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Page 17

by Warren, Rie

  I repeated each vow, my voice strong although my heart knocked against my chest and I was afraid Jessica could feel my hammering heartbeat in my hands clasped around hers.

  Before it was her turn to say her vows, I brushed her hair aside and whispered, “I’ve never given myself to anyone like I do you. I should’ve said that earlier. Or proposed first.”

  “That makes two of us.” She slid her cheek against mine. “Now, will you let me finish marrying you, Hunter?”

  I would’ve laughed except for the swelling tumble of emotion that guided my gaze to hers.

  “Hunter Angelo. You didn’t give me any damn time to write my own vows, but I reckon Tucker will give me some leeway.”

  The big iron-haired man bowed his head.

  “You have the heart of a lion.” She smiled, stroking my fingers. “Body of a warrior. The mind of a military man, and poetry in the way you love me. I, Jessica Barnes do thee wed, knowing you as no other woman has, and damn glad about that too.”

  Laughter shot out around us, but Jessica jerked me to her. Her lips so close to mine, she stopped short. “Rings? Because I don’t have one.”

  Cole crept up, laying two twinkling platinum circles in my hand.

  “You can change mine later. Whatever you want.” I slipped the band down her finger.

  “I only want you.” She did the honors with me, vibrating in my hands.

  Tucker didn’t get the you may now kiss the bride words out before she was in my arms.

  I kissed Jessica slowly, deeply. Our moist lips moved and our tongues tasted. I held her against me, my suit and her dress hampering the hot hard need of my body.

  Broken apart by revelers who congratulated us, our eyes locked in secret agreement.

  An hour later, she beckoned me into the back hallway. She walked with her hair down to her ass, an ass that swayed in invitation. With each step, the butterfly tats peeked out, each one larger until the laces of her corset hid the rest of her creamy skin from view.

  She dangled a key in front of me. The office key. With a perfectly serviceable desk inside.

  I’d been hard, wanting her, since the moment she’d said yes, but I hesitated. “I want you so much I can taste it. But this wasn’t how I planned it.”

  Turning the key in the lock, she swished inside. “Don’t tell me you’re not hot for teacher.”

  “Hot for my wife.”

  “You like saying that, don’t you?”

  I gripped the doorframe, reluctant to enter.

  “Close the door and fuck me, Hunter.”

  Heat raced down my body and tightened my balls when she bent over from her waist on top of the desk. Shifting the dark blue ruffles up over her thighs and the round globes of her ass, she displayed a lacy thigh garter, the hip chain, and a very wet pussy.

  “Where the hell are your panties?” I growled.

  “You didn’t buy me any so I thought this was how you wanted me.”

  “Jesus Christ, Jessica.” I groaned.

  And groaned louder when she slid one finger insider herself, moaning.

  “I planned a honeymoon and—” Any other excuse I’d intended to make disappeared from my head when she add another finger into her slick, pink cunt.

  I walked up behind her, freeing my cock.

  “Remember I went on the pill?” She glanced over her shoulder at me, wetting her lips.

  I gulped.

  “We’re safe now.” Pulling her fingers free, she leaned further over.

  I ran a through my hair as my cock jerked. “Oh hell.”

  “Fuck me, Hunter. I’m so ready for you.” She rolled her ass back and forth.

  I slapped the thick hard length of my shaft against my hand then across her cunt. “Fast and hard?”

  “All the way.” She reached below, pulling my cock into her.

  I rutted like a wild animal, savage in my taking. I bit her neck and sucked her skin and marked her. I held onto her hips and dug my fingers in. Velvety stretch. Skin on skin. Hot burning bare flesh. The enormity of having her like this, having her as my wife made the sex impossibly more intense.

  She came quickly, howling and clawing at the desk.

  I withdrew from her wet cunt, and my cock glistened from her.

  “Turn around,” I demanded. “Knees up. And show me your tits before I shred this dress apart.”

  She tugged in ragged breaths, released the first few stays, and sat back on the desk. The hip chain dipped between the shining lips of her pussy. I pulled the glimmering chain slowly up her slit and around her clit then placed it across her thigh.

  I buried my cock inside her slick tunnel, and her head knocked back as her bared breasts bounced.

  “Just. Like. This.” I fucked her hard and furious, cupping her ass, nipping her tits. “You are mine.”

  It happened so fast I was blinded, helpless, bucking, flexing. I pulled out of her and jetted across her thighs in hot wet splashes before pushing back in and pumping the rest of my come into her pussy. Jessica squeezed around me, shouting my name, gripping my shoulders.

  Her fingers dragged through my hair moments later.

  I kissed her neck, content to stay right where I was. “That was not my plan.”

  “I know.” Her fingers skimmed down her body and I watched as she scooped up some of my come. She dipped her fingertips into her mouth, moaning at the taste. “But wasn’t it worth it?”

  “So worth it, wife.” My tongue traveled up the length of her neck, and I sealed my lips over hers.

  And a damn good idea, because we were still at the club a couple hours later. This goddamn night would never end. I’d brought it upon myself, doing the deed here. There was food and cake and more and more drinks flowed. At one point Rayce insisted I do the garter toss.

  Jessica sat in the middle of the floor on a chair, and I kneeled in front of her. My palms skimmed up her slim ankles and calves encased in the polished sexy black leather boots.

  She smiled and whispered, “This is why I knew you wouldn’t be able to wait until we got home.”

  I hungrily watched my palms disappear beneath her layered skirts, silently agreeing with her. My fingers were inches from the lacy dark blue garter and then inches more from her naked, freshly fucked pussy. I trailed higher, tickling my fingers around the edges of her swollen lips, listening to her hiss lightly.

  Edging a finger inside her, I kissed the corner of her mouth. “Maybe it’s you who couldn’t wait.”

  Her throaty laugh gurgled, and I pulled the garter down and off. It landed with a smack against Cole’s chest.

  Then there was dancing. And Jessica was tireless. I held her close during all the slow songs, barely conscious of swaying with the music, happy just to have her in my arms for a few minutes more.

  When the fast loud music started, I let her go. She whirled and danced and laughed and shook her ass a fair bit, too. I kept an even closer eye on her then.

  A broad shouldered dude with auburn flecks in his hair shouldered through the crowd of dancing bodies toward me.

  “Bo, my man.” I grasped his hand in mine.

  “I decided to take you up on your offer.” He scanned the wild scene inside the clubhouse. “Seems I’m just in time for the party.”

  “That you are.” I propped my elbows back on the bar. “So about this offer of mine: just the club or the other help too?”

  “Let’s start with the club if they’ll take me. I’m a little gun-shy about shrinks.”

  “I hear that.” The man didn’t have to explain anything to me. Military and police careers were the stuff PTSD was made of. “By the way, you missed the wedding here earlier.”

  “Oh yeah?” He turned his head to stare at me. “Who’s the poor bastard then?”

  “Me.” I grinned until my cheeks stretched.

  He blinked in shock.

  “Yep. Got hitched today.” Reaching out, I snagged Jessica’s waist as she swirled by me. “Bo Maverick, let me introduce you to my old lady, J
essica Angelo.”

  Shit, that was the first time I’d said it out loud: Jessica Angelo.

  She beamed at Bo and accepted his hug.

  “Hell”—he rubbed his jaw—“don’t know about the old lady thing.”

  “Oh, I’m legal. Although my nickname is JB.”

  “JB?” he asked.

  “Jailbait,” we replied in unison.

  Jessica started moving away to rejoin the dancing, but I snatched her back. “Don’t go too far. I want to head out soon.”

  “Do you now?” Her arms twined behind my neck, fingers winding into my hair.

  “Yeah.” I lowered my head for a long, deep kiss.

  I gave her ass a squeeze before she strutted away.

  “Shit, man. You’ve changed,” Bo remarked, and there may have been a hint of envy in his voice.

  We had a couple drinks and shot the breeze for awhile. I introduced him around, starting with the Brothers Steele. I wanted him to feel at ease here and hoped Retribution would be a good fit for him.

  “Dude. Who’s that checking out your woman?” Bo pointed over my shoulder.

  I glanced around with an immediate glare. It was Kinkaid. Newest kid on the Retribution block. Brodie called him Probie 2.0. Would’ve sucked to be him except he was built like a fucking fallout bunker, and all the ladies were up in his grill for a little feel up, face-time, quick fuck. The boy was a bonafide pussy magnet but I’d yet to see him make good on any offers from the chicks who constantly threw themselves at him. Half the time he didn’t even seem to notice

  The only girl he hung with was his gal pal, a dirt bike tomboy called Sadie.

  “Hey, Probie 2.0!” I shouted. “Eyes off the merchandise.”

  “What? I wasn’t . . .”

  Poor guy. Blond hair, light complexion, blushed all the way to his hairline with no way to hide it.

  “Make sure you don’t, either.” I warned him.

  Other than the massively built body, Kinkaid the Probie looked pretty damn young, but the years showed in his green eyes when he thought no one was watching.

  He had secrets to hide. Something he didn’t want anyone else in Retribution to know about. Too bad I’d done my homework on him. I knew. And it was the mother lode.

  “I think that’s my cue to round up my woman and take my bride to bed before any of these other assholes gets any funny ideas.” I slapped Bo on the back and took my leave.

  Outside, the jokers had decorated our motorcycles. Of course they had. Streamers, empty beer cans, and other road hazards trailed from the handlebars of my Deus Grievous Angel and her Ducati. We left side-by-side under the rumble of engines, showered by paper confetti, amid shouts of congratulations.


  I’d kicked Walker out a week ago and not a moment too soon. I didn’t know where he was staying, and I didn’t give a fuck either now I had Jessica all to myself, finally.

  We roared up the driveway and came to a stop together. As soon as our helmets were off, I scooped her into my arms.

  “Don’t drop me,” she squealed.

  “I’ll never drop you.”

  I carried my precious cargo up the porch and over the threshold, her wicked dress poofing over my arms.

  After I set her down inside I spun her to me. “I know this isn’t much of a honeymoon, but I wasn’t sure you’d say yes.” I peered down at her, feeling a little sheepish.

  She rolled her eyes then started loosening my tie.

  “I have something planned though.” I explained further.

  “Of course you do.” She pulled my tie free with a satisfied grin.

  “For your Christmas break from school. We’re going to Vail.” She looked amused as I continued to ramble, “Although I guess I don’t know if you ski.”

  “I do. Do you?” Busily working down the buttons of my dress shirt, she tilted her head at me.

  “Uh. No. Not really.” My face was starting to heat up, and even the tips of my ears burned.

  “What did you think we’d be doing in Vail then, hmm?” She successfully tugged my shirt out of the pants, pressing the flat of her palms against my abs.

  I swallowed harshly. “Thought we could stay in a snowbound cabin and fuck in front of the fire for about a week.”

  “Sounds like more fun than skiing.” Her hand wandered up the hard planes of my chest over the smattering of hair. She leaned forward, gently biting one nipple until it hardened in pain and pleasure.

  “Hungry?” I asked hoarsely. Shit. I was unaccountably awkward and nervously repeating the same questions I’d asked her the first time I’d brought her home. Only this time it was for keeps.

  “No.” She’d gather the ends of my tie in one hand and started leading me through the house.


  “Perhaps.” She tossed a saucy smile at me.

  “Where are we going?”

  “I’m taking my husband to bed.”

  My momentary nervousness fled, and I suddenly took charge of my take-charge woman. Flinging her into my arms again, I dashed up the stairs

  She was laughing when I came to a halt inside the bedroom, but she abruptly stopped.

  “Oh, Hunter. It’s beautiful.”

  I hadn’t done all that much—candles in new candlesticks, a fancy wine bucket for the champagne I needed to get from the kitchen, a few bouquets of flowers. Pale ivory roses.

  I set her on her feet and she bent to smell the heady scent.

  “I bought them because the color and texture remind me of your skin.” My fingertip dipped along the shallow indent of her spine. “Like velvet.”

  Her eyes shone vividly. “Help me with the dress?”

  “My pleasure.”

  The laces that held the gown together through the corset were complicated to say the least, but I was a man on a mission.

  I’d intended to get Jessica all the way naked this time but she backed up as soon as the dress was loosened, holding it pinned against her more than ample, very swelling breasts. “That’s far enough, mister. I want to freshen up first.”

  She rummaged through one of the dresser drawers I’d emptied for her a couple weeks ago and pulled something out. She craftily concealed it behind her back.

  I’d have to make a point of snooping in her drawers. I smirked.

  “What’s that look for?” she asked.

  “Oh, nothing.” I wiped my face clean of wicked thoughts, almost, slowly advancing on her. “But what do you need to freshen up for? I’m just going to dirty you up again.”

  Jessica whirled with a laugh then slammed the bathroom door in my face.

  Huh. I shook my head at the closed door.

  While she freshened up, I retrieved the chilled champagne and lit the candle tapers. I removed my shoes and socks but left the rest on because I wouldn’t put up a fight if she wanted to undress me.

  Then I paced from one end of the room to the other.

  Spinning around when the bathroom door opened, I stopped in my tracks and stared until I’d committed the vision of her to memory. Then I stared some more.

  The pale pink nightgown molded to every curve of her body. The material was so fine it was sheer. The shadows of her nipples appeared dark and pebbled beneath the gown. Freshly brushed and gleaming, her long brown hair waved around her like a soft cloud. And freckles. Those fucking freckles. On her cheeks, across her little upturned nose, on the high slopes of her breasts. I didn’t detect the hip chain glinting through the material, just her, completely sexy her.

  Jessica turned very slowly allowing me to see the back. Even the sweetheart cleft of her full bottom was visible in the filmy lingerie. Her tats formed the butterfly line down her back. There were laces again, but loose ones that barely held the gown together until the clingy material dipped down to the dimples at the top of her ass. Pale pink, a sweet color, but she made it look like sin.

  “I sure as hell didn’t choose that.” I only wished I had.

  “I know.” She circled back to
me. “There’s more where this came from.”

  How well I remembered the teddy she’d worn that had driven me slowly insane. “Where?”

  “My house.”

  “Not for long.”

  Goddamn. Even her toenails were newly painted glossy pink. And whether it was the lingerie or the candlelight or happiness, she glowed even more than usual.

  “You are captivating. A goddess, Jessica. An incredibly sexy goddess.” My voice rumbled, it echoed the heavy throb of my cock.

  She stepped up to me, but I backed away. Suddenly I felt like a slouch in my bare feet and day-old suit and the shirt that hung open. I rasped a hand across the stubble on my jaw.

  “Maybe I should freshen up too.”

  “Oh, no.” Jessica moved up against my body, nuzzling my chest and neck. “A little smoky, from the club. Definitely some whiskey. And pure man. My man.”

  She removed my jacket and folded it before setting it on the chair. My shirt and tie followed. She undid my belt and let it slip from the loops before carefully plucking the button on my pants. She peered up at me from her position on her knees and dragged the flat of her tongue up along my rigid cock confined inside the suit.

  I clenched my fists at my sides as bolts of heat crackled in my groin.

  Jessica pressed her palm against my erection, holding it against my body as she lowered the zipper. Every sound of the metal teeth being freed set my teeth on edge. There was a very real possibility I’d come before she even undressed me.

  My breath jarred in my chest, my body aching for her touch. When she pulled my pants and briefs down, her soft hair brushed my stiff cock and I groaned her name.

  Her palms moved up the length of my muscled legs and stopped on my thighs. Her breath rustled against my heavy balls before she very softly and very slowly licked one full orb and then the other. Pulling the hard length of my cock down, she smeared it all over her face, and I carefully threaded my fingers through her hair because otherwise I might fall down.

  Jessica blew me then, caressing me with her tongue, swallowing me against the back of her throat, running circles around the engorged head. She traced every bulging vein and sucked on the head until my cock visibly pulsed, glistening and wet.


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