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The Making Of A King: The King Duet, Book 1

Page 13

by N. M. Catalano

  Even though I can’t see inside, I know he’s watching me, I can feel him. The sensation makes my heart pound and my palms sweat. A fact which completely throws me off-balance. I never get frazzled.

  But there isn’t anyone like Alexander Black.


  What was a woman like that doing with a scumbag weasel like Malcolm?

  My fingers drum atop my desk as I watch Simon lead her to the desk I specified she would take. I’d picked it because of its location, separate, and I could watch her…closer to me.

  I’d felt the stirrings within me as I studied Gemma Trudeau from the moment she’d stepped inside my building.

  Keep your friends close…and your enemies closer.

  When her resume’ arrived, I’d only smiled. I’d already known everything about her. And had been waiting for it. I’d also known she couldn’t even get an interview anywhere else. She is the plague…but I’m the King of Darkness. I smirk at the fortunate misfortune.

  I knew she was brilliant, but not so…my erection jerks. The beast inside is roaring to feast.

  I am a sick fuck, I know it. I’d also thought she wasn’t the type I usually played with, my taste in games a bit unconventional. The women I typically gravitated toward are more…disciplined.

  Gemma is strong. The fire inside her licks at me, making me burn. I like it.

  A lot.

  She is also aristocratically beautiful, black hair twisted up in a reserved French twist, white creamy skin, full pink pouty lips, almond shaped hazel eyes, lush full hips, and perfect breasts that would fit in each of my palms. Her suit is impeccable, although I’m sure she’d chosen an understated one that is suitable for the position she is applying for, the one that’s beneath her. I got some sick satisfaction in that as well. I wanted her groveling, warped son-of-a-bitch that I am. I want her in many positions, in many ways.

  She is all woman. A woman, I’m sure, that has yet to be unleashed. Too bad I want to break her, make her scream, beg, cry, and do things to her she never imagined. And I want her to want them, love them, need them so much she can’t live without them.

  My cock is throbbing. The details are already forming in my mind on how this would play.

  I grin.

  “Welcome to Black Inc., Ms. Trudeau,” I murmur staring at her through the glass. “Let the games begin.”

  You can get BLACK INK right here.


  Thank you so much for reading the introduction to Lucas’ and Evelyn’s story! I have to apologize because it’s a little overdue. Life can be a PMSing bitch on a hangover sometimes, just sayin’. Anyhow, onward, right?

  I don’t know if you heard me say that this story wasn’t even in my plans. I’d started writing, what is now book 2 in The KING Duet, All The KINGS Women when I realized Lucas’s and Evie’s past was way too important to throw in just a couple of chapters. So, I decided it needed its own little book. I think you agree.

  Let me just say for the record, I LOVE THIS BOOK! I love these characters, and I am in love with this story. There is so much depth, so much emotion, so much pain and anguish and love. The one thing that I think stands out the most is fight. No matter what, fight with everything you have in you. Even though Lucas said the only way to save Evie was to leave her, he also said that something was coming. When the time was right.

  I have to thank some amazing women, because without them, I’d have lost my mind a long time ago.

  Thank you is nowhere near enough to express my gratitude for your friendship, support, and unbelievable patience, especially during release time. At least this time I didn’t make you look through a shit ton of mock covers, LOL.

  Joy Di Biase-Giachino, Lord have mercy woman, if you weren’t in charge of the ARC team, I’d be in a strait jacket, (how about that ‘one’ O_O). Thank you. Fran Reading, thank you so much for always, always coming to my aid, no hesitation, when I ask, even with your life is busy as it is. Thank you. Linda Grevsmuhl, your calm exuberance is a balm to my frayed nerves. Thank you.

  These ladies are my admin team and beta readers, and the work they do behind the scenes keeps me focused, sane, and very, very grateful. You guys are phenomenal, and you’re mine, I’m never letting you go, just saying.

  My reader’s group, The Sanctuary, is the best damn bunch of readers any author could have. I love every single one of you. You have made the group a gotta be place, a safe haven not only for me, but for all the members.

  Without bloggers, indie authors would be non-existent. Without your hard work and dedication to this community, none of us could do what we do. Please know how much we appreciate you, the long hours without pay you put in, your kindness and attentiveness, and your (sometimes) crazy ass reviews, (I’m talking to you, Jennifer Pierson, lol. I look forward to your review after each and every book). WE LOVE YOU. Some of the bloggers I’m going to mention have been with me since my very first book, and I am so honored you still work with me. Thank you.

  Joy Di Biase-Giachino – A Wonderful World Of Words.

  Fran Reading – Book Lovers Unite

  Diane Dykes – Book Buddies

  Pauline DiGaletos – Passionate About Books

  Jennifer Pierson – The Power of 3 Readers

  Angie Hallock & Lawonda Bush – A Book Lovers Emporium

  Denise Williams – 3 Amigos Wicked Book Review

  Ann Meemken – Jo & Isa Love Books

  Wendy Wuttke – Girls Just Wanna Have Books

  Stephanie Sanders – Life, Books & Loves

  Lindsey Poage Norwood – Mommy’s Naughty Playgrond

  Samantha Blundell – I Love HEA Romance

  Pamela Wilson – FB Dreamer’s

  Members of my ARC team, and some damn good friends, all the ladies listed above, and:

  Autumn Lee, Amanda Quiles, Robin Craig, Molly Sturgeon Lyon, Missy Triplett Bolick, Ann Lopez, Lorrie Van Meeter, Jamie Buchanan, Carolyn Spence, Sandy Kelly, Lisa Roberts, Kathi Soniat, Gladys Nason, and so many more I’m sure I’ve forgotten to mention, I’m sorry.

  To my family. Thank you for your patience while I sit in my cave for hours, days, months on end. I love you more than I even know, you make life the magical place it is for me.

  And finally, to you, the readers. I am in awe every time you message me and tell me how much you love my characters. I can’t believe I get to do this, and you love it. I sincerely appreciate the time you’ve taken to read this book and allowed me to spend some time with you. Thank you so much! Please consider leaving an honest review before delving into a new world.

  Thank you so much for reading.

  ~ All my love, N.M./Nadine xoxo


  It’s sort of a funny thing how N.M./Nadine started writing. This is the true story:

  She had just separated from her third husband - that’s right, three – and just like every other woman who has gone through that, it was an emotional time. Everyone experiences this, whether they are the instigator or not. Writing her first published women’s contemporary book, STRANGER, was a bit of a cleansing process. She sat down with a pen and a notebook – she wrote the whole thing in those marble notebooks – and just kept writing. When she was finished, she decided, “What the hell? Let’s publish it.” So she did. And people loved it. As of right now it’s over fifteen books later, she’s still writing passionate stories centered around a suspenseful, sometimes dark, sometimes twisted, story line.

  She is a bestselling, multi-published author and loves the indie publishing community.

  One of the most important things she feels a writer must do is to truly love their characters. How can the characters be loved if the creator isn’t madly in love with them? Crazy? Maybe. But she loves every single one of them.

  She has partied with the best of them in her twenties, met the two true loves of her life in her thirties, (her children), and is now finding she’d rather sit back and be alone, if not she’s with her family, than in a crowd of people.
I suppose she’s become a bit of a recluse. She used to say when she was younger she wanted to win the lottery so she could join the Peace Corps. Well, she hasn’t hit the big numbers, but she does what she can for the betterment of mankind in her own little ways.

  Writing her stories is one way she truly hopes she brings a little sunshine into your life.

  "I am just a woman, like many of you, who has lived through beauty and ugliness, happiness, (sometimes extreme), and sadness, (sometimes heart wrenching), and have grown to love life and myself even more. I write because I love the characters, I am madly and hopelessly in love with them and want to share them with you. Life is beautiful and is meant to be enjoyed day by day, sometimes you have to pick out the good stuff with a magnifying glass like a needle in a haystack, but enjoyed none the less. The stories that I put on paper, I think, help us to find that enjoyment a little bit more.

  I am just a woman who is in love with love…<3"

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