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Shape of My Heart

Page 20

by LuAnn McLane

  Jimmy washed his hair and then turned his face up to the spray, thinking that showering was much more fun when Maggie joined him and took her time washing his body from top to bottom, pausing at his favorite spots. Then again, everything was more fun with Maggie involved.

  Jimmy stepped from the shower and dried off, thinking that he liked the idea of bringing Maggie along to a family gathering. He hadn’t realized how much he’d wanted a woman in his life, and he couldn’t wait to show her off. Being with her just made everything better … simple as that.

  When Jimmy’s phone pinged, he looked at the text message: Having major trouble deciding what to wear. Help! He smiled while getting ready, leaving the stubble on his face just because Maggie liked it. He sprayed on the aftershave she said drove her crazy. He opted for board shorts in case he wanted to swim, a soft blue T-shirt, and flip-flops, and then headed over to Maggie’s condo. It was damned convenient having his girlfriend live next door. He used the keypad code she’d given him and entered. “Maggie?” he shouted, grinning when Trixie trotted over to him. “How you doin’, girl? Mama havin’ some trouble picking out an outfit?” He scooped up the little dog, grinning when he got several licks on his cheek, and headed to Maggie’s bedroom. “Wow,” he said, standing in the doorway. An explosion of clothing covered the bed.

  Maggie turned to him with her hands on her hips, looking distraught but sexy as hell in her bra and panties. “I don’t have anything to wear.”

  “Um …” Jimmy pointed to the bed.

  “It all sucks,” she wailed. Trixie had apparently witnessed enough of Maggie’s mood, since she wiggled to get down and scampered away.

  “Mags, it’s just a backyard barbecue.” He gestured to his outfit. “Casual. But seriously, you look amazing in anything so stop obsessing.” He walked over and pulled her into his arms. “You smell good,” he said, and buried his face in her soft, fragrant hair. “Coconut and lime.”

  “Jimmy, this is serious. I want to look nice.”

  “You always look nice. Better than nice.” He brushed her curls to the side and nuzzled her neck. A moment later he had her bra off and her breast in his mouth.

  “Jimmy!” Maggie protested breathlessly. “We’re going to be late.”

  “I don’t care.” He pushed her back onto the pile of clothes and looked down at her clad in nothing but a bit of cream-colored lace. With a groan, he kicked off his flip-flops and peeled off his shorts.

  “I’m too stressed for …” Maggie said, but her protest sounded a bit weak.

  “I’ll take care of that.” Jimmy tugged off her panties and drew her to the edge of the bed. He spread her legs and kissed her, using his tongue to do what he knew she loved. He licked her wet silk, her sweet heat, until she moaned. Then, using his fingers, he spread her wider, giving her little lightning-fast licks until she climaxed. Jimmy stood up and looked down at her, marveling at how hot she looked with her tousled hair, flushed skin, and lush curves. “Of course, I like you best when you’re naked.”

  Maggie’s chest rose and fell. “I don’t think that’s the first impression I want to make.”

  Jimmy laughed, joining her on the pile of clothes, and then came to his knees above her. Leaning down, he kissed her deeply and then entered her slowly, inch by inch, wanting her to need release yet again. He lightly caressed her breasts, holding back with a gentle, easy rhythm … and he watched her. Eyes closed, Maggie bit her bottom lip, arching her neck. He teased her nipples harder, until they turned a deep, dusky pink.

  Maggie moved her hips as if wanting him to go faster, but Jimmy kept up the languid pace, loving how it felt to have her body caress his cock. He eased out to his tip, teased, and then oh so slowly eased back in … all the way … as far as he could go. Her breathing became shallow and a low moan escaped her throat.

  “Jimmy …” she said, and then her breath hitched. When her body clutched at his, he climaxed with her, a sweet ache that erupted with a hot rush.

  “Ah, Mags,” he said gruffly, putting his forehead to hers.

  “You’ve made a mess of me,” she said, sounding slightly cross, but Jimmy just laughed and gave her a quick kiss.

  “Go put yourself back together and I’ll pick out something I like.”

  “Not too sexy.”


  “Or too tight.” She put up one finger.




  She laughed this time, and he watched her sashay into the bathroom, flinging her gloriously messy hair over her shoulder. Hot damn.

  Jimmy picked out a cute yellow sundress from the pile, which was pretty without being revealing and which complemented her red hair perfectly. He knew she wanted to be a bit fancy without being overdressed. When she came out of the bathroom, naked, he swallowed hard, unable to take his eyes off her. He definitely liked her being underdressed.

  “Don’t look at me like that.”

  “I can’t help it.”

  “I don’t want to be horribly late, and we’re pushing it.”

  “Then get dressed, woman.” He held up the yellow dress. “Perfect?”

  “Mmm.” Maggie narrowed her eyes, nibbled on her lip, and then blew out a sigh. “Okay.” She walked over and shimmied into her bra and panties, then slipped the dress over her head. Jimmy watched. “What?”

  “I like watching you undress better than watching you get dressed, but still, very entertaining.”

  “You …” Maggie blushed and Jimmy thought again that she was such a sweet combination of bold and shy. But as the days blended one into the next, he could see her confidence, her trust in a future, strengthen. His brothers were going to adore her.

  “Only me …” Jimmy said, and pulled her close. “Are you ready?”

  Maggie inhaled a deep breath and then nodded.

  “Good. Let’s get Trixie and do this thing.”

  On the short drive to Grady’s house, Maggie was quiet, fidgeting with the strap on her purse and petting Trixie. Jimmy kept up a steady stream of chatter, trying to calm her nerves. When he pulled into the driveway, he killed the engine and then reached for Maggie’s hand. His heart went out to her when he felt her cold fingers.

  “Maggie, there’s no need to be nervous.” He squeezed her hand. “But I want to let you know that Oliver and Belinda just got into town.”

  Maggie’s eyebrows shot up.

  “Heartbeat is going to perform a few songs at a fundraiser this weekend, and we needed a little rehearsing. It’s all very last-minute, but we decided to help.”


  Jimmy nodded.

  “Why didn’t you tell me?”

  “Because you seemed a little anxious, and I didn’t want you to be even more uptight over watching us do our thing.”

  “Jimmy, this isn’t quite fair,” she said, looking at him with stormy eyes and withdrawing her hand.

  “Would you have rather been worried about this all week?”

  Maggie frowned and her chest rose and fell with shallow breathing.

  “Oh, Mags, did I royally screw up?”

  She swallowed hard.

  “Maggie?” Jimmy asked, but she remained silent, fidgeting with her purse.

  “This isn’t merely a backyard barbecue. I had the right to know that I’d be watching a Heartbeat rehearsal.”

  “It’s informal. We have a studio here at the house. It will be fun.”

  “I still don’t quite get why you didn’t tell me.”

  Jimmy closed his eyes and inhaled a deep breath. “Everything has been just unbelievably amazing with us, Maggie. You seemed to get past the celebrity thing that spooked you from the beginning. I just … damn, I guess I was just scared that this would, I don’t know … change things. But you’re right. I’m sorry. You had every right to know. Please forgive me.” He leaned back against the headrest. “Damn, I was so stupid.”

  After a moment, Maggie reached over and put a hand on his fo
rearm. “It’s okay. Really.”

  “Maggie, my brothers are just like me. Down-to-earth. And you’ll love Arabella and Belinda. Both are sweet and friendly. And then there’s adorable baby Ella.”

  “I’m sure they are all truly wonderful people. I’m just surprised. You know how organized I am. I like to be prepared.” She gave his arm a squeeze. “But I get it. You were trying to spare me a week of worry.”

  “No worries, Mags. You’re my girlfriend. This is your family now too. And they’re all going to adore you.” Jimmy reached for her hand again and kissed her fingers, one by one. “And they know how much you mean to me.”

  Maggie’s eyes widened, but at least she didn’t appear ready to bolt. “It was so easy when it was just you and me,” she said softly. “You know?”

  “Yeah.” Jimmy felt a slight sense of unease, and he wanted to ask Maggie if she’d spoken to her mother about their relationship. “I get that. But our life goes beyond our little cocoon of happiness.” Jimmy reached over and cupped her chin. “I was an idiot and should have warned you about this. I promise you I will never keep you in the dark again.”

  “I believe you. Hey, look, I’m sure I’ll have a blast,” Maggie said. She wagged a finger at him. “But no more secret surprises.”

  “I promise this won’t be torture. And … you get to see my dance moves.” He reached over and scratched Trixie behind the ears.

  Maggie laughed. “You’re full of promises.”

  “And I intend to keep every one of them.”

  “I will hold you to that.”

  “Just don’t pay any attention to Jesse.”

  Maggie raised her eyebrows. “Okay …”

  “And don’t listen to Grady’s stories about me. He likes to embellish. I did not throw up before every concert. Only a few. And Oliver will—”

  “Jimmy, chill.” Maggie laughed. “I’m starting to think you might be the nervous one, not me.”

  “They can be, well, you know …”



  Maggie chuckled. “Hey, I’ve got your back.” She gave him a cute wink. “And I can always sic Trixie on Jesse if need be.”

  Jimmy laughed. “Okay, let’s make a beeline for the bar.”

  “Now you’re talking.”

  Jimmy gave her another kiss, lingering this time, and then opened the door. Warm sunshine, the aroma of charcoal, and the balmy sea breeze had him inhaling deeply. He couldn’t remember the last time he’d brought a girl to a family event, and until now, he hadn’t realized he would suddenly feel this kind of jittery anticipation. Maggie was right. Coming out of their little cocoon of happiness and letting in the rest of the world was a little bit intimidating.

  As if sensing Jimmy’s nervous energy, Maggie smiled as soon as he opened the car door. She held Trixie under her arm and grasped his hand. “Let’s make our grand entrance.”



  Maggie put Trixie down and reached for Jimmy’s hand again, willing her damned knees not to wobble. His warm, firm grip and easy smile had helped her stomach settle, but only a little bit—not that she’d let anyone know she was nervous. Trixie trotted over to explore the grass, sniffing here and there before doing a little tinkle. While Maggie was no stranger to “fake it till you make it,” she wanted her reaction to his brothers to be sincere, and not forced.

  And she wanted them to like her.

  Wanting to be liked went all the way back to when her father had failed to take an interest in her. Maggie remembered trying so hard—too hard, really—to make friends in grade school. If she tried too hard today, she’d come off as oddly insincere. Fake. Damn!

  Maggie tugged at Jimmy’s hand when they reached the gate leading to the backyard. She could hear music, laughter, and the clinking of glasses. “I need to take a deep breath before our grand entrance.”

  Jimmy stopped and gave her a sweet smile. “You okay?”

  “Okay as in, are my knees wobbling like sea oats in the wind?”

  “That’s really super wobbly.”

  “Then I’m not okay. I’m going to walk in there like some cartoon character. Hey, maybe we should dance our way in, disguising my wobble with the Funky Chicken.”

  “What in the world is the Funky Chicken? I’ve gotta know.”

  “Granny Mags taught it to me when I was a kid.” Maggie did a little demonstration that made Jimmy laugh.

  “I have a better idea. I’ll just have to scoop you up and carry you in.” Jimmy opened the gate, and before Maggie could react, her feet left the ground. Whoosh!

  “Jimmy!” she protested, but he carried her with ease across the lawn as if it were a normal thing to do. Trixie trotted next to them. “Put me down,” she whispered firmly, but he just kept on walking. “I’m serious!” she said, starting to get a bit angry. “What will they think?” She had to wrap her arms around his neck or risk falling. “Jimmy!” She was about to start wiggling her way to the ground when voices and shouts of greeting had her looking at over at the Heart brothers and two gorgeous women heading their way. Maggie recognized Belinda Beal and Arabella York. They were both wearing cute swimsuit cover-ups. Yikes, was she supposed to be in a swimsuit?

  “Well, now, Jimmy, that’s a romantic entrance,” Belinda said with a wide smile. “Oh, would you look at the sweet little dog?” She knelt down to pet Trixie.

  “Put me down,” Maggie said in Jimmy’s ear.

  “When I’m ready.”

  “Be ready now,” she said firmly.

  Belinda looked at Arabella and nodded as if in instant approval.

  “Oh, spunk. You’ll fit in very well with us,” Arabella said with a laugh, fisting her hands on her hips. “Put your girl down, Jimmy, so we can give her a hug of welcome.”

  “Okay.” Jimmy obeyed, and to Maggie’s relief, her knees held up just fine … and then she realized that Jimmy had gotten her fired up on purpose, to make her forget to be nervous. He kept a protective arm around her waist and grinned down at her.

  Maggie smiled back, shaking her head slowly. Wow, he knew her so well. Trixie stayed close, but her little tail wagged as if she knew she had the entire backyard to play in all day. Everyone had gone quiet, and with a little blush, Maggie realized they were all taking in the exchange between her and Jimmy.

  “Okay, enough of lovey-dovey stuff.” Belinda and Arabella rushed forward. “Time for hugs!” Arabella said. She gestured toward Grady, Jesse, and Oliver. “Get over here, guys.”

  “So, you’re Maggie Murphy,” Belinda said. “I’ve heard about your work with young women. Awesome.”

  “Thanks,” Maggie said, and got warm hugs from both women.

  Arabella stepped back and nodded. “I teach dance lessons here at the studio to local girls going through some tough times. I’ve recommended your blog and your books to my students. Great advice and inspiration!”

  Maggie felt her confidence returning. “I’m honored,” she said.

  “Hey, ladies, are you going to hog her? Let me in.” Grady Heart stepped forward and gave Maggie a big hug. “It’s nice to finally meet you, Maggie.” He looked down at Trixie. “Ah, and the famous dog who brought you two together.”

  Maggie shot Jimmy a they-know-about-this? look and he gave her a small shrug.

  “Hey, I needed some advice.” Jimmy grinned.

  “And so he came to an expert,” Jesse said, patting his chest.

  Oliver shook his head. “An expert at what? Drinking beer?”

  Jesse held up his can. “One of my many talents.” He smirked, drawing laughter.

  “You mean few,” Oliver said, giving Jesse a good-natured shove.

  “I get picked on all the time,” Jesse said to Maggie. “Can I get a hug of sympathy?”

  Maggie smiled at Jesse and opened her arms. “Somehow, I think you hold your own.”

  Oliver took his turn hugging Maggie. “Welcome to this crazy crew.”

ere’s Ella?” Jimmy asked.

  “Sleeping, thank goodness,” Arabella said. “I don’t know how one little bitty person can wear me out way more than dancing.” She showed Jimmy a monitor with a video screen. “There she is, looking so angelic. Don’t let that fool ya. She’s a little terror.”

  “She’s a perfect little angel,” Grady said.

  “Daddy’s girl,” Arabella said with a laugh. “I’m going to have to be the voice of reason.”

  “Come on in and get something to drink,” Grady said. “The bar is fully stocked with anything you might want.”

  “That’s how we roll around here,” Jesse said with a grin.

  Jimmy held her hand while they walked over to the outdoor bar. “What would you like?”

  “A glass of chardonnay would be nice.”

  “Coming right up,” Jimmy said.

  While Jimmy opened a bottle of wine, Maggie listened to the constant banter between the brothers. She looked at the older version of the boy band that had stolen the hearts of so many girls and she couldn’t help but smile.

  “It’s so great to be at the beach,” Belinda said with a sigh. “And to take a little break from the show.”

  “You have a theater in Tennessee, right?” Maggie asked, thinking she didn’t remember Belinda Beal having a southern drawl back when she was a pop star.

  “Yes! In my hometown of Brookside Bend. I hope you and Jimmy can come for a visit. We’re planning on having Heartbeat do a Christmas concert for charity. Won’t that be fun?”

  Maggie nodded and accepted the glass of chardonnay from Jimmy. “Thank you.” He smiled at her, knowing she was feeling much more at ease.


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