ran the gym and did a great job with it. He put in loads of extra hours and it was the most popular gym in town. I’m sure having Marcus and Eve’s husband Connor as personal trainers had something to do with it.

  I left Marcus reading a Christmas book to Oliver as I started cleaning up the kitchen. There was pasta and sauce covering Oliver’s highchair and the floor. I loaded up the dishwasher and once all the worktops were clean, I threw the dishcloth back into the sink.

  “Babe?” Marcus called out from up the stairs.

  “Yeah?” I whisper shouted as I stood at the bottom of them. I didn’t want to wake Oliver up. Marcus was standing at the top of the stairs shirtless with his low riding gym shorts on. I hoped he didn’t work out looking that hot and sexy.

  “Come here.” He held his hand out for me and I grabbed hold of it once I reached him. He lead me in the direction of our en-suite. I gasped in surprise when I saw that the bath had been run and bubbles were spilling over the side. Tealight candles covered every surface and soft music was playing.

  Marcus grabbed the bottom of my blouse and untucked it from my pencil skirt and lifted it over my head. He pulled the hair tie from my hair until my dark locks bounced around my shoulders. He carried on undressing me until I was standing in front of him completely naked.

  “Gorgeous,” he smiled as he took my hand and helped me into the bath. I sunk down into the bubbles and watched as my sexy boyfriend kicked his way out of his shorts and boxers. He climbed in behind me and I relaxed against him.
In this moment I felt loved and treasured.

  “I have something for you.” He mumbled against my shoulder where his lips had been kissing and nipping.

  “Oh, I know. I can feel it.” I giggled.

  “Here.” He held out a small box for me. I sat up and angled my body so I was resting it against the side of the bath. I slowly opened the lid and gasped as a beautiful white gold charm bracelet sat in the box.

  “It already has some charms on it. But we can add to them as we create more memories together.”

  There was already an Angel, a reindeer, a Santa and a pram.

  “I love it. Thank you so much.” I wound my arms around his neck and kissed him. It started out slowly but soon turned passionate. He pulled me onto his lap so I was straddling him.

  “Wait, your present is in that draw.” I pointed to the draw under the sink. “Can you reach it?” I scooted back off his lap as he reached out of the bath, showing me his tattooed arse. I loved the tribal design that started on his hip and surrounded his arse cheek and spiraled all down his leg.

  “This it?” He asked. I bit my lower lip and nodded my head. I hoped he liked it. He leant back on the side of the bath tub. “Come back here.” He pulled on my hand until I was sitting back in his lap. He opened the box and smiled as he saw the contents. I had bought him a white gold necklace that had a set of boxing gloves hanging off it. He had started to move into the world of boxfit for his training sessions.


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