Aristocrats: Caroline, Emily, Louisa and Sarah Lennox 1740 - 1832
Page 47
Dowling, Matthew 389–90
Drogheda, Lady 51
Dublin, aristocratic society 60–3
Duncannon, Lady Caroline 60
Dunoyer, Harriet 53, 172
education of children 18, 238–40, 243–51, 367–8
Ellison, Revd 316–17
Errol, Lord 135
family size x, 12
Fannen, Mr (Caroline’s steward) 222–3
Fannen, Mrs (Caroline’s housekeeper) 175, 222–3
fashion, male and female interest in 174–5
Fielding, Henry 242, 246, 247
Finch, Charlotte 3
Finch, Lady Bell 38–9
Fisher, Catherine Maria (Kitty) 155, 184
Fitzgerald, Augustus (son of Emily) 152, 235, 397
Fitzgerald, Caroline (first daughter of Emily) 67, 235, 397
Fitzgerald, Caroline (fourth daughter of Emily) 67, 231, 235, 397
Fitzgerald, Charles (son of Emily) 67, 68, 310
career 329, 344, 349, 365
closeness to Emily 235, 236, 330–1
death 425
education 245–6, 249
illness 236–7
and politics 348, 358
Fitzgerald, Charlotte (daughter of Emily) 230
and life in France 310, 314, 316–17, 324–8, 331
marriage 331
and politics 357, 358
Fitzgerald, Edward (‘Little Eddy’; son of Edward) 375, 377, 394, 416–17
Fitzgerald, Edward (son of Emily) 152, 237
arrest 385–7
career 329, 344, 349, 355, 361
closeness to Emily 235, 330–2, 363, 374–5
education 246–8, 250, 326–7
illness and death 386–94, 396, 397–8
and Irish Rebellion 371, 374–7, 381–3
life in France 310, 325, 326–7
politics 339, 358, 361–4, 393, 395
Fitzgerald, Emily (daughter of Emily) 67, 93
engagement and marriage 302, 308–10, 312–13
Fitzgerald, Fanny (daughter of Emily) 235, 246, 310, 324, 397
Fitzgerald, George Simon (son of Emily and Ogilvie) 235, 397
death 349
life in France 310, 325, 343
parentage 302, 310, 364
Fitzgerald, Gerald (son of Emily) 152, 195, 234–5, 310, 325, 397
Fitzgerald, Henrietta (daughter of Emily) 67, 235, 397
Fitzgerald, Henry (son of Emily) 67, 68, 152, 233
career 329, 344
closeness to Emily 330
education 246–7, 326–7
and Edward Fitzgerald 386–93
life in France 310, 326–7
marriage 409
and politics 358
Fitzgerald, Louisa Bridget (daughter of Emily) 152, 236, 325, 397
Fitzgerald, Louisa (daughter of Emily) 235, 246, 248–50, 310, 397
Fitzgerald, Lucy (daughter of Emily)
birth 237
education 246, 248, 250
life in France 310, 325, 343
life in Ireland 349
and Ogilvie 319
and politics 358, 360, 375–6, 377, 386, 392–4
Fitzgerald, Pamela (Pamela Sims) 363, 374, 382–3, 386, 388, 391–2, 396–7
Fitzgerald, Robert (son of Emily) 152, 246, 330, 358
life in France 310, 325, 326–7
Fitzgerald, Sophia (daughter of Emily) 68, 152, 220, 230
education 246, 327
life in France 310, 325, 327, 331
life in Ireland 349
and Ogilvie 319
and politics 358, 392
Fitzgerald, William (son of Emily) 67, 97–8, 128, 146, 232, 235
as 2nd Duke of Leinster 203, 300, 308–9, 331
death 405
education 97–8, 251–2
and Emily and Ogilvie 308–10, 312–15, 344
and Irish politics 344, 357–8, 372
travels abroad 252, 254, 257–8
Fitzpatrick, Mary see Fox, Mary
Fitzpatrick, Richard 157, 158, 181
Fludyer, Sir Samuel 98
Foley, Lord 359
Foote, Samuel 184
footmen 214–15, 216, 219, 228
Foundling Hospital, Hatton Garden 1–3
Fox, Caroline Amelia (granddaughter of Caroline) 298, 408, 409
Fox, Caroline (wife of Henry Fox) see Lennox, Caroline
Fox, Charles James (third son of Caroline) 86–8, 92, 149
appearance 86–7
birth 79
death 410, 412
education 97–8, 122, 161, 239
and family split 345–8, 356–8, 368–9, 388
friends 157
gambling 181–2, 294–7, 346
parliamentary career 181–2, 294, 332, 342, 347–8
political views 360–2
populism 182, 342–3, 346–7
and Sarah 128, 145, 146, 160, 274, 292, 342, 347
as Secretary of State 340–1, 343
travels 252, 254, 257, 263, 286
Fox, Harry (second son of Caroline) 34, 40
Fox, Henry (Harry, fourth son of Caroline) 92, 149, 236
and Caroline 236
education 122, 161, 238–9
military career 304, 322, 335, 409
travels abroad 254–5, 286
Fox, Henry (later 1st Lord Holland)
and 2nd Duke of Richmond 22–32, 43, 45–6, 75–80
and 3rd Duke of Richmond 84, 194
appearance 21
Cabinet post 90–1
children 34, 48, 86–8, 92–3, 236, 296–7
illegitimate 21, 72, 98–9
and Conolly 109
death 294–5, 305–6
and Emily 51, 63, 69–70, 89, 94, 123
friends 32–3, 48, 157–60
health 256–7, 296–8, 305–6
and Kildare 56, 58, 72, 83–4, 102–3, 278
and Lennox family
connections 85
as libertarian 88
marriage 28–9
courtship 20–8
infidelity 72–3
letters to Caroline 33–4
married life 30–1, 72–4, 123
political career 32, 54, 56
ambition 20–1, 23–4, 45, 89–92, 130
issues 71, 88–9
Leader of House of Commons 161–3
Paymaster 45, 76, 92, 128, 161–3, 294
and Pelham 43–5
Secretary of State 91
Secretary at War 45–6, 74–6, 85–6, 90
at Treasury 44
unpopularity 162–3
and Sarah 121, 126, 129–38, 145, 156, 253, 293
and Susan Fox-Strangways 187–8
travels abroad 163–8, 252–8, 263, 286–7
wealth 24
Fox, Henry Richard (3rd Lord Holland; son of Ste) 297–8, 323, 417
Fox, Lady 149
Fox, Mary (wife of Ste Fox) 252–5, 256, 287, 306–7, 323–4
Fox, Sir Stephen (father of Henry) 20, 149
Fox, Stephen (brother of Henry; later Lord Ilchester) 21, 22, 47, 84–5, 122, 149
and daughter’s elopement 187
Fox, Stephen (‘Ste’; later 2nd Lord Holland; first son of Caroline) 77, 93, 128, 149, 160
appearance 123
and Caroline 34, 42–3, 48, 236
death 323
education 97
gambling 161, 181, 182, 294–6
ill-health x, 35, 38, 40–3, 87, 97, 109, 236
marriage 252–3
in Parliament 294
and Sarah 136, 292
son 297
travels 122–3, 160, 161, 163–4, 167, 252, 254–5
Fox-Strangways, Lady Susan 149, 155, 160, 318, 415, 422–3
elopement 183–8
friendship with Sarah 122, 128
and George III and Sarah 129–33
and Napier’s death 404
and Sarah’s marri
age problems 144–6, 263, 292, 332, 337–8
Francis, Revd Dr 138, 139–40
Frederick, Charles 79
Freemasonry, and 2nd Duke of Richmond 8, 14
French Revolution 71–2, 345, 351, 359–64
Frost, Margaret 283
Galilei, Alessandro 107
gambling, national addiction to 179–82
Garnett, Dr J. Armstrong 389–90, 391–2
Garnier, Dr 39, 41
Garrick, David 182–3, 184, 204
Geoffrin, Mme 166, 325
George II 11, 13–14
death 128
and ministers 43–5
and Sarah Lennox 120–1, 123
George III
and American War of Independence 334–5
and Charles Fox 347–8, 356–8
coronation 66, 128–9, 132
and Henry Fox 75, 90, 91–2
and Ireland 378
and Sarah x, 123–7, 129–34, 183, 271, 406, 415
George, Prince of Wales
and Ireland 388
and Regency 357
Goodwood 14, 127–8, 269
animal collection 15
Caroline banished from 47
and Emily 325
and Sarah 288–9, 291
shell grotto 16, 196
Gordon, 3rd Duke 276
Gordon, Lord George 276
Gordon, Lord William
affair with Sarah 263–4, 267–8, 269, 342
flight with Sarah 270, 272–7, 281, 283–6
left by Sarah 288–9
Grand Tour 10, 84–6, 204, 207, 252–8
Greville, Frances 100, 101, 157, 159–60, 312, 409
Greville, Robert Fulke 133–4
Grey, Charles, 2nd Earl 359–61
Grey, Thomas 163
Halifax, George Montague Dunk, 2nd Earl 99
Halnaker, Sarah at 288, 316, 334
Hamilton, Sir William 207, 257
Hamilton, William (portrait painter) 393
Handel, George Frideric, 79
Hardwicke, Philip Yorke, 1st Earl 88–9, 90–1
Harley Street, Emily’s London house 359, 398
Harrington, Dr 41
Hatton Garden, Foundling Hospital 1–3
Healy (Irish painter) 105
health x, 38, 40–3, 87, 97, 109, 236
Hertford, Francis Seymour, 1st Marquis 146
Hervey, Lady Molly 157, 159, 166
Hervey, Lord John 15, 20–1, 22, 29, 43, 120, 158
Hillsborough, Wills Hill, 2nd Viscount 84, 90, 157, 161, 280
Hoare, William 39, 87, 149
Hogarth, Anne 2
Hogarth, William 2, 29, 150, 153
Holland, 1st Lord see Fox, Henry
Holland, 2nd Lord see Fox, Stephen
Holland, 3rd Lord see Fox, Henry Richard
Holland House 46–8, 49, 304
alterations 128, 147
contents sold 323–4
as family centre 146, 168
picture gallery 128, 149–52, 155, 256, 295
housekeeper 211, 213–14, 217–18, 222–3
Hudson, Capt. Robert 2
Hume, David 146, 335
Hunter (surgeon) 304–5
Ilchester, Elizabeth, Countess 149, 406
Ilchester, Lord see Fox, Stephen (brother of Henry)
inoculation 41, 237
intimacy, in letters x-xi
Irish Rebellion 223, 369–97
and Irish revenues 102–3
and Kildare 54–5, 57, 59, 71
and Regency 357
and Westminster 53–4, 71, 322, 344
see also Protestantism
Johnson, Samuel 157
Keppel, Charles 341
Keppel, Lady Caroline 98, 187
Kéroualle, Louise Renée de, Duchess of Portsmouth 7, 8, 12, 17, 149, 168, 325
Kildare, Dowager Countess 68, 300, 312
Kildare, Emily, Countess see Lennox, Emily
Kildare House, Dublin 62
Kildare, James Fitzgerald, Earl (later 1st Duke of Leinster) 192, 213
and Bunbury 138
and Carton 198–201, 213–20
character 62, 69–70
children 67–8, 194, 234–5, 251–2
courtship of Emily 49–50, 53, 55–8
debts 64–6, 172–3, 221
family background 53–5
and Henry Fox 56, 58, 72, 83–4, 102–3, 278–9
illness and death 298–300, 317
and Irish revenues 102–3
and Irish society 63
marriage to Emily x, 58–82
mistress 99–100
political life 54, 56, 70–2, 168
and Sarah 277–8, 288–9, 293
wealth 54, 55, 57
Kingsgate estate 168, 253, 281
Kneller, Godfrey 149
Knole House, home of Duke of Dorset 270, 272–3
labourers 216, 219, 216
Lafranchini brothers 202
Lauzun, Duc de 259–62, 285
Leinster, 1st Duchess see Lennox, Emily
Leinster, 1st Duke see Kildare, James Fitzgerald, Earl
Leinster, 2nd Duke see Fitzgerald, William
Leinster, 3rd Duke 417
Leinster House, Dublin 211, 217, 231
Leitrim, Lady 245
Lennox, Caroline 3
appearance 5, 20
and Bunbury 143, 253
anxiety 3, 16–20, 34–5, 38, 156
card-playing 39, 180
feelings and emotion 18, 42
and gossip 19, 33–4, 98, 165, 304
jealousy 32–3, 48
love of reading 9, 16, 18–20, 39, 53, 156, 241, 252–3, 255–6
memory 18
recklessness 11
and solitude 16, 18–19, 52
taste 19, 46–7, 147–9
and childbirth 17
and Conolly 109–10, 190
death 307–8
education 18–19, 238–9
and Emily see Lennox, Emily
and Fox’s illegitimate children 98–9
and inoculation 237
and motherhood 34–5, 77, 88, 92–3, 97–8, 149–50, 161, 182
sickness of Ste x, 38, 40–3, 87, 109, 236
and sons’ gambling 294–7
and younger sisters 102–3, 149
and family division 277–87, 289, 295, 299
as Francophile 9, 13, 101, 147–8, 158, 165, 167–8
friends 157–61
health 35, 39, 163–4
final illness 302–8
and menopause 294
and menstruation 230, 254, 298
and Holland House 147–9
as hostess 156–7, 256, 303–4
and Kildare 299
as letter writer 93–100, 159, 279
and Louisa 77, 113–14, 193, 264–5, 303–5, 306–8
and Louise de Kéroualle 7, 12, 17
courtship and marriage 20–9
death of Fox 306–7
and fidelity 72–3, 98
and household
management 211, 222–3
married life x, 30–48, 72–4, 123
views on 11, 27–8, 135, 187
in middle age 150–1
in old age 293–4, 302–3
and Court life 12–13, 120–1
death of 80–2
opposition to marriage 22–32, 43, 45–6, 72, 76–7, 278
reconciliation with 77–80, 83
wealth 8
and politics 32–3, 71, 102, 162–3, 394–5
portraits 150–1
religious views 17–18
on role of women 100–2, 157
and Sarah 77, 113–14, 121, 134, 193, 288
affairs 263, 267–8, 269
/> and Bunbury 136–9, 145
flight 272–9, 286
and George III 123–8
return to family 289, 292–3
sex, views on 58
and shell grotto 16
shopping 166–7, 171–2, 175
travels abroad 163–8, 252–8, 263, 286–7
see also Fox, Henry
Lennox, Caroline (foundling) 3
Lennox, Cecilia
birth 12
in care of Emily 84, 99, 190, 198, 277–8
illness and death 286–7
and Louisa 281
and Sarah 265–7, 269–70, 273–5, 277
Lennox, Charles, 1st Duke of Richmond see Richmond, Charles Lennox, 1st Duke
Lennox, Charles, 2nd Duke of Richmond see Richmond, Charles Lennox, 2nd Duke
Lennox, Charles, 3rd Duke of Richmond see Richmond, Charles Lennox, 3rd Duke
Lennox, Charles (foundling) 3
Lennox, Emily
appearance 50, 350–1
birth 12
and Caroline 48, 166–7, 188–9, 279–80, 299, 302–5
and Caroline’s marriage 28, 32, 72
and Emily’s marriage 49, 58–9
letters 93–100
and Carton 195–201, 220
character 50–3
card-playing 62–3, 180
friendships 51–2
jealousy 319–20, 327
love of reading 52–3, 69, 241, 256, 311, 398, 408–9
sexuality 51, 58, 63–7
taste 325, 351
children x, 64, 97–8, 99, 152, 168, 229–30
childbirth 231–5
confinement 52, 233–4
death of Edward 392–5, 397–8
death of George Lord
Ophaly 193–4, 195–8, 242, 397
death of William 405
deaths 67, 235, 397
education 239–40, 244–51
love of 67–8, 230, 235, 236–7, 329–32, 350–1
and Conolly 400–1
death 417
and death of parents 80–2, 83
expenditure and debts 64–6, 123, 171–2, 300
and family division 345–6, 348, 357–64
as family favourite 49–50, 188, 350, 383, 405
as Francophile 415
eyesight 64, 232–3, 351
illness and death 417
and menstruation 230–1, 327, 351
miscarriages 327–9
as hostess 351, 398
and Ireland 59–60, 62–3, 375–7, 383–4, 386, 388, 392–3, 396–7
and Kildare
courtship 49–50, 53, 55–8
as Duchess of Leinster 192
his illness and death 298–300
his infidelity 99–100
and household
management 65–6, 211, 220–1
marriage x, 58–82
letter-writing 68–9, 93–100, 279, 398
and Louisa 200, 265, 280, 311, 350, 400–2
in childhood 83–4, 99, 189–90
Louisa’s marriage 111–16
and Ogilvie 301–2, 309, 312–15, 318, 319, 323, 326
and monarchy 415
and Ogilvie
affair 250–1, 279, 298–302, 305
in France 310–16, 322–31