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Shape of My Heart

Page 18

by LuAnn McLane

  “You taste like chocolate … and heaven,” Jimmy said.

  “Kind of the same thing.”

  Jimmy chuckled. He turned back to the sink and filled a bowl with water for Trixie.

  “Might be a stupid question, but where does the water come from?”

  “A tank that I filled up when we were at the marina. The water is heated from the engine, so you can take a hot shower.”


  “Yep.” Jimmy put the bowl on the wooden ledge where Trixie could reach it. “Can’t leave you out, girl.”

  “You’re spoiling her too.”

  “Good, that’s my plan.” He picked up his glass and raised it. “To an amazing romantic getaway.” He gently tapped his glass to hers and then took a sip. “Mmm, I think you’re right. This drink rocks.”

  “I’m surprised you had chocolate liqueur on hand.”

  “You mentioned you loved chocolate. Funny, though—this was an impulse buy.”

  “So you know how to make lots of cocktails?”

  Jimmy shrugged. “I think in my other life I was a mixologist. I especially love making old-school cocktails. So does Jesse. You?”

  “I’m not sure, but I could learn to. As I said, I adore anything vintage.” She raised her glass. “There’s something so elegant, maybe a bit daring, about drinking a martini.”

  “You sure look bombshell-sexy drinking it.”

  Maggie willed heat not to creep into her cheeks. She was pretty sure anyone who was bombshell-sexy didn’t blush. Even though she’d worked hard to overcome her shyness and lack of self-esteem, she still sometimes found it difficult to imagine herself as pretty or sexy. She supposed part of her wanted to play her appearance down because she hated that society valued looks, making some women feel inferior for not being up to a certain standard. She preached to her readers that they were much more than a number on a scale.

  “Now tell me why you’re frowning. I want you to get used to compliments from me, Maggie, okay?”

  Maggie nodded. “I just think I’m having a rags-to-riches Cinderella moment.”

  “Ah …” Jimmy put his drink down on the counter. “So that means I’m Prince Charming. Cool. But I’m glad we’re not at a ball and that I have you all to myself.”

  “Me too.”

  “Wait, this boat isn’t going to turn into a pumpkin, is it?”

  Maggie laughed. “The boat is yours.”

  “Oh, right.” He made a show of being relieved and Maggie laughed harder.

  “But sometimes”—Maggie tipped her head to the side—“I wake up in my condo and think, ‘Wow, this is my life?’ ”

  “It wasn’t given to you by a fairy godmother.”

  “Oh, I know.” Maggie raised her glass. “I worked hard to achieve my goals.”

  “I know, but hey, I get it. It felt that way onstage with Heartbeat. Sometimes it was just sorta surreal.”

  “Lots of hard work there too, but sometimes I feel …” Maggie shrugged, not knowing how to express her feelings. “Guilty for being happy, somehow? I guess it’s because I see such sorrow, such pain that my readers are still experiencing.”

  Jimmy stepped forward and cupped her cheek with the palm of his hand. “I get it. I mean, how could I be happy after my parents died?”

  “That’s different. They wanted you to be happy.”

  Jimmy shook his head. “So you think you’re betraying the little redheaded girl by becoming the best version of yourself? And helping others in the process?”

  “I didn’t say it made sense.”

  “No—it does. But you’re not betraying anyone.” He gave her a firm kiss.

  “I warned you that I’m …” She shrugged.

  “An overthinker? Uh, to the max. But if you somehow believe your revelations are chasing me away, you’re absolutely wrong.”

  “I don’t want to chase you away, but as I said, you should know what you’re getting yourself into.”

  “I’m getting myself into knowing you better. And the more I know, the more I like. I’ve just scratched the surface, and I plan on digging deep. But for now, just kick back and enjoy yourself. Please?”

  Maggie nodded. “I didn’t mean to get so emotional and ruin our day.”

  “Maggie, I don’t want you to hide anything from me, especially not your emotions. But today, you’re on a boat packed to the gills with anything you want.” He leaned in and kissed her. “I hope that I’m on the top of that list.”

  “You know it.” Maggie laughed, marveling at how he could make her feel at ease.

  “That’s what I wanted to hear.” He turned and reached for the shaker and then poured the rest of the martini into her glass.

  “So how many people does this sweet baby sleep?” Maggie crossed her legs and tried to strike a bombshell pose, hoping she didn’t look silly. “Give me a visual tour, dah-ling.”

  “Okay.” Jimmy pointed to a dinette table and bench seat. “The table lowers and connects to the seat. You just remove the back cushions and it converts to a bed. It’s supposed to sleep two, but that’s rather cozy.” He arched an eyebrow. “Not that I would mind being cozy with you if you wanted to try it out.” He leaned forward and gave her a light kiss that had her longing to pull him onto the bed, but there was something exciting about building up to … rocking the boat. She chuckled.


  Maggie shook her head.

  “Oh, come on, tell me.”

  “Nope.” Maggie took a sip of her martini, not willing to voice her thoughts. “Some things shall remain a mystery.”

  “Well then, since your cheeks are pink, I’ll have to use my active imagination.” Jimmy closed his eyes for a few seconds. “Mmm, yeah.” He walked over to the curtains next to the left of the stairs. Pushing them back, he said, “The aft cabin. Queen bed.”


  He dropped the curtain in place and opened a door. “The head. A little cramped, but there’s a shower.”

  “Wow. And everything is spotless and in order,” she said with a sense of awe.

  “Oliver is like you in that respect. He is all about the details. Tends to overthink too, but he’s working on that. You could compare notes.”

  Maggie laughed. “My notes are extensive.”

  “Mmm, so are his, I’m sure. But you’ll like him and Belinda.”

  “I’m sure I will.” Maggie nodded and tried not to let the celebrity thing get to her. She took a sip of the drink and licked her lips in appreciation. “You really do make a killer chocolate martini.”

  Jimmy inclined his head. “I have skills.”

  Maggie felt her cheeks grow warmer at the thought of some of his many skills.


  Not for food.

  “I’m okay. What’s on the menu for dinner?”

  “Chicken piccata.”

  “No way.”

  “Way.” He grinned, appearing a bit smug.

  “One of my favorite dishes.”

  “I know.”


  “An interview I read online. Yes, I admit I cyber-stalked you even more this past week,” he said. “I want to learn everything there is to know about you, Maggie.”

  Warmth spread through her blood, and it had nothing to do with the martini—well, maybe a little bit, but mostly from the way Jimmy was looking at her.

  “Did you bring your laptop?”

  “Yes, why?”

  Jimmy shrugged. “I stocked up for a few days if you’d like to have a little vacation. And I have extra food for Trixie. I took notes and knew what to buy.”

  “Wow, you thought of everything.”

  “Just wanted to keep our options open. No pressure,” he added, as if he wanted to convey that he was willing to take things slow. The heat in his gaze said otherwise.

  “Live in the moment?” Maggie asked.


  “Well, let’s make this a moment to remember.” She put her drink on the led
ge and looked at him in silent invitation.



  Jimmy closed the gap between them in three long strides. He scooped up Trixie and put her in the aft cabin. “Hang out here for a bit, girlie,” he said, and then located a treat before closing the curtains. He waited a moment, but Trixie seemed to settle in, so he turned his attention back to Maggie. She looked smokin’ hot in the sheer cover-up, but it was time to reveal the bikini underneath.

  Jimmy’s heart did a dance in his chest and he stood there for a few seconds, just looking at Maggie. Her smile was somehow shy yet provocative, and as she tilted her martini glass up and finished off the last sip, he felt a strong pull of desire that nearly made him moan. Wait, he did moan, and he went from semi to completely hard in seconds.

  Maggie crooked a finger at him and arched an eyebrow, looking damned hot, but then she giggled. “Sorry, I ruined my carefully thought-out pose.”

  “You couldn’t ruin anything if you tried,” Jimmy said, shedding his shorts before climbing up onto the bed. Maggie came up to her knees and let him pull her sheer cover-up over her head, revealing the sexy black bikini that covered very little. “God, Maggie …”

  “I’ll only wear this for you,” she said, but then untied the knot behind her head and back, letting her breasts spill forward. Jimmy cupped the fullness and she let him look his fill. He leaned in and took a nipple into his mouth, licking, sucking, while rubbing her other nipple with his fingers. Maggie inhaled a quick breath and threaded her fingers into his hair, tilting forward, offering him more. He feasted until he felt her legs tremble.

  “Lie down for me, baby.”

  Maggie nodded, and when she rested against the mound of pillows he had to take in the sheer beauty of her naked form—with the exception of the tiny triangle of black fabric that barely covered her.

  “My God,” he whispered, drinking in the sight of her.

  Maggie looked at him through half-lidded eyes while she shimmied out of her bikini bottoms. “I want you,” she said in a breathless voice. “So much.”

  Jimmy knelt in front of her, letting her see what she did to him. Her eyes widened and she bit her bottom lip.

  “Mmm, I want you to lie down for me.”

  Jimmy’s heart kicked up another notch and he gladly obeyed.

  Maggie came up to her knees and straddled him, guiding him into her, and then sank down oh so slowly, taking him inch by inch, watching him all the while. She sat there for a moment as if savoring the feeling of his cock buried deep.

  And then … she began to move.

  Jimmy reached up and held her waist, keeping her steady while she came up until he was nearly out, hovered at his tip, making him so hungry to be back in the velvety warmth. “Maggie …”

  “Mmm?” she teased, moving ever so slightly while his cock grazed her clit. He tried to thrust upward, but she was just high enough to be out of his reach. Blood pounded in his veins, and he wanted her with a near panic …

  And then she came down. Hard. Up slowly … down hard. Again, and again. Her breasts jiggled as her ass met his thighs. Her eyes closed and her neck strained when she tilted her head back, too slow. It was sweet torture and she seemed to know it.

  “Maggie …” Jimmy said in a half groan, but she stopped completely, breathing hard.

  “Kiss … my … breasts,” she said in a throaty voice that nearly made him come.

  Jimmy leaned forward and took a nipple in his mouth. She gasped but didn’t move. He knew she wanted to be on the brink, so he licked, sucked, and then bit as hard as he dared. With a hoarse cry, she rose to her knees and rode him wildly, leaning to get the angle she wanted. Jimmy felt her walls start to clench, and he held her firmly, moving her fast and then faster, heart thudding, blood pumping, until an orgasm ripped through him. He poured himself into her and she came, squeezing every drop before collapsing against his chest.

  Jimmy felt the rise and fall of her chest, the sheen of sweat as he ran his hands down the exquisite slope of her back. He remained buried deep, throbbing. “Maggie … God, Maggie.” He inhaled a deep, shuddering breath. He kissed the side of her neck and then began trailing kisses over her shoulder.

  “I don’t think I can move.”

  “I can live with that.”

  Maggie chuckled weakly and then slowly tipped sideways, landing in a heap at his side.

  “I am at a loss for words,” Jimmy said, still breathing hard.

  “Did we rock the boat?”

  “I might have to check the anchor.”

  Maggie giggled, and he loved the sound.

  Jimmy pulled her close and she put her head on his shoulder. She sighed and placed her hand in the middle of his chest, over his thudding heart. He knew he’d fallen deeply in love with her then, and he felt a sense of acute protectiveness wash over him. He wanted her safe, happy … and secure. He now knew how Grady and Oliver felt about Arabella and Belinda. This went beyond the emotions he’d thought he could have for another person, and he knew he had to find a way to keep her in his life or he’d never feel this way again.

  When Maggie didn’t speak, Jimmy longed to know what was on her mind. Did she feel the strength of this bond too? He closed his eyes and felt the gentle bob of the boat in the breeze. Her breathing slowed and he knew she’d fallen asleep.

  Jimmy kissed the top of her head, and he was filled with the sense of wonder that he’d finally found the kind of love he’d longed for … no, wait, that wasn’t quite right, because before now, he hadn’t known something this amazing existed.

  But it did. And he wasn’t about to let it go.

  Jimmy stared up at the ceiling for a few minutes longer. He knew she was a lot of woman to handle, a heady combination of strength and fragility. He needed to tap into her strength and chase away her fear. She deserved everything he could possibly give her and then some. But Jimmy also knew he needed to get her to the place where she could trust in a solid future with him, and he was determined to show her in the next few days how good life together could be.

  Jimmy smiled, yawned, and felt his eyes grow heavy. He’d written enough love songs … and now he wanted to live the words he wrote about. Ah, even better … write about the love he lived.

  With his eyes still closed, Jimmy woke up in stages. First, a little groan, followed by a sigh of sweet contentment. He inhaled the scent of the woman beside him. “Mmm, come here,” he said, and reached over to pull Maggie closer, but came up with a pillow instead.

  Jimmy opened his eyes, sat up straight, and shoved his hair back. Something akin to panic slid down his spine, and then he remembered he was on Oliver’s boat tucked in the mangroves, so Maggie had to be onboard. He collapsed back onto the pillows with a sigh of relief. He could feel them growing closer, learning more about each other, and yet she still seemed just out of his reach … there and then gone. Quicksilver came to his mind again, but as soon as he caught Maggie firmly in the grip of his love, he would never let her go. And if she did go … he’d follow.

  Jimmy sat up and stretched, wondering how long he’d slept. His stomach growled in protest, so he must have been out for a while. Soon it would be dark. He’d just felt so peaceful, so relaxed, and then he had to smile when hot thoughts of their lovemaking skittered into his brain and halted.

  Damn. He loved discovering her pleasure points, making her melt into the sheets. Touching Maggie was his new favorite thing … but where was she?

  Jimmy swung his legs over the front of the bed and located his discarded board shorts. Maggie’s swimsuit and cover-up were missing, so she’d somehow dressed and moved about the cabin without waking him up. He shook his head in disbelief, since he was normally a light sleeper, but then again, the girl had plumb worn him out. And yet, thoughts of her riding him with wild abandon had his dick instantly alert and ready to go. Jimmy had to chuckle. Apparently, when it came to Maggie Murphy, he was insatiable. Good, he thought, because he never wanted to get enou
gh of her. Ever.

  Jimmy peeked into the aft cabin and smiled when he spotted Trixie curled in a ball, fast asleep. He was glad the little dog seemed to like the boat, because he planned on taking Maggie out on countless cruises. After grabbing a cold bottle of water from the fridge, he opened the door that led outside and climbed the steps to the deck. For a few seconds, he failed to spot Maggie, and then he turned to see her lying on a beach towel, lounging on the bow of the boat. He took a long swallow of the cold water and then smiled. Apparently, she liked the boat just as much as he did.

  Jimmy silently made his way toward her, shaking his head at the sight of her sunbathing in her tiny bikini. Her delicious curves made his mouth water. “You don’t have to get tan lines,” he said.

  Maggie yelped and quickly sat up, rocking the boat just enough for Jimmy to lose his footing. He stumbled backward, losing the bottle, and barely avoided the metal railing before doing a rather impressive back flip over the side of the deck, landing in the water with a huge splash. He heard Maggie’s muffled scream, and to his surprise, she jumped into the water with him just as he broke the surface. A moment later she flailed around, sputtering, coughing, and then reached for him.

  “Oh God, Maggie, are you okay?” Jimmy asked while she shoved her hair from her eyes, nearly going under.

  “Me?” She coughed. “What about you?” She wrapped herself around him like a rubber band.

  “Why did you jump in?”

  “To save you!”

  “I’m a strong swimmer.”

  “What if you hit your head or something?” She coughed again. “I was scared!”

  “Ah, Maggie …” The thought clutched at his heart, and he kissed her salty lips.

  “I can’t believe I didn’t lose my sunglasses. Sorry I rocked the boat, but you startled me!”

  “You don’t have to be sorry.” He kissed her again, kicking his legs to stay afloat. He didn’t think she could ever do anything to make him angry. “Rocking the boat earlier sure was fun.”

  “Mmm,” Maggie said with a low laugh. “Yes, rocking the boat was incredibly fun, as in maybe the most fun ever.”


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