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Still Disrespectful (Disrespectful 2)

Page 10

by Tynessa

  Chapter 11


  I don’t know why but something told me to come to this damn hospital today. I hadn’t been to see Jazz since the day she gave birth. That was part of the reason I called up Biggs. I wanted that nigga to know that the little secret him and Jazz were keeping was out. The damn baby looked just like his ass.

  A part of me believed that Biggs was in with Jazz and Tyriq with the shooting but a small piece of me didn’t want to believe it. I’d known that nigga for most my life and at one point he was like a damn brother to me. I never fully understood the meaning of ‘keep your friends close and you enemies closer’—until now! Best believe I was going to get some answers and it was lights out to everybody involved.

  Pushing the door open to Jazz’s room as I tapped lightly, I walked in. She was sitting up in bed while Biggs sat in a nearby chair holding his son. The looks on their faces were priceless and spoke a million words.

  “Damn, my dude, you must’ve already been on a flight when I hit you up, ‘cause there’s no way you had time to be here unless you Superman or some shit.” I was cracking jokes but was dead ass serious. I mean, I’d just spoken to the nigga almost two hours ago and I knew for a fact that it took longer than that to make it here from New York.

  “Gambino, what are you doing here? I mean, hey,” Jazz said, surprised since her nigga was on mute.

  “Yeah, I just came by to check on you or whatever,” I let her know, all the while never taking my eyes off my supposed friend.

  “W-what’s up, Gambino?” he finally spoke up while handing the baby back to Jazz. The nigga was hella nervous. How did he even know she had the baby? Just then, it hit me that he was the mothafucka’ that was in the delivery room, and the reason I couldn’t go back there.

  As bad as I hated to admit it, I was hurt. Not because the bitch cheated, but because of the disloyalty that surrounded me.

  “I see you bonding with your son,” I smirked. Fuck all the bullshit. Yeah, I could’ve kicked his ass in this damn hospital but I needed the mothafucka’ close by for right now. The more I didn’t want to believe he had the balls to shoot at me the more clearer the shit became. I should’ve been having second thoughts about using him for a bait to wheel Tyriq in for me. Those mothafuckas were so slick they might’ve succeeded in offing my ass this time around. Even so, that was a chance I was willing to take.

  “My dude, it wasn’t nothing like that. The little shit with me and Jazz,” he started to explain but I held up my hand, stopping the lie that he was about to try and run on me. I didn’t want to hear that shit.

  “It’s no biggie. It is what it is.” I wanted the mothafucka’ to think everything was copasetic. He knew how I got down so he’d better make his move before I made mine. “You still down with that shit we talked about?” I asked. I noticed Jazz out the corner of my eyes looking from me to him. I couldn’t even fully look at her ass. I knew that damn baby wasn’t mine but the bitch continued to lie like she hadn’t been fucking around with nobody else. I tell ya, bitches ain’t shit.

  “Yeah, yeah, bruh. I’m down. Let’s step outside and talk. Jazz already stressing and shit.”

  “Ain’t that cute? You worried about your baby mama.” I finally cut my eyes at Jazz and she looked away. Just like Biggs, she knew what time it was.


  I woke up this morning feeling like shit. My head was killing me and the whole damn room was spinning. I felt like I was still drunk. Getting out of bed, I staggered into the bathroom to release my bladder and brush my teeth. I walked out and threw my bathrobe over my naked body. How I managed to get off my clothes last night was beyond me. That’s when it hit me that Zywon was here last night. I didn’t recall us having sex though. I definitely would’ve remembered that.

  “Hey,” I spoke to Zywon as he sat at the kitchen table talking on his phone. I could tell it was a business call from the words he was speaking. Probably Gambino.

  “Sup,” he nodded his head. I walked my embarrassed ass to the sink and began making coffee. I didn’t know what all was said last night but I did know some shit went down. I just hoped that it wasn’t nothing so bad it would have my ass in divorce court.

  “Yeah, well, I’ll hit you back later. I have to take Sevyn to the doctor then I’ll meet up with you so we can handle that. The sooner the better. I have a lot of shit going on right now so we have to hurry up and get this shit over with,” I heard him say to whomever he was talking to. When I saw him take the phone from his ear, my heart almost jumped out of my damn chest. I didn’t know what to expect. “You need to be getting ready to go to the doctor. You have an appointment in an hour!” With that he walked out.

  I rolled my eyes and continued to make my decaf coffee. I took the coffee to the room to get dressed, and once I was down we were heading to my appointment. The whole ride was awkwardly quiet. To be honest, my ass was scared to damn breathe.

  We were informed that everything was okay with the baby and that I shouldn’t be drinking while pregnant. I wanted to curse my husband and the doctor out. Zywon for embarrassing me by telling that I was drunk last night and the doctor for being in my ear giving me a damn speech of what could’ve happened. I wasn’t slow. I knew the damn consequences. Shit, I was hurting so I turned to liquor to make my problems disappear.

  Zywon and I had finally made it to the house and that’s when all hell broke loose. He headed straight to the bedroom and began packing his things. Of course I wasn’t about to go out without a damn fight.

  “So really, Zy? You just going to leave like that without talking to me?” I stood in the doorway of the bedroom. I thought my husband was overreacting. I mean, I shouldn’t have been drinking but it wasn’t that damn serious. The baby was healthy so why was he tripping?

  “Talk about what? Huh? You shouldn’t have shit else to say? What, you got some more shit to get off your chest?” Zywon screamed at me. What the fuck is he talking about? I wondered.

  “I don’t know why you standing over there looking crazy. You lucky I don’t beat the fuck out of you. I swear to God, Sevyn, if you wasn’t pregnant with my seed I would drop you right now,” he threatened me. I silently thanked the man above because even though I didn’t know what was said last night, I knew my husband would live up to his threat.

  “Zy, the baby is fine so you can stop being dramatic.”

  Zywon gave me the ugliest stank face he could. I couldn’t even look into his eyes for too long because they held so much hurt.

  “So you was that fucked up that you don’t remember the shit you was saying?” he asked and I shook my head because I really didn’t remember. I was fucked up. “Just know you admitted to cheating on me.”

  At that moment it was like all the air had been sucked right out of me. Like my soul had left my body. I didn’t know what to do. Should I apologize? Just walk away out of fear? Or should I not say nothing and just let him leave?

  “Huh? I thought you wanted to talk?! You don’t have shit to say now, do you?” My ass was on mute. What could I say? “Who the fuck is the nigga?” My husband was now standing in my face. I looked up and him and tears fell from my eyes. I knew our marriage was out the door.

  “Zywon, I never meant for this to happen. Please, baby. It was only once and it meant nothing. I love you and you are who I want to be with.” I was now crying hysterically. Lord knows I didn’t want to lose my husband. I loved this man with everything in me.

  “Yeah, it might’ve only happened once but it wasn’t by choice. You already told me that you wanted to affair to go on, so save those weak ass tears and tell me who the fuck the nigga is.”

  Damn! I was fucked. I could kick my own damn ass right now. Fuck was I thinking? Since everything was out in the damn open—thanks to my drunk ass—I might as well go ahead and tell him everything that he wanted to know.

  Zywon and I talked for over two hours. He was asking question after question. The shit was aggravating and awkward as hell talking to my
husband about infidelity. I told and showed him all the threatening notes from Bryan. He clenched his jaw and I could tell it would be a matter of time before he fucked me up. I kept rubbing my little bump, reminding this crazy nigga that I was pregnant.

  “I want a blood test on the baby,” Zywon said, never taking his eyes off the little notes he was holding. I understood he was pissed and I had gone out and did the ultimate no-no, but blood testing the baby that he knew was his wasn’t necessary.

  “Zywon, you know damn well this baby is yours. Please don’t do that.” He’d just pissed me off.

  “I don’t know shit. I never thought you would cheat on me but you’ve proven me wrong,” he stated with coldness in his voice. Running my hands down my face, I took a deep breath and released it. “I think we need some time apart,” he said in a whisper.

  “What?” I asked with a shaky voice.

  “I need to get my mind right, Sevyn. After the shit you was talking last night, I can’t stand the sight of you.” I watched as my husband gathered his things and walked out without saying shit else to me. I wanted to drop to my knees and beg him not to, but I didn’t. I had too much pride, but for the most part, I knew he was still going to leave. There was nothing I could do or say that could change his mine. I was just going to give him so time and pray and hope he found his way back home.


  Walking out on my wife was one of the hardest things I ever had to do. I loved that damn girl but I she had cut me deep. Then she was hiding letters and shit from her secret lover that was threatening her. What type of shit is that? I don’t give a fuck what she had done to me; I wasn’t about to let that mothafucka’ get away with threatening my wife. I didn’t give a fuck if me and her never got back together; I would still have her back, regardless.

  I looked down at my ringing phone and saw Gambino was calling for the umpteenth time.

  “What’s up?” I answered.

  “Yo bruh, get to the hospital ASAP. Some shit just went down with Carla.” Gambino was talking fast as hell. I heard the anger in his voice.

  “What?” I asked as I backed out the driveway, threw the gear in drive and sped down the driveway. “What happened?”

  “I don’t know. She just called and told me to get there and she would explain everything to me when I got there. Luckily I wasn’t that far. I’m on my way back there now. Call me when you get outside.” With that he hung up.

  I blew it to the hospital. I didn’t care for the snake shit that Carla had been on lately by she was still family nonetheless. I knew I was throwing shade a few days ago but I was mad at her for acting funny and taking my stress with Sevyn out on her at the same time.

  I got to the hospital about twenty minutes later and called Gambino. He didn’t even say hello; he just told me to come to room 1709. I gave my keys to valet and walked through the entrance of the hospital. I ain’t gon lie; I was tired of seeing this fucking hospital. Shit, they might as well put us on payroll we were there so got damn much.

  When I got to the room, Gambino was sitting in a chair beside the bed that Carla was laid up in with his head down. I walked further into the room and she barely looked recognizable. She had a bunch of tubes running from her nose to the machines that were breathing for her. I hated that we hadn’t tried to find out who she knew here before we just let her leave the hospital that day. I really felt like shit for the way I dismissed her. I let my ego over her acting like a snake cloud my judgment.

  “Who the fuck was she involved with?” I asked a little louder than I expected it to come out.

  Gambino lifted his head up and spoke but I blocked his ass out because he had to be tripping. Wasn’t no way in hell he just said what the hell I thought he just said. I needed to lay off the weed for a few days because apparently it had me hearing shit.

  “Zywon, did you hear what I said? I got her phone. She was fucking that nigga Tyriq. I know he the reason she here, but is it because he found out she was my cousin or because on her Instagram page she was basically stalking Teyana?”

  “Where the fuck did these two meet and how long they been kicking it? Shit, does this mean she was the one who gave them the drop on us at the barbershop? I know she wasn’t there, but did she put them up to it? You know she been acting hella shady since you started fucking with Teyana.”

  “Man, I don’t know what the fuck to believe, but either way, his beef is with me. I’m about sick and fucking tired of this nigga putting his hands on females. The real question is when and how he got out of jail though. Last I checked his mother was pressing charges for that ass whooping he gave her.”

  “Well it looks like there is a lot of shit we need to get to the bottom of and fast because I got a bunch of shit going on with this wife of mine and you and Teyana need to get y’all shit together too.”

  I grabbed my ringing phone out of my pocket and hit the decline button. I said what I had to say to Sevyn’s ass and I meant it. She was being childish, petty and downright a bitch and I didn’t have time for it. She was the one who cheated not me, then had the nerve to try and kill my seed. Wasn’t no coming back from that. She had me ready to go see a lawyer.

  Chapter 12


  I had called Gambino a few times but didn’t get an answer. I was worried but I didn’t wanna seem like it because I knew he was doing what he had to do in order for us to be happy. I was tired of Tyriq ruining my damn life and I was glad that I was finally strong enough to break myself away from him.

  I decided that I was just going to wait for him to return my call when he had time. I wanted to call Sevyn but I couldn’t believe the way she was acting towards me as if what she did was right. If the shoe had been on the other foot, she would’ve ripped me a new asshole. Yeah, I cheated on Tyriq but he also treated me like shit, beat on me and I’m sure he cheated too. I just didn’t have proof.

  Sevyn was wrong on so many levels but she was still my best friend. She had been there time after time with the bullshit Tyriq put me through and she never judged me. Yelled at me, yes, but she never passed judgment. Maybe I did say some things that I shouldn’t have said but I was totally surprised by her actions.

  I was getting antsy waiting on Gambino to call me back so I decided to call Sevyn and check on her. It had been quite a few days and I was seriously worried about her. I dialed her number and listened to the phone ring, silently praying she would pick up. I knew she could be just as stubborn as me at times and wouldn’t hesitate to send me to voicemail or block my number. After the fourth ring, I was getting ready to hang up when I heard her dryly answer the phone.

  “Yeah, Tee?” she spoke with attitude.

  “How are you, Sevyn? I’m worried about you. I miss you.”

  “I’m as fine as I can be since my husband left me.”

  “Oh my God, I’m so sorry, Sevyn. I’m booking a flight now.”

  “No, don’t cut your trip short. I made my bed and now I have to lie in and deal with it. I got real drunk the other night and told Zywon that I cheated on him and would’ve done it again had Bryan not started talking crazy.”

  “You did what?” I yelled more than asked. I couldn’t believe she was being this reckless.

  “I know. I know. I was being selfish and inconsiderate. I just couldn’t handle the fact that my husband couldn’t look at me anymore. He didn’t deserve to be cheated on and I will just have to deal with the fact that he doesn’t want me anymore.” I could tell that she had began crying and I couldn’t hold back my tears. I didn’t care what she said; I was going to book a flight home. She needed me and even if we did have our disagreement about the way she had been carrying on, I was gonna be there for my friend in her time of need.

  Zywon was her world so I knew this was going to be too much for her to deal with. I will never know what possessed her to cheat on him but for that one mistake she was definitely going to pay for it dearly. If Zywon really filed for divorce and left her, she would be devastated. But I would be th
ere to help her every step of the way.

  “Sevyn, I’m coming home. Let me ask Tamika if it’s okay if Camari stays with her and Darius a few more days. I don’t wanna hear any protest about it. I will text you my flight plans once they are set.” I hung up with her and went to find mama Mika.

  “Ma, where you at?” I called out

  “I’m in the kitchen, babes.”

  “Hey, Mama. Listen, I need to go home for a few days. I was wondering if I could leave Camari here and me and Gambino will come back together and get him.” Gambino didn’t know I was coming to ATL but his ass was definitely leaving back out with me.

  “Now you know my baby is welcome to stay, but is everything okay?”

  “Yeah, everything is fine. I need to help Sevyn with some things and I miss my man,” I said winking at her and laughing.

  “Girl, you gotta get the first baby out before y’all get to working on another one,” she said laughing.

  “We got our girl and our boy. I will not be having anymore kids,” I said, joining her in laughter. I sat at the kitchen table and looked for flights while she cooked dinner. When I finally found a flight that I was comfortable with, I booked it and got up to finish helping her with dinner. I called out to Camari and told him to get cleaned up for dinner. When he was finished he and Darius came and joined us for dinner.

  “Camari, I need to go home for a few days and Mama Mika said that you are welcome to stay here with her and Mr. D if you want. Is that okay with you?”

  “I wanna stay here. Mr. D already said he was taking me to Darien Lake tomorrow and I don’t wanna miss that.” I looked at my son and smiled. I was proud of the young man he was, being that he had witnessed nothing but arguing and fighting between his father and I. I hated that I put him through all that but I was glad that I got him out of it before it was too late.


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