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Her Barbarian Master

Page 5

by Maggie Carpenter

  "I'm scared."

  "You won't be found. My father is the only person who knows about the hidden passages."

  "But, uh, what if…?"

  Unable to express her fear of something happening to him, and feeling a burning lump in the back of her throat, she stared up at him, silently begging him not to leave. He held her eyes, then to her great joy he suddenly pulled her into his arms and pressed his lips to hers in a warm, devouring kiss.

  "I shall return," he whispered, "because I must. You are the reason I will survive."


  "It is strange how I care for you, but I do."

  "I feel the same."

  "I know, and that's why you refused me when I said I would send for you. It took me a while to understand."

  "Please be careful. I can't stand that you're going to fight."

  "You mustn't worry, I have surprise on my side. Stay quiet and don't come out. I mean that, do not come out. You must promise."

  "Yes, I promise."

  He kissed her again, but quickly, then returned to his room, and peering through the screen she saw him swing the wall panel back into place, then stride to his bed, drop to his knees, and pull out a sword secreted away beneath. When he stood up and pulled it from its sheath she was astounded by its size. It looked almost as long as she was tall. Carrying it upright, as if ready for battle, he headed for the door, and as he disappeared she let out a long, frightened sigh.

  Pulling the tunic over her head, she slid to the floor and covered herself with the fur. She knew she was safely hidden, but she was petrified that he wouldn't return.

  "He's the son of the leader, surely the others will protect him, and he must be a skilled warrior," she muttered, trying to convince herself that he'd be all right.

  In spite of the dire circumstances, being naked in his arms and feeling her skin touch his had been divine beyond words, and when he'd kissed her, she'd been filled with a deep carnal longing. Something thrilling was happening, something exciting and warm, something magical. Closing her eyes she prayed to the angels to keep him safe, to keep her family and Layla safe, and for a speedy end to the battle taking place in the fortress, then curling into a ball under the warm weight of the fur, she settled in to wait.

  ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

  When Killian had started down the stairs and approached the great hall, he'd been shocked at the ferocity of the battle, and he immediately recognized the invading tribe. Known as the Phelans, they were neither barbarians or country folk like the villagers, but a breed unto themselves. Rather than leap into the fray he had crept down a rear staircase and entered the hall from the opposite side. The attackers had their backs to him, and he quickly dispatched several to the afterlife, then hurrying away he'd ducked out the side door on the opposite side of the fortress, launching a second surprise attack in the gardens. Led by instinct he continued to use stealth, and as the invading tribe found their dead brothers scattered around the compound, their killer or killers unseen, Godwin, their leader ordered them to retreat.

  As the Phelans ran from the compound, Bastian's men began taking stock, and the women appeared from their hiding places to tend to the injured. Word quickly spread that it had been Killian's cleverness that had turned the tide of the fight, and as he marched into the hall in search of his father, his comrades showed their respect and gratitude.

  "I joined the fight late and did what I could," he said modestly. "I was defending the weapons room. You'll find another dead Phelan in front of the door. A big brute, much bigger than the average Phelan."

  Bastian was standing halfway up the stairs in order to get an overview of the scene, and after offering encouragement to those who were wounded, Killian trotted up the steps to join him.

  "I know what you did," his father declared. "I'm immensely proud, but more than that, I am relieved."

  "Relieved about what?"

  "You just won the right to take my place. Were it not for you we may have lost this battle. Being a strong fighter is one thing, but cleverness, outwitting the enemy, that is everything. You have proven yourself. No-one will dare challenge you now."

  "Surely you will rule much longer."

  "My bones have begun to ache, and I no longer have the will to lead. The angels have answered my prayers. You are ready."

  "I'm not sure I feel ready."

  "Once the shawl of leadership is placed around your shoulders you will feel differently, but tell me, where were you?"

  "I was in the weapons room with Serenity. Father, she saved my life."

  "Serenity? Impossible. How could a tiny creature like that save the life of a barbarian?"

  "I was taken by surprise and pinned on the table by a huge Phelan. I've never seen one of their tribe that size, and that tiny creature, as you call her, sent a dagger through him, all the way through him, and father, he had me."

  "I can't believe my ears. Where is she now?"

  "I have her in the hidden passage that leads from my room. She's waiting for my return."

  "I am astounded by this news. When this is over she and her family will be greatly rewarded."

  "Did the runners make it out? Do you know if they made it over the mountain?"

  "I sent five. I'm sure one of them would have made it through, though I pray they all did, and that the Alamans will be here tomorrow to help us defeat these invaders. We must assume they're regrouping outside the compound readying for a second attack. No-one can leave."

  "That includes Layla and Serenity."

  "Most definitely. I want all the women in the back area overnight, and guards patrolling the grounds."

  "May I suggest father, that we don't?"

  "Killian! No guards? Are you suggesting we leave our compound open to attack?"

  "That's exactly what I'm suggesting, but we won't, it will just appear to be that way. We'll place our men in the trees with bows and arrows, and others inside the hall hidden behind the great pillars and rubble. If a second attack comes we'll be waiting in the shadows to mow them down, but we must use the men in shifts so they do not grow weary."

  "And you say you are not ready to lead? You are smarter than I ever was."

  "I don't believe that."

  "Go and see Serenity, tell her she and Layla may be of comfort to each other later. The women must finish caring for the wounded and prepare a good meal, then we must gather our men, and one more thing."

  "Yes, father?"

  "Tell her thank you," Bastian said solemnly. "Her courage and foolishness saved you. I shall never criticize her again."

  Killian could almost hear a crack in his father's voice, and touching his shoulder, Killian nodded his head. It was a moment of closeness between father and son, then his father coughed and looked away, and with a warm heart Killian hurried up the stairs.

  Never had he been so anxious to see a woman. He couldn't wait to take her into his arms. He would no longer see his other lovers, not even Biddie. Just the thought of it held no appeal, and as he marched briskly down the last passageway to his chambers, his mind was consumed with thoughts of laying naked with his beautiful village girl, offering her love, comfort, and protection. With great joy he pushed open his door, but he was completely unprepared for the sight that greeted him.

  His precious Serenity was tied to a post of his bed, and a Phelan was holding a knife to her throat.


  Never had Killian felt such rage. Never had he felt such fear. And never had he felt so helpless.

  "You must be Killian," the intruder declared. "My name is Trebor. I am the son of Godwin, the leader of your conquerors. Never fear, I don't wish to kill you. I'll have my fun with your slave while you watch, then I'll slit her throat, and you will be a gift to my father."

  "I am not in the least afraid," Killian said confidently, trying to keep his voice calm as he tried desperately to think of a way to save Serenity. "Your tribe has been defeated. They've scurried like rats from a fire."

"I don't believe you! You're bluffing! When I left the fight we were winning, and winning easily."

  "Then why am I here and not still in the battle? Why is my sword low at my side? Why did I not burst in here breathless and wild-eyed?"

  "Killian, please let him go," Serenity suddenly wailed. "Please let him go and let him take me. You don't need me, you have the others. Please, I beg you."

  Killian suddenly flashed on Trebor's first words. I'll have fun with your slave. Did Trebor believe Serenity to be a slave because she had told him she was? Did his precious village girl have a plan?

  "Trebor, I've been trying to tell you," Serenity whimpered, "Killian is a savage, they're all savages. Please, you have to help me. If you don't want me kill me now. I can't stand the thought of going back to them."

  Killian was in awe. Serenity had thought of the very thing that might prevent her death. Rather than begging the brute not to slaughter her, she was offering herself to him, and at the same time making herself seem worthless to Killian.

  "Be done with her, let her live, I don't really care," Killian said casually, playing along as he walked forward, "but you are mine regardless."

  When Killian had entered the room, Trebor had been holding his knife directly against Serenity's skin, but as the conversation had continued he hadn't been paying attention, and the blade had moved several inches away.

  "Trebor, it's time for you to meet the angels. Several of my men will be here any moment," Killian warned. "You attacked us for no reason, and they are enraged. When they walk through that door and see you they will cut you to pieces and I won't be able to stop them."

  "That's because you're all savages," Serenity yelled. "You and your tribe are monsters. I'll never forget how you sliced off that poor man's cock and stuffed it in his mouth before killing him."

  Killian saw the blood drain from Trebor's face. Serenity's shrewd words had chilled him to the bone.

  "You are the son of Bastian. Surely you have some say," Trebor said, dropping his knife away as his arrogance was suddenly replaced by a blatant desperate fear. "What can I offer? My father would be immensely grateful if you spared me, just as your father would be if I spared you."

  "There might be one way…" Killian said thoughtfully.

  "Just let us go, please, Killian. You've had your fun with me. You don't want me anymore."

  "Be quiet slave, or I'll slice off your head myself!"

  "I will be a prize," Trebor exclaimed, completely ignoring Serenity's outburst, his entire focus now saving his own skin. "Keep me captive. I can be leverage."

  "Possibly, though we have soundly beaten your tribe. I'm not sure we need leverage. Listen, do you hear the sound feet on the hall floor? I won't be able to stop them once they're in here. They will have their vengeance."

  Trebor's eyes grew wide. He could hear conversation and people approaching.

  "Then you must hide me," Trebor said anxiously. "Now! Immediately! Hide me, then whisk me off somewhere safe."

  "Toss away your weapons, then lay on your stomach and place your hands at the small of your back."

  The footsteps were now directly outside the door. Killian knew it was the wounded being brought to a large room nearby. It was where the women would nurse them, and being in the rear of the castle they would be safe from danger in the event of a second attack.

  Trebor, convinced that a group of men was about slice off his private parts, dropped to the floor and locked his fingers behind him. Hastily tying his wrists, Killian retrieved one of his dark loin cloths and placed it around Trebor's eyes, then moved swiftly across to Serenity and cut her from her binds.

  "Are you all right?" he whispered as he wrapped her up in his arms.

  "Just cold," she whispered back.

  Lifting her up, he carried her to the side of the bed, gently laid her down, and covered her with the fur pelts.

  "I won't be long, I promise," he breathed, then kissing her softly, he marched back to Trebor. "I am going to take you out of here. I'll say you're a prisoner I've spared for interrogation. You are now in my debt. Do you understand?"

  "Yes, yes, whatever you want!"

  Helping the Phelan to his feet, Killian guided him out the door, announcing to the wounded men moving down the hall that he had found the intruder in his room and he was keeping him for questioning. As they neared the top of the stairs, he opened the door to a small, unused chamber. Throwing Trebor roughly on the floor, the Phelan still blindfolded with his hands tied behind him, Killian called one of his men to stand guard, then left to fetch his father.

  ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

  In Killian's bed, Serenity had discovered she was lying on a soft blanket woven by one of the villagers. It could have been any number of women who had produced the warm coverlet, and she began to ponder the relationship between the barbarians and her village.

  The barbarians were muscled fighters, but they did not have the skills to craft the weapons produced by men like her father, nor the finely woven cloth used to make clothes, and the spun wool from sheep for the bedspreads and shawls. The villagers needed the vegetables and fruit the barbarians produced, though she didn't understand why the barbarians didn't offer the meat from their hunting, or why they could grow crops the villagers could not? What was the barbarians' secret? They were strong and powerful, but they needed the villagers just as much as the villagers needed them. Both had flourished as neighbors, but the barbarians ruled because of their physical superiority.

  Though deep in thought, she could smell Killian's unique scent, and hugging one of the furry pelts she closed her eyes and imagined he was there with her, loving her and planting kisses across her body. When she heard the sound of the door open and close, she lifted her head and watched him remove his clothes as he crossed the room. Her heart leapt in hope. Was he going to join her?

  "You saved me," she said softly as he reached the side of the bed and sat down. "You're my hero."

  "You saved yourself. You're very clever."

  "My father says I'm too clever, that I should hide my cleverness. He says the same thing to my brother, Simeon, but Simeon is much smarter than I am."

  "I doubt that," Killian smiled. "There are times your father might be right, but I don't want you to hide it from me. I don't want you to hide anything from me."

  "What happened with the Phelan?"

  "He's locked up, my father knows, and Trebor's fate is now in his hands," then letting out a sigh he tenderly wiped some stray hairs from her face. "Serenity, I wish to join you, and I promise there will be no other women."


  "My desire for anyone but you has left me. I wish to lay only with you…if you'll have me."

  "Killian, yes, yes, a thousand times yes, I want to be with you too."

  Dropping his loin cloth, Killian peeled back the pelts to climb in next to her, and she couldn't help but stare at his engorged member. It was very large, and catching sight of the alarm in her eyes, he stretched out next to her and pulled her into his arms.

  "Yes, I am big," he murmured, "but you mustn't worry. I shall prepare you, and my size will bring you immeasurable pleasure."

  His voice sounded different. It was still deep, but warm and inviting. He made quick work of removing her tunic, and as his hands roamed over her breasts, she closed her eyes and sucked in the air.

  "You are so beautiful, your cherry tips atop your mounds are so suckable, and this lovely forest of hair above your womanhood," he purred, sliding his fingers down her body to tickle her curly pubic bush, "it's like silk. I know if I push my fingers between these lips I will find a sweet wetness just as I did when I punished you. My spanking hand may have hurt, but it also made you breathless with need."

  "It did. I don't know why, but it did."

  "I am a man who enjoys spanking just as much for pleasure as to deliver punishment, and I enjoy other things as well," he crooned, slipping his finger into her sex. "Ah, yes, just as I knew you would be, wonderfully wet."
/>   "What other things?" she whispered, almost afraid to ask but aching to know. "Please tell me?"

  "I would like to tie you up just as you were when I found you tonight, but you would be shedding tears of joy, not fear or pain. I would cover your eyes, and explore you with my mouth and hands, and I would like to examine your most private areas."

  He had spoken in a sultry tone, his words had washed over her like a seductive melody, sparking the embers of her submissive soul into flame, and as his tongue lapped across her neck, she let out a soft whimper.

  "What is it my pet?"

  "I am lost in you."

  "As I am in you," he purred. "Are you ready for more?"

  "So ready, please, do what you will. I want to surrender to you, completely surrender."

  "My precious girl, you have made me so happy."

  "Please, Killian, may I call you Master again?"

  "I insist upon it."

  As if underscoring his edict he thrust his long, thick finger into her channel, delighting in her gasps, and groaned softly as a surge of energy raced through his loins.

  "Soon you will feel my manhood, and it will fill you as you've never been filled. You will almost faint from the pleasure. A barbarian knows how to send a woman to the stars."

  "I want you now, Killian. Won't you take me now?"

  "In a moment, you are almost ready," he murmured, adding a second finger to the first and continuing to stroke, "and I must sample your cherry tips."

  Continuing to thrust his fingers in and out of her soaked strait, he devoured her breasts, drawing them in and languidly sucking. She squirmed against his hand, and raised her chest to his mouth. Her fervor was mounting, and as he lifted his head and gazed at her flushed face, his fingers felt the full opening of her passionate passage. Shifting his body over hers, he rested on his elbows and kissed her, darting his tongue between her teeth.


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