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The Ritual (Taboo Erotica)

Page 3

by Anya Merchant

  Laurie turned back towards the group and shook her head from side to side slightly.

  “Bea, I don’t know about this,” she said. “Maybe it’s a bad idea for us to-”

  “No,” said Bea. “You must understand, Laurie. Once the two of you truly understand, and have achieved the final level of closeness with each other, you will be free.”

  Stacy stood up and walked over to Paul’s mom, with a couple of drops of his cum still on her chin and cheeks. Laurie saw her, and opened her mouth in surprise. Paul understood exactly what his mom was going through. He was going through it, too.

  “Laurie, your son needs this,” said Stacy. “You both need this. More than you know. It will bring the two of you to a new place. A better place.”

  Laurie was shaking her head, but Paul could tell from the way her eyes looked at him, full of love, care, and concern, that Bea’s message was getting through. He found himself being even more confused, and moved away from the women slightly.

  “Paul, your feelings are just as important on this,” said Bea. “Why don’t you clear your head for a couple of hours? We need to do some preparations before the next Milonics exercise, anyway.”

  “…Okay.” Paul slowly put his clothes back on. His emotions were all over the place, and it was hard for him to look at his mom. It was as though his mind didn’t want to think about what was going on. There were too many long held beliefs and sexual hang ups in the way.

  He walked to the entranceway, put his shoes on, and headed outside. As soon as he’d shut the door behind him, his thoughts stopped clogging and began to flood his head. He felt ashamed, guilty, confused, and strangely eager.

  Paul walked down the street and towards a nearby park, feeling the chill of winter biting at his cheeks. His friend’s mom had given him a blowjob, and all the other women there had watched. It was almost unbelievable to him, and yet, from the sound of it, there was more to come beyond that.

  His mom was going to be a part of it. Paul was afraid of what Bea was getting at with her ideas about mindfulness and understanding. He wondered just how were he and his mom going to fit into it, and slowly began to examine himself, and his own emotions.


  Paul took his time in the park. Despite the bitter cold winds, it was hard for him to make himself turn back. He sat on a park bench after clearing a white layer of dust off, and stared into his phone, watching his breath crystalize with every exhale.

  He waited until a couple of hours had gone by and his fingers were too cold and sensationless to work on the touchscreen anymore, and then started back towards his house. As he walked down the street, he saw that most of the cars of the women were still there, parked to the brim in his family’s driveway and nearby on the street.

  Behind him, he could see both sets of his footsteps stretching back towards the park, one on either side of the street. He had left, and now he was coming back, but it didn’t feel as though any major change of heart had taken place. Paul still felt skeptical of the Milonics exercises, but also a little excited.

  He walked up the steps, opened the door, and stepped inside. It was late afternoon, and a heavily overcast sky caused it to be much darker than it should have been. This was only accentuated by the way Bea had set up the lighting in the living room.

  Every one of the electric lights had been turned off, and candles had been lit for illumination in their place. All of the women were wearing comfortable clothing, as though they were on their way to bed or a yoga class. Paul’s mom had on her tiny night gown, the one that he blamed for instigating the encounter that had gotten him into the mess.

  “Uh, hey,” said Paul. He shut the door behind him and began to take his boots off. Bea set a candle that she was holding down on the coffee table and then walked over to him, a gentle, welcoming smile across her face.

  “Paul,” she said. “We’re glad your back. The women are ready. Your mom…is ready.”

  Laurie blushed and looked away from Paul as Bea mentioned her. He looked around the room, recognizing most of the faces from before. A couple of women, including Stacy, had apparently left, but at least half of them were still in attendance.

  “Bea, are you sure that this has to happen?” Laurie had a very unsure look on her face.

  Bea nodded, and then rubbed Paul’s mom’s shoulder.

  “It’s okay, Laurie. Remember what happened this morning. The two of you need to work through this, together.”

  Paul walked deeper into the living room, feeling the eyes of all of the women on him.

  “Hey, what’s going on?” he asked. “Is there going to be another, uh, exercise?”

  Bea nodded, and his mom blushed. Several of the other women walked over to Paul and began helping him out of his clothes, pulling his shirt off over his head and unzipping his jeans. It weirded him out a little, but he let it happen, feeling much more open to the Milonic practices than he had been that morning.

  “Paul, have a seat on the couch,” said Bea. She took him by the hand and gently led him over, her earrings jangling as she moved.

  “I don’t know about this, Bea…” said Laurie. Bea turned back towards her and held one finger up to her lips, shushing her.

  “Paul, we’re going to do an exercise similar to the one we did this morning.” Bea began to rub her hands on his body as she spoke, leaning forward so that her cleavage was pushed into Paul’s face. “This time, we’re going to go a little further with it.”

  As she finished her sentence, the other women began to strip out of her clothes. Paul couldn’t decide if he was supposed to feel awkward or like the luckiest man on Earth. His mom was the only one who held back, only taking off her shirt and pants, and keeping her big breasts covered by her bra.

  “Look at all of us, Paul,” said Bea. She had one of the other women unzip her dress and then stepped out of it, revealing a sexy lingerie set underneath. “We’re all sexual creatures, just like you. It’s nothing to be ashamed of.”

  She let her hand rub across Paul’s crotch, and then pulled his boxers down. His cock was rock hard, and as Bea slowly began to pump it up and down with her hand, he felt a strange mixture of embarrassment and arousal.

  His mom was staring right at it. Her eyes were locked onto his rod, almost as though the incident that morning was being continued directly from where it had left off, but with more intensity. The other women in the Milonics group dropped down on either side of Paul and began lending their hands to the ritual, rubbing his chest and legs and looking at him with sensual eyes.

  “Just relax, Paul,” whispered Bea. “Do what comes naturally.”

  She brought her face in close to his cock and rubbed her tongue up the length of it. The feeling was one of pure, unadulterated pleasure. Paul wanted nothing more than to push his cock into Bea’s mouth and enjoy the warmth of it until he was ready to unload, but the Milonics leader showed restraint.

  “Laurie,” said Bea. “It’s your turn.”

  Paul turned his head towards his mom. Her face was bright red, and when their eyes met, he felt his own embarrassment and shame hit him in full force. He understood what was supposed to happen, and felt an inner emotional battle being fought inside his body on whether to let it proceed, or to pull away.

  “Paul, sweetie,” whispered his mom. “For this part of the Milonics ritual… I have to, well, I’m going to…”

  She shook her head and looked away from him, and then dropped down to her knees in front of Paul. She couldn’t make eye contact with him, but moved forward, closer to her son’s cock and the forbidden territory in which she was being guided into.

  Paul had never seen his mother look so amazingly hot and sexy before in his life. She was still clearly his mom, with all the same expressions and mannerisms as the woman that had raised him, but something else was mixed in with it, and it pushed him into a state of intense, illicit arousal that was beyond anything he’d ever thought possible.

  She was the same woman who had pus
hed him on the swing set, made him cookies, put band aids on his cuts, and done his laundry. She was the same woman who had always been there for him, throughout his entire life. And she was currently the woman blushing as she licked her lips and reached out for his cock, hesitating and being shy about what was about to happen.

  Suddenly, something happened that was completely unexpected. The front door opened, and somebody that Paul recognized stepped into the house.

  “Mom, I’m home!” said Beth, Paul’s step sister. “What’s with all the cars…out front?”

  Paul looked over at her and saw that his older sister’s mouth was wide open. She held a backpack in one of her hands, and it dropped down to the floor as she looked at the scene in front of her, at her mother in the process of preparing to suck her brother’s cock.

  “Oh…oh my god,” she said. “What the fuck?”

  “Beth, I, I didn’t think you were going to be-“

  “Get away from him!” Beth jumped over to where Paul was and began pushing half naked women aside. She grabbed him by the hand and pulled him out of the group, meeting little resistance from Bea and the Milonics group members.

  “We’re in the middle of an exercise right now,” said Bea. “Laurie, could you explain it to your daughter.”

  Paul’s mom opened her mouth, but instead of saying anything, she just shook her head and looked as though she was on the verge of dying from embarrassment.

  “Mom, I told you to give up this Milonics thing!” screamed Beth. “It’s a fucking cult! It’s a fucking sex cult, and now you’re dragging Paul into it?”

  “Beth, you don’t underst-“

  “Paul, get dressed, I’m getting you the fuck out of here.” Beth grabbed her brother’s clothes off the floor and tossed them to him, and he followed her direction and began putting them on.

  “Young lady, if you would listen to what your mother is saying, you’d understand that we’re doing this to open our minds.” Bea held her arms out and walked towards Beth. Paul couldn’t resist staring at the older woman’s gorgeous figure, her nipples on full display through the translucent fabric of the lingerie set she had on.

  “No, fuck you!” screamed Beth. “Paul is only 18, he’s barely old enough to know right from wrong. You’re going to traumatize him for life.”

  Paul felt like he should say something, and stand up for himself, but he wasn’t sure whose side to take. The situation was confusing, and he wasn’t sure whether to listen to his eager loins, or his rational mind.

  “Come on Paul, we’re getting out of here,” said Beth. “Mom, I am ashamed of you! This is not okay!”

  Laurie looked as though she was about to sink through the floor. In the corners of her eyes, small droplets of tears were beginning to form. She turned away from everyone, towards the corner of the room.

  Paul finished pulling his pants on, and Beth grabbed him roughly by the arm and pulled him over to the door. He put his boots and jacket on quickly, wondering if he was making the right choice, and then stepped outside.

  Beth had parked her car, a pink VW Beetle, on the street. She walked over to it and climbed into the driver’s seat, looking at Paul expectantly as he followed her with heavy feet.

  “I can’t believe that just happened,” said Beth as Paul sat down in the car.

  “Neither can I,” said Paul. “Beth…I’m not sure how all of it began.”

  His sister smiled reassuringly at him and set one of her hands down on his thigh. His cock was still hard, and he couldn’t help but notice that Beth’s outfit, a frilly, low cut blouse and tight jeans, looked amazing on her, even underneath her jacket.

  “Mom has been telling me about Bea and the Milonics thing for months now,” she said. “I had them pegged as a cult from day one, but you know how stubborn she can be when she gets into something. I just never thought that she’d end up being brainwashed to this degree.”

  She started up the engine, and pulled onto the road. Paul looked back at the house, almost expecting some type of evil aura or glow to be visible around the edges of it. But there was nothing. IT was still the same house that he’d been raised in, the same house that he had so many memories of.

  “We’re going to stay at a hotel tonight,” said Beth. “The only way that mom is going to be allowed to see either of us again is if she severs all of her ties from that group. We have to be firm about this, Paul.”

  She squeezed his thigh as she spoke, and Paul began to feel blood rush to his cock again. He was horny, and it made him feel worse than ever. It was almost as though his attitude had taken a complete 180 from that of the Milonics group, and now his desires and urges were more terrible than ever.

  “Sis, this is mom that we’re talking about,” said Paul. “We can’t just cut her out of our lives.”

  Beth smiled at him.

  “Well with any luck, we won’t have to.”


  The car was silent for a while. Beth and Paul had nowhere to speed off to. They drove slowly through they home town, and Paul felt a strange mixture of nostalgia and confusion.

  “Paul…” said Beth. “Did you…I mean, did you and mom…?”

  He knew what she was trying to ask. Strangely, the question turned him on a little. He sickened by how hot and arousing the moments right before Beth had showed up had been, and tried to shake it out of his mind.

  “No…” said Paul. “But some of the Milonics women…well, let’s just say that you showed up at just the right time.”

  An odd voice in the back of his head asked whether Beth really had shown up at the right time, or if it had been precisely the wrong time. His body was still tingling, as if it had a better sense than his own mind about what would have happened if things had gone a little further.

  “I’m glad I did too, baby bro.” Beth smiled at her brother and ruffled his hair. “Mom has told me some stuff over the phone about those crazy people. If they had it their way everyone would just be screwing their friends and family in the streets.”

  Paul smiled a little, and watched as Beth pulled into a motel parking lot. She brought the car to a stop in a free spot, and the two of them climbed out of it. The sun was setting in the distance, and it gave the moment a slightly ominous feel.

  “Can you split the cost of the room with me?” asked Beth. “College life has been draining my bank account.”

  “Sure,” said Paul.

  The two of them walked over to the check in building and headed inside. Behind the front desk was a bookish looking man wearing a pair of thick glasses. He smiled at them from behind a magazine as they came in and wheeled his chair over to a computer.

  “Hello,” he said. “Are you two going to need a room for the night, or just a couple of hours?”

  “Uh…what?” Paul glanced over at his sister, who had the same puzzled expression on her face. The man smiled and let out a small chuckle.

  “I’m asking if you think you’ll be doing it just once or twice, or if the beds going to be rocking for the whole night.” The man winked at Paul, a dirty smile forming across his face. “I’m assuming for the night? Teenage hormones are a powerful thing.”

  “We…He’s my brother!” Beth was blushing bright red, and slammed her hand down on an empty spot on the man’s desk.

  “Oh…” said the man. “Oh! I’m so sorry! Here, how about I give the two of you a small discount. That was a really terrible assumption on my part.”

  Paul shook his head and sighed. It felt like he couldn’t escape from it, whether it was his mom, or his sister. He looked over at Beth and saw the anger in her face, along with something he didn’t expect. She looked hot, as though the man’s misunderstanding had gotten under her skin in places where it shouldn’t have.

  “Alright, room 211 is open,” said the man. “Checkout time is 11 AM. And again, sorry for the mistake.”

  He handed Paul the key, and then lifted his magazine back up, as if trying to cut himself off from the emotional chaos that he had br
ought into the situation. Paul looked at his sister, and then turned and headed out the door.

  “Well, that was dumb,” said Beth, as they made their way up the stairs towards their room. “How you could you mistake the two of us for…I mean, it’s just ridiculous.”

  “I don’t think he thought twice about it,” said Paul. “Most of the people who come through this place are probably here for that reason.”

  He looked over at his sister, and couldn’t help but notice just how attractive she was. It had been confusing for him growing up with both her and her mom in the house, especially as a horny teenager.

  “Well, here we are.” Beth stopped in front of one of the doors, and Paul walked over and unlocked it. The room on the other side was tiny, with only a single bed, a television, and a tiny bathroom.

  “Yeah, here we are.” Paul kicked off his shoes and walked over to the bed, taking a seat on it. Beth closed the door and turned on the light.

  There was a strange tension in the air. Paul wondered why it felt so weird with just the two of them there. Beth smiled at him and slowly started walking over. She’d taken off her jacket, and Paul’s eyes were instinctively drawn towards her chest, with her nicely sized breasts pushing out against the fabric of her shirt.

  “Paul…can I ask you something?” Beth’s tone was serious, but also excited. Paul looked at her and felt something electrified in the air as they made eye contact.

  “Of course, sis, anything.”

  “Do you think…I know this is going to be hard for you to answer, but If hadn’t shown up, do you think you would have…gone through with it? With mom?”

  Paul felt his heartrate begin to pick up. His cock also began to stiffen in his pants. This was not the type of reaction he wanted out of his body, not for a question like that.

  He shook his head and then sighed, feeling like it was very difficult to be anything but honest with his sister.


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