Stolen Love (YA Paranormal Novella)

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Stolen Love (YA Paranormal Novella) Page 6

by Cooper, Jodie B

  “Don't you dare die on me. God, don't let her die, please. Take me, not her.” Drops of water accompanied his rough litany. His love wrapped around me so tight, so all consuming that I wanted to laugh and cry all at the same time. I finally had Eric as my bonded lifeMate.

  My thoughts weren't too clear, but after a few seconds, I realized the drops were tears.

  “Hey, you,” I said softly.

  He jerked to a halt. His eyes were red from crying. He pulled me closer and I felt a shaft of his fear slice through me. Immediately, he loosened his hold.

  “It's okay,” I said encouragingly, smiling in spite of the pain. My mate was more important than a little pain. Well, I was actually in more than a little pain. It felt like his claws were still jammed in me.

  “Trina,” he said choking on a groan. He gently kissed my forehead. “I didn't know. I swear that I would never intentionally hurt you. I swear it. When I felt your lifeBud open, I thought it was Clarisse. I swear I'd never hurt you.”

  His body was shuddering so hard I felt like I was in an earthquake. The bond between us was flooded with his fear and remorse and a solid ocean of never-ending love.

  “Enough, you big twit,” I said, watching his forehead crinkle. “Can't you feel how much I love you?”

  He blinked in confusion, a split instant before his steel-colored eyes sparkled. He grinned, a big goofy grin I adored. “I kinda forgot I could feel them.”

  I snorted then whimpered as pain sliced through me. Ugh, note to self, movement is so not good.

  He hissed, gently rubbing the side of his face against mine. He pulled back and looked at me. I could feel his disgust bubbling like a nasty cauldron in the back of my mind.

  “I knew someone had ported behind me. I thought it was Clarisse, because her love kept trying to shove its way into me.” He groaned louder than ever, pulling me closer to his chest, trying to hug me without hurting me. “The moment the lifeBond sealed I felt this overwhelming urge to love her. I've never been so furious in my entire life, because all I wanted to do was love you. I thought if I could kill her, before the bond settled in my mind, it might not kill me when her end of the lifeBond was ripped from my mind.”

  His arms trembled even harder. “My only thought was she took you away from me, that I'd lost you forever. I knew I couldn't live without you.”

  “Well, you didn't lose me.”

  He growled, the rumbling sound emphasized his words. “No, I nearly killed you instead.”

  “But you didn't. And another thing, don't you ever say it was Clarisse's love surging through you. You're mine and I don't share even with a story,” I said forcefully.

  At my outburst, his lips twitched trying to contain a smile I felt building within him. He dipped his head and kissed me gently on the mouth, caressing his lips across my cheek he sighed. “Yes, my Trina, you are mine.”

  I nuzzled his cheek that was so temptingly close.

  He stilled the moment I touched him. Leaning closer, his pleasure wrapped around me like a warm winter cloak.

  I kissed his cheek, relishing in the fact he was all mine. The bare skin of his chest caught my eye. I pulled back and a soft growl eased passed my lips. “Where is your shirt?”

  “I put it to good use. I'm sorry, but we're a good twenty minutes from the house. I'll try not to jostle you, but the drifts are getting deeper.”

  “You big lummox, you dressed me in your shirt and coat. Eric, you'll freeze.”

  He slid between a large tree trunk and a branch drooping under a layer of snow. “I used the shirt to bandage you. Okay?”

  “Then take the jacket. I'll stay warm enough with you carrying me,” I urged, hating to see him cold.

  “No,” he said, growling the word more than speaking it.

  I gave up and after a few rocking strides fell into a light healing coma.

  I woke-up in bed, warm and surrounded by Eric's love pulsing through my body. From the feel of the sheets against my skin, I was buck-naked. A fleeting memory popped into my head of Eric's wet chest as hot water poured over us.

  Great. My first shower with my mate and I couldn't remember the details. Didn't that totally suck?

  My eyes inched open. The first thing I saw was Eric's deep red hair spread across my arm, falling onto the white sheets. I glanced beyond his head. He lay half-sprawled in a chair, half on the bed. I sighed with pleasure as his cheek rubbed against my good arm.

  I tried moving my other arm, the one that had been mangled. No sharp pain resulted from the movement, only a dull throb. I must've been unconscious for a while. Sleep was the best thing when healing, if we resisted our bodies had the gall to knock us out like a TKO.

  I was young, but in good shape. I knew I'd be fine in a few more hours. I mean really, they had only been flesh wounds; broken bones took a lot longer to heal.

  An odd rumbling sound made me pause. What in the world? The sound was coming from my mate. I paused, taking a moment to savor the words: my mate.

  The odd noise wasn't a growl or purr. It sounded painful. With a frown, I glared at the crown of Eric's head.

  “Hey.” The minute I spoke his head shot up and a huge smile split his face. My eyes sparkled with delight as I saw that goofy lifeMate goo-goo eyed look reflected in his eyes. “You gonna let us starve?”

  “No, can't have you hungry.” He grinned, pulling the sheet back.

  “Hey, I meant food.” However, the thought of a quick taste of my mate made me clench with desire.

  He chuckled, beaming as if he could read my thoughts. I'm sure my desire flooding his brain, and other parts, was boosting his ego more than enough.

  I didn't stop him, trusting him more than my life came natural.

  He inched the sheet over my hip. In a feather-lite touch, he trailed his fingers across the red puckered skin. “You need a healer.”

  I curled my fingers over his. “It's fine, just looks bad.”

  He gently kissed the vivid red scars, softly growling. “I can feel the pain you're trying to hide from me.”

  My eyes popped open. His words surprised me. We hadn't had time to discuss thought sharing. LifeMates felt each other's emotions, not physical pain, not unless they mentally linked their thoughts. There were always odd rumors about mates feeling each other's pain, but I knew it was only a myth.

  I looked at him questioningly and his lip quirked up. “Okay, so maybe I can't feel your pain, but I can see the pucker between your eyes and the fact you're worried about something.”

  I tugged him closer, wanting the feel of him next to me. “I'm sore as all get out, but no sharp pain. The worry is over you. Your stomach sounds like a freight train.” I was worried, extremely. He was still in puberty and his body needed extra food. He might not look like he'd get another growth spurt - he was mountain-size - but it was possible.

  “When was the last time you ate?”

  “I'm fine.” He shrugged his wide shoulders, pulling the dark blue t-shirt tight.

  I didn't want to change the subject but I couldn't help touching him. I felt like a moth too near a flame as his heat sucked me closer. Reaching up, I trailed my fingers along one of the rigid muscles encasing his body. My fingertips tingled, feeling alive against the warmth of his body.

  Tendrils of his yearning, of his desire flickered through me like a smoldering forest fire ready to burst into flame.

  He leaned forward, seeking my touch.

  I sighed with pleasure, sliding my hand across his chest. This is what I'd dreamed of, of having my mate at my side.

  My simple touch must've not been enough for him. He scooped me up, sheet and all, and sat on the bed with me in his lap.

  I curled against his chest as he settled his large frame on the mattress, leaning against the headboard. He smoothed my hair, lifting my body closer to his with his free hand.

  When I looked up, he kissed the tip of my nose and grinned. “I've always wanted to do that.”

  I laughed, propping myself against
him. “You did, huh?”

  “Oh, yeah.”

  “I'm not letting you change the subject. When was the last time you ate?”

  He grumbled, but finally answered me. “Pizza the other night.”

  “The other night?” I blinked in confusion. Last night, after he found me crying in bed, we got up ate pizza and watched a movie.

  “That was yesterday. You slept all day, through the night, and most of today. Next time don't hide your phone. I hunted everywhere for it,” he said, giving me a stern eyed glare. As he spoke, I felt an echo of the panic he had felt.

  “I really didn't bring a phone.”

  “Dang it, Trina, why not? You needed a healer. My stupid synth hasn't settled yet so I couldn't mentally call for help.” His growl burst out, briefly silencing his rumbling purr. “I was afraid you'd heal wrong or something.”

  I rubbed his chest soothingly, unable to get enough of touching him. I was so besotted with him. Even his growl sounded good to me, especially when it made his chest vibrate through the thin cotton.

  I leaned my head against his shoulder and sighed. I figured that must've have been what his problem was. It only emphasized my point. He was still a pre-pub and needed to eat. I waited a few minutes, enjoying his hand caressing my hip.

  I waited too long.

  A loud crash sounded downstairs.

  We both stiffened.

  Eric shifted me aside and jumped of the bed, extending his claws. His menacing growl had a harsh, deadly quality I'd never heard before. I shivered at the lethal violence it promised. He took two steps when the bedroom door bounced open.

  Heat of the Moment

  My two cousins, Jared and Nick, stood in the open doorway.

  I gave a sigh of relief and Eric straightened from his crouch.

  Jared threw back his head and laughed. The sound ricocheted into the room, blending with the last sounds of Eric's disappearing growl.

  Nick's thunderous scowl eased, making his model perfect face appear less sinister. Leaning against the doorframe, he sheathed his wicked-long claws. “Someone want to explain?”

  His deadly calm question was more frightening than I wanted to admit.

  I glanced from Jared to Nick. The cousins looked more like twins with their coal black hair and quarterback bodies, not to mention their aristocratic features. They caused a stir everywhere they went, especially with the females.

  I felt Eric's possessiveness surge then he growled again. Yanking the comforter up around me, he tucked it in until nothing but my head showed.

  Keeping the grin off my face proved impossible.

  “Might as well smile, I can feel you laughing,” he said, with a sheepish grin. He dropped a quick kiss on my forehead and we turned our attention back to my cousins.

  Jared, who was winding down from loud belly-laughter to chuckles slapped Nick on the back. Anyone else would've gone stumbling.

  Granite-faced Nick shrugged, pushing Jared's hand off his shoulder. He bared his fangs at Eric, softly hissing before he spoke. “Explain why you dishonored my baby cousin or I'll take your head.”

  “Nick,” Jared said, stepping forward. “Ease up. From the looks of things everything worked out as planned.”

  “Planned?” Nick growled, glaring at Jared. If his dark green eyes could've shot laser beams, Jared would be toast. “You planned for this wretch to dishonor our cousin?”

  Jared snorted, waving his hand toward Eric. “Take a closer look at him, recognize him yet?”

  I tensed as Nick's fierce glare landed on Eric.

  Eric glared back, baring his teeth in warning. I didn't blame him. Nick was scary looking.

  I wasn't worried. In a fight, they'd be evenly matched. Nick had a couple of years on him, but Eric was as big as one of the crazy Vikings in North Sea Valley.

  Nick scowled darkly, narrowing his eyes. I knew the instant he finally recognized Eric. After my mate's dramatic growth spurt a lot of people wouldn't know him. “Eric? What the hell? Clarisse said you were her mate.”

  Eric growled, fisting his hands. “Trina's my mate. We're bonded.”

  At his words, the tension in the room disappeared.

  Jared and Nick came forward, slapping Eric on the back congratulating him. When they turned toward me, Eric stepped between them and me.

  “She's hurt.”

  “I'm fine.”

  Eric snorted, shaking his head in resignation. “Okay, she's healing. Just be careful, she's still tender.”

  Nick gave me a gentle hug, whispering in my ear, “Congrats, squirt.”

  I grinned, ear-to-ear. Not even the irritating nickname he gave to all the female cousins could douse my soul deep joy. “Thanks.”

  “What happened?” Jared asked, giving me a very careful hug. "It looked like the screen door and the front door were both ripped off their hinges."

  Eric and I took turns explaining what happened, leaving most of the details out. What happened between the two of us was no one's business but our own.

  “When we get back to town, I'm going to make Clarisse wish she'd never been born,” Eric said, pounding his fist against his leg.

  “I agree, but not without my help. I owe her,” I said, curling my lip in a snarl.

  “Whoa, you two, let's think this through,” Jared said calmly. Always the levelheaded one in the crowd, his disagreement shouldn't have surprised me.

  “Yeah, we'd rather not have you two banished from Clan Valley,” Nick said, backing Jared up.

  I sighed, wishing Eric hadn't said anything. We'd still kill her, but now she had two knights in shining armor trying to take up for her. I felt Eric mirror my burning anger.

  “No way will I let her get away with what she did,” I said, easing forward in the bed. Clenching my fists, I glanced up at the stubborn slant of my mate's jaw.

  Eric nodded his agreement.

  “I agree,” Jared said, with a dismissing wave of his hand, “but let's figure out a way to punish her without the two of you getting hurt.”

  “Agreed,” Nick said quickly, mimicking Jared's sentiments like a parrot. “We'll hit her where it hurts most. She lives for the spotlight so public embarrassment gets my vote. There are some things we could do to her that she'd rather die than allow to happen.”

  “Hit her ego, ruin her publicly and let her live with the consequences of her own hateful actions,” Jared said encouragingly.

  I felt Eric's cautious curiosity and I had to agree. I didn't like the idea of being banished from our home valley, but I wanted her to hurt as badly as we had. The vampire in me demanded justice.

  Even though I hated to admit it, they were right. Hit Clarisse's massive ego and she'd freak.

  I pulled on a pair of sweats and we met downstairs in the big rec room. Chips and fixings for sandwiches covered the table. I was pleased to see Jared had called in three more cousins for the powwow.

  An hour later, we came up with a plan I could live with. I wasn't pleased and neither was Eric, but it would have to do. By the end of summer, Clarisse would be publicly humiliated at her own game. We wouldn't go so far as to tell her she had a mate, but if we played our cards right it might be even worse.

  Jared drew the short straw and was a key player in our scheme. He disliked the plan more than I did, but he agreed to help.

  He left us his cell and everyone ported away, leaving me alone with Eric.

  I stopped being polite and crawled onto Eric's lap. From his burst of happiness, it's exactly where he wanted me. I snuggled against him and looked up, drinking in his adoring look. I'm sure I had the same goofy look in my eyes. The thought thrilled me to death.

  “Well, you think it'll work?” I asked, wanting his opinion without a crowd of people around us.

  Winding his long arms farther around me, he gently squeezed. “I think so. Maybe not as well as what we'd like but Clarisse is so arrogant she'll never suspect Jared, not until it's too late.”

  He brushed a wisp of hair out of my face. “We
need to get back.”

  I nodded my agreement, knowing he didn't want to return any more than I did. Once we returned, I'd be in my house and he'd be next door. Mates, or no mates, he was still sixteen and that was simply too young for us to have our own place. We both knew it, but neither of us liked it.

  “Where are we going first, to your house or mine?”

  I knew what he meant. Which set of parents would we tell first? It wasn't like one set was five minutes away and the other lived halfway across the valley. And I knew our parents would understand we had to make a choice, but that didn't stop my worry. Deep down someone would be hurt.

  Eric suddenly laughed and reached for the phone Jared left us.

  Always the worrywart, Jared said it was in case we accidently fell in the lake next time.

  I curled my hands around his arm as he dialed, refusing to let him move very far from me. I needed the contact as much as I needed air to breathe. I'd gone much too long without it.

  Rubbing his chin against the fall of my hair, he curled his arm possessively around me holding me against his chest. I felt his joy increasing my own.

  My curiosity peeked as deception and humor tickled through our bond. I gave him a questioning look, wondering what he had up his sleeve, but he simply grinned at me waiting for whomever he was calling to pick up the other end.

  I settled against his chest and unabashedly listened to the phone ringing. The feminine voice took my breath away.

  "Hey, Jared! It's been forever," my twin said excitedly.

  “Hi Chelsea, it's Eric. I need a favor.” He paused and I heard my twin ripping him up one side and down the other. “Yeah, I know I've been a horse's butt.”

  He spoke to Chelsea for several minutes, asking her to go home, collect our parents then go next door to his house and wait for us.

  I might be a tiny bit biased but I thought my mate was brilliant.

  His ego swelled, basking under my silent approval.


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