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Her Barbarian Master

Page 14

by Maggie Carpenter

  "I believe I have that in hand," Killian said with a grin. "I am very blessed."

  Hugging them both, he walked quickly from the room. It had gone exactly as Simeon had said it would, and he couldn't wait to tell Serenity the wonderful news.

  ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

  Serenity had been helping her mother with the household chores, but she'd been so anxious, Faith had suggested she should she design her dress for her special day. It was the distraction Serenity needed, and she had set about sketching. She'd almost finished when she heard the much anticipated knock on the door, and leaping to her feet she raced to answer it.

  "Killian! I'm so happy to see you. What happened? Is everything okay? What did your father say?"

  "Everything is perfect," he exclaimed, lifting her off her feet and stepping back outside to swing her around. "Soraya and Trebor are leaving first thing in the morning," he continued, planting her on her feet, "and we have the blessing of both my mother and father. Where is Simeon? I want to tell him how it played out, and I must thank him again."

  "I don't know, probably in the fields."

  "There will be two gardeners coming here tomorrow morning. Spread the word, gather your people together in the village square so they can meet them and learn their secrets."

  "This is wonderful news," Serenity beamed. "Thank you, but when can we be married?"

  "We need things to settle at the compound for a short time. You must be patient."

  "But when?" she insisted. "Tell me when! Two days? Three days? Not more than four, please, Killian, not more than four."

  "Four days then, in the early afternoon."

  "Thank you! What will happen?"

  "There will be a feast before the ceremony, then dancing and drink after it, but there are some other details you must know. Is there somewhere private we can talk? A place we won't be overheard?"

  "Uh, yes, behind the house there's a small wooded area. We can go there."

  Wrapping her arm around his elbow, she led him to the back of the modest cottage. Killian smiled when he spied the small forest, and as they moved under the shadow of the trees, the songs of the birds welcomed them.

  "This is a delightful place," he remarked as they settled on a dry grassy spot. "I would love to spend time here. We have nothing like it in the compound. A place like this is made for sharing secrets and having picnics."

  "I agree," she sighed. "I come here when I have to think, or if I feel like losing myself in a daydream. You can speak freely. If anyone comes we'll hear them."

  "Good, because this is very private."

  "I'm listening."

  "On the morning of the ceremony I'll send a horse and cart to collect you and your family. They'll be met at the gate and taken to the great hall, but you must walk around to the side door. Do you remember how to reach my room?"

  "I do now. I only had trouble that night because it was dark and I couldn't see anything."

  "I can only imagine how scary that must have been, yet you kept going. Brave and foolish," he said shaking his head. "From now on it's just brave, and your spanking on the days the gardeners weed will serve to remind you."

  "Did you have to mention that?"

  "I did. Anyway, to continue. There will be a banquet, and your family will be seated with my father and mother, but you and I will not attend. When you reach my room you'll find it empty, and on the bed will be a long piece of black fabric. You must strip naked, take the fabric, stand in the middle of the room and place it across your eyes, then spread your legs and place your hands behind your neck."

  "Uh, that sounds, uh…" she mumbled, her voice trailing off as she imagined the scene, wondering how long would he make her wait, bare and blindfolded. Just the thought sent a flood between her legs.

  "I thought you'd find it appealing," he said softly, leaning in and planting a gentle kiss on her full moist lips. "Are you ready to hear the rest?"

  "I am, especially if it's as good as that part?"

  "I'll know when you have arrived, and I will enter and inspect you, every part of you."

  "Inspect me?"

  "Yes, Serenity, inspect you, then I must spank you to show my authority over you. During this you are not permitted to speak."

  "I can't say anything?"

  "Not a word. You can cry out as I smack your bottom, but that's all. This is our ritual. I can speak, but you may not."

  "And then?"

  "If I am pleased with your body, and you accept the spanking, I will then place the Choker of Belonging around your neck."

  "Wow. That sounds…"

  "Sounds what?"

  "I can't think of a word," she replied, a slight frown crossing her brow. "Maybe there isn't a word. It sounds like a moment that will never be forgotten."

  "Obviously I've never done it, but yes, I expect it will feel like that," he said softly, putting an arm around her. "A moment between us that will live in our hearts forever. Tell me, will you have a special dress?"

  "I will. I just drew it. My mother and I will sew it."

  "Bring it with you. I'll help you put it on after I have locked the choker."

  "Locked it?"

  "It will never come off," he said giving her a squeeze. "Following the ceremony there's a party, but we don't attend. For three days and three nights we'll keep to ourselves. Our meals will be prepared and left outside our door. We can leave the room of course, but if we do, no-one is allowed to bother us about anything. It's our special time. Do you have any questions?"

  "No, but I have something to say."

  "Go ahead."

  "I love you. I love you as my Master, and I love you as Killian, my wonderful man and my dearest friend."

  "And I love you as my most precious treasure, and I love you as Serenity, my wonderful woman, and yes, my dearest friend."


  Four Days Later

  It had been the longest four days of Serenity's life, but the morning of the marriage ceremony had finally arrived.

  Faith and Axton had enjoyed a celebratory midday meal with Bastian and Marian the day before, but following tradition, Serenity and Killian were not invited. Faith had taken the opportunity to deliver Serenity's few belongings, and following the sumptuous lunch Bastian took them on a tour of the castle, including his chambers, where he announced the news that Killian would soon be the leader of the Bathus, and he and Serenity would be occupying the spacious quarters. Faith and Axton had returned home sure in the knowledge that Serenity would want for nothing, and Bastian, the fearsome barbarian leader who had invaded the village fifteen years before, had been a surprisingly generous and welcoming host.

  The horse-drawn cart was due any time, and as Serenity looked around her empty room to make sure she'd not forgotten anything, she suddenly felt a hot lump in the back of her throat. She was about to leave her home, her brothers and her mother and father. An unexpected wave of emotion swept her up, and her eyes brimmed with tears.


  Turning around she saw her father in the doorway. The cart had arrived, and her mother had sent him to fetch her.


  "Are you crying? Whatever's the matter? Have you changed your mind? You don't have to go through with it."

  "I don't know what's wrong with me," she sniffled. "I love him, I want to marry him, but, uh, leaving here, leaving you and mother, and Simeon and Galway—it's really hard."

  "Of course it is," he said, moving swiftly across the small room to give her a hug. "Serenity, you can always come home, and you'll always be my little girl. Even when you have babies of your own, you'll still be my little girl."

  "I feel like that now. Like I'm too young for this. What's wrong with me?"

  "Nothing's wrong with you. This is natural. You're leaving home. If you weren't shedding a few tears I'd be worried."

  Hearing a crack in his voice, she pulled back and stared up at him, and was shocked to see his eyes were wet.

  "Father, are y
ou crying too?"

  "Do you think I want to see you leave? I want to see you happy and married, of course I do, but the years—where have they gone?"

  "What do you mean?"

  "The morning Bastian burst into this house, and you climbed out from under the bed and confronted him…it feels like yesterday," he murmured. "Your mother and I were so scared, but you astounded him. You astounded us all."

  "I did?"

  "You certainly did, and when your mother and I were back in bed, she said, that girl is going to become something special. You know what I said to her?"


  "I said, she already is."


  "You have always been special, Serenity, and I'm so proud of you I can hardly stand it."

  "I'm going to miss you and mother so much."

  "We'll miss you too, the house won't be the same," he said, the tears spilling freely down his face as he hugged her again, "and you and Killian must come for dinner often. Do you promise?"

  "Of course I promise, and you must promise to come and visit me too."

  "Try and stop me," he muttered, fighting the heavy emotion that had seized his heart, "but now I think it's time we dried our happy but sad faces and headed out. What do you say? Are you ready to become the wife of a barbarian?"

  "I guess I am. Yes, yes, I am."

  "Don't forget your special dress."

  "I'm glad you said that. I'm in such a state I might have left it here."

  "And I almost forgot this."

  Lifting his shirt, he retrieved a small leather pouch from the waistband of his trousers, and opening it up, he withdrew what looked like a handle for a dagger.

  "What is it?"

  "A gift for Killian. If you push this knob…"

  Serenity gasped as a shining blade suddenly exploded from its intricately carved home.

  "A secret knife!"

  "It was Simeon's idea, I just made it, but you know how he is about things. Killian cannot tell anyone it came from us."

  "That's amazing," she exclaimed, watching him push the knife back into its handle. "He will absolutely love it."

  Picking up the neatly folded garment from her cot, and holding the surprising gift, she walked with her father to the door, and as she stepped outside she found the entire village waiting to wave her off. Amid clapping and cheering she climbed on to the front seat of the cart and settled between her parents, and with her brothers sitting in the back, the villagers followed the cart up the lane until they were almost at the castle gate. Bastian and Marian were there to meet them, and while Bastian escorted the family into the fortress, Marian walked with Serenity to the side door.

  "We'll see you in a little while," Marian said, hugging her warmly. "If you have any problems you must seek me out. Don't be shy. Life here has rules, but don't worry, you'll get used to things, and everyone knows you'll be learning. We'll all help you."

  "Thank you, Marian. It suddenly feels a bit, uh…"

  "Overwhelming? As I said, don't worry. We're all very happy that you're here, and any time you need to pop home and see your family, they're just down the lane."

  Serenity nodded, and comforted by the thought, taking a breath she turned and walked through the door.

  ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

  Though Killian had visited Serenity every day, and they had spent time together kissing and snuggling deep inside the private wooded area behind her home, she had not been back to the castle. Killian had been busy, and though they'd soon be moving into his father's chambers, he wanted to make his masculine bedroom more comfortable for her. Enlisting the aid of his mother, white fur pelts now covered the bed, there were flowers in urns, paintings that had been gathering dust in unused rooms had been wiped clean and adorned the walls, and a reflecting glass, a rare item in the compound, had been left on a small table her father had secretly made for her. He had even carved his initials into the wood.

  Now hidden behind the screen, Killian watched his bride walk in his specially decorated bedroom. He smiled as he saw her eyes widen in surprise, and was gladdened by her delight as she studied the paintings, found the reflecting glass, and ran her fingers across the white fur bed coverings.

  Serenity was more than delighted, she was thrilled with the changes. His room was no longer brutish, it was softer and inviting, but as she wandered she could feel Killian's eyes on her. Laying her special dress and the leather pouch on the bed, she slowly disrobed, and as she did an idea floated into her head.

  Picking up the black cloth she walked into the center of the room, faced the screen behind which he was hidden, placed the blindfold over her eyes, and shuffled her feet apart, but she did not put her hands behind her neck; one hand she dropped between her legs, and the other she sent to pinch her nipples and knead her breasts.

  Killian watched, mesmerized, as his naughty girl massaged her clit and tweaked her nipples to stiffened points. Her salacious performance was a wonderfully wicked gift, and in seconds his cock was springing to life. Hurriedly undressing, he began to rub himself.

  Serenity had planned to do her decadent dance for only a moment or two, but her excitement had taken hold, and turning around, she bent over, arched her back, and wiggled her naked backside at him.

  Letting out a low growl he strode into the bedroom, marched across to his wanton young woman, wrapped his arm around her waist, and ran his large hand across her seat cheeks.

  "You are a very naughty girl," he declared, landing several hot slaps. "You were told what to do, and you disobeyed me," then pausing, he lowered his voice and added, "and while I must punish you for it, I loved every moment."

  Unable to stop herself, she laughed with delight, but as his long thick finger slid into her sex, her laughter transformed into a long, needy moan.

  "Now I must continue the ritual, and since you chose this position, I'm happy to use it to carry out my inspection."

  His words sent her butterflies fluttering, and she attempted to wriggle, but he'd tightened his hold, and to her shock he suddenly lifted her. Her feet were off the floor, she was completely at his mercy, and the fingers of his free hand were sliding into the cleft between her cheeks. She let out a squeal, and was rewarded with a hard smack.

  "Hush, you must be completely silent as I explore back here. That's an order. I must test your obedience."

  His fingers began toying with her forbidden back hole, and though the blindfold was blocking the light, she squeezed her eyes together and clenched her teeth. She wanted to yell out a protest, she wanted to squirm out of his grasp, she wanted to do anything except be subject to such a humiliating examination.

  "There will be no area of your body denied to me. I am your Master, but if you do not wish to marry me, all you have to do is say no. I will release you, and you may return to your family."

  As he'd spoken, his fingers had rested against her most private part, but a finger began to insistently press forward, demanding entrance. She sucked in the air, forcing herself to accept his lewd attention, and as the unwelcome intruder impaled her, it took all her fortitude not to howl out her disapproval.

  "There will be more," he warned, gently moving it in and out. "I will be training you to accept my cock here. If you say no, I will bear no grudge. You are free to leave."

  His finger went deeper, her face was burning, and she prayed for the moment to end, she prayed for him to take her in his arms and kiss her, she prayed he would spank her, she prayed he would do anything other than what he was doing.

  "You must relax, relax and accept the attention of your Master," he said firmly. "Relax and surrender yourself to me."

  Was that the answer? Yes, the answer was to surrender. If she was truly going to be his, she had to surrender, she had to find her joy in pleasing him, and letting out her breath, she forced herself to see it that way.

  "Ah, yes, there, good girl, you are my most precious girl."

  His words swept over her like a warm summer breeze, and she could
feel her entire being sink into his hold. He toyed for only a moment longer before his finger slipped away.

  "Now I must spank you for both the ritual of authority, and to punish you. I may have enjoyed your decadent dance, but it was a blatant display of disobedience."

  He began to spank, and as his stinging hand bounced from cheek to cheek, and her skin turned hot, she realized he wasn't smacking her as hard as he had the last time they'd been together, and every so often he would tickle between her legs. She was reminded of the discipline she'd suffered over his shoulder when they'd first met, but this time he would lay with her, fondle and caress her, and his cock would bring her to ecstasy.

  Killian paused to gaze down at her glowing backside. It was perfectly pink. The spanking had been to teach and to tantalize. Her pussy was glistening its wetness, and she was panting with need more than pain. With effortless ease, he shifted her so she was laying in his arms, kissed her fervently, then set her on her feet and removed the blindfold.

  Blinking open her eyes, it took her a moment to get her bearings. He held her until she was steady, then stepping to the barrel-topped chest, he lifted the lid and withdrew a rolled up fur cap. Heart beating, completely captivated, she watched as he unfolded the fur, and stared in wonder as the jewelry was revealed.

  It was a round glimmering gold band, its smooth brilliant luster born from hours of polishing. Where it narrowed at the back there was a clasp, but it was the front of the collar that was holding her gaze. Set in the center was a small sparkling stone. It had no color, yet it twinkled with more colors than she could count. Knowing she wasn't allowed to say anything, she looked up at him with an urgent request to speak.

  "Of course you may," he said with a warm smile. "I should said so."

  "I've never seen anything so beautiful. It sparkles as if blessed by the heavens."

  "I am told it comes from deep in the earth, and only a few gifted craftsmen can make it shine like the stars."

  "Where on earth did you find it?"


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