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Pakhan's Rose

Page 24

by V. F. Mason

  After several seconds of her exploring, I fisted her hair and pushed deeper, making her take more of me on instinct. Fuck, my balls tightened and felt stuck. The tingling in my spine intensified as my ass clenched. I was so very close to coming. Men with more experience probably could hold on longer, but my girl on her knees in front of me? Yeah, no fucking way.

  “Rosa, move. I’m going to come.” I almost hissed those words, but instead of listening to me, she sucked harder and wrapped her delicate fingers around my cock, creating unfamiliar sensations. Fuck, why was the water so hot? It burned my already heated skin. “Rosa,” I warned again, but she didn't listen. Finally, the pleasure, the suction, was too much for me to handle, and I came harder than ever, but her mouth was there and she swallowed every drop. God, I felt slightly dizzy, my eyes blurry from the best fucking orgasm of my entire life.

  Finally, when I was done coming, I rested my shoulders back, hot water still surrounding us, and she rose, vulnerability shining in her eyes as she bit her lip, keeping her distance.

  No fucking way would I allow her to feel insecure now.

  Circling my arms around her, I hugged her fiercely in the aftermath of my pleasure. The pleasure she had given me. “Thank you,” I whispered into her hair, cradling her in my arms.

  “You’re welcome,” she replied politely. Chuckling, I leaned back, studying her grinning face. “Was it good?”

  Fuck, she had to ask? It just proved how inexperienced she was, not that I minded it one little bit. Yeah, yeah, I’m a chauvinistic bastard.

  What fucking ever. “Da, moya krasavica. Unbelievably good.” Satisfaction filled her hazel pools, as she gave me a soft peck on my wet cheek.

  “I’m glad I wasn’t bad for the first time.”

  Well, didn't that send primitive pleasure through me? There was one more thing to clarify though. “So what did you mean by I taste different?” She blushed and looked down at my chest, and I wondered what exactly could put her in a mood like that after what she did to me.

  “I meant different than me.” Well that made my spent cock come to life, no matter how painful it was. “After you go down on me… you almost always kiss me,” she explained. Then she grabbed my mouth to hers, allowing me to taste the mix of her taste with mine. “We need to go.”

  I blinked and nodded, but still tried to seek her mouth, but she moved back, laughed, and gave me the shower gel. She put some on herself, and all I was left to do was stare as she cleaned herself. God, but she was gorgeous. “Dom.” Her annoyed voice snapped me out of the haze I was in.

  “What?” I murmured.

  “Start showering, you are barely standing. We need to get you in bed. We have a flight in a few hours.”

  Shit, I completely forgot about Damian and Sapphire’s wedding in two days. We finished the shower, toweled off, and went back to the room. She quickly donned her pink nightgown. My girl loved her lingerie. Why she bothered if I took it off every time, I didn't know.

  Breathing heavily, we lay on the bed, and Rosa rested her head on my shoulder as my finger gently traced the outline of her arm. “I could spend forever here,” she murmured, kissing me softly.

  Nuzzling into her hair, I inhaled her lavender scent, wondering how the fuck I lived without her all this time. “Me too. But we have to go.” She groaned. “I thought you were looking forward to this wedding?”

  She propped up on her arm, her eyes locking with mine as she huffed, annoyed, “I did. Until you kidnapped me and created an unpleasant situation with my father.”

  Shrugging, without an ounce of guilt inside me, I replied, “Damian demanded a truce for the time being, and that’s what we will have.” Tucking a strand of her hair behind her ear, I added, “You worry for nothing, krasavica.”

  “I love my dad.”

  Lifting up on the pillow, I placed her on my lap. She bent her knees on either side of me as my thumbs caressed her velvet thighs. “And he loves you. It’s going to be okay.”

  She rested her cheek on my shoulder. “I just have bad feeling about it.”

  “I’d never let anything happen to you.” My vow echoed in the room as she relaxed in my arms.

  If only I could predict the future, I would never have taken her back to the States.

  Man with the dragon tattoo

  Gazing at the cage in my basement, I couldn't help but feel proud. Chains, knives, bottles, drugs, cameras. All the equipment for the torture and raping of Rosa Giovanni was ready. She was the only missing part.

  Two more days.

  And her ass would be mine.

  Focusing my stare at the printed picture on my board, I sat on the chair, spread my legs, and proceeded to jerk off to the thoughts of her begging me for her life and me refusing.

  “Forty-eight hours, Rosa,” I groaned, as my cum spilled on the floor where a quietly crying Bianca sniffled.

  I knocked at the door, and after a second, and a firm, "Войдите," I pushed open the massive door of Vasya's office as requested and entered to where he sat on his usual chair, drinking tea.

  I found the pakhan’s love for tea hilarious. He collected different flavors from all over the world and never shared them with anyone else.

  "Want some tea, парень?" Well, except me. Somehow, he always invited me into his sacred ritual. I couldn't stand anything but water, coffee, and alcohol, so as usual, I declined politely. He rolled his lips together and motioned for me to sit. Choosing the chair right in front of him, I tried to think of a reason for his sudden call for me. I hadn't done anything wrong, and all my missions as Boevik were successful. "Есть разговор, парень." My brows furrowed, and I lifted my chin at his request for us to talk.

  "Какой?" I asked of the nature of the talk he wanted. He opened the drawer next to him, picked up a manila folder, and threw it on the table.

  "Прочиай это и сам реши что с этим делать. Я приму любое твое решение." His request for me to read it and to make the decision for myself filled me with dread.

  Fear washed over me as I realized he'd found information on my brother when I asked him not to. What was the point in searching for a stranger? Yes, he was my brother. My twin. The connection never went away. But I couldn't imagine having anything in common with him anymore. I lived the life of crime. Was it fair to get him into it? Wherever he was, he probably lived a better life than I did and had since moved on.

  Or at least I hoped as much, even if for some fucking reason the thought filled me with resentment. Locking my gaze with Vasya's, I told him in an even tone that I didn't want to know anything.

  "Проспись, и подумай," he instructed. Even though there was nothing to "sleep on," as I doubted I'd change my decision, I nodded and left the room. My legs almost ran toward my bike as my hands itched to grab the handlebars and enjoy the fucking ride.

  I wouldn't read it.

  I'd burn all the files.

  Of course, I did neither. On the hill where my ride took me, I discovered that he lived as Damian and Dominic, and enjoyed his fucking life as a rich heir. I learned how our parents had left us money. How he probably didn't have to care for anything.

  How easily he replaced me.

  Vasya's private investigator had done a good job, because probably half of the information was classified. I also got to read about the twins who escaped.

  Later that night, I burned the file, although I'd memorized all the names and photos, and I locked all the information within my mind.

  Until one day two years later, when I woke up feeling as though I was drowning, with intense pain in my chest.

  That was the day I reached out to Connor, and the perception of what I thought I knew changed forever.


  “Dom, you have to let go of my hand. We’re late!” I tugged on our laced fingers, but he wouldn't budge as we stood on the beach of the beautiful ocean near the hotel Damian and Sapphire reserved for their wedding. Unfor
tunately for us, the weather in Moscow turned rainy, so the plane couldn't fly on time. The delay resulted in us barely making it to the wedding, with only three hours left for us to get ready.

  In other words, insane.

  Annoyed with his stubbornness, I hissed, “Seriously?”

  He covered his mouth with mine, kissing me passionately, and before I knew it, I had my fingers tangled in his hair, ready to sell my soul for one more touch, when he let go of me.


  My eyes narrowed on him, while he chuckled. “You are the one who kissed me!”

  “Just staking my claim,” he said calmly, as my brows furrowed, but the question died in my mouth as Dad’s gruff voice from behind called.

  “Princess.” I spun around, and with a squeal, ran to my dad’s open arms. He caught me with a grunt, and despite the burns probably still hurting him, picked me up high as my arms wrapped tightly around his neck. “Glad to know you still love your old man.”

  “Always, Daddy.”

  He put me back on my feet and swirled me around, studying me from head to toe. “Gorgeous as usual.”

  Blushing, I joked, “Jeans and shirt with no makeup, Dad.”

  He gave me a clueless look, as Dominic growled, “Still gorgeous.”

  Raising my hands in defeat, I did my own scanning, noticing the new burn scars and his bald head, as they had to shave his hair during surgery. “How are you feeling, Daddy?”

  “Way better now that my baby girl is here.” He narrowed his gaze on Dominic, tensing. “Cannot say the same about you, Pakhan.”

  “The feeling is mutual.”

  Shaking my head, praying for patience, I said cheerily, “Okay, we need to hurry. He is the best man and I have to meet the bride like now! Let’s catch up during the party, okay?” I kissed him on the cheek, while he frowned. “Dominic, let’s go.” After a moment, he followed me, but not before they shared a look.

  God help me, seriously. Once we reached the suites, Vitya, who arrived at the place a few minutes before, pointed to the right for me and the left for Dom, and we parted as I blew him a kiss.

  I couldn't wait to see everyone again and celebrate the love of Damian and Sapphire!


  I knocked on the door two times and then walked inside as Connor clicked fiercely on his phone. Damian sipped from a bottle of water, while Kristina danced to “Counting Stars” by One Republic. Easily recognizable to me, since it was one of Rosa’s favorite songs. The kid wore a mini suit with her hair in a high ponytail, but even all this didn't diminish her beauty. Her sapphire eyes, just like her mother’s, widened, and she screamed, “Uncle Dominic!” And in a second, a bundle of joy ended up in my arms squeezing the life out of me, while I had no fucking clue how to react except to hold her so she wouldn't fall. The kid never even met me in her life, so this utter acceptance confused me, to say the least. When I visited them two months back to get some paperwork done, she was sound asleep, and I didn't stay for the night.

  A pair of amber eyes flashed over her head, as my brother’s mouth lifted in a smile while he saluted me with a bottle. “Glad to see you here, brother.”

  Kristina palmed my face, moving it from one side to the other. “You look just like Daddy.” After further inspection, she added, “He’s just more handsome, of course.”

  Damian chuckled. “That’s not nice, baby girl.”

  She stretched her arms wide. “What can I do? I promised not to lie to you and Mommy.” Then she wiggled to get free, so I put her down, and she darted outside, shouting, “I’m going to see Rosa!” And just like lightning, she was gone.

  “Spitfire,” I murmured, then clapped Damian on the shoulder. “Congratulations, man.”

  “Thanks, Dom. We were worried you wouldn't make it.”

  Given our past, I imagined he did. “Nah, Oleg has lots of experience. Had it not been for airport stuff, we’d have been on time.”

  Connor snorted. “You two always act like kings of the world.”

  Focusing my attention on him, I wondered why all of a sudden the always cheery guy wasn't in the mood. Then it hit me. “Women problems?”

  He blushed, and Damian elbowed me. “In love like a puppy.”

  Grinning, I dropped onto the seat next to him. “So why the unhappy look then?”

  “Mind your business, Dom,” he snapped.

  I placed my hand over my heart, and said dramatically, “Oh, no! I hurt your feelings.”

  Glaring, he pointed a finger at both of us and kind of moved it around. “Easy for you to say. You don’t ask your women. You just claim them as yours.”

  Shrugging, Damian asked, “What’s wrong with this technique?”

  Connor rose, walking to the window and gazing at the ocean. “Not all women want it.”

  “Beg to differ. I actually wooed my woman.” I pointed out, but even I could understand this whole situation with his woman bothered him. “Maybe she is afraid of your manwhore reputation or something.”

  He sighed in frustration at my suggestion. “I stopped screwing other women the minute my eyes landed on her, and she was only seventeen, so I couldn't do shit about it. Stayed celibate. Then we had sex when she was eighteen. Now… it’s fucking months later, and she still wants nothing to do with me.” Yeah, the guy had it bad, all right. Not being able to get your dick hard for anyone but a specific woman was a pretty good neon sign.

  “Kidnap her,” Damian and I said in unison, grinning. He flipped us off and then stormed out of the room.

  Yeah, loving a woman could be frustrating.

  I could relate.


  "You still have a chance to run away. I'll cover for you," I said with a straight face, while Amanda and Annie, Sapphire’s friends, choked on their champagne. We all sat in the bride’s room as a makeup artist and hairdresser finished the last touches. The boudoir consisted of pink and white furniture, a la eighteenth-century England, and practically begged to have a tea party inside. Huge mirrors allowed everyone to cryptically study themselves and the dresses they wore, while the bride had a dressing table with a mirror and a chair.

  Frankie giggled loudly, smacking me on the arm. "Stop joking around." She wiggled her brows at Sapphire. "Who wouldn't walk down the aisle to such a hunk?" she said dreamily, and Sapphire’s eyes narrowed.


  Everyone laughed again, but she just shrugged. I had to agree with the girl on this one; our twins needed clear marks of ownership so no one would even think about making a move on them. Apparently, Dominic wasn't the only possessive person in this relationship.

  A soft knock on the door preceded Luke entering the bridal room wearing jeans and a navy blue shirt, which hugged him perfectly. "Are we ready?"

  Sapphire checked herself one last time in the mirror, looking every bit the happy and vibrant woman she was. "Yes, we are,” she replied dreamily, probably imagining her Sociopath in her head.

  Gross, seriously the dude was like a bro to me. Probably weird for some people, considering he shared a face with my man, but really Dom and Damian just didn't have the same look in my opinion.

  "Wait!" Frankie shouted, grabbed her cell, gathered us girls close in a circle around Sapphire, and raised it so we would have everyone in the picture. "Group selfie is a must."

  Everyone smiled widely, as Sapphire and I did the ‘rock on’ sign with our fingers, adding fun to the picture. She clicked a few times and then, with a satisfied grin, pushed the bride toward Luke, who agreed to walk her down the aisle. He and Juanita, along with my father, were the only parental figures present at the wedding. No words described how much I loved that old, gruff guy who took care of me while Connor and Damian mastered the epic revenge plan. Not once did he make me feel unwelcome or unwanted, and he was the one to insist on my self-defense classes. Thank God he had us; otherwise, he would have been alone, considering he had no wife or kids of his own.

  He placed Sapphire’s hand on his arm as the girls lined up.
Annie was nearest Sapphire, as she was the maid of honor. She was the only one among us who had patience and time for all the wedding preparations. I seriously considered giving her the same role at my wedding so she’d handle everything as perfectly as she did here.

  "Girl, how are you still not pregnant?" Frankie asked me, as we stood waiting for the music to start playing. My cheeks heated as I looked down, and everyone watched me curiously, because evidently everyone wanted to know. "I figured he was just going to breed you quickly, no questions asked." She elbowed me. "Or do you guys just have hot sex all night long? I love those kinds of nights."

  Luke groaned beside Sapphire as a grin spread across her face. Clearly, he didn't like being reminded of Frankie’s sexual experiences. "I so don't want to be present for this conversation."

  Frankie just waved her hand. "Whatever, man, I'm curious. Plus, I caught you and Juanita making out by the kitchen last night."

  Luke scowled, and the girls giggled, because everyone knew the pair had the hots for each other. Why they didn't hook up sooner was beyond me.

  "Maybe because I'm still a virgin," I blurted, and wished for the floor to open up and swallow me whole. Why the hell did I just say that out loud?

  Everyone blinked and stared at me with their mouths open, jaws almost hitting the floor.

  Frankie mouthed at me, “A virgin?” with a bemused expression on her lips, but before I could comment or defend myself, the music began, and we got ready to start the ceremony.

  The procession began with Frankie, followed by Amanda, me, and finished with Annie. We all wore identical strapless pink dresses, which ended right above the knee, and allowed the light ocean breeze to slip in, providing cooling sensations.

  Damian waited at the end of the aisle, under the flowery arch located right in the middle of the beach, as friends and family members sat on the small, white chairs decorated in various white flowers. The priest held a bible in his hand, while mopping sweat from his forehead with the other, and my eyes locked with Dominic, who stood next to Damian as his best man, along with cute-as-pie Kristina who held the rings. He winked at me while I blew him a kiss, wondering how he’d react to the news I wanted to share with him.


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