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Baby Batter: A Baby For The Billionaire Single Dad Romance

Page 55

by Alexis Angel

  Just in case, sure, but my forward thinking is about to pay its dues.

  “What do you say we take it upstairs?” I tell him, my heart starting to pick up the pace.

  “Do you want me to go and get a room?” he proposes, and I just grin at him.

  “No need.”

  “Oh,” he whispers, grinning back at me. “That was smart of you.” Going up to his feet, he offers me his hand and I take it. We walk arm-in-arm out of the bar and head straight to the elevator; there, I press the button that’ll take us to the top floor and the doors close in on us.

  This time he doesn’t seem to be in the mood for waiting. The moment the doors close, he turns to me and pushes me back against the wall. Our mouths find their ways to each other, and we surrender to a frenzied kiss, our tongues running circles around one another.

  Oh, screw the room.

  Reacting on instinct, I throw my hand to the side and hit the red STOP button over the panel. The elevator halts to a stop in a matter of seconds, and I don’t hesitate; I place my hands on his chest, and this time I’m the one pushing him back against the wall. Then, I lower myself slowly, my eyes never leaving his.

  When my knees finally touch the floor, my thong is so wet that I can feel it sticking it to my skin. Oh, I can’t wait to be inside a room with him… But, for now, I want my appetizer served right here and right now.

  I start reaching for his pants when I stop, my hand hovering over his pants. Do I really want to be doing this? After all, Freeway isn’t my first choice… If I could choose, Kirk would be the one in here with me.

  Maybe I should.

  In fact, I definitely should stop.

  But what the hell; Kirk hasn’t texted or called after he left that morning, and I sure as hell am not going to wait till the planets align for my shot at love. Kirk isn’t here now, but Freeway is… And I’m going to make the best out of it.

  Laying my fingers on his belt, I run them over the leather and I only stop when I feel the cold metal of his buckle. Pursing my lips, I hold my breath and unbuckle it; slowly, I start pulling the zipper down and –




  Oh, not again.

  This time he isn’t just wearing a thong. No, he has matching lace stockings as well. And they look expensive; he definitely had to shop around for something like this.

  They’re lace. Black stockings.

  With fucking garter belts.

  I shiver. Some part of my brain is wondering where he bought them. But I shut it down.

  I can’t believe this is happening. Not again.

  “Don’t I look sexy?” he asks me, and when I look into his eyes I can no longer see the charming man that was sweeping me off my feet. All I see is someone with a fetish that overpowers everything else.

  Let’s get one thing straight, this isn’t about the fact that he’s wearing lingerie. Sure, it’s definitely weird, but what’s really weird is that he simply can’t help it. Even though he knew his thong freaked me out the last time we were together, he simply doubled down on a losing strategy.

  Ok, I need to get out of here.

  Jumping up to my feet, I press the OPEN button repeatedly, suddenly feeling short of breath.

  “What’s wrong? I’ve put it on just for you,” he says, but I’m no longer hearing him.

  The moment the doors slide open, I start running.


  I’m such a fucking idiot!

  The moment Freeway told me he was feeling sexy, I should've known what it meant. But no, I was too enamored with his sweet talk, too preoccupied with feeling good about myself, and I ended up falling for it again… Gah, I feel so stupid right now!

  All I wanted to do was forget about WineBar for a little bit.

  Forget how much I miss him.

  Forget how much I love being with him.

  I’m running down the hotel corridor like a lunatic, tears stinging my eyes, and I feel so mad I could tear my hair out. Even though this really isn’t about Freeway’s underwear preferences, that’s definitely the straw that broke the camel’s back.

  I just can’t stand the fact that he knew I wasn’t into it, and then he straight-up lied! Ugh, if only WineBar had called, texted or, hell, even sent me a fucking message in a bottle…! Anything would do. Then I wouldn’t have to go on dates with a guy that wears female lingerie.

  Everything would be so much easier if Kirk wasn’t part of the equation, wouldn’t it? If I didn’t care about WineBar, it’d be easy to forget about him. But, thing is… I’ve fallen for him. No, let me be even more precise; I love him. I really do. Of course, lucky as I am, the first man I ever truly loved had to be someone who’s as afraid of a commitment as I once was.

  I thought that I knew everything there was to know about relationships and men but, oh, I was so wrong! It’s kinda stupid of me to say it, since I’m a romance author… But that’s life for you. It whacks you in the head as hard as it can, and it messes you up real good.

  “Emily, wait!” I hear Freeway shout behind me, his heavy footsteps reaching me fast. I look back over my shoulder to see him racing down the corridor and, even though there’s no need for me to run away from him, I simply can’t stop myself. And so I run even faster.

  He has already pulled his pants back up, thankfully, and so I’m spared the sight of him coming after me wearing nothing but a thong and stockings. As funny of an image as that may sound, let me assure you, there really isn’t anything funny about it. Sure, it’d probably make for a good YouTube video, but I bet you wouldn’t like to be in my Christian Louboutins right now.

  Cutting a corner fast, I start racing down a flight of stairs, and I only ease my pace when I march through the lobby. I draw a few surprised looks from the receptionists and guests of the hotel, but this is San Francisco; no one really cares.

  Running out through the main doors of the hotel, I finally stop and take a deep breath of the evening air. The cold air rushes into my lungs and, for a moment, all the stress and anxiety subsides. But then I hear him again.

  “Emily!” He calls after me, stepping out onto the street. “You’ll like it!” He insists, reaching for me with one hand, but I just slap it away.

  “Don’t touch me!” I cry out, perhaps more dramatically than needed. He seems a little surprised by my reaction, and so I just take the opportunity to start running again. And I do it as if my life depended on it.

  Fuck! Why does everything always turns into a big mess? I don’t know if it’s my fault, Kirk’s fault, or God’s fault. All I know is that this whole situation makes absolutely no sense. I should be with Kirk right now, not running through the streets while I’m being chased down by a guy wearing stockings and a thong. Seriously, when did this go from a romance to a dark comedy?

  Jesus, there are tears streaming down my face! And I don’t even remember when the last time I cried!

  “Emily!” Freeway calls me again, and once more I look back over my shoulder. He’s still running after me, and so I cut to the left and start doubling back to the hotel. Maybe if I get to the room I’ve booked he’ll leave me alone.

  “Crap!” I mutter, feeling something vibrate inside my purse. Slowing down my pace, I somehow manage to take my phone from the inside. My heart almost stops when I see why the screen has lighted up; Kirk is calling me.

  Talk about timing.

  Awkwardly, I slide my thumb over the screen and press the phone against my ear. I’m about to start talking, but Kirk’s faster than me.

  “Emily, I miss you so fucking much. I don’t want to waste a minute longer. I need to see you,” he tells me in one single breath, and that’s when I stop running. I don’t even care if Freeway catches up with me. Right now, I feel invincible.

  “Please, say that again,” I ask him, a sob making my whole body shake. I wipe the tears away from my face as he repeats his words, more slowly this time, and it feels as if the world has finally started making sense again.

nbsp; “I need you now,” I tell him, closing my eyes for a second and savoring the moment.

  “That makes two of us. Where can I meet you?”

  “Meet me at the W Hotel, and please, make it fast,” I beg him, and then I just throw the phone inside my purse. Thank God Freeway isn’t as athletic as Kirk, or else he’d be upon me this very moment. Lucky for me, he has stopped at the end of the street, one hand against the wall as he tries to catch his breath. Maybe he can’t run fast while wearing stockings, I think, and I almost burst out laughing.

  Instead, I just turn on my heels and start head back to the hotel. My happy ending is within my reach, I can feel it.

  And I’ll be damned if I’ll let it slip away from me again.


  “Meet me at the W Hotel, and please, make it fast,” she cries out, and my heart almost jumps out of my chest. Even though her words have made me as happy as I’ve ever been, her tone of voice has left me worried.

  Something’s going down right now, and Emily needs me. I guess it’s back to the sportscar again. “Can you close up for the night?” I tell Susan as I duck under the counter, and she gives me a little salute.

  “Count on me, Your Highness. I’ll keep the Kingdom safe and our enemies at bay,” she chuckles, and I just give her a thankful nod before I rush past the door. Thankfully, I’ve parked my car right in front of the bar, and so all I have to do is sit behind the wheel and turn the damn thing on.

  “W Hotel,” I whisper under my breath, swerving the car into the road. There are a few honks protesting my driving skills, but I just ignore them; drivers in San Francisco are trigger-happy when it comes to honking and, besides, I’m a man on a mission right now.

  Speeding up through the streets like Ayrton Senna reborn, I get to the W Hotel in under five minutes… And that despite the traffic. Sure, I ran a couple of red lights on my way here, but it’s not like I had any other option.

  Jumping out my car, I look around, trying to find Emily. When I finally spot her, she’s standing in front of the large doors of the hotel, a man in a suit talking with her hurriedly. When she finally notices me, her whole face lights up.

  Alright, this is it, the moment of truth.

  Closing the distance between me and her, I don’t even bother with the guy that’s talking to her. I just grab her by the hips, pull her into me, and crush my mouth against hers. My lips linger on hers for a long time and, if it wasn’t for the need to breathe, I’d never allow this kiss to end.

  “I love you, Emily…” I tell her, slowly pushing the words out of my mouth. They feel heavy and thick over my tongue but, at the same time, it’s liberating to say it out loud. I’m in love with Emily — let the whole world know it.

  “You… You what?” she asks me, her jaw hanging open slightly. Her eyes widen with surprise and, for an horrifying half-a-second, I almost think she’s about to turn on her heels and start running down the street.

  That’s not what she does.

  “I love you too,” she cries out, taking one step forward and wrapping her small arms around my chest. “Why didn’t you say it before, you asshole?” she continues, her head pressed against my chest.

  “Because I was an idiot,” I whisper, one hand on her waist and the other on the nape of her neck. “I’ve never felt like this before, and I guess I was afraid of what might happen…”

  “Yes, you’re an idiot,” she chuckles, hugging me tightly.

  “Guys… this is great,” I hear a man say, “but I’m still here.” I turn to the side to face him, and I realize that this must be Freeway. The man from her phone with the text message I read. He’s tall, almost as tall as me, and he has the looks of a model. There’s something deeply artificial about him though and, even though I should feel weird about him being here right now, I actually don’t care. Emily just said she loves me! How could I care about anything else but that?

  “I guess I’m out, huh?” Freeway continues, his eyes wandering to Emily, a tone of disappointment in his words.

  “You’re out,” both Emily and I say at the same time; even though it’s awful to do it in front of him, we can’t help but chuckle as we stare into each other’s eyes.

  “I was worried about you,” I whisper, tucking a lock of her hair over one ear. “You sounded terrified.”

  “Just a little bit freaked out… But I’ll explain it later.” Whatever it was that I noticed in her when we talked on the phone, it’s long gone by now. Right now, all I can read in her face is happiness. “Just tell me you have on boxer briefs?” Emily asks.

  “Of course,” I say, a bit puzzled.

  “Later then,” I say, my eyes still on hers. “Shall we go back to my place?” I ask her, anxious to be alone with her with four walls around.

  “Too far,” she replies with a teasing chuckle, and then she reaches for me and places one hand on my chest. Grabbing me by the shirt, she pulls me into her and, going on tiptoes, she takes her lips to my right ear. “I was thinking of somewhere much closer…”

  “How closer?”

  She doesn’t even bother answering me. She just points with her thumb at the building behind us and, as I realize that she’s pointing straight at the hotel, I feel a wave of lustful excitement taking over me. My heart starts pumping boiling blood through my veins, and my cock starts twitching inside my boxer briefs, hardening and straining against the fabric.

  “You have a room?”

  “I do,” she nods, “and it’s waiting for us.”

  Yeah, we need to get there fast.

  “Let’s go then,” I tell her, grabbing her by the hand and leading her inside the hotel. The moment we’re alone in the elevator, heading up, I turn on my heels to face her. Caressing her cheek with the back of my hand, I lean in and brush my lips against hers.

  “I love you,” I repeat once again, my words wrapping themselves around us like an armor, protecting us from the outside world. Right now, it feels as if we’re in a universe of our own, one where the troubles of mundane life are simply forbidden.

  “I love you too,” she whispers, and that’s when I realize that my instincts were right all along: Emily’s the woman of my dreams. And I love her with all my heart.

  Who knew? I wasn’t such a lost case after all.


  WineBar and I step into the elevator. I can feel the desire in the air between us. It’s thick, much like his amazing cock, which I want more than anything to ride again.

  “You feel it too?” he asks.

  We’re alone so I’m not afraid to admit it to him at all. I nod my head and he has me pushed up against the elevator wall. It’s going up and I don’t even care if it stops on another floor to get a different passenger. All I’m thinking about, all I want, is Kirk right here right now, with his mouth on mine, and his hands roaming all over my body.

  “I want to fuck you in here,” he says.

  “Just hold on. We have a room. It’s really nice. Let’s just go in there so we can do more than a quickie.”

  He thinks about this for a minute and then he looks at me. “Good point.”

  We pull apart and endure the rest of the elevator ride. It seems like it’s dragging on. I’ve never been in an elevator this slow before. I stare at the numbers just wanting it to go faster. Doesn’t it realize that I have somewhere to be and someone to fuck?

  I count the floors as we go by them.

  Floor four. Floor five. Floor six. Floor seven. The elevator stops. But we’re on floor 11. I don’t’ get why it’s stopping now. Someone climbs on and hits floor nine. I want to groan and stomp my feet. This is taking forever. It’s taking way too damn long. I want to be in that room so I can rip Kirk’s clothes off and fuck him.

  We reach floor nine and the person gets off, pokes his head around and must realize he’s on the wrong floor and gets back into the elevator. It takes everything in me not to push him back out and push the “close doors” button.

  He pushes the button for 10. I take a deep b
reath. This can’t actually be happening. Kirk is beside me and I can tell he’s antsy too. The floor dings on level 10 and the guy steps out. I hit the button to close the doors though it wouldn’t matter if he got back on or not because ours is the next stop.

  The doors close and Kirk grabs my ass. We finally reach our floor; with a ding the door opens.

  “Finally,” he says.

  “I know. I never thought we were going to get here.” No one is waiting so we rush out. I look at the room number on my key envelope again and read that our room is room 1009. I look at the signs and we practically run for the room. I stick the key in the room and it beeps, unlocking the door. Kirk reaches and pushes it forward, throwing it open. It hits the wall, but we don’t care.

  We are inside and already all over each other. He’s kissing me. We pull apart and quickly remove our shirts. His mouth is back on mine. Our tongues are moving around in his mouth. I want to feel it on my pussy. I’ve been missing fucking him since the last time we fucked. We pause and remove our pants. I’m in my bra and panties and he is in his boxer briefs.

  We go back to kissing; it’s passionate and sloppy. But it’s also really sexy. I suck on his tongue. We reach the bed where he leans back and I crawl on top of him. We’re still kissing and I’m grinding my pussy on his hard cock. I know we still have our underwear on, but it still feels good.

  I reach down and pull his cock out through the slit in his boxer briefs. I want his cock and I want it NOW. I want to feel it in me and I don’t want to have to wait any longer to feel it. His cock rubbing against my pussy is pure torture. I move my thong to the side and shove him inside of me.

  “Oh fuck. You’re such a horny girl. I love it,” he says as I begin to bounce on his cock.

  I can’t get enough of the feeling. I move my body up and down on him harder, grinding into him. I’m so fucking turned on that I feel like I might just come any second. I move on him more, and I can feel it. I feel the orgasm lingering there, threatening to break free. Threatening to send me into a spiral of pleasure.


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