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Lexi, Property of Rhyder: A Motorcycle Club Romance (Blood Brothers MC Book 6)

Page 6

by J. A. Collard

  “It’s his loss. You deserve better.”

  “Yeah, I know, but enough about me, let’s get back to you. What’s going on, Lex?”

  I can feel my heart beating fast, so I begin, “Well, that night I decided to walk home, remember?”

  Diane looks like she’s in thought, then says, “Yeah, I remember. You don’t live far from Jaimie’s, so you wanted to walk home.”

  “Yeah.” I laugh sarcastically. “Worst decision of my life.”

  “Oh my God, what happened, Lex?” Diane whispers.

  Stacey leans in closer and places her hand on my upper back and rubs it slowly in circles while I replay that night in my mind and explain.

  “I was walking home and wasn’t too far, maybe a block away, when three men drove past me in their car. I could hear the music blaring and their laughter coming out loudly through the open windows. I noticed that the license plate wasn’t from around here, so when they stopped and asked me for directions, I didn’t hesitate.”

  Tears now stream down my face as I remember how stupid I was just to walk up to a car full of strangers when they called me over.

  Stacey reaches in her bag and hands me some Kleenex. I thank her as I wipe away my tears.

  Without thinking twice, I blurt it out, “I was raped!”

  Tears start to leak from my eyes, so I hide them in the tissue trying to conceal them.

  What was I thinking having this conversation in a public place? Luckily for me, there are not many people in the café today.

  “Oh my God, Lexi. I… I don’t know what to say. Are you okay?” Diane reaches out and grabs my hand again while Stacey hugs me to her as close as she can get.

  I don’t reply. I can’t because I don’t know if I am okay.

  “Who were they? Did you report it to the police?” Diane demands, anger now flashing through her features.

  I look over at her. “You need to promise me you won’t say a word about this? No one knows, but you two. Oh… and Rhyder?” I add discreetly, almost in a whisper.

  Diane frowns. “Rhyder? Who the hell is Rhyder?”

  “He’s the man who saved me that night.”

  Diane sits back. “What do you mean? How?”

  “Rhyder was riding past on his motorcycle when somehow he heard my cries. He found me with the men in the bushes and somehow got rid of them.”

  “Wait! What? You were in the bushes? Oh my God, Lexi. I’m so sorry.” Diane sits back covering her mouth with her hand while her eyes glisten with unshed tears.

  I sniffle, pulling in a large breath to try and control my breathing. Wiping away fresh tears, I continue, “They dragged me into the nearby bushes. Two of them held me down while another one raped me.”

  That’s my undoing.

  I sob into my hands and feel Stacey drape her arm around my shoulders while Diane grasps my hand in hers.

  “We’re so sorry, Lexi, you poor thing. You have been carrying this around with you for so long. What about your family? Do they know?”

  “No!” I snap, sitting up, my back straight. Then I see both their concerned faces and soften slightly. “Sorry, it’s just… I can’t let them find out. I just can’t. If they did, they’d make me go to the police and report it, and then everyone will know what happened to me. My parents are protective enough as it is. Can you imagine what they will be like if they found out? No,” I shake my head. “I can’t tell them. They would never let me go to Harvard alone.”

  “But, Lexi, these guys can’t get away with what they did. I mean, what if they try and do it again?” Stacey explains in a low, calm voice.

  I know she’s right, and it kills me every day that they’re out there living a normal life while I have to live in fear. “I know, I’ve thought about that, believe me, and it plays on my mind constantly, but what can I do? I can’t tell the police… my family will find out.”

  Diane lets out a breath and takes a sip of her coffee. I do the same with mine. We sit in silence for a while caught up in our own thoughts.

  “I… I don’t know what to say, Lex. I’m so sorry you went through that alone. If there’s anything we can do, just ask.”

  I smile briefly and look at them both. “Just promise me… please, that you won’t be as naïve as I was.”

  Diane gives me a small smile. “That I can promise.”

  “Me, too,” Stacey adds.

  “You must be scared to be alone. No wonder you didn’t want to come out last night. I’m such an idiot for pushing you.”

  “It’s okay, Di. You didn’t know.”

  “But how did you get home? Did you end up getting a cab? You shouldn’t have left without us.”

  “I look out the window. Normally, I’d see Rhyder lurking around keeping an eye on me, but today he’s not there. He told me he’d be away, so why am I still looking for him?

  I seriously have some deep shit going on in my mind right now.

  “Lex?” Diane grabs my attention.

  “No, I didn’t catch a cab. Rhyder gave me a lift.”

  Diane raises her eyebrow. “The biker who saved you?”

  I smile. “Yeah, the one and the same.”

  “But how? Was he at the club?”

  “Oh boy, you guys are going to think this is crazy.”

  “I doubt it. Tell us,” Stacey asks.

  “Well, Rhyder has somehow taken on the role of my very own bodyguard. That night when it all happened, he drove me to the hospital for help and stayed by my side the entire time. When the doctors kept asking questions, he answered for me… somehow, he knew what to say. I was so glad, too, because it gave me one less thing to worry about. It’s as if he knew how to keep the police away. He also took me home that night.”

  “Okay, wait… how can you trust him? You don’t even know who he—”

  “Di…” Stacey interrupts. “The man helped her. Got rid of the men. Why shouldn’t she trust him?”

  Diane shrugs. “I don’t know. I guess I’m just shocked by it all.”

  I nod in understanding.

  “Wow! I can’t believe all this. Where is he now? Is he out there watching us?” Diane looks out the window with her eyes wide.

  “Since that night, he’s been keeping a watch over me. I didn’t ask him to, he’s just there everywhere I go.”

  “Stalker much?” Di adds.

  “I guess… maybe a little. Anyway, he was at the bar next door to the club last night, and when I went in there to call a cab, he was playing pool with his biker friends. So, he ended up taking me home.”

  Diane and Stacey look out the glass window.

  “What are you two doing?”

  Stacey looks at me briefly then back out the window. “Looking for him. You said he’s been following you. Is he out there now?”

  No… he had to go away for a few days. So, he won’t be around.”

  “Sounds like you two talk a lot.”

  I shrug. “Not sure about that. He’s in some sort of biker club, so probably had some business he had to take care of.”

  “Wait!” Stacey states. “Not a biker club like the Blood Brothers MC? Please… please don’t tell me he’s one of them?”

  I nod. “The very same one.”

  “You’ve got to be kidding me? Oh my God, Lex. They’re scary as hell. They’ve got trouble written all over them.”

  “Says who?” I state a little harshly while glaring and Diane.

  She raises her palms. “I don’t know… you know, like everyone.”

  “Well, not Rhyder. From what I know about him, he’s caring and maybe a little over-the-top protective, but I trust him. I don’t know why, but when I’m with him, he makes me feel safe and secure.” I stare out the window for a minute remembering our kiss last night, then a small smile plays on my lips.

  “Wait a damn minute… do you like this Rhyder guy?” Diane asks in a low voice.

  I straighten and look between Diane and Stacey.

  Stacey has a big smile on her face, wherea
s Diane’s more concerned. I wonder how much I should tell them, but then I think I’ve come this far, what’s one more piece of information?

  “We kissed.”

  Diane nearly spits the contents in her mouth out as some dribbles down her chin, and I laugh.

  “Wait! Go back to the bit where you kissed him? Can I say… what the hell?”

  “Well, he kissed me. It wasn’t long, just a quick kiss.”

  “Oh, no, you don’t… I can’t believe you kissed a guy from the biker club? Isn’t he old enough to be like your dad?”

  I laugh. “No, Di. Rhyder is older than me, but he wouldn’t be older than around twenty-five.”

  “Far out, Lex.”

  “How was the kiss?” Stacey asks.

  Immediately, I feel my cheeks blush remembering how his kiss made me feel, how his tongue tangled with mine making me feel alive.

  “That good, huh?”

  I smile at Stacey. “It was nice, but it’s not going to happen again.”

  “Of course, it won’t,” Diane blurts. “What would Daddy say if he found out you were fraternizing with a biker? I can’t believe it!”

  “I know, I know… don’t worry… I’m going on vacation soon, and then I’ll be off to Harvard, and far away from Rhyder. I’ll probably never see him again.” I trace my finger around the rim of my cup and try to ignore the fact that my stomach just sunk at the mere thought of never seeing that man again.

  “Good. You’ve been through too much. You don’t need to be involved in a biker gang.”

  I know what Di’s saying is true, I just wish my heart would feel the same.

  I smile and take another sip of my mocha. “Thanks to both of you for listening and not judging me.”

  “We would never judge you. We’re here for you, no matter what. If there’s anything you need, just ask. Anytime, okay?”

  I grab both their hands and thank them, then make them promise that my secret is safe. Then I quickly change the subject to our family holiday in Mexico and our plans while we’re there.


  Driving to Nevada has got to be the longest ride ever. It’s hot, dry, and there are cars everywhere heading to Vegas. I’ve always been up for any action and available should our prez need me. Love the buzz, even getting my blade wet would make me a happy man. But this time, I feel like something’s not right, and I know exactly where that feeling is coming from.


  Just thinking about her has me fucking hard. She’s driving me crazy. I’ve never wanted any girl like I want Lexi. Even with everything she’s been through, you would think sex with her is the last thing on my mind, but it’s all I’ve thought about since the kiss.

  I feel strange having feelings for her. I know she’s only eighteen, and she’s been to hell and back, but my God, she sure is one girl I want to know. And the body she has on her is perfection and made especially for me. I must be out of my goddamn mind to want a girl who’s completely out of my league. I can’t imagine how she’d react to one of our club parties. She’s not used to that kind of lifestyle. I am sure she’s used to going to gala nights and cocktail parties on the upper east side.

  Unlike me, I was born in a small town in Kentucky on a ranch with my mom and dad. They’re still there running the ranch with my brother, Dex, who’s older than me by seven years. He’s married to a girl in town, with three kids, and helps my parents grow crops and manage cattle on the land.

  My folks always thought I was going to be the one to take over the ranch someday, and that’s what I’d always planned to do, but when I joined the United States Navy SEALs, it changed my life. When I finished my tour, I was a different man. I’d seen way too much ugly in my young years. I was only eighteen when I entered the Navy and finished my tour after three years.

  When I returned home, it was as if I was in search of something else. I served in the Navy with Tony, short for Anthony, who goes by Torch in the Blood Brothers MC. We grew up together and have been best friends since our moms had us in the same hospital. When we returned from serving, he and I decided to go on a ride for a few days, just to spend some time outdoors to refresh and unwind.

  We remembered a marine, Blaze, who was on a mission with us, and that he was going back to New York to visit some friends in a motorcycle club. When we caught up with Blaze, Torch and I felt at home. It was as if we were part of a brotherhood once again, and the extra benefit of getting pussy at any time was something we couldn’t pass up. So, we asked to patch in.

  Firstly, we were classed as hangarounds, then we prospected, and after we proved ourselves, we were voted in unanimously by the club and became permanent members.

  My folks still haven’t forgiven me for leaving Kentucky. They just don’t understand why I prefer to be in a motorcycle club over the land. I get how it looks. It appears to them as if I don’t want any responsibilities and to lead a carefree lifestyle, but they need to understand that this is my life now, and I am happy in it.

  My mind reels back to Lexi, and I wonder if she’s okay. I am hoping she has obeyed me and doesn’t go out alone.

  What is it with this chick?

  I wanted to lay her across my thighs and slap her toned ass with the palm of my hand from being out alone, and I almost did until my memory came back about what had happened to her a couple of months ago. I didn’t need to add to her already-raging anxiety.

  If it were any other woman, I wouldn’t think twice about spanking her ass until it turned pink under my palm. If there’s one thing I demand, it’s obedience—must be the dominant side in me. She thinks I’m crazy for how I acted last night. Well, she has no fucking clue how crazy I can get, especially when something is mine and someone tries to take it away.

  Wait! What? Did I just say she’s mine? Fuck me, I’ve got serious issues.

  Lexi’s fucking mouth, I have to admit when she talked back to me, I wanted to show her exactly what she could do with that smart mouth of hers, but I know that would send her running for the hills. Dammit! Just thinking about her mouth has my cock rubbing against my zipper.

  Fuck! I’ve always gone commando, but now I’m wishing I’d worn some boxers. I’m going to get a case of blue balls if I don’t think of something soon.


  I hand my suitcase to the driver, then join my family in the car. Today’s the day we’re going to Mexico for our summer vacation. I’m actually looking forward to it. It’s been two years since our last vacation together. It’s exactly what I need—sun, beach, and spending time with the family before I start medical school.

  Heading into the plane, I take my seat next to Paige and get my Kindle ready. It’s been a while since I’ve caught up on my reading, and with the flight being six hours, I will have some time to pick up where I left off.

  My parents are sitting behind us and enjoying a glass of wine while Paige and I drink our Coke. That’s the great thing about being in first class, the extra service we receive and alcohol, well, for my parents, anyway.

  Gazing out the window, I can’t help but feel all my problems are long past me. I’ve been trying to put behind me what happened a few months back. I think I’m doing okay and simply want to begin a new chapter in my life. When I finally told Diane and Stacey about what happened, much to my surprise, it felt as if a burden had been lifted off my shoulders.

  I smile remembering how I had text messaged Rhyder an image of me in a black two-piece bathing suit in the change rooms of a boutique store yesterday. I don’t know what came over me, I’m not usually this courageous. There’s no way I would normally show off my figure to any man for that matter, but Rhyder is different because he makes me feel sexy and wanted. The text I got back from him made me laugh.

  I sent him the image along with a text.

  Me: Thoughts? I need a new bikini for Mexico.

  I got a reply instantly.

  Rhyder: What? What’s going on in Mexico?

  I paused wondering what he meant, then realized I hadn�
�t actually told him I was leaving for a holiday vacation with my family. It seems whenever I’m around him, nothing else exists. So, I had to text him to explain that my dad had organized the vacation, and I would see him when I got back. I reminded him of the bikini and that I wanted his opinion about how it looked. I laughed out loud in the change room because he sent me a link with a message.

  Rhyder: These are the ones you are allowed to wear


  Me: I didn’t realize I needed permission when it came to clothing.

  When I told him that, he replied straightaway.

  Rhyder: When it comes to being half-naked in public, then you need my permission.

  I have to say, this alpha side of him is kind of a turn-on, and I love having this control over him. When I clicked on the link, he sent me pictures of swimwear that was appropriate, according to him. I giggled loudly as the images popped up of this so-called appropriate swimwear suitable for grandmas. We left the conversation with me assuring him I wasn’t going to buy the two-piece suit, and that I will indeed look into the others. If only he knew that those same bikini pictures I sent him are packed in my suitcase.

  “What’s so funny, Lex?”

  “Oh, nothing, just something I’m remembering.”

  Paige smiles, looking so cute today in her denim shorts and a white singlet top. She has her hair up in a braid the same way I have mine, but I’m wearing denim shorts with a light blue T-shirt. We’ve always been similar in a lot of ways, but then again, I think Paige likes to be like her older sister. Most sisters don’t get along, but not Paige and me. We’re only two years apart, and people always confuse us of being twins.

  “Is it about the guy on the motorcycle?”

  I look quickly at her. “What man on a motorcycle?”

  “You don’t need to lie to me Lex, I’ve seen him around, out our house now and then.”

  “Oh, him,” I say, then laugh nervously. “He’s nobody, just a friend.”

  Paige smiles. “Come on, it can’t be nobody if he’s hanging around. I’m assuming Mom doesn’t know?”


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