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Page 21

by Mary Ann Steele

  Six hours of sleep gained after battling the poignant regret arising from the unwonted separation from his wife and son restored the mental and physical balance of the dictator who rose at 0400, and set about moving the headquarters of his Special Force out of the capital. Having summoned the officer he had installed as Commander of Fourth Corps upon Courtney's death at Brant's hand, Arlen waved his associate into a chair. "Ah, Orloff. The development of yesterday forces me to reorganize the defense of our world. Even as I regret the magnitude of our losses, I admit to harboring a certain grim satisfaction that my assessment of the danger Signe's possession of even one ship posed proved accurate. I count heavily on your whole-hearted support in the crisis we now face."

  Arlen paused long enough to watch his new appointee nod vigorously. "I'm appropriating the facility operated by Fourth Corps at Chemen. I plan to base the Special Force there, so as to remove from the vicinity of the capital the headquarters forming a magnet for any future strike Signe might contemplate. I've begun measures that I hope will shortly nullify the advantage her undetectable ships confer, but until those defenses are in place, we're direly vulnerable to attacks out of the black.

  "So. The personnel and second-class ships based at Chemen, you'll remove to the installation operated by Fifth Corps at Guyenne. That facility's smaller, and more distant from the capital, but not as well suited to my need. It's being vacated for you. I'll appreciate your prompt compliance with this irksome, but most necessary order."

  "Of course, sir. I'll oversee the operation personally, starting at once. Eight hours should see us moved." No chagrin surfaced on the face of the officer exceedingly wary of annoying this dictator whom Orloff regarded as having encompassed Courtney's demise, even though his predecessor died impaled on Brant's blade.

  "I've arranged for Fulke to send second-class ships to assist with transfer of personnel. That aid should enable you to complete the move in even shorter time. Let me know when the premises are vacated."

  "Yes, sir."

  The Senior Captain strode in as Orloff departed.

  "Ah, Amin! Sit down," Arlen invited, extending a hand. "I'm initiating sudden and extensive changes in the organization of our Special Force. Within six hours, I hope to see the changes implemented. I'm moving my headquarters out of the capital--to Chemen. When he's able, Lacey will act as second in command of that base. Dahl will be stationed there, as well.

  "You'll take command of the shipworks at Dunn. Ford and Simon I'll place under your orders. Danner will be in charge at Briedd, over Gordon. Evan will alternate command at the Ice World with Brant. Evan's three-ship force will consist of himself, Waylon and Preston. Brant, Yukio and Demetrius will comprise the other. Whichever three captains are off duty there will man Fifth Corps' base at Rochester. Dahl will act as my coordinator--schedule orbital flights around Columbia by vessels of all those charged with defense of the home world."

  Pausing to allow that list of changes to sink in, Arlen fixed his oldest and closest friend with glittering eyes. "I've taken steps to form a defense around our world that will nullify Signe's advantage, and hopefully, detect her presently invisible ships. I'm laying an additional burden on you, Amin. You're a ship-systems engineer. I've appropriated the three Earth-built passenger vessels. We'll utilize those ships as orbital forts, and mount the special devices for detecting Signe's black ships aboard them. Those passenger vessels will form an impenetrable shield around Columbia. You'll oversee the transformation of those ships into forts featuring locks to which military ships can dock. That's why I'm assigning you to the shipworks.

  "Your orders will enable you to commandeer whatever talented individuals you need--military or civilian--to press into the work. I've confidence in your tact. I know you'll employ persuasion as far as is possible. That assignment will mean that your lieutenant will be commanding your ship an inordinate amount of the time. Can Jason handle that? I've put you in a bind, having just promoted Preston to a captaincy, and left you with an untried second officer."

  That observation produced a vigorous head-shake of negation. "Sir, Jason is fully as experienced a spacer as is Preston. He's equally resourceful: a seasoned warrior. The transition occurred without so much as a ripple in the smooth operation of my ship. Lay your mind to rest on that score. As for the other matter…" Amin's body unconsciously attested to his willingness to rise to a formidable challenge, as forcefully as did his verbal response. "I'll handle it--do my best to justify your faith in my ability."

  "My faith's anchored in bedrock. Well. I've ordered the passenger vessels to dock at the shipworks. I'll issue these new orders at once."

  Rising as Arlen did, Amin gripped the outstretched hand of his Commander-in-Chief. "You were right about Signe's intentions, sir," he admitted candidly. "But for your forethought in securing the first-class ships, her strike might have served as a catalyst for a successful coup by Galt or Dexter. It doesn't pay to underestimate so unique a warrior. Her ability defies belief!"

  "She's what Norman's conquest retooled out of a protégée of Sigurd's. His daughter displays all his charisma, and more than his daring. Gallant enemy, Signe. She could have blasted Ministry Main Habitat to slag, and reduced our government to a shambles, thereby assuring the ascendancy of some military dictator of Galt's caliber, who'd have initiated a war of annihilation. The resulting bloodbath would have reached astronomical proportions in both worlds. I just hope she doesn't gain too great an edge before my countermeasures rest in place. She'll strike again."

  "We'll stay on constant watch. Never doubt that."

  Within six hours, Orloff and Fulke notified the Commander-in-Chief that the dual moves of personnel had been completed. Arlen lifted his personal vessel, docked at Chemen, and immediately set a crew of picked technicians to work altering the interior of the vessel to specifications he had drawn up himself with meticulous care.

  Having seen the work begun, Arlen called Dahl into his office, and informed his subordinate of his newest responsibility. "When Lacey's able, he'll be second in command here, Dahl, but you'll rank as my personal aide, in addition to your duties as captain. You'll coordinate the orbital flights of the ships under all four captains in charge--Lacey, Amin, Danner, and either Brant or Evan, depending on which of the two is off duty from the Ice World. Work with them, to insure that a force remains aloft to do whatever can be done when Signe utilizes those undetectable ships in a new strike in the interim before I achieve a defense that will nullify her advantage."

  "Yes, sir." Shades of the slain, he's placing more trust in me than in captains who've served him for Earthyears! I can see why he'd not promote Simon. He's older, and far less likely to react swiftly in a crisis. I'd not hesitate to risk all for a chance at proving my worth. Arlen might well see Gordon in the same light as Simon. But why me, rather than Ford? He's as competent as I--as intelligent and as daring, I'd wager, as Lacey, Evan, and Danner. Well, I'll sweat blood for Arlen. Likely he knows I will. Is that why?

  Well aware of the degree of pride his words generated, the shrewd observer savored satisfaction. Loyalty impervious to the temptations posed by ambition earned you my trust, Dahl, he silently commended the former Third Corpsman.

  "I'm laying on you as well, a second responsibility," Arlen informed the intent listener. "I've recruited Levi, the foremost mathematician of our time, into the Special Force. In his capacity as technical advisor, he'll hold the rank of captain. At the present time, he'll be immersed during the bulk of his waking hours in the crucial work I've laid on him, but even so, I'd appreciate your giving him any help you can, to smooth over a hurried transition from an academic career in the University to a role in a military force. Levi's the man whose importance to the security of our world just at present exceeds that of anyone else."

  "Of course, sir. I'll do all I'm able to do for him."

  "Lacey's lieutenant will dock here tomorrow. Rafael's bringing Levi. Lacey won't be on his feet for a fourweek or more--if then."

least he's recovering, sir. I'm glad of that."

  No hypocritical wish, that , Arlen noted with satisfaction. Dahl's no Ford, secretly rejoicing in a thinning of the ranks that increases his own seniority in the Special Force. Well, Amin will keep a sharp eye on Ford, and report any suspicions he entertains, should my self-serving subordinate decide to ally himself in any way with Galt or Dexter.

  My giving Brant command with Evan will bind a man formerly Courtney's senior captain more firmly than ever to myself. Able officer, Brant. Ambitious and calculating, but a man of honor. He's incapable of the sort of treacherous shift of allegiance to one of my rivals that Ford wouldn't hesitate to commit. Well. I've deployed my forces with care. I need to stay alert while I wait to see what develops.

  Dahl met Rafael and his charge in the outer lock, when Lacey's lieutenant descended at Chemen. Expecting to greet a timid, unworldly professor wholly unsuited to military life, the veteran experienced shock when Rafael introduced him to a tall, spare, supple individual wearing a new black uniform as if he belonged in it. Noting that neither sheath nor hilt of the sword worn in a carrier suspended from the mathematician's belt gave the appearance of blatant newness, Dahl held out his hand to the theorist of whose intellectual might the spacer-fighter stood in awe.

  "I'm proud to meet a man of your accomplishments, Levi," he greeted his new associate, marveling at the strength of the man's grip. "I'm the Commander-in-Chief's aide, as well as one of his captains. I'll show you to your quarters."

  "I'd appreciate that," Levi replied, smiling with a degree of warmth that astonished Dahl. "Rafael, I thank you, for hauling me along."

  "My pleasure, sir." Rafael's manner convinced the aide that Lacey's rather reserved lieutenant found his new colleague as refreshingly pleasant a surprise as did he himself.

  As the theorist tossed a heavy bag onto one of two bunks in the cabin to which Dahl conducted him, the veteran informed his cabinmate, "We're sharing these quarters, Levi." Mindful of the newcomer's lack of familiarity with the duty schedule, he added, "At least, I'll sleep here when I'm ashore. This is your locker. I'll make us a cup of coffee, while you put away your gear."

  Levi's chuckle warmed Dahl anew. "That task won't take me long. One extra uniform, and a spare pair of boots, constitutes my entire wardrobe. The rest of this bulging bag is datapads: a hoard I boldly made off with, when I left the University. I hated the thought of having to scrounge all this data out of the world's bank a second time, or of committing all of it to a macrodisc, which I'd need a terminal to access." Parting the bands holding the glass-cloth duffel bag closed, Levi displayed a greater profusion of the electronic devices than Dahl had ever seen gathered in one place.

  "Shades of the uneasy dead! Your former colleagues might have to resort to buying one! Here, have a cup. It's this morning's--stout, you'll find it."

  "Thank you." Casting a cursory glance around the cramped cabin featuring two metal bunks, built-in utilitarian furniture, a terminal, and a galley, the newcomer inquired, "Which bed's yours?"

  "I'll use the far one. You take the bunk next to the terminal. You might want to read in bed."

  "I do that nightly. Considerate of you, that offer."

  "No sweat. I realize that you'll be immersed for the bulk of your days in the problem the Commander-in-Chief laid on you, but I want you to know that I stand ready to offer you any help I can give, with regard to your fitting into the military establishment here. If I'm in space, and you encounter a problem, or need a question answered, raise me, if the matter can't wait until I'm back."

  The lean, expressive face of the new enlistee glowed with pleasure. "I appreciate your comradely offer, Dahl," Levi exclaimed, sensing a genuine wish to be helpful. "You could do me one favor, if and when you've time. I tend to neglect exercise when I'm immersed in a theoretical problem. Without my wife to penetrate the fog--to prod me into doing as I should, however unwillingly--I'll end by neglecting that duty. If you'd condescend to engage in a bout with foils with a man who's unlikely to be your equal with the sword, I'd appreciate the favor."

  By the teeming life of Earth ! "I'll welcome the opportunity to take my own exercise fencing." Now why in hell would a man of his genius have taken up swordsmanship? Dahl asked himself in bemusement.

  "Don't hesitate to interrupt me, however engrossed I may appear," Levi urged. "Collect me at your own convenience. If I'm at the threshold of some major breakthrough, I'll simply excuse myself on that particular day."

  "I'll do that. Well, make yourself at home. My sleep-shift--when I'm here--is supposed to be from 2000 to 0400, but Arlen tends to work late, and I'm often delayed in getting to bed. I'll try not to wake you, if you're asleep."

  A chuckle greeted that new evidence of thoughtfulness. "Don't worry on my account. My wife has acquired the habit of rising at all hours to tend experiments. I've grown oblivious to her leaping out of the bed we share, so I'm quite sure I won't be disturbed by your movements about the cabin."

  "Your wife's a scientist ?"

  "A biochemist, Rachel is. She has deposited a considerable body of work in the bank, under the seal of the University." A faint sigh escaped the veteran's companionable new peer. "I'll miss Rachel. Constant access to her company is the only aspect of my former life I'll miss drastically."

  "I expect you will. I know Arlen sorely misses his wife. Given the likelihood of the war's lasting a considerable time, I'm glad I'm not married." Draining his cup, Dahl passed a few more cordial remarks before taking his departure, both relieved and surprised by the impression his new charge had made.

  Levi actually seems to relish being uprooted so suddenly from his position on the faculty , he mused, puzzled by that circumstance. He's got depth to him you didn't expect. He's not the typical professor, that's for damned sure. Well! I rather think I'll enjoy playing mentor to so likeable a man.

  Dismissed by Arlen at 1000 upon the following morning for an hour's exercise, Dahl made an appointment, in the Commander-in-Chief's hearing, to meet Levi in the fencing arena adjacent to the exercise hall of the base. Turning to encounter his superior's questioning glance, Dahl explained, "Levi urged me to interrupt him, sir. He said that without his wife around to remind him, he'd forget to take his exercise. I'll admit that his wishing to take it fencing rather surprised me."

  "Mmm…so he kept that skill honed! After he offered Ordway so polished a challenge, and then pinked the man in so masterful a fashion, I'm sure his colleagues entertained no further doubt that he'd willingly defend his honor from their sarcastic slights. Ordway got the point. Levi laid his sword-arm open to the bone."

  "Levi's a duelist , sir?" Eyes in which Arlen read shock, widened. Had I not gotten my degree from a branch division of the University, I'd know that , the son of middle-class parents conceded regretfully, even as he experienced fierce pride in having risen to the rank of captain despite his lacking the cachet conferred by residence at the main campus in the capital.

  "Victor in three such encounters. Two when he was an undergraduate, and that one I mentioned, that occurred right after he accepted the professorship he just laid down to accommodate me. Throughout his academic career, Levi has encountered subtle prejudice--slights by men jealous both of his unique heritage and his towering genius. He equipped himself to take action regarding sneering remarks offered to his face, but couldn't defend himself against those tossed off behind his back by his fellow professors, or by administrators passing him over for certain benefits his achievements merited."

  Dahl's lip curled. "I find it hard to believe men in positions of authority in a great university could be so petty, sir."

  "Indeed." No such pettiness afflicts you, Dahl , Arlen reflected with satisfaction. If you divined that Levi's a member of one of those old families still living in accord with an ancient heritage of scholarship and tradition, you never let your discovery influence your acceptance of the man.

  Dahl found Levi to be the possessor of a most satisfactory degree of skill with th
e sword. He's not my equal, but he's no novice , the veteran judged accurately. "You must practice regularly," he commended his partner.

  "I fence five days a week with a teacher of the art--a man of considerable force," the mathematician confided. "I've done so for Earthyears. The activity keeps me in shape. I enjoy the intellectual thrill of trying to outguess an opponent, far more than simply working out on a set, although I do that as well." Nice chap, Dahl. Comradely, devoid of condescension, unprejudiced. He judges a new colleague solely on his merits. Interesting face--not handsome, but expressive of friendly concern for a man he must see as totally lacking in military skill. Likeable, he is …s traightforward. What irony! I find this tough, competent veteran a more congenial associate than I did a fair number of my fellows at the University. I wonder whether … No. Brace up, man. You're here for one reason only. Damn!

  Not a word about his having drawn blood in a duel , Dahl mused. No braggart, Levi. As unassuming and pleasant a genius as one could imagine. Not in the least what I expected!

  Amin, sharing quarters with Ford that adjoined those of Jason and Donovan, Ford's lieutenant, found himself the object of well concealed but detectable ill-feeling. Well aware of Ford's inward rage at being offered no position of responsibility despite his having served Arlen as long as Evan, Danner and Lacey, and longer than Brant, the man enjoying the coveted rank of Senior Captain in the Special Force brought about the arrangement of quarters. By preventing Ford's using the privacy of a cabin shared with a subordinate as a convenient place in which to foment dissatisfaction, he placed a subtle barrier in the malcontent's path.

  Simon just might fall under Ford's sway , the Senior Captain surmised dourly. Well, I won't be here every moment Ford is, but I'll wager this arrangement hampers his activities. Jason will pass along to me any observation he makes of Donovan's abetting his captain's maneuvers, should that occur. Disgusting necessity, this, but it's the least I can do for Arlen. He's bearing a crushing weight on his mind, these days.


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