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Romancing the M.D.

Page 9

by Maureen Smith

  He lifted her into his arms and, without hesitation, she wrapped her legs around his waist, moaning at the feel of his thick, rigid erection pressing against her crotch. His tongue explored her mouth with deep, sensual strokes that made heat pool between her thighs and seep onto her panties.

  They kissed feverishly as he carried her over to the small breakfast table and set her down on the edge. He grasped the hem of her shirt and yanked it over her head, then tossed it aside as Tamara reached behind to unclasp and shrug off her bra. Victor’s big hands were already waiting to cup her breasts as they spilled free, the sight of them tearing a hoarse, guttural sound from his throat.

  As her nipples hardened beneath his fiercely ravenous gaze, he swore again before his hot mouth latched on to her breast.

  Tamara gasped, arching backward on a deep, shuddering moan. His wet tongue caressed her taut nipple with sensuous, velvety strokes she felt deep in her womb. Her hands fisted in his hair, holding him to her as she gave herself over to the exquisite sensations coursing through her body.

  As Victor licked and kissed his way to her other breast, his hands went to work on unzipping her jeans. As he began sliding them off, Tamara raised her hips to facilitate the swift removal.

  When his fingers gripped the waistband of her panties, their gazes locked.

  That was the moment Tamara could have come to her senses and stopped what they were doing, before it was too late.

  But she couldn’t.

  More telling, she didn’t want to.

  Reading the unmistakable surrender in her eyes, Victor quickly peeled off her panties and set them aside, then knelt between her legs. She trembled with anticipation and need as he lifted her thighs and settled them over his broad, muscular shoulders.

  Watching her face intently, he began kissing his way up the inside of her thighs, igniting a path of scorched nerve endings. Anticipation wound inside her, heightening her arousal until she thought she would explode.

  “So beautiful,” Victor uttered huskily, his smoldering sapphire gaze fastened on the glistening folds of her labia. “So damn beautiful.”

  Tamara watched, pulse hammering, as he continued working his slow way toward her pulsing core. It was the sweetest, most agonizing torment she’d ever endured—the whisper of his warm breath, the brush of his soft lips, the gentle rasp of his stubble-roughened jaw.

  “Victor,” she whimpered helplessly, begging him to stop torturing her. “I need…I want—”

  The instant his mouth touched her sex, she let out a strangled cry and flung back her head. His tongue stroked the plump folds of her labia, tasting and savoring her. She moaned, her fingers gripping the edges of the table, her toes curling tightly. As he ate at her like she was dripping with honey, she licked her lips and ground her throbbing sex into his face.

  When he penetrated her with his tongue, her hips flew off the table as she came with a high-pitched cry. Victor gripped her butt tightly, showing her no mercy as he bit and sucked her clit, bringing her to another shockingly intense orgasm.

  When he finally released her, she collapsed weakly onto the table and closed her eyes, waiting for the violent spasms to taper off.

  Victor stood and leaned over her, his mouth taking hers in a long, deep, provocative kiss that soon had her aching for more.

  “You are one tasty morsel, Dr. St. John,” he whispered against her lips.

  “Mmm,” Tamara purred, sensually rubbing her calves along his strong, denim-covered thighs. “And you, Dr. Aguilar, are one talented man. Who would have guessed?”

  He chuckled softly, his hands braced on either side of her head as he gazed down at her, his dark hair falling forward. He was so damn sexy that she got turned on just looking at him.

  “So,” she murmured throatily, “what other talents do you possess?”

  “Mmm,” he rumbled, subtly rolling his hips against her. “Depends on what you have in mind.”

  She cupped the huge bulge tenting the front of his jeans, making him hiss. “This is what I have in—”

  He was already drawing back from her and tugging off his shirt. Tamara sat up all the way to help him unzip his jeans and slide them down, along with his dark briefs.

  Her sex quivered at the sight of his long, thick shaft and powerful male body. She reached up, running her hands down his hard-muscled chest and washboard abs before curling her fingers around his hot, throbbing erection. He groaned as she stroked him, slowly pumping up and down until clear fluid leaked out from the narrow slit. She leaned forward and lapped at the salty-sweet wetness.

  Victor jerked, his stomach muscles contracting.

  Aroused by his reaction, she wrapped her mouth around his smooth, thick hardness and sucked him down her throat.

  “Mierda!” he swore, low and guttural.

  A few moments inside her mouth was all he could endure. Pulling out of her, he fisted his hand around his glistening shaft and commanded, “Turn over. I wanna take you from behind.”

  By the time Tamara got on all fours, the swollen head of his penis was already probing her slick opening. She looked over her shoulder, watching as he slowly, provocatively, stroked his hard length along her cleft. As spasms of pleasure tore through her groin, she moaned and gyrated her hips against him.

  As their gazes locked, he entered her with one deep, savage stroke. Tamara cried out sharply and arched her back as Victor groaned—a sound of unadulterated masculine pleasure that sent chills through her, it was so erotic.

  She bent over the table and propped herself up on her elbows as he began thrusting into her, one long stroke after the other. She whimpered, the sensations so intensely sublime she thought she’d suffocate.

  As his rhythm grew thicker and faster, she tilted her hips back to meet each demanding thrust. He slapped her butt and she cried out, heat stabbing into her loins.

  “You like that?” Victor rumbled with satisfaction.

  “Sí,” she moaned lustily, “me gusta mucho.”

  He laughed, dark and wicked, before smacking her butt again, making her flesh quiver beneath his palm. She reached behind her to grab his flexing ass, her fingernails digging into the sinewy muscle. He shuddered convulsively, his heavy balls slamming against her bottom. Their coupling was raw and unbearably arousing, like nothing she’d ever experienced before.

  “Ah, Tamara,” Victor groaned raggedly. “You feel so good, baby. Shit…”

  She stared at his face, hard and flushed with passion, his blue eyes glittering fiercely with hunger. She’d never seen anything so powerfully sexy.

  He leaned down and slipped his tongue inside her mouth as his fingers simultaneously stroked her erect nipples. Her heart pounded uncontrollably as the tempo of his thrusts increased, sending her breasts bouncing up and down. The kitchen was soon filled with their desperate cries and moans, mingled with the carnal sounds of flesh slapping flesh.

  As an explosive pressure built inside Tamara, she mewled breathlessly, “Ohh…I’m coming!”

  She sobbed Victor’s name, her stomach convulsed in an orgasm that tore through her with such violence, tears ran down her face.

  Victor slid halfway out of her, then plunged deep and hard, one last powerful thrust that locked their bodies together. He called her name hoarsely as he came, shuddering so forcefully he rocked the table.

  After a few minutes they collapsed on top of it, his sweaty chest heaving against her back as they panted for air.

  “Whoa,” Tamara breathed when she could speak again, staring at the wall through heavy-lidded eyes. Her vision was so blurred she couldn’t tell what color the paint was. “What was that?”

  Victor shook his head against her. “Words can’t even describe it.”

  They shared a small, breathless laugh.

  Sprawled across the table, the wood warm and smooth beneath her naked body, Tamara sighed. “I don’t think I’ll ever be able to eat on this again.”

  Victor chuckled. “Then we’ll just use it for our purposes.”<
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  She glanced over her shoulder at him, her brow arched. “And what makes you think this wasn’t a onetime thing?”

  “I don’t think.” He kissed between her shoulder blades, the soft scrape of his bearded jaw making her shiver. “I know.”

  She smiled. “Confident, aren’t we?”

  “Damn straight.” He tugged the scrunchie from her ponytail and combed his fingers through the thick, damp tresses. “I want you to wear your hair down for me sometime.”

  She raised both brows at the proprietary request. “Confident and bossy. Hmm, I don’t know about you, man.”

  “No?” he murmured, his erection thickening against the small of her back. “Then maybe we need to get even better acquainted.”

  “Mmm,” Tamara purred, provocatively rubbing against him, “maybe.”

  Without further ado, Victor gathered her into his arms, lifted her off the table and carried her down the hall to her bedroom, where they commenced round two.

  An hour later, they lay spent in each other’s arms, Victor’s shaft nestled between their bodies, his hand lazily caressing the curve of her spine.

  Tamara sighed languorously. She’d never felt more thoroughly satiated in her life. “I’m afraid I haven’t been a very good hostess.”

  “Come again?”

  She smiled. “I invited you up for coffee when I didn’t have any, and I’ve neglected to offer you something to eat. Well,” she amended naughtily, biting her lip, “other than me.”

  Victor laughed, a deep, husky rumble that made her insides clench. “Believe me, cariño,” he murmured suggestively, “I can’t think of anything I’d rather feast on than you.”

  She blushed deeply, burying her hot face against his chest. “I can’t believe what we just did, Victor.”

  “Neither can I,” he admitted, gently nuzzling her hair. “But I’m glad it happened. It was absolutely incredible.”

  “Out of this world.” She sobered after a moment, lifting her head to meet his gaze. “But we didn’t use protection.”

  Guilt flickered in his eyes. “I know,” he said grimly, “and I’m really sorry. I never take risks like that. I got carried away, but that’s no excuse for being irresponsible.”

  She smiled ruefully. “You weren’t exactly alone. I was right there with you.”

  He cradled her cheek in his hand, searching her eyes. “Are you on the pill?”

  She hesitated, then shook her head. “I’m not very…sexually active.”

  His expression gentled. “I know.”

  Heat stung her face. “What do you mean? Was it that obvious?”

  He gave her a look. “That’s not what I meant, and you know it.”

  She smiled shyly. “So what tipped you off to the fact that I, ah, don’t get around much?”

  “I have a sixth sense about these things.”

  “Of course,” she muttered. “An experienced guy like you can probably spot a one-timer a mile away.”

  His brow lifted. “One-timer?”

  She nodded slowly. “You’re only the second man I’ve ever been with, Victor.”

  Tenderness softened his gaze. “Thank you,” he said quietly.

  “For what?”

  “For entrusting me with your body. For giving me the incredible privilege of making love to you.”

  She swallowed hard, his heartfelt words touching a chord deep within her. Trying to play it off, she shrugged dismissively. “It was long overdue.”

  One corner of his mouth quirked. “I’m glad I was able to scratch your itch.”

  “Me, too.” She grinned, sighing contentedly. “As for the other matter, I know my body like clockwork, and I’m not ovulating. So, um, we should be okay.”

  He nodded slowly. “Okay.”

  They gazed at each other for a prolonged moment before Victor gathered her close again. She snuggled against him, tucking her head beneath his chin as she ran her hand over the hard, muscled planes of his chest and abdomen. After reminding him what he’d told Bethany Dennison’s little brother that day, she said teasingly, “Oh, yeah, Dr. Aguilar. You definitely need to hit the gym more often.”

  He chuckled softly.

  Smiling whimsically, Tamara said, “Forgive my ignorance, but can you explain to me why you have two last names? Someone told me long ago, but I forgot how it works.”

  Victor sucked his teeth. “Typical gringa.”

  She retaliated with a sharp poke to his ribs that made him laugh. “Just kidding.”

  “Yeah, you’d better be.” She grinned, watching as he captured her hand and gently nibbled on her fingertips, sending frissons of warmth down her spine.

  “Okay, so here’s how it works,” he drawled. “In Colombia, as well as all Latin countries, most people have what we call two apellidos, which basically means a surname. Your first surname is your father’s first surname. Your second is your mother’s first surname—what Americans refer to as the maiden name. You follow?”

  Tamara nodded. “I think so.”

  “So I’m Victor Aguilar García. Aguilar is my father’s first surname, García is my mother’s.” He grinned lazily. “Many Latinos who immigrate to America drop the second name to make it less confusing for you gringos.”

  “Hey!” Tamara sputtered protestingly. “One more crack like that, and this gringa is tossing you out on your ass!”

  Victor laughed, dragging her back into his arms and affectionately kissing the top of her head. “So feisty, woman.”

  “Whatever,” she grumbled even as she nuzzled his throat, savoring the warm, musky scent of his skin. He stroked his fingers through her hair and gently mas saged her scalp, drawing a contented purr out of her. She could have stayed in bed with him forever.

  “So who was the lucky guy?” Victor murmured.


  “Your first. Who was he?”

  She sighed. “Someone I dated off and on during college and med school.”

  “That long?”

  She nodded, wondering if she’d only imagined the jealous edge to his voice. “We were both consumed with becoming doctors, so we knew our relationship wasn’t going anywhere. But whenever we, um, you know—”

  “—had an itch that needed scratching?” Victor drawled wryly.

  “Yes. Whenever we had needs, we knew we could count on each other to be there.” She hesitated, then shrugged. “The arrangement worked for both of us.”


  She angled her head back to look at Victor. “What does that mean?”

  He met her gaze directly. “That may have worked for you back then, but it wouldn’t now.”

  “You don’t think so?”

  “Nope. You want more out of a relationship, Tamara. And you deserve more.”

  She said nothing, neither confirming nor denying what he’d said.

  “And if you think I’ll settle for that kind of arrangement with you,” he continued, his eyes boring into hers, “you’d better think again.”

  Tamara swallowed tightly. “Victor—”

  He leaned down and kissed her, deeply and possessively.

  After only a slight hesitation she melted, her arms curving around his neck as he rolled her gently onto her back. The scorching length of his erection pressed against her belly as he settled between her legs. She wrapped her thighs around his hips, shuddering as he rubbed the blunt head of his shaft up and down the tender folds of her sex.

  Their eyes locked as he slowly slid into her, then pulled out halfway and thrust again.

  As they began rocking together, she stared into his fiercely glittering eyes, and he stared back.

  “Eres mía para siempre,” he whispered.

  You’re mine forever. Tamara shivered.

  Because even if she hadn’t understood his words, she still would have known that he’d just staked his claim to her.

  Chapter 11

  After a night of intensely passionate lovemaking, Tamara and Victor awoke early the next morning and too
k a long, steamy shower together.

  Since Victor always kept a change of clothes and an extra set of scrubs in his duffel bag, he hadn’t needed to return home to get dressed for work. So after Tamara whipped up some scrambled eggs and bacon, they sat down to eat at the breakfast table—the very same table they’d christened last night—and spent the entire meal exchanging heated looks and wicked grins.

  On the way to the hospital, Tamara was surprised when Victor took a detour. Perched on the back of his Harley with her arms wrapped around his waist, she called out to him, “Where are we going?”

  Glancing over his shoulder, he called back, “To look at something.”


  “You’ll see.”

  Ten minutes later, he steered into a gated community nestled along the banks of the Potomac River. Tamara watched, with mounting curiosity, as he used a key card to open the gate, then parked the Harley in an empty spot near the front of a luxury high-rise building.

  “Whose key card was that?” Tamara asked as they climbed off the motorcycle.

  Victor smiled enigmatically. “I’ll tell you in a minute.”

  She eyed him suspiciously. “Why are you being so mysterious?”

  His smile deepened. “Isn’t that what women want? A man of mystery who holds your interest?”

  Tamara grinned. As if he’d ever have to worry about any woman losing interest in him.

  As they walked toward the building, she admired the lushly landscaped grounds and surrounding trees ablaze with fall color. “Gorgeous place,” she remarked.


  “So again, I ask, what’re we doing here? We have to be at work in half an hour.”

  “I know. This won’t take long.”

  As they entered the elegant lobby, the front desk attendant glanced up. He took one look at their matching blue scrubs and smiled, either assuming that they could afford to live there, or had friends who did.

  They rode the elevator to the top floor and got off, walking to a door at the end of the long, bright corridor. Once again, Tamara watched curiously as Victor punched numbers into the combination keypad, then met her gaze and grinned.

  “This is what I wanted to show you,” he said, and opened the door with a dramatic flourish.


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