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Her Barbarian Master

Page 7

by Maggie Carpenter

  "What will you do with Trebor? You won't need him for leverage now you have reinforcements coming."

  "No, but we need to learn who betrayed us. My father believes your reasoning is sound, but what about you? How are you feeling? Are you hungry? I've brought you up some food, and my mother gave me a gown for you. Both are on one of my chests against the wall."

  "I'm not hungry, though I probably will be later, but how am I feeling? I'm wonderful," she beamed, "and you make me feel…"

  "Feel what?"

  "Things I can't even describe," she sighed, then unexpectedly she climbed on top of him, and throwing a knee over his waist she straddled his body. "What about you? How do you feel?"

  She'd asked the question in a low, sultry voice, and gazing up at her luscious breasts, her long golden locks spilling around her shoulders, and her bright blue eyes twinkling down at him, in spite of his worry he felt himself stir.

  "A barbarian doesn't usually talk about feelings, but I am very happy you're in my bed," he murmured, reaching up to tweak her puckered nipples, "and even more pleased that you're sitting on me."

  "I think there is something underneath me," she remarked with a pretend frown. "I wonder what it could be? It feels like an oversized squishy cucumber."

  "You are such a naughty girl," he grinned, moving his hands to cup the cheeks of her bottom, "and you know what happens to naughty girls."

  "I wouldn't have any idea. I'm never naughty," she quipped, then reaching between her legs she grabbed his semi-hard cock. "Isn't your friend pleased to see me? He's a bit droopy."

  "My friend is very pleased to see you," Killian chuckled, "and if you give him a squeeze, he'll show you just how pleased he is."

  She tightened her hold, and laughed out loud as she felt him stiffen, then to Killian's surprise she placed his massive member against her entrance and slowly lowered herself down. Though he'd been sure she'd feel tender for a couple of days, she showed no signs of discomfort, and holding her waist he supported her as she began to ride him. When she squeezed her eyes shut and threw back her head, he held her still, and taking control he stroked her with forceful upward thrusts until she began moaning and dropped her fingers against her clit.

  "Are you close?" he breathed, pausing mid-stroke.

  "So close, please don't stop."

  "But I must."

  "What? Why?" she gasped, opening her eyes and staring down at him as she furiously massaged her sensitive nub.

  "I mustn't spoil you, and you must learn that I'm in charge."

  "I know you are, but you have to keep going."

  Abruptly grabbing her wrist, he pulled her hand from her pussy.

  "Already you forget your place?" he softly murmured, though with a firm look in his eye.

  Serenity hadn't meant to be demanding or disrespectful. Lost in the tingling sensations created by his amazing member, her entire focus had been on her looming climax.

  "I'm sorry, Master. Please forgive me."

  "I will always decide when, and even if, you can climax," he said huskily, "and if you demand again you will be made to wait for a very long time."

  For reasons she couldn't fathom, his decree sent a fresh wave of desire through her body, and with a long, low groan, she dropped her head down and crushed her lips against his, darting her tongue between his teeth and exploring his mouth. Her unexpected assault sparked his fire, and carefully withdrawing, he deftly moved her on to her stomach, kneeled up behind her, and pulled her into his pelvis. Her saturated pussy glistened up at him, and separating her lips with his thumbs, he pushed his thick shaft slowly forward.

  "Your bottom needs reddening, a reminder that I'll spank you if you need it."

  Before she had a chance to respond he was slapping her backside with stinging blows, moving his large hand from cheek to cheek, making her gasp and squeal, but the hot smacks were also feeding her desperate yearning.

  "Please, Master," she suddenly cried, "please, I'm so sorry. I need you so much."

  "What do you need?" he pressed, pausing his hand. "Tell me exactly."

  "But you know."

  "I said, tell me exactly."

  "Thrust in me, move in and out, feed my hungry pussy."

  "There's another word I want to hear."

  "Master, please will you fuck me and let me have an orgasm?"

  Gripping her hips he began to pump with vigor, and listening to her gasps and moans, he brought her to the brink several times before allowing her to explode. As she wailed through the convulsions, he discharged his seed with a mighty eruption, then slipping out he fell on the bed, reaching for her as she breathlessly slumped beside him.

  Killian had bedded many women, but never had he felt such passion. He wanted to possess her body and soul, he wanted her to belong to him and none other. He never wanted her out of his sight. How could he possibly make it happen?

  "I must sleep," he murmured, feeling an intense wave of weariness. "Don't leave the room. It's not safe."

  It was all he could manage, and he had barely mumbled the words before drifting away.

  A few moments passed, and having caught her breath she sat up to study his heavily muscled body. The barbarians were known as ferocious fighters, ruthless in battle, men to be feared and obeyed, but she felt only love and admiration for the brawny man lying next to her. His chiseled features appeared soft, and she marveled at how he looked so different when angered. He and his people were an interesting breed, so different from the villagers, yet she and Killian were a match. They were meant for each other, she was sure of it.

  Feeling a pang of hunger, she looked around for the food he'd brought up for her. He'd said he'd placed it on top of one of his trunks, along with the tunic, and slipping from the bed she padded across the cool floor to seek it out. The only light was coming from the moon casting its silver glow through the many small windows that lined the wall, but it was enough to find the plate.

  There was some flat bread, slices of meat that had been cooked and dried, a bunch of grapes, and an apple. The memory of Layla scrambling up the tree and throwing the apples over the wall flashed through her mind. It felt like a lifetime ago. So much had changed in so little time. She felt a shiver. She frowned. She only felt such chills when something unpleasant was in the wind.

  Deciding it was the night air and her bare feet on the cold stone floor, she lifted the fresh garment and slipped it over her head. Like the other one it was too big, but it was comfortable, and offered just the right amount of warmth. Picking up the bread, she wandered across to the windows and stood gazing out at the night as she ate. It was quiet and still, the bloody remains of the day's battle invisible in the dark. Still hungry, she returned to the chest and ate the meat, which she found surprisingly tasty, but when she looked around for something to wash down her meal, she was dismayed to find Killian had neglected to bring anything to drink.

  Her thirst was growing. She would have liked several swallows of fermented berry juice, but even some plain water would be welcome. Killian had told her to stay in the room, but the night was calm, and walking across to the door she cracked it open; there was not a sound. She had glimpsed the dining area off the main hall when she'd arrived. There might still be some water or berry juice on the table, and even if there wasn't, the kitchen was probably close by.

  Slipping into the hallway she started down the passage, and as she neared the top of the stairs she came across a barbarian fast asleep on the floor leaning against the wall. He was directly outside a door, and she assumed he was supposed to be guarding someone or something, maybe even Trebor. Though tempted to wake him she thought better of it and continued on, trotting down the wide staircase and into the great hall, but as she began walking towards the dining room, to her shock and horror, a dozen men suddenly leapt from the shadows, their torches abruptly flaring as they raced towards her.

  She let out shrill scream, then Trebor appeared from nowhere and began racing towards the gardens. Tumult ensued as ha
lf the men chased him as he sprinted across the grounds, while the other half surrounded her demanding to know who she was and why she was there. They were shouting at her, threatening to break her in two if she didn't talk, and utterly terrified she dropped to the floor, and plaintively sobbing, she curled herself into a ball.

  "What's going on?" Bastian bellowed as he hurried down the stairs. His sword was raised threateningly in the air, and he was being followed by others also carrying their weapons. "Who have you got there? Why are men running across the grounds? Is this a second attack?"

  "We found a woman sneaking through the hall, then someone ran out from behind a pillar and into the garden," one of the men shouted. "They're probably Phelan spies."

  Bastian pushed past the men and stared down at the petrified young woman on the floor, recognizing her immediately.

  "Fools! This is the village girl who saved Killian's life! Back away. It's all right, Serenity, come on, up you get," he said, helping her to her feet. "What are you doing down here in the middle of the night?"

  "I was thirsty," she whimpered. "I was just looking for something to drink. I'm so sorry."

  "Bastian, it's the prisoner, Trebor! He was trying to escape!"

  The call had come from the grounds, and spinning his head around, Bastian saw his men marching forward with Trebor in their midst.

  "Did you have anything to do with his?" he demanded, glowering back at Serenity.

  "What? Of course not!" she protested, mortified that he could think such a thing. "I was thirsty. I came down here and suddenly everything went crazy. Trebor had a knife at my throat and threatened to kill me. Why would I want to help him?"

  "We only saw him after she came into the hall," one of the tribe offered. "He was hiding behind the pillars. He must have sneaked past us, then took off running after we lit our torches."

  "Aah," Bastian grunted, finally understanding what had happened. "Get him back to that room and find out how he escaped, and as for you Serenity, you shouldn't be wandering around like this. One of the tribe could easily have killed you."

  "I thought everyone was asleep. The place was so quiet. I didn't want to disturb anyone."

  "And yet you disturbed everyone!" he scolded. "Come with me into the dining hall and have some fermented berry juice. It will help you sleep."

  "Thank you. I need it after that. I'm still shaking. I'm surprised Killian wasn't roused by the ruckus," she remarked as he guided her towards the dining area, "though he was in a very deep sleep."

  "He's always been that way. Even as a baby nothing would wake him. Marian, my wife, was the envy of all the other young mothers at the time. Their little ones would wake up howling at the slightest sound, but not Killian. Mind you, when he was awake he had more energy and spirit than all the other children put together. He ran Marian off her feet. It's like many things, a blessing and a curse."

  They'd reached the dining hall, and picking up a jug from the table he poured some juice into a goblet.

  "Take that back to the room with you, and this water too. Do you need anything else to eat?"

  "No, this is all I wanted, and, uh, I'm really sorry Bastian."

  "Go on to bed now, and no more wandering around the castle," he scolded, then pausing he added, "I'm surprised Killian didn't warn you. Didn't he tell you to stay in his room?"

  Serenity felt a hot blush cross her face.

  "Uh, he did," she mumbled, dropping her eyes, "but as I said, it was so quiet I thought…"

  "I see. In that case, you'll tell Killian what happened first thing in the morning, and ask him to spank you."


  "That is our way. If women misbehave they must ask to be punished. I mete out the discipline unless they're married or have a lover, then it is his responsibility. It appears Killian has taken you under his wing, but if I'm mistaken I shall spank you, and I'll do so right now."

  "No, no, I'll tell Killian. He has taken me in, and if I'm to be punished, then…"

  "Then you'd prefer he be the one to do it. Good. Off you go now. Hopefully this will be the only drama of the night."

  As he watched her walk away, he felt a shard of anxiety. She was a special girl and Killian had taken a liking to her, but just how much of a liking?

  ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

  The fermented berry juice helped to calm Serenity's nerves, and as she climbed into bed and curled against Killian's warm body, she prayed the Phelans would leave quickly, and peace would return to the compound. The barbarians who had surrounded her had been overwhelming with their screams and threats. Their features had been sharp, their eyes black, and had flashed pinpricks of red, though she wondered if those had been caused by the flames from their torches. To imagine them in battle was a chilling thought, but as sleep descended, the sight of the tribesmen faded, and Bastian's words began echoing through her head.

  If women misbehave they must ask to be punished.

  The statement was sinking in.

  Her parents would argue, then kiss and make up, though there were times their disagreements would cause an icy chill that permeated the house. After a few days her father would show up with something special for her mother. A gift in winter, or flowers in the summer. Her mother would smile gratefully and all would be well. That didn't seem to be the life of a barbarian and his partner.

  What if she and Killian argued? Would she be considered at fault regardless of the circumstances? That didn't seem fair, not fair at all. What other strange customs might she be subject to? She wanted to be with Killian very much, but clearly there was more to being his wife than she'd thought.

  "But how can I be with any other man after being with you?" she mumbled as she began to drift away. "I know I'd never be happy, not truly happy, not happy like I am now."


  When Killian stirred from sleep and felt Serenity's warm naked body next to his, a surge of joy spread through his heart, and rolling on to his side, he began tracing his fingertips over her body. The people of his tribe had tough hides, and as he marveled at the smoothness of her skin, he lowered his lips to her neck, and sent his hand to explore between her legs.

  "Killian, wait," she muttered, shifting away to stare up at him.

  "Are you sore?"

  "No, but, uh, there's something I have to tell you."

  Though she'd spoken quietly he could hear the anxiety in her voice.

  "What is it?" he asked, studying her face and seeing the worry in her crinkled brow.

  "When the moon was high I woke up hungry and ate the food you were so sweet to bring me."

  "Did you not care for it?"

  "It was delicious, but it left me very thirsty. There was nothing here and I didn't want to wake you, and when I opened the door the house was completely quiet, so I thought I could slip down to the dining hall for some—"

  "Serenity! Oh, no. Were you set upon?"

  "I was," she said woefully. "It was terrifying, then Trebor jumped out from behind some pillars and—"

  "Trebor? Trebor was down there?"

  "He was escaping, or rather, trying to escape. Killian, it was absolute chaos. Some of your men chased him, and some stayed with me threatening to kill me if I didn't tell them who I was and why I was there, but I was so petrified I just laid down on the floor and covered my head. I was sure I was going to be cut to pieces, but your father showed up and rescued me. I'm so sorry, all I wanted was a drink."

  Her confession had tumbled out of her in a volley of words, and Killian pulled her tightly into his arms to comfort her.

  "You bad girl. I told you not to leave the room. I told you it wasn't safe," he said, and though he was scolding her, his voice was tender and filled with worry. "You must have been scared to death when they jumped from the shadows. I'm sorry I didn't think to bring you up a goblet of water or berry juice."

  Serenity was greatly relieved, and very surprised. She'd been expecting him to rail at her.

  "You're not angry with me? I thought yo
u'd be furious."

  "You shouldn't have disobeyed me, you should have woken me, but I am more worried than anything. The men could easily have killed you. When I tell you something isn't safe, you must take me at my word."

  "Bastian told me I was to ask you for a spanking," she whispered. "He said that's how it is here. That if a women misbehaves they have to ask to be punished."

  "That's true," he said breaking his hold, then placing his hand under her chin, he tilted up her head. "Do you think you deserve a spanking?"


  A hot burn was crossing her cheeks, and her stomach was doing the strange fluttering thing, making it hard for her to think.

  "How are you feeling right now?"

  "Embarrassed and ashamed," she mumbled, "and foolish. I shouldn't have done it. I should have listened."

  "I'll ask you again. Do you think you deserve a spanking? Do you think it would take care of all those bad feelings?"

  "Uh…I haven't thought about it."

  "Thought about what?"

  "That being spanked would make me feel better."

  "Would it?"

  "Um, I think it might."

  "You see? Asking for a spanking reminds you of your crime, and your punishment sets things right. It is not cruel, it is kind."

  "I'm not sure what to say. I feel all funny."

  "It's not the way of the villagers and that's why you feel a bit strange. I'm going to sit up and you'll lay over my lap. I'll spank you quickly, make sure you've learned your lesson, then," he said, lowering his voice, "I'll devour you and you'll forget all about the sting."

  Serenity felt a fresh thrill roll through her stomach. Why did the prospect of being disciplined excite her? The flush on her face was flaming even hotter, and her pulse was ticking up, but Killian had abruptly released her and was already in position with his back against the wall.

  "Don't keep me waiting," he warned, "and remember to call me Master."


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