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Pakhan's Rose

Page 26

by V. F. Mason

  He palmed my face, and when tears slid silently down my cheeks, he licked them clean and then lay on his back, maneuvering me on his chest. “Rest, baby.” Even though I knew we had to take a shower, and we couldn't really sleep with him inside me forever, I inhaled his masculine scent as his steady heartbeat lulled me.


  Mine and no one else’s.

  Finally claimed.

  She wasn't the only virgin in the room. Tonight with her, right in that moment, I lost my heart and soul to that tiny woman who held my entire world in her hands. Nothing before her existed, and nothing would after her.

  She belonged to me, and no one would ever be able to take it away from us.


  Waking up with the man you loved, who had just taken your virginity, had to be one of my best mornings. Trailing my finger down his chest, I couldn't help but lean in to lick one of his tattoos, enjoying the taste of his skin on my tongue. Dominic stirred, so I kissed him softly on the stomach, rose up, and couldn't help but breathe in the fresh ocean air. The shimmering blue-green waves called to my soul, and without bothering to resist, I put on my white strapless dress and flips-flops and quietly exited to room, longing to enjoy this morning while it lasted, but at the same time knowing Dominic needed his rest.

  He wouldn't be happy with my decision to stroll alone, but hopefully my body had distracted him enough, and I’d be able to apologize with my mouth.

  A carefree smile spread on my lips as my laugh echoed in the lobby.

  Life was simply wonderful.

  Man with the dragon tattoo

  Could life get any more perfect? My prey wandered the beach alone as sunshine highlighted her beauty, making her a vision to behold in her white strapless dress.

  “Rosa,” I called, and she spun around, shocked.

  “Oh, my God, you scared me.” She laughed. “What are you doing here so early?”

  Pointing at the sunrise illuminating the green waves of the ocean crashing against the rocks, I said, “Who needs sleep when you have such a view?”

  She sighed dreamily. “True. I couldn't sleep, so I decided to enjoy some sand and sun before we went back.” Right, the truce was over, so they headed back to Russia.

  Planned to, at least.

  “Rosa… maybe you should see Don first?”

  Her brows raised in surprise. “Dad? Why? We discussed everything last night.”

  True. The old man took some cunt to his hotel room and chatted with her the whole night. In my opinion, she was nothing but a mouse, definitely didn't even hold a candle to Sorcha, his late wife.

  “He insisted on meeting you back at his room first thing this morning. In fact, after my morning stroll, I planned to come get you.”

  Worry filled her eyes as she bit on her lip.

  Lush, full lips.

  Splendid for sucking and choking on my dick, which twitched in my pants.

  “Dom is still asleep.”

  She shifted uncertainly, so I used some persuasion. “Come on, Rosa. It’s in the same building. Don won’t kidnap you.” My voice was amused, which relaxed her.


  We walked to the lobby, where I put my plan in motion. Taking my phone from my pocket, I apologized, “Sorry, Bianca is calling. I have to take this.”

  She nodded as I spoke into the phone. “Hello?” I paused for a bit, and then, “Do not move, Bianca!” I shouted into the thing and searched frantically for the doorway, darting to it with Rosa on my heels, just as I expected.

  “What’s going on?” she asked, as I stopped near the tinted-windowed Hummer.

  “Romeo beat the shit out of her. She needs help. Just find your dad.” Jumping into the car, I barely restrained myself from grinning like a fool. I kept the act up as she hopped in right after me.

  “She might need medical help.” She pushed the strands of her hair back. “How come your dad never did anything about the abuse, Alfonso?”

  Because Romeo was never the one who hurt her.

  The plane landed exactly at noon as I planned, running my hand from my face to remove any traces of tiredness or sleeplessness from it. I turned on the phone, checked for any messages or calls from home, but none were there, so I dialed Connor’s phone.

  I came to meet him.

  “Mr. Konstantinov, we have arrived. You can get up anytime,” the stewardess said, holding my black suit jacket in her hands with a bright smile on her face.

  She offered me a quickie earlier as well. What was it with women wanting men with longer hair? Wherever I went, they lost their damn heads.

  Not that it mattered.

  I wasn't a cruel man. I could never offer any woman love or a family, so I never hooked up with those who could have their hearts broken or grow attached.

  Standing up, I grabbed it from her with a thank you, slipped it on, and walked to the door in record time.

  The stairs were ready for me, and saluting the pilot who winked, I made my way to the black car waiting at the airport as the wind blew at my face and the sun beamed brightly.

  A young man stood, leaning back against the car with his arms folded. He had green eyes, blond hair, and a lean body, which with time would gain more muscle. The kid was as tall as I was, and by the grim expression he had going on, he was no less stubborn.

  We stopped a few steps from each other, our eyes studying one another, and finally, I extended my hand. “Connor.”

  A beat, and then he shook it. “Dominic.” But then he brought me closer, giving me an arm hug and freezing in this position for a second. “Good to have you alive, man,” he mumbled, bringing a smile from me.

  “You too, buddy, you too.” Leaning back, I looked into his eyes and asked the question to which he refused to answer, but the one which seemed like the most important thing in the world. “Where is Damian?” Something flashed through his eyes akin to regret, and he shook his head, sighing heavily. “I’m sorry, Dom. He’s dead.” The buzzing in my ears created a vacuum around me, and I couldn't comprehend where I was.

  Planes, people, cars, sounds. All faded away and I was left in the darkness, in the knowledge my twin was dead and there was no coming back.

  No reunions.

  No seeing him, just for a glimpse.

  No comfort in knowing he lived a good life.


  Because he was fucking gone.

  Gritting my teeth, I asked, “How?” and for a few hours, he explained the complicated history of Damian and Sapphire, and facts that helped me understand what really happened.

  I think the most surprising thing came after, when I found out who her father was and how Damian fucked up.


  Knocking furiously on Don’s room, I barely contained the beast inside me that roared to destroy the piece of wood separating me from the man and then choke the life out of him. The only reason I stayed civil was because my woman wouldn't want such behavior from me, and guests from the wedding were still here. I had no desire to ruin my brother’s perfect moment. God knows, I’d done enough to screw up his life through the years.

  After my fifth sharp knock, the door sprung wide open with a shirtless Don wearing a murderous glare on his face staring at me. “What the fuck do you want, Konstantinov?” Before I could reply, my brows lifted up when I noticed Mary hovering behind him with a deer-caught-in- headlights expression, holding her dress to her chest. “Stop fucking looking at her,” Don growled, and if the situation had been different, I’d have laughed in his face. He certainly had a busy night.

  “Where is my woman?” I asked, my voice laced with fury.

  Frowning, Don grabbed the shirt from the floor and hastily put it on. “Last time I saw her, she assured me you were the perfect man. Then you took her away.” By the narrowing of his eyes, he didn't appreciate it much.

  “She isn't in our room!” After the fucking best lovemaking of my entire life, where I was so attuned to another person, almost merging as one with her, al
l I dreamed about was to wake up to her pretty face and continue to explore this newfound connection.

  Instead, a cold bed greeted me and no note or any indication of where she’d gone. At first, I assumed either she was taking a shower or tanning on the balcony, but when both of those assumptions proved wrong, I got alarmed. Frantically checking with Vitya, Michael, and even Connor and Frankie, I came up blank, as she never contacted any of them. So the only logical conclusion left was her father, who wouldn't have to honor the truce between us after the wedding.

  Which brought me back to the present. If she wasn't with her father, then where the fuck was she?

  “Dominic.” Don’s voice turned low and worried, dark shadows coloring his features. “Where is my daughter?”


  Groggy and disoriented, I opened my eyes and instantly wished I hadn’t. The piercing pain assaulted me as if little ants nipped on my scalp with the sole mission of destroying it. The loose hair stuck to my damp skin. The humid air held traces of an unfamiliar yet disgusting smell. I raised my hands to push up when my eyes landed on the handcuffs wrapped tight around my wrists and ankles. Adjusting to the muted light, my blurry vision scanned the… basement?

  The concrete under my butt, almost numbing it, had traces of different red stains, along with scratch marks. As if someone had clawed for dear life but still lost the battle in the fight. Tight iron bars separated the small space I was placed in, from the wider part where all the equipment I could see laid. Shovels, knives, blades, razors, electronic drills, pliers. The worn-out plastic desk held a chainsaw, hammers, and nails. Was this some kind of a place where people built stuff? Even chopped wood in a box occupied the space between the desk and chair.

  The single black chair reminded of an office computer chair that swiveled from side to side. Several lamps dangled from the ceiling, but currently only one was on. The sound of water tink, tink, tinking in the sink caught my attention as I looked to the side to notice a small toilet and a sink inside the cage, which otherwise appeared bare.

  The walls were rusted, wet, and the chilly temperature seemed too much, even for a basement. My heart rate sped up as flashbacks of five years ago assailed me, and I closed my eyes, counting to ten.

  The image would go away. I would wake in a safe bed, where all this was just a nightmare. Not my reality.

  Never again my reality.

  Rocking back and forth, when the count ended, I opened my eyes again, and my stomach sank as the picture didn't change.

  Then a memory started to return to me like a colorful movie played in front of my eyes.

  “Alfonso, where did he take her?” God, why had no one stopped this abusive asshole Romeo before? No one should ever hurt a female, and I just prayed she’d be in good condition once we’d reach her.

  Alfonso gripped the steering wheel tighter, his knuckles turning white, as he gritted out through his teeth, “On the edge of the city.” He clicked something on the GPS plastered between him and me. “An hour drive, give or take.”

  I bit my lip, worried about how in the heat of the moment, I just jumped inside without thinking. Dominic and my father wouldn't have approved of this behavior, but how could I let a woman in need suffer? Taking out my phone from the pocket of my dress, I quickly typed a message to my man—butterflies still fluttered inside me from the things we’d done the night before—when Alfonso knocked it from my hands to the floor, and I raised my puzzled eyes to him.

  Without warning, he snarled at me, “Rosa, bad girl.”

  Say the fuck what? Immediately, the handsome boy I grew up with transformed into a man with crazy, dilated pupils, and a sadistic smile spread on his mouth. Fear washed over me, and without thinking, I pulled the door handle and tried to get away, not even caring the car was travelling at high speed, but he just laughed, a dark laugh, which chilled every bone in my body. Then the clock to the back of my head came out of nowhere and everything went blank.

  “Alfonso.” The minute the whisper escaped my mouth, the man in question came into the light, smirking while licking his lips. He wore nothing but blue jeans, boots, and black gloves. His scarred skin glistened with disgusting sweat. “What are you doing?”

  “What I was born to do.” He stepped inside the cell, his boots making creaking sounds on the cement, and I pressed my back harder against the harsh granite wall. I would have bruises, as the light white dress wouldn't protect me for shit. “Taste and torture you.”

  “Why would you do it?” Keeping up a conversation with him was the last thing I wanted, but the idea of his vile hands on my body made my stomach feel it might empty right there on the spot. The bile had already risen in my throat. Paralyzing fear was almost suffocating me with its intensity, because no one knew where I was.

  Once again, I was helpless to the bone. He ignored my words, hunched in front of me, and only my bent knees separated us as he gently caressed my cheek. I shifted my head, disgusted at the sight of him. His blue eyes sparkled even more. “My wild Rose. You’ll see.” With that, he left, closed the cell behind him, turned off the light, and complete darkness surrounded me.

  20 hours later


  “Dom, calm down,” Connor advised, while I strolled back and forth in Damian’s office.

  Turning around swiftly, I grabbed his throat and pushed him to the wall. He grunted, and Frankie and Sapphire, along with Juanita, gasped. “Do not tell me to calm down when my woman is in danger.”

  He struggled from my hold, shouting, “Maybe she just left you!” Punching him in the face, right into his recently healed nose, satisfaction ran through me as blood dripped to the floor from it. “Fuck, not my nose again!” he shouted.

  “She’d never do this to me. Never disappear without a word.”

  Vitya entered the room, along with Luke. They had been searching for any kind of information, cameras, any hint, anything.

  “Any news?”

  We shared a look as Vitya extend the file in his hand to Don and me. “According to a maid who saw her going to the beach, she left around seven in the morning. Then she was seen in the lobby, rushing through the door and jumping in a car.”

  My eyes scanned the report with pictures, and something just wasn't adding up. “Who drives a black Hummer?”

  Don frowned, taking the file from me and cursing. “Alfonso came to the wedding with me. With Lorenzo out of commission, he is my next trustworthy person.”

  “Call him.” He dialed his phone, but apparently no one answered, because he threw it on the table and his jaw ticked with tension. “What do you know about him?” Finding my brother with his bride on his lap, I demanded, “You were supposed to do an investigation. What did you find? You said it was safe to come here!”

  I didn't give a flying fuck about ruining his moment anymore. They all failed to keep my woman safe. Had we been in Russia, this would have never happened. He rose, facing me with a grim expression on his face. “The bombing traces led us to his brother, Romeo. He abused his woman and hated everything that had to do with the mafia. Also, he was absent on that day from the house. Connor and I took care of him.’’ He didn’t elaborate on what exactly they did. “Alfonso wasn't even on our radar.”

  A fitful breath came from the door, as a female’s voice said, “And that was your mistake.” We all turned to notice Bianca in the threshold, holding an envelope to her chest. “Romeo never abused me. It was Alfonso all along. He… likes to inflict pain, kill people, chop them.” Fuck, chop? He was a crazy motherfucker. “Here is the evidence,” she addressed Connor, handing him the envelope. “All I could gather.” Then she focused her attention on me. “He wants to do the same to her, dreamed about it for months. He has a board full of your pictures. All of you.”

  “But why?” Don asked, agony filling the depths of his eyes.

  She shrugged, rubbing her bruised arms. “He never told me.” Then she took out a gun from her purse, pressed it to her temple, and said, “My duty is done here.�
� Then she fired, committing suicide right in front of our eyes.


  I stirred from sleep as a female sob echoed in the otherwise quiet basement. My muscles were numb from being in the same position. Alfonso only came once yesterday, so I could pee while he listened. Humiliating as it was, my bladder couldn't have stood another second without relieving myself. He gave me a dirty plate containing leftover pizza with cheese that had seen better days. No matter how much my stomach grumbled, I wouldn't touch it. The glass filled with sink water was my only source of hydration. Why did he come back?

  The bright light blinded me. I winced, holding my bound hands up to block it as slowly a young girl around seventeen years old, kneeled completely naked as Alfonso stood behind her, running his hand over her neck with awe. Even from a distance, I could see her trembling lips and the tears sliding down her cheeks.

  “Rosa, I thought I’d show you rather than tell you what I’ll do to you.” With that, he removed the belt from his pants and wrapped it tight around her while she choked on it, trying to get it away from him, but he wouldn't let her. Instead, he spun her to his front, lowered his zipper, took out his hard dick, and dangled it in her face. “Lila, let me fuck your mouth.” He pushed inside her throat as she gagged on it, but he didn't care. My horrified gasp only made him smile wider, and I couldn't believe there was nothing to do to help her.

  What kind of monster did that?

  Thoroughly enjoying her, he slapped her hard on the cheek and then stepped back. Picking up the pliers, he grinned. Pressing on her lower lip, exposing her tongue and teeth, he said to me happily, “Watch now.”

  5 hours later


  Twenty-five hours. My woman had been gone for twenty-five hours, in the hands of a sociopath whose sole desire was to inflict pain on her. Roaring loudly, I squeezed the hot iron bars of the balcony even harder, but the pain didn't even register in my mind.


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