Alfred Hitchcock
Page 113
Ackroyd, Peter, 10, 12
Actors’ Orphanage, London, 271
Addams, Charles, 589
Addison, John, 674
Adler, Harold, 598
Adler, Renata, 675
Agate, James, 131
Agee, James, 350
Aherne, Brian, 246, 250, 273, 281, 460, 462
Albertson, Frank, 589
Alexandre of Paris, 643
Alfred Hitchcock Hour (TV), 632–33, 789
Alfred Hitchcock Presents (McCarty and Kelleher), 524–25
Alfred Hitchcock Presents (TV), 221, 522–28, 529, 542, 543–44, 551–52, 555–56, 579–80, 586, 611–12, 658, 786–89
“The Case of Mr. Pelham,” 528, 786
“The Crystal Trench,” 581, 612, 788
“A Dip in the Pool,” 559–60, 788
“The Glass Eye,” 526
“The Horseplayer,” 608, 789
“The Perfect Crime,” 787
“Appointment at Eleven,” 612
“Arthur,” 581, 788
“Back for Christmas,” 528, 786–87
“Bang! You’re Dead!,” 610, 789
“Banquo’s Chair,” 788
“Breakdown,” 426n, 527–28, 551, 786
cancellation of, 656, 683
“Fog Closes In,” 580
Hitchcock’s cameos on, 525–26
and Hitchcock’s fame, 515, 544, 551, 605
“Lamb to the Slaughter,” 556, 787–88
“Mr. Blanchard’s Secret,” 543, 787
“Mrs. Bixby and the Colonel’s Coat,” 608, 789
“One More Mile to Go,” 544, 580, 787
ownership of, 653
“Poison,” 788
“Revenge,” 526–27, 528, 536, 786
“Vicious Circle,” 611–12
“Wet Saturday,” 543, 787
Alfred J. Hitchcock Productions, 483, 529
Algonquin Round Table, 242, 257, 299
Allardice, James, 524–25, 552, 598, 608, 666, 682
Allen, Fred, 323n
Allen, Jay Presson, 177, 640–42, 643, 644, 650–52, 653–54
Allen, Lewis, 642
Allgood, Sara, 117, 131
Alpert, Hollis, 575
Altman, Robert, 526, 723
Always Tell Your Wife (film), 54, 61, 754
Amalgamated Studios, 418
Amann, Betty, 143–44
Ambler, Eric, 523, 645, 683
America First, 256, 294, 301
American Film Institute, 646n, 739–41, 744, 748
Anderson, Dame Judith, 245, 249, 281, 377, 740
Anderson, “Bronco Billy,” 76
Anderson, John, 589
Anderson, Lindsay, 327, 420
Anderson, Mary, 337, 342–43, 346
Anderson, Maxwell, 533–35, 540–41, 544–45, 553, 625n
Andrews, Julie, 663–65, 667, 669–71, 672, 673
Angel, Heather, 287n, 337
Anne, Princess Royal (Britain), 702
Anthelme, Paul, 401
Anti-Defamation League, 420
Antonioni, Michelangelo, 657, 658, 677, 681, 685, 687, 688, 696
Apartment, The (film), 606, 607n
Appearances (film), 751–52
Archer, Eugene, 655
Archibald, William, 456–57, 466
Ardrey, Alex, 381–82
Ardrey, Robert, 312
Armes, Roy, 146
Armstrong, Anthony, 193, 524
Arnold, Charles Wilfred, 50, 81, 100, 117, 162
Arnold, Norman Gregory, 50, 100, 117, 162
Arnold, Tom, 150–51
Arsenic and Old Lace (film), 13
Ashcroft, Peggy, 172, 174
Ashenden, or The British Agent (Maugham), 178–79, 180, 184
Ashton, Winifred, 133
Askew, Claude and Alice, 171
Asquith, Anthony, 135, 346
Astaire, Fred, 239, 407
Aston, Thomas W, 743
Auber, Brigitte, 491, 495, 498, 499, 500, 501, 503–4, 550–51
Auiler, Dan, 541, 548, 554, 555, 556, 563, 679, 681
Ault, Marie, 81
Austin, Darrel, 476
Aventure Malagache (film), 346–48, 367, 384, 490, 508, 771
Ayers, Lem, 454
Bach, Steven, 434
Baecque, Antoine de, 631, 634
Bagdasarian, Ross, 485
Baker, Diane, 642, 646
Balaban, Barney, 420, 563–64, 580, 598
Balcon, Michael, 514
death of, 743
and Gainsborough, 60–61, 62, 67, 74, 77, 78, 84, 88, 93, 94
and Gainsborough-Emelka, 67–68, 70
at Gaumont, 152–53, 157, 161, 162–63, 168, 169, 175–76, 181, 187, 190, 192
Hitchcock’s letters to, 546, 721–22, 731, 732
at Islington, 55, 56, 58, 59, 60, 71
at MGM, 198, 200, 205
and Ufa-Gainsborough, 62–63, 67
and World War II, 272–74
Balcon, S. C. “Chan,” 181
Balestrero, Manny, 532, 534, 535, 536, 538
Balestrero, Rose, 532, 534, 536, 538
Balfour, Betty, 73, 103–4, 105, 129
Ball, Lucille, 479
Balsam, Martin, 588, 615
Bankhead, Tallulah, 112, 116, 336–37, 341–42, 350, 352–53, 358, 431, 434, 436, 621, 665
Banks, Leslie, 161, 165, 223, 225, 508, 510
Banzie, Brenda de, 521
Barbette, Vander, 134
Barclay, Marguerite Florence, 68
Baring, Norah, 135, 136
Barker, Granville, 229
Barnes, George, 245, 250, 281, 282n, 359, 379
Barnes, Howard, 290, 420, 437
Barr, Charles, 120, 138n, 148, 152, 185
Barrie, James M., 28, 234, 343, 641, 650, 651, 723, 724
Barry, Iris, 76, 85, 86, 98
Barry, Joan, 121, 143, 145
Barrymore, Ethel, 391
Barrymore, Lionel, 406
Bartlett, Adelaide, 12, 546
Basevi, James, 359
Bass, Saul, 561, 573, 582, 586, 594, 598
Basserman, Albert, 259–60, 282
Bateman, H. M., 159
Bates, Florence, 245–46
Baxter, Alan, 302
Baxter, Anne, 239, 458, 459–62, 466
Baxter, Jane, 173
Baxter, John, 715
Bazin, André, 19, 88, 491n, 513–14
Beatles, 525
Becker, Jacques, 521
Beckett, Joe, 204
Beckett, Samuel, 327
Beeding, Francis, 344
Beerbohm, Sir Max, 181
Before the Fact (Iles), 267, 268, 270, 278, 279, 285n
Before the Fact [Suspicion] (film), 278–80, 281, 284–90
Beith, Ian Hay, 172
Bel Geddes, Barbara, 547, 553, 555–56, 616
Belfrage, Cedric, 81, 83, 85–86, 88, 90–91
Bell, Monta, 98
Belloc Lowndes, Mrs. Marie, 14, 74, 78–80, 83, 173, 207, 268, 269, 270, 523
Belton, John, 116
Benchley, Robert, 205, 257
Bendix, William, 337
Benjamin, Arthur, 160, 521
Bennett, Charles, 164, 193, 677, 696
and Blackmail, 112, 113, 114, 116, 153, 154
and “Bulldog”/Man Who Knew Too Much, 153, 156, 157–58, 158, 160, 168
and Forever and a Day, 281
and New Yorker, 226–27, 228
and Personal History/Foreign Correspondent, 255–57, 264, 282
and Secret Agent, 184, 186, 187
and Selznick, 215, 218
and 39 Steps, 170, 171–72, 178–80
and war effort, 256, 367
Bennett, Lillian Langrishe, 154
Benson, Jackson J., 331
Benson, Sally, 310, 312–13, 429
Bentley, Thomas, 125, 146
Bergadler, Der [Mountain Eagle] (film), 756
Bergere, Ouida, 50–51, 244
Bergman, I
ngrid, 409, 429, 527, 690
and Academy Awards, 352
comparisons with, 114, 390, 471, 547, 615
film proposals for, 292, 306, 345, 354, 356–57, 390
and Hitchcock tributes, 740, 741
and Notorious, 424, 73, 286, 367, 371, 375, 376, 378, 380–81
and Rossellini, 381, 423, 426, 437, 454, 533
socializing with, 386, 387, 405, 411, 413, 429, 433, 699, 742
and Spellbound, 354–55, 357, 358, 359–60, 361, 362, 363–64, 378, 379, 381, 424
stage performances of, 705, 722
and Under Capricorn, 384, 399, 416–17, 418, 419, 421–27, 434, 437–38
Berkeley, Anthony, 278
Berman, Pandro S., 267
Bernhardt, Sarah, 136
Bernoudy, Eddie, 265
Bernstein, David, 405
Bernstein, Matthew, 258
Bernstein, Sidney, 27, 161, 363, 411, 415, 433, 511, 674
and Film Society, 76
and Hitchcock tribute, 740
and HUAC, 414
at Islington, 55
and Men of the Lightship, 280–81
and Ministry of Information, 271, 294, 314, 344, 346–47, 372–74
and Television Bill, 514
and Transatlantic, 349, 353, 365–66, 381–84, 386, 389, 400, 401, 402, 403, 405–6, 413, 414, 417–19, 423, 428, 429, 432, 437–38, 440–41, 443, 455, 456, 457, 459, 463, 465, 467, 468–70, 490, 508
and World War II, 158, 270–71, 272
Berwick, Ray, 621, 626
Besier, Rudolf, 66–67
Beson, Paul, 424
Best, Edna, 161, 165
Beville, Richard “Dickie,” 99–100, 174
Bicycle Thief, The (film), 533
Bigwood, James, 361, 363
Birds, The (du Maurier), 611, 612–13, 617, 628
Birds, The (film), 16, 132, 177, 185, 194, 321, 346, 611–30, 632–39, 642, 643, 644–45, 648–49, 654, 655, 670, 673, 705, 711, 748, 781–82
Birth of a Nation, The (film), 28, 55
Björk, Anita, 458–60, 547
Black, Edward “Ted,” 190, 192–94, 206–7
Black, George, 192
Black, Karen, 723, 726, 740
Blackguard, The (film), 259, 755
Blackguard, The (Paton), 62–63, 66, 67, 71
Blackmail (film), 112–27, 129, 131, 135, 138, 143, 148, 153, 154, 165, 186, 226, 356, 577, 620, 677, 759–60
Blackwell, Carlyle, 88–89
Blake, George, 731
“Blind Man” (film proposal), 608–9
Bloch, Robert, 578–80, 583, 584, 586, 593n, 642, 658–59, 660–61, 678, 698
Boa, Damien, 282
Boehnel, William, 203
Bogart, Humphrey, 478
Bogdanovich, Peter, 29, 67, 95, 100, 117, 127, 132, 145, 166, 251, 271, 327, 390, 438, 488, 489n, 500, 548, 576, 638
Boileau, Pierre, 529, 540, 541, 542, 544
Bolton, Guy, 151
Bon Voyage (film), 346–47, 348, 384, 490, 508, 771
Bonnie Brier Bush, The (film), 752
Booth, John Wilkes, 316
Bordonaro, Peter, 472
Borsten, Orin, 449n, 689, 690, 691
Borzage, Frank, 331
Boucher, Anthony, 578
Bourde, Paul, 401
Bourke, Sean, 731
Boyle, Robert, 8, 9, 304, 305–6, 312, 319, 323, 569, 570, 571n, 586, 615, 621, 623, 626, 635, 639, 667, 732, 738
Bradbury, Ray, 524, 611, 632
Bradin, Jean, 73, 103
Brahm, John, 325, 526
Bramble Bush, The (Duncan), 456
Bramble Bush, The (film), 459, 463, 464, 466–68, 578
Brando, Marlon, 494, 567
Braque, Georges, 477
Brazzi, Rossano, 520–21
Brean, Herbert, 529, 532
Brecht, Bertolt, 727
Breen, Joseph, 249, 288, 289, 485, 486, 596
Bresson, Robert, 607
Brewer, Colin M., 705
Bridie, James, 173, 387–89, 391–92, 402, 414, 417, 422, 425–26, 430, 432, 434–35, 443, 625n
Brighouse, Harold, 44
Briskin, Sam, 267
Brisson, Carl, 95, 106
British Committee for Victims of German Fascism, 158
British Film Institute, 120, 125, 748
British International Pictures (B.I.P.), 93–94, 96, 98, 100, 101–4, 106, 111–12, 116, 120, 122–24, 126–27, 132, 135, 140, 148–49, 153, 154, 194, 348
British National Pictures, Ltd., 88, 89, 90–91, 93
Bromfield, Louis, 244
Bronson, Charles, 526
Brook, Clive, 58, 60
Brooks, Mel, 745
Brooks, Richard, 611
Brown, Frederic, 610
Brown, Katherine “Kay,” 202, 211, 214, 245, 407, 459, 464, 545
Brown, Ned, 582–83
Brown, Royal S., 507, 597
Browne, Roscoe Lee, 689
Bruce, Nigel, 246, 285
Brunel, Adrian, 76, 86, 87, 129, 132–33, 619n
Bryan, Jane, 215
Brynner, Yul, 568
Buchan, John, 14, 139, 169–70, 172, 173, 175, 184, 247–48, 254, 264, 267, 297, 306–7, 657, 683
Buchanan, Jack, 213, 230, 703
“Bulldog Drummond’s Baby” [Man Who Knew Too Much], 153, 156, 158, 161, 165
Bumstead, Henry, 576, 688, 722
Buñuel, Luis, 355, 714–15
Burgess, Guy, 659, 693, 732
Burks, Robert, 96, 450, 452, 460, 484, 495, 496, 501, 506, 516n, 536–37, 568, 586, 615, 621, 643, 682–83, 722
Burnside, Bob, 211–12
Burr, Raymond, 485
Burton, Richard, 576
Busch, Niven, 318
Bywaters, Frederick, 37, 390n
Cagney, James, 739, 740
Cahiers du Cinéma, 513–14, 607, 631
Caine, Sir Hall, 106
Caine, Michael, 700
Calder-Marshall, Arthur, 347
Calhern, Louis, 377
Call of Youth, The (film), 751
Callas, Maria, 609
Calthrop, Donald, 117, 118, 132, 133, 135, 147
Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC), 466
Canadian Cooperation Project, 455
Canby, Vincent, 713, 730, 748
Cannes Film Festival, 389, 470, 496, 517, 638, 639, 712
Canning, Victor, 716–17, 724
Capa, Robert, 380–81, 481
Capra, Frank, 13, 199, 200, 215, 259, 283, 331, 377, 740
Cardiff, Jack, 99n, 422, 423–24
Carey, Harry, 302
Carey, MacDonald, 317
Carne, Michael, 494
Carringer, Robert L., 443, 451
Carroll, Leo G., 246, 285, 358, 391–92, 450, 558, 568
Carroll, Madeleine, 171, 173–75, 182, 183, 471
Carroll, Paul Vincent, 443, 454
Case of Jonathan Drew, The, see Lodger, The
Cassavetes, John, 526
Cassini, Oleg, 497
Castro, Fidel, 683–84, 686
Castro, Juanita, 683
Cavanagh, James P., 524, 579–80, 581–83
Cavett, Dick, 22
CBS-TV, 515
Cecil, Henry, 576, 632
Chabrol, Claude, 327, 513, 514, 537, 749
Chadwick, Cyril, 50
Champagne (film), 73, 102–5, 129, 142, 144, 444, 758–59
Champlin, Charles, 740
Chandler, Joan, 409
Chandler, Raymond, 444–47, 448–49, 450
Chapin, Anne, 405, 415
Chaplin, Charles, 28, 86, 98, 234, 239, 307, 415, 429, 511–12, 551, 649, 705, 730
Chapman, Edward, 131, 135, 140, 574
Charisse, Cyd, 566
Chasen, Dave, 717
Chatterton, Ruth, 149
Chekhov, Michael, 358–59, 379
Chesney, Arthur, 81, 275
Chesterton, G. K., 14
Chien Andalou, Un (film), 355
n of Chance (Morton), 59–60
Chirico, Giorgio de, 356
Christie, John, 433, 658, 698, 700
Churchill, Winston, 159, 270, 271
CinemaScope, 464, 495
Cinematograph Films Act (1927), 74
Cinerama, 464
Citizen Kane (film), 267, 284, 295, 301n, 315, 378, 507, 748
Citron, Herman, 546, 614, 696
Clair, René, 258, 281, 377, 494
Clare, Mary, 210
Clark, Carroll, 378
Clark, Mabel Margaret, 440
Clark, Marguerite, 49
Clarke, T. E. B., 76, 157
Classical Theater Project, 295
Clatworthy, Robert, 586, 606
Clift, Montgomery, 404, 406, 457–62, 466
Cloutier, Suzanne, 458
Clouzot, Henri-Georges, 494, 542
Coates, Eric, 697
Coburn, Charles, 391, 395
Cockrell, Francis, 524, 551
Cockrell, Marian, 524
Cocks, Jay, 713, 730
Cocteau, Jean, 134
Cogeval, Guy, 750
Cohn, Harry, 547, 548, 565
Colbert, Claudette, 316
Colby, Anita, 245, 296, 481
Cold War, 442–43, 559n, 617
Coleman, Herbert, 512, 530, 586, 696
Flamingo Feather, 538–39
“Frenzy,” 687
as independent producer, 581
Man Who Knew Too Much, 516, 531
No Bail for the Judge, 576–77
Psycho, 581, 687
Rear Window, 483, 484–85, 489, 492
Roman Holiday, 484–85
and Spoto’s book, 747
To Catch a Thief, 495, 496, 499, 692
Topaz, 688, 692
Trouble with Harry, 504, 505–6
Vertigo, 546–47, 563–64
Wrong Man, 533–34, 536, 537–38, 545
Collier, Constance, 90, 409, 413, 415, 428
Collier, John, 524, 543
Collinge, Patricia, 313, 317, 526
Collins, Dale, 142, 145
Collins, Wilkie, 14
Colman, Ronald, 175, 237–38, 256, 391
Colton, John, 417
Colvig, Helen, 587, 591
Compson, Betty, 58–59
Compton, Fay, 28, 152, 651
Conan Doyle, Sir Arthur, 14
Condon, Richard, 657
Congreve, William, 356
Connery, Sean, 642, 645–46, 655, 733, 740
Conrad, Joseph, 184–86, 188, 190
Conrad, Peter, 10, 750
Constanduros, Mabel, 229
Cook, Whitfield, 364, 371–72, 385, 405, 411, 414, 415, 418, 419, 427–29, 430–31, 432–33, 437, 438, 439, 442–44, 447, 449, 453, 686, 747
Cooper, Gary, 258–59, 260, 286, 337, 535, 543
Cooper, Gladys, 246
Cooper, Melville, 246
Cooper, Wilkie, 435
Coppel, Alec, 541–42, 543, 544–45, 657
Coppola, Francis Ford, 282
Corelli, Marie, 45–46
Corey, Wendell, 485
Corliss, Richard, 694
Cornwall, Patricia, 476n
Cosgrove, Jack, 282, 379