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Sons of Justice 9: Fighting Chance (Siren Publishing LoveXtreme Forever)

Page 9

by Dixie Lynn Dwyer

  She pressed Send and then thought about it. Should she have said, want to reschedule? Did she want to? She knew she had been thinking about this all last night and even this morning. Hell, she’d worn a nice outfit to work, something a little extra sexy. Now it didn’t matter. She would need to stop by her place grab the shirt and jeans for The Ring to work behind the bar tonight.

  When the phone rang, she was startled a moment then a bit shocked, instantly feeling the tightness in her throat, her palms getting all sweaty, and her heart racing. Greco was calling her.


  “Hey, baby, what’s going on?” he asked her.

  “Just a bit of chaos at work.”

  “How about we get together for dinner then?” he asked.

  She swallowed hard.

  “I can’t. I’m working.”

  “At the gym?”

  “No, actually I have two other jobs I do, and, well, I was asked to cover for someone tonight. I can’t take a lunch because I need the extra hour to finish what needs to get done and then go to my other job, the product review company, and gather things needed for an event later in the week. Then I have another job. Maybe we can reschedule?” she asked, hoping he wouldn’t ask where she would be working tonight.

  “We can do it tomorrow if that works?”

  “Okay, why don’t we plan on that?”

  “Okay, sounds like a plan. Where are you going to be working so late tonight though?” he asked, and she exhaled.

  “At The Ring. Captain called, and he needs me to cover for that woman Michelle that was in the fight the other night. I’ll be working late.”

  “How late?” he asked.

  “Until closing. Listen, we’ll talk tomorrow, okay? I need to get a lot of work done here and at my other job before I head to The Ring.”

  “Does someone walk you out at night at the end of your shift?” he asked her.

  “Uhm…I’ll be fine. Really.”

  “We’ll talk later. Have a good day.”

  She wondered what he meant about talking later. Maybe he would call her to say hi or something?

  “Okay, talk to you later.” She ended the call. She leaned back in her chair and exhaled. This was crazy. These back and forth feelings of liking them, then not wanting to get involved with them, then missing them, and being curious about a potential relationship. What if they only wanted to have sex with her? She thought and then imagined each of the men.

  Their bodies were rock solid, built of muscles like steel and all those tattoos and their eyes. God, they all had eyes that looked both mysterious and ice cold. How the hell was she going to have a conversation with each of them? Would it go smoothly or be disastrous? Oh God, a ménage first date and a disastrous one with four men? What the hell was she thinking?

  Then Hook popped into her head. She felt her heart race. She liked him, was attracted to him, and yet he seemed just as shocked as her and also unaccepting of this attraction. Did his brother and team know that Hook and she kissed, too? Did they talk about her? Maybe say what they liked about her? Or maybe they discussed what they didn’t like about her. She started to think terrible things. Like how large her ass was, how thin her arms were, and she wasn’t muscular. She was thin, had always had a fast metabolism. If it weren’t for her decent-sized breasts, she would be flat as an ironing board but with an ass. Oh God, maybe they thought she was super young and now that she’d made an excuse to not meet them for a date or even comply to their orders and questions and whatever, maybe they thought she was immature, too.

  She said no to going home with them that first night at the bar. Maybe that turned them off? Well, she didn’t care then. She wasn’t a slut. She didn’t go sleeping with every man she felt attracted to. Not even four men who made her panties wet. She wasn’t going to change who she was and do something stupid. If this was going to turn into anything real and lasting, then she had to stand her ground and take her time. No matter how good they were at kissing, stroking, and making her body want more and more.

  * * * *

  “I say we got here tonight and spend some time talking to her while also watching over her,” Greco said to the others.

  “I just texted Hook. He said he’s busy anyway with private training sessions. He’s denying his feelings, that’s for sure,” Rossi said to them.

  “Well, what could it hurt, going by there for a few beers and just sitting by the bar?” Ricci asked.

  “It could turn her off or make her feel uncomfortable or like we’re trying to push ourselves into her life,” Romano stated.

  “Fuck that. Let’s go.” Ricci said, and then Romano’s cell phone rang.

  “It’s Tat.” He answered it. As he said yeah and okay then smirked as he looked at them, Greco wondered what the call was about.

  “Okay, sounds good. We can meet you at The Ring at eight. Yeah, no problem.”

  Greco waited to hear. Romano ended the call.

  “Tat and a bunch of the guys are meeting at The Ring tonight to plan out the weekend trip to a boxing showcase in Vegas at the end of the month. A few of the others are coming, too. They’ve reserved a large area near the room by the main bar, so we can all enjoy the fights that are on tonight on those big screens.”

  “And a perfect view to watch over a very special bartender. I’d say fate is on our sides,” Rossi said and smirked.

  “I’d say someone is making sure we’re nearby to watch over her. I don’t like this whole idea of her bartending until closing,” Ricci said.

  “Well, when she’s our woman, we can work out the details of what we think she could be doing instead. That she doesn’t have to work so much because we can take care of her,” Greco said.

  “I wouldn’t go telling her anything like that just yet. I get the feeling Merica is very independent. She takes care of herself and works multiple jobs. I’m not sure it’s all about making money. She mentioned being friends with Captain and covering for him when he needed help,” Romano added.

  “Well, at least she won’t think we’re stalking her now,” Rossi said, and they chuckled.

  “I don’t care if she thinks we’re stalking her or not. When she’s our woman, I’m going to make sure every man knows who she belongs to and they stay clear or else,” Greco said every seriously and then felt that tightness in his gut he had been having the last couple of days. He didn’t have it when Merica was nearby or in his arms. A cure he was more than willing to work on by keeping her close by to relieve these feelings. Even if she was fighting this attraction every step of the way.

  * * * *

  “So I had to call and talk to you because you’re working all the time. So what went down with them? Are you going to see them again?” Thylane asked Merica over the cell phone. The bar was slow right now but getting busier by the hour.

  “I had plans for lunch with them today but cancelled due to work. I thought at first I would be happy about it, and relieved to get a breather, but then I felt guilty and also sad. I guess I did want to spend time with them after all.”

  “I can’t believe this is happening and that Romano has a brother, too. Finlin said that Hook went through something traumatic, and that’s why he isn’t part of SoJ or of the team with Romano. It was bad and he was Special Forces.”

  “Oh God, I hope that doesn’t mean he is unstable.”

  “I doubt that. It’s a good sign that they all live together, and I guess that they all want you.”

  “Well, I don’t know where Hook stands with this or if he even knows that I made out with Romano, Greco, Rossi, and Ricci. It was all so crazy. I’m kind of happy for the breather right now to think.”

  “You mentioned your mom and some shit the other day. Have you spoken to her?”

  “No. She texted me several times, but I’ve been ignoring her.”

  “You should cut your ties with her, especially if her boyfriend keeps trying to get you into bed.”

  Merica heard the “what” on the other line, and T
hylane laughed. “Sorry, apparently Finlin overheard me.”

  “Great. Well, tell him not to say anything. I don’t need people to know how screwed up my mom is. I’m not planning on seeing her again for a while,” Merica said as a group of guys just entered the bar and came right up to where she was.

  “I need to go. It’s getting busy.”

  “Okay, well, call me after your date tomorrow.”

  “Okay. Wish me luck that I don’t screw this all up or just get screwed.”

  Thylane chuckled.

  “You aren’t the type to sleep with them just because. It will work out fine. Perhaps you’ll even bring them all together and make Hook feel truly part of a team and their family. I’ve seen it happen before. The love of one woman has enough power to make it happen.”

  Merica smiled.

  “Thanks, Thylane. Talk to you tomorrow.”

  She ended the call, put her cell in the back pocket of her jeans, and then smiled wide at the guys who were immediately checking her out. As she took their drink orders, Charlie walked by her. He was another bartender, and he gave her hip a tap.

  “I have to say, Merica, I love bartending with you. You’re efficient, friendly, and, holy fuck, do you fill out that shirt just right, never mind a pair of hip-hugger blue jeans. Why the hell are you single?” he asked kind of loudly.

  She felt her cheeks warm and gave his arm a slap.


  He winked. “I know those guys, and they have had their eyes on you all night.”

  “Well, you know I don’t date.”

  Charlie placed his hand on her hip as she poured the beer from the tap into the mug.

  “Don’t know why. Maybe you just haven’t met the right guy or guys.”

  “Maybe.” She tightened up when she caught sight of Greco walking into the bar along with Tat, Basile, Vacarro, Spadaro, Ricci, Rossi, and Romano. She nearly spilled the beer but then quickly recovered and placed the beer down to the first guy and then continued to make the other drinks as they talked to her.

  When they went to the table by the bar, one she would be responsible for, she felt so damn nervous.

  “Well, look at that. Looks like you’re going to be surrounded by some of the scariest fucking guys that frequent this place,” Charlie said to her.

  Then Jimmy, the other bartender, gave her a nudge. “I’d say I’ll take it, but by the way they are all looking at you, I’d say they knew what they were doing when they reserved that section.”

  Her cell phone buzzed as she grabbed her notepad to take the orders at the table. She glanced at it and saw it was Talia. She would have to call her later.

  “I hope they tip well.” She headed from behind the bar to the table of eight but then noticed a few other men arrive, and they were taking the table right next to the guys. Greco, Romano, Rossi, and Ricci all stared at her, eying her body over as she smiled and greeted everyone. Of course Tat and they cheered her name.

  “Merica!” they cheered, and she placed her hand on her hip. She knew she looked good in the tight blue hip-hugger jeans that showed off her figure as well as her belly ring. That often got the big tips. She also wore a sleeveless top that had a V-neck that dipped low enough to show off her deep cleavage and the small tiny solid gold heart pendant she wore all the time.

  “Evening, gentleman. How are we all doing tonight?” she asked, taking position next to Tat, who gave her a wink and eyed her over.

  “Extra perfect now that it’s going to be you serving our every need.” He gave her a wink. She chuckled.

  “Well, what can I start you off with?” she asked, and they teased her a little more, but then she went down the line taking each of their orders. When she came to Rossi first, he eyed her over and licked his lips.

  “You look good. Missed you today. Was disappointed about you cancelling our lunch date,” he said kind of loudly, and she realized he’d done that on purpose.

  “Well, I had to work.” She went to Ricci next. He placed his hand on her elbow, indicating for her to bend lower to hear his order. He cupped her chin and held her gaze.

  “We’ll be talking about this uniform later tonight when we follow you home.” He winked.

  “Follow me home? I don’t think so.” She then went to move toward Greco, but Rossi stopped her, gave her his drink order, and then a firm expression and order.

  “We’ll be walking you out at the end of your shift and ensuring you arrive home safely. No discussion about it.”

  She sensed his serious tone, and for some crazy reason, she felt a little giddy that they wanted to stay, to watch over her, and to show such a possessive move like this in public. She didn’t quite know how to react, so she nodded and then went to Greco, who stood up, pulled her close, and ran his plan along her ass as he whispered into her ear, and she tightened up.

  “I missed you so much. I can’t wait to have lunch with you tomorrow.” He kissed her cheek.

  She stepped from his hold.

  “Greco, I’m working.”

  “I can see that, darling, and that outfit is hard not to stare at.”

  She walked to Romano next. He looked angry as he looked at her. And she raised one of her eyebrows up at him.

  “Go ahead, what comment are you going to add?” she asked with an attitude that got the other men at the table chuckling and whistling low.

  “Bud Light bottle. Later, Mercia. Later,” he said, and it sure did sound like a warning.

  She continued around the table, taking their orders and then food orders, too, for appetizers as the boxing event took place on the flat-screen TVs, and then they started talking about some trip to Vegas.

  She went back to the bar, happy to have gotten through the first round as she made all the drinks and brought them back in spurts. Throughout the evening they ordered more and more, building up one hefty bar tab and then food bill.

  She couldn’t get over how they all spoke to their friends yet kept eyes on her. It seemed like every time some guy came over to flirt with her or order a drink that one of them, if not all of them, watched her. When she saw Tat and the others leaving, she thought for sure that Romano and his team would be, too, but instead, they stuck around until closing like they said they would, and good thing they did. A fight broke out at the bar, and the bouncers needed help. She nearly got hit by a flying beer bottle but was fast enough to duck. Captain came out and thanked the men for helping, and then she gathered her things and her tips to leave for the evening.

  “I can walk you out tonight. There were a lot of men asking about you,” Captain said in front of Greco and Rossi. Ricci and Romano walked out of the bar with the bouncers to make sure the guys who fought had left or had gotten rides home.

  “We got her, Captain. Been waiting for her all night,” Greco stated. Captain squinted his eyes up at Greco and Rossi and then down to her.

  “You okay with this?” he asked her.

  “Yes, I’ve known them for a while. They’re good friends,” she added, which got her a look from Greco.

  “Okay then. Thanks so much for helping out. You’re still on for the big fight next week? It’s going to be chaos.”

  “I know. I’ll be ready.”

  “Great.” Captain leaned down to kiss her cheek and gave her a hug, which earned him very dirty, mean looks from both Rossi and Greco. They immediately placed hands on her hips and waist and walked her out together.

  When they got to her car, Ricci and Romano were standing there. Rossi shocked her by pulling her into his arms, running his hand under her hair to her neck and head, then kissing her. She gripped onto him so as not to fall while he pressed her backward toward Romano, and the next thing she felt was him pressing her to Romano’s body, who was leaning against her car. Hands slid up her back to her shoulders, and then his mouth suckled against the skin on her neck.

  It was hot, sensual, and Rossi deepened the kiss while one hand held her head and hair firmly and his other palm gripped her hip and then cupped h
er breast. He stroked a thumb over her nipple, making it instantly harden, and she moaned into his mouth. Romano’s one hand remained on her one shoulder and neck possessively as his mouth suckled her neck and collarbone on the other side while simultaneously using his free hand to slide along her hip on the opposite side of Rossi’s hand and slid under her shirt and against her belly. He pulled her back, and she felt on fire. That kiss, their tactics, had her limp in their arms. When Rossi released her lips and trailed kisses along her jaw then to her neck, still holding her chin and jaw firmly while he locked gazes with her, all she could do was exhale.

  “Fuck. Let me in there,” Ricci said, and Rossi gave her a wink, moved to the side, and Ricci gripped her jeans by the belt loop and yanked her forward. Romano softly released his hold on her, and there was Rossi holding her in his arms and kissing her on the mouth. His palm ran under her shirt in the back and to her hip, squeezing her to him. Then Greco joined in, and Rossi released her lips and stared into her eyes.

  “You look too fucking hot to be working behind a bar with men hitting on you all night. I don’t fucking like it, Merica. I’m sorry, but I can’t stand it,” he said, and Greco pulled her close, cupped her cheeks, and pressed her against her car. He stared down into her eyes. He looked wild, untamed, sexy, and so wired she felt it all, too.

  “Just kiss me already,” she said to him, shocking him as Greco narrowed his eyes and pressed his mouth to hers. He pulled her close, ran his palm over her ass, and lifted her up. She straddled his waist then her ass hit the car as he rocked his hips against hers. She was moaning, running her fingers through his hair, and feeling so out of control wild that she could come right here in his arms. She pulled from his mouth.

  “Oh God.” She moaned, and his mouth suckled against her neck and then lowered, and she felt his tongue slide along the depth of her cleavage and then into the cup of her bra. She grabbed his head and looked around them.

  “There’s no one that can see a damn thing. This body is off fucking limits. To everyone but us,” Romano stated, and she widened her eyes and then gripped onto Greco.


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