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Zorvak's Rescue: Compatibles

Page 12

by Hannah Davenport

  Lost in a sea of pleasure, I couldn’t think past the feel of his tongue on my sex, his hands on my bare stomach as he held me close to his seeking mouth. I came hard, almost violent, but still he held me to him lapping at my nectar.

  Lost in the abyss on endless pleasure, I rode my climax, unknowing when he had moved away, turned me on my side.

  An odd position that felt amazing. With one hand under my knee, he pushed it up toward my chest and straddled my other leg. Now open to him, he sunk deep inside and filled me completely. More, I demanded, wanting him harder…faster… I wanted it all. When he quickened his pace, a fierce orgasm encased my body, rendering me helpless to do anything but ride the wave of pleasure.


  Feeling the hurt that blasted through our bond, I couldn’t take it any longer. Making sure the coordinates were locked in, all systems were functioning within normal limits, I stalked off the bridge in search of Cami. To let her continue with these absurd assumptions would only cause more harm. I had to fix this…Now.

  I followed the bond that pulled me toward her, which only solidified the fact that she would be my mate. How could I ever have another when she filled every cell inside my body? Time to set things straight.

  I found her standing inside someone’s quarters. By the richness of the room, I would guess it belonged to the owner of this vessel. The hurt shining in her eyes tore at my heart. All I wanted to do was make her feel better. When she told me to stop, my own heart ached from rejection.

  Then, when she agreed to be my bond mate, a fierceness surged forward. She was mine. Mine to love. Mine to protect. I carried her to the large bed, needing to taste her sweet nectar. Her desire flooded my senses and I knew the moment she opened to me, mine, body, and soul, and I could only do the same for her.

  As I lapped at her sweet nectar, my sex throbbed, hard and erect, and when she climaxed, my fingers splayed across her stomach, gripping her hips so she couldn’t pull away. I drank my fill before turning her on her side.

  With her open to me, I sunk deep in her tight channel. In this position, I could see the swell of her perky breast as well as the curve of her ass. My hands roamed both her backside and front before threading my fingers through her silky red hair. When I caught her lust filled gaze, I tumbled into the deep green eyes with flakes of amber. They still amazed me with their dept.

  When I felt her squeeze my sex with her climax, I thrust harder… deeper. And when her orgasm started to recede, my ha’us found her nether region, bringing forth another orgasm. With my eyes closed, head thrown back, I grunted my forceful release as we came together.

  I collapsed to her side and pulled her into my arms. With tender kisses on her temple, I asked with a sated voice, “Are you alright?”

  She rolled, gave me a sleepy, sated smile. “Yes. As long as you still want me as your mate.”

  “Of course I do.” I tenderly kissed the tip of her nose, then the side of her lips.


  “There is no but. It will be difficult at first, yes, but nothing we cannot get through together.”

  “Such as?” She raised a worried eyebrow, which I promptly kissed away with another tender kiss.

  “Someone tried to get rid of me and I don’t know who.”

  “You think I will be in danger?”

  I gently kissed the top of her forehead. “I’ll protect you.” The loving smile on her face clenched my heart. If anything ever happened to her… I closed my eyes to ward off the thoughts of losing her.

  She held my gaze before glancing down, bashfully. Using her fingertips, she drew lazy circles on my forearm. “I don’t want to get rid of the NI. Not yet.” She lifted her worried eyes to mine. “Without it, I couldn’t have freed you.”


  “No, just hear me out. I’m not saying that I will never get rid of it, but it’s too soon. How do we know that whoever tried to get rid of you won’t do the same to me?” She let out a heavy sigh. “I do promise not to use it, though. I mean, after we land of course.”

  I scoffed, then gave her a peck on the cheek. “But I do eventually want it removed, for your safety, of course. I do not need everyone after my mate.”

  “Just let me get used to living on Ulaya first.”

  “Okay.” With one last gentle hug, I gently kissed her lips. Peering into her eyes, I said, “I need to get back. Leaving the bridge empty was not the smartest thing to do.” I swung my legs off the bed before standing up. “I wonder if they have better clothes?”

  Heading to the double doors, I grabbed the handles and swung them open. Cami came up behind me, placed her delicate hand on my shoulder and peered around.

  “Wow,” she said before stepping around me, getting a full view on the enormous closet.

  Female clothes lined one side, while male clothes lined the other. Cami headed to the cubes, her eyes dancing with delight. She cast me a smile over her shoulder and said, “I know what these are.”

  Looking back at the different sized and colored cubes, she chose a green one that matched her eyes.

  I stepped forward, laid my hand across the one she’d chosen and said, “Let me help you.”

  The fabric grew until she shimmied into it, and then it formed to her curvy body. “You look amazing!” A strapless sea green dress that came just below her ass. I couldn’t tear my eyes away from her.

  “Thanks.” Heat rushed to her cheeks, staining them a bright pink. I never tire of her strange differences even though I never mention them.

  I turned, needing to choose my own clothes. Moments later, I stepped out of the closet wearing a black pair of pants and a white shirt. My heart swelled when I noticed her lust filled gaze roaming my body. “Like what you see?”

  She half grinned, and bit her lower lip. I raised one eyebrow in asking.

  “Well, yes I do. I think I have a very handsome bond mate.”

  My arm snaked out and snatched her in a striking grip, pulling her close. “Ohh!” she startled.

  Leaning down, I let my breath tickle her ear as I whispered, “Female…” I let out a frustrated sigh, “If I had the time, I would ravish you again.”

  With a happy grin, she took a step backward. “Come on, we need to get to the bridge before I change my mind.” She turned and left me watching her backside as she swayed out of the room.



  Going Home


  “I can’t believe we did it!” I looked down at the odd colored planet, pale green and yellow, before giving Munic and Oddle a loving smile.

  After Zorvak and I made up, I talked with my friends and knew that I had overreacted. A family misunderstanding, and they were family. I knew in my heart I could count on them for anything. Well… almost anything. I don’t think they will be breaking me out of any prisons, but if I needed anything else… they would be there for me. That I had no doubt of.

  “You did it, Cami,” Munic said as he took my hands in his. “If it wasn’t for you, none of this would have been possible.”

  I shook my head. “No, it was a group effort. If it hadn’t been for your kindness, your generosity, who knows what would have happened to me. You took in a complete stranger, fed me, and taught me what I needed to know. You may not have fought, but you still made it possible.”

  “Oh, Cami,” Oddle cried as she jerked my hands from Munic and threw her arms around me. “I’m going to miss you.”

  I hugged her back. “I’m going to miss you, too.” Leaning back, I looked into her three diamond shaped eyes and smiled. “Thank you so much. If you ever need anything, you know where to find me.”

  “Same here.”

  “Cami,” I turned toward Munic, who looked at me with soft, loving eyes. “When you get ready to have your NI removed, please let me know. Don’t let anyone else do it.” His eyes warned me not to trust others in this endeavor, so I smiled and nodded my agreement.

  “Here they come.” I tur
ned toward Zorvak, who was watching the view screen. Two flyers, as Munic and Oddle called them, approached the Fik.

  Oddle squealed in delight. “I cannot wait to see my daughter again.” I couldn’t help but share in her happiness. To know I made a difference in someone’s life.

  Zorvak looked down at me with a tender smile and held out his hand. “Let’s go welcome our guests.”

  Standing in the cargo bay, we faced two Jaurians as they disembarked from the flyers. Munic stood watching, Oddle stood one step behind him.

  Zorvak met them in the center of the room. One of the Captains stood with his hands behind his back. His eyes slid past Zorvak to stare at Munic and Oddle before glancing back to Zorvak.

  “When we received your call, I had my doubts.”

  Zorvak crossed his arms. “Understandable.”

  The Jaurians refused to lower the force field that surrounded the planet. Better to risk two than the entire world. Munic wasn’t surprised by their actions. Instead, he seemed pleased by them.

  “As you requested, we brought you a flyer of your own.”

  “Thank you.” Zorvak glanced around the expensive ship. “I’m sure the Humchins are searching for this vessel. Better to get rid of it now.”

  The other one scoffed, “Humchins. We suspected when they did not return.” With that statement, he glanced at Munic and Oddle.

  Munic walked toward the three of them. I watched in amazement when they both gave him a salute. Munic said he worked in the government, and now I wondered how important he was there.

  “Yes, they are known for taking others against their will, and using them for their own personal gain,” Munic supplied.

  “Like the fight club?” Munic glanced down at me at nodded.

  With pleasantries out of the way, I gave my friends one last hug before they climbed into the flyer. While standing in the doorway, the Captain turned back toward us and said, “As agreed, we will destroy this ship.”

  “Thank you.” And with that, he closed the hatch.

  I turned confused eyes toward Zorvak and asked, “I thought they were pacifists. It doesn’t sound right that they would destroy this ship.”

  “It’s empty. They will not be hurting anyone.”

  “I guess that’s true.” Heading to the other flyer, I asked, “How long will it take us to get to Ulaya?”

  “Not more than a day.” He led me up the steps.

  “Wow! That close.” I looked around the small flyer. It was about half the size of the Exploration One. I slid into the pilot’s seat as Zorvak took the one right next to me.”

  He looked at me, waggled his eyebrows and said, “Let’s go home.”


  “Is that it?” I stared at the planet from a window in the flyer. Blue and brown were the dominant colors with swirls of white and green intermixed.

  Zorvak grinned. “It is.”

  “It looks so beautiful from up here.” I stared in wonderment. This would be my new home, a place to start over. I still had dreams of seeing my parents again… introducing them to Zorvak. I looked over at my handsome mate and wondered what Mom and Dad would think of him. I married a red alien. A little snicker escaped at the thought of introducing them.

  When I glanced over at Zorvak, the smile slid from my face when I noticed his serious expression. “What?”

  He took my hands in his, softened his tone and explained, “When we get down there, things will be a little different.”

  I narrowed my eyes in confusion. “I don’t understand.”

  “I know.” He searched my face for something. “I am Captain of the Royal Guard and am expected to act a certain way. When we get down there, I want to keep our relationship secret.”

  I jerked my hands from his. “Why?” I couldn’t help the hurt that jolted through my body. It felt like a rug had been pulled out from under me.

  He grabbed my hands again, refusing to let me put distance between us. “Because someone tried to get rid of me. If anyone knew that I asked you to be my bond mate, it would make you a target.”

  “What do you mean? We’re not already mates?”

  One side of his mouth curved upward. “We have to have a ceremony and record it in public records.”

  “Like a wedding on Earth,” I mused.

  “Until the traitor is caught, I will tell everyone that you are under my protection. We cannot let it be known that we are Compatibles. Understand?”

  His eyes implored me to understand, and I kind of did. But I didn’t like it and would only tolerate it for so long. “Alright.”

  He nodded. “Let’s do this.” He typed in a code and then opened a frequency. “Ulaya command center, this is Zorvak La’qa, head of the Royal Guard. Requesting permission to land.”

  After a few tense minutes, an incredulous voice sounded through the transceiver. “Zorvak? Is that you?”

  “Roark,” he let out a huge sigh. “It is me.”

  “Permission granted.”

  I could see the happiness dancing in Zovak’s eyes when he turned toward me. “Ready to go home?”

  No, now I dreaded it. Without his help and guidance, I would be an alien on an unknown planet. Someone to be stared at and scrutinized. I thought he would be standing at my side, holding my hand until just a few moments ago. Now, my heart raced, my hands slightly trembled. But instead of stating all that, I smiled. “Yes.”

  He scoffed. “I know you are lying. I can feel it.” He leaned over, cupped my face in his hands and stared longingly into my eyes. “It will be alright. You will see.” Then he gave me a searing kiss that left me breathless and wanting more.

  I opened my eyes, looked into the abyss of his dark eyes and said, “I trust you.”

  Since he knew where to land, I kept my promise and let him pilot the flyer. Having the NI felt more like a safety net in case things went awry. My nervousness increased with each passing moment. I glanced outside and noted high volcanic mountains, dark brown dirt, large round boulders. It looked fierce… untamed. I swept my nervous gaze to Zorvak. “You do breathe oxygen here, right?”

  I heard his chuckle as I turned back toward the window. “Yes, you will be fine.”

  The other directions showed a large city with sky rises, flying cars, technology well advanced. In the center sat a large white mansion different from everything else around it. It would be obvious to anyone that the mansion was a very important place.

  I kept the mansion in sight. And when the flyer was almost overhead, I noted the building was circular with an outdoor arena in the center. Without looking at Zorvak, I asked, “What is that?”

  “That is where we train the Royal Guards.”

  To my surprise, he landed the flyer in the center of the arena.

  This was it. The dreaded moment had arrived as Zorvak unbuckled his harness and then helped me with mine. Trying to steady myself, I calmed my thoughts and whispered, “Show no fear,” under my breath. I could do this. I would do this.


  “Hell, no!” I shot him a grin, “But let’s go anyway.”

  Remember, talk to me this way.


  One last kiss. One last smile as I stared at his handsome face one last time. Just before he opened the hatch, a mask descended over his face. All expression wiped away, replaced with the person I’d first met. The one who demanded I free him after calling me an underling.

  He turned, opened the hatch, and stepped outside. I waited inside, not sure what to do.

  Are you coming?

  No, I don’t think so. I’ll be leaving now, but thanks for everything.

  His soft chuckle bathed my soul in warmth. I understood. My Zorvak was still there, but only I could see him.

  When I stepped out, I’m not sure what startled me the most; the small gasps from the rows of guards--- all red with black hair--- or the cold air that hit me full force.

  It’s cold!

  It is normal temperature.

  Maybe for you.
It can’t be more than 40 – 45 degrees. Good God, I need a jacket.

  You need thicker skin. I heard the laughter in his voice. Do not worry, I will get you warmer clothes.


  Soon. Now, do not just stand there. Come here. I want to introduce you to Roark.

  I slowly descended the steps. The guards all stood in perfect formation, dressed in crisp white uniforms. Some had more decorations than others. Maybe awards they had won? Or perhaps it denotes their rank. Hmmm….

  Roark stared at me with eager enthusiasm. Why is he looking at me like that?

  You are a new species to him… and everyone here. I am sorry.


  Pride infused my body as I stood in front of my Guard. Roark stood in front, but his attention focused on Cami. I didn’t like it, but I knew it would be this way. She knew it would be this way.

  “Roark,” I said, snagging his attention away from Cami. “It is good to see you.” We clasped forearms in greeting.

  “Captain, we have much to discuss.” I could see the questions, the anger in his eyes. “But first, Lord Garan wishes to see you.”

  Roark couldn’t know how much relief that one sentence gave me. While detained, I worried that someone would assassinate Lord Garan. I glanced over my shoulder, could see the gooseflesh that ran the length of Cami’s arms. “Let me get the female settled, and then I will change clothes and meet with Lord Garan.”

  Now I’m just a female?

  You know you are much more than that.

  Roark was shaking his head no. “Lord Garan wanted to see you just as soon as you landed. He is expecting you now. I will secure the female.”

  Don’t you dare leave me alone!

  Impossible situations. I could not defy Lord Garan’s orders, but I didn’t want to leave Cami.

  You can trust Roark. I will be back as quickly as possible.

  “I owe her a life debt. Take her to my home, and Roark,” my gaze bored into his, letting him see the order for what it was, the warning it was meant to be, “Protect her at all cost. Understand?”


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