Stolen Love (YA Paranormal Novella)

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Stolen Love (YA Paranormal Novella) Page 7

by Cooper, Jodie B

  “Thanks,” I said, hugging him tight. “We can tell them all at once. That's so perfect.”

  “Mom and dad would've understood, but I knew you'd worry about it.” His hand slid down my hip. “You up to a shower?”


  I felt him trying to dampen his desire as I answered such a simple question. His frustration had me laughing as I said, “Alone.”

  He gave me a mournful look, but I shook my head. “Hit seventeen and we'll talk about a shared shower. Deal?”

  “You'll kill me before then.” His lips found mine, caressing me as his love entwined with mine. His smug happiness increased until I thought he'd burst from it.

  I basked in the joyful emotion as it flowed through me. It made me breathless that I could make him feel this way. Then I got an overwhelming dose of our combined emotions as my delight met his and increased, doubling our love and pleasure of each other.

  His chest vibrated with a deep purr of contentment and mine joined his. I trailed kisses up his neck as his hand slipped under my shirt, caressing my silky skin. My moan mingled with his as our desire began burning between us, building and feeding from the other's emotions as it was meant to do between bonded mates.

  In everything, great and small, we complimented each other. Like two halves of a whole, we were made for each other; we couldn't live without the other.

  His tongue slid across my lips, a feather light caress, seeking without demanding. I shivered as his yearning hit me.

  I eagerly opened for him, knowing I shouldn't. I couldn't stop myself. Once started, I couldn't withhold the simmering burn I felt for him. Sparks flew between us, exploding into a blaze within seconds. I wiggled closer, seeking his bold touch.

  His lips swallowed my moan of pleasure, heating me until I lost all concept of time or place. His hand tightened along my thigh, inching ever closer toward no man's land. I clenched and ached for his touch. His other hand curled around my breast and I cried out, pleasure whipping around me.

  He froze.

  I whimpered, wanting nothing more than for him to continue. "Eric, please."

  His chest rumbled and for a moment, I couldn't figure out if it was a purr or growl. It was neither. The wretch was laughing at me. I felt his laughter entwine with his burning desire.

  I sat up and glared at him, which only served one purpose.

  The rumble of his laughter deepened the longer I looked at him.

  "So sorry, Mia Cara," he said between guffaws of laughter. "You were the one who said we absolutely had to wait, but it was you begging, repeat begging," he grinned, looking supremely pleased with himself, "me not to stop."

  "Hmm," I said, smiling sweetly.

  His face twisted in a rather curious shape. I felt his unease flash through him. I withheld my chuckle. Either he saw the flash of impish delight sparkling in my eyes or he felt my emotions swirling with wickedness.

  I eased backward. Keeping his eyes locked with mine, I ran my fingers across the bulge tightening his pants.

  Groaning, his eye burned with renewed desire. What had been large grew bigger and - if possible - even harder as I gently squeezed him through the material.

  He reached for me.

  I ducked under his arms and rolled to the other end of the sofa. Laughing, I turned on him.

  "That's what you get for laughing at your poor, damaged mate," I giggled at his look of chagrin.

  "You are too cruel," he said, lips twitched as he desperately tried to keep a straight face. It didn't work. I felt his emotions bubbling with humor knowing I turned the table on him.

  I snorted, wagging my finger at him. "That'll teach you to get me all hot then remind me I'm supposed to wait forever for you to get old enough."

  "Mia Cara, I can bench press a tank and if I'm not mistaken I've ended up bigger than my brothers and dad."

  Shaking my head, I flicked my fingers in the air letting him know what I thought of that comeback. I laughed, grinning at him.

  I felt his anxiety build; worry flickered through his eyes. He shifted uncomfortably.

  It took me a second, but I figured out why he suddenly looked so insecure.

  Guys - even best friends - were so dense.

  I crawled toward him, leaning against his knees. "You silly goof, haven't you looked in a mirror? How can you possibly think you aren't gorgeous?"

  He blinked. "How did you know what I…" Blink. Blink. He added a frown. "I don't care what I look like." He growled.

  I gave him a look of disbelief.

  He sighed. "Okay, so I care what you think I look like. Is that so bad?"

  I smiled. "You're gorgeous," truly, completely gorgeous. I finished in my head. How could I explain to him what he looked like?

  His shoulders and thighs rippled with muscles. He'd look stunning at the beach with that tight butt of his in black swim trunks, no, not trunks, one of those skintight briefs. I'd have to fight the girls off him.

  Honestly, I could rave about his firm backside for days. It took everything I had not to squeeze it when he walked by. I didn't doubt he could bench press a tank. Suppressed strength rolled off him in waves.

  His hair had darkened during his growth spurt, deepening the already dark auburn into a bitter chocolate that blazed with red fire. My fingers twitched, aching to run their tips through the silky mess. His steel-colored eyes now had sparks of dark blue and silver sprinkled through them. And his lips… wow, just wow! They were full, firm and downright kissable.

  I sighed. Those were simply the obvious things, the very tip of the iceberg of what I saw when I looked at him. I hadn't cared what he looked like, but now, faced with such an incredibly gorgeous hunk for a lifeMate I was tongue-tied.

  I gently caressed his cheek and opened my inner thoughts to him. I didn't know how else to convey my turmoil.

  His eyes grew round and he got that dopey grin on his face. "You really think so, Mia Cara?" he asked quietly.

  "Very much so, so much that we really need to vacate the flat surface. Okay?"

  He chuckled. Leaning forward, he gently kissed my cheek. His warm breath caressed my neck. "Bed, floor, chair, table… I really don't think the location will stop us."

  I laughed, silently agreeing with him.

  I felt a twinge of frustration then anger flicker through him.

  I pulled back, looking him in the eyes. "What?"

  "I was thinking I'd be hard pressed not to take advantage of you in a dark theatre when it popped into my head what happen the last time."

  He didn't finish. He didn't need to. The last time we visited a theatre Clarisse ripped our lives into confetti. "I'm still not happy with the plan."

  "Yeah, me neither. As far as paybacks go she deserves her head on a platter," he said, curling his lips in snarl baring slightly pointed fangs.

  I gasped as a surge of his harsh anger shot through our bond. Struggling to think of something that might calm him down I said, "Well, you can rub her nose in it at school tomorrow. In fact, I think I'll walk you to the school doors so I get to see her reaction."

  He stilled. "Together? Oh, that's perfect."

  I was still trying to figure out how he could go from fury to vengefulness to bursting with glee in less than five seconds when he jumped off the sofa.

  Holding out his hand to me, he grinned with a look of pure devilry.

  Payback Time

  Three hours later, after calling Chelsea and telling her they'd be late, Eric casually curled his arm around Katrina. Pulling her snug against his side, they watched the mass of people pass by on either side of the road. This was not what he planned, but once he mentioned waving to Clarisse - while near the news media - at Angel's Annual Ball there was no stopping Katrina.

  His mate was like a tiny whirlwind of energy. When she wanted something, people jumped to help her. What surprised him was her Uncle Warren's agreement to the entire thing.

  A little over six foot, built like a gold-medal swimmer, Warren exuded an air of serio
us danger. The man was one of the few vampires - still alive - that had walked on the face of the home world. There were only a handful of vampires who were older than he was, not that you could tell it by looking at him. Three words described Warren Andrews: suave, rich, and dangerous.

  Dressed in an Armani tux with a quarter-sized tie tack made from a flawless yellow diamond and smaller matching cufflinks he leaned casually back, not seeming to notice the plush interior of the stretch limo. Then again, why should he? The limo was his, one of several dozen.

  The old vampire, not looking a day over twenty-three, smiled and Eric understood why women flocked to him. It wasn't that he was rich as Zeus. Money probably helped, but he had charisma by the dump truck load.

  "Well, you two certainly broke-up my boring evening."

  Katrina grinned at him. "Bored? Wasn't that Silvia Saturn who stormed out of your house?"

  Warren chuckled. "She was pretty ticked, wasn't she?"

  Eric tried not gape at the casual way Warren spoke. Silvia was the highest paid movie star that had ever graced the big screen and that included the overpaid bunch in Hollywood.

  "I was able to obtain an extra ticket to the ball but not two. Someone needed dumping and Miss Saturn was low person on the totem pole."

  "Thanks Uncle Warren," Katrina said, leaning into Eric's embrace.

  "Of course, Sweetheart," Warren said, nodding toward the teeming mass of people as the limo slowed. "I wouldn't miss it for the world."

  "Showtime," Eric said, as people swarmed toward the limo.

  They waited a few moments, letting the anticipation of the gawking people build.

  Katrina nudged him, glancing toward a stream of movie stars having their pictures taken. To the right of the throng, a red rope held back the news media. Councilman MuskLeke stood near the barrier, speaking to a stunning reporter dressed in a sleek red dress. At his right elbow, Clarisse smiled for the cameras.

  A soft growl rolled through the car.

  Surprised, Eric glanced at Warren who had the grace to chuckle. A slight red flush showed above his collar. "Ms. Hathaway has bugged me for months to appear on Lives of Rich & Famous Sídhí," Warren said, nodding to the beautiful nymph MuskLeke was speaking with. "It would seem MuskLeke is as popular with the women now as he was in Whitechapel. She cannot be so desperate for an interview that she'd take a chance with someone like him ripping her throat out and keeping her heart in a jar."

  "Ripping? Oh, my gosh! Whitechapel, London? You can't mean Jack the Ripper?" Katrina said, her voice rising with each word, bouncing on the seat. "We just finished studying about him in Mundane Psychology class."

  Warren snorted. "No mundane killed all those women."

  Warren stepped from the limo, Eric and Katrina followed him.

  Eric slapped a smile on his face as camera flashes exploded.

  Moments later, the three of them stopped several feet from Clarisse and Councilman MuskLeke.

  Eric's hands clenched as Clarisse sneered at Katrina.

  "MuskLeke," Warren said coolly, nodding his head in greeting.

  "Andrews," Councilman MuskLeke returned the frosty greeting. "Babysitting the lower class this evening?"

  "Actually, this is only a brief stop." Warren nodded toward Clarisse. "I believe your daughter knows my niece, Katrina Andrews and her mate, Eric Kent."

  Silence. Stunned silence reined. Even the news media abruptly dropped from a low roar to nothing.

  Clarisse's face turned an alarming shade of scarlet, outshining her flame colored hair. Her mouth flopped open and shut, hissing a non-repeatable curse word. "Eric?"

  "What's the meaning of this?" MuskLeke demanded. A snarl of pure disgust twisted his face as he glared at Eric.

  Eric grinned at him. "It appears your daughter did not hear her synth crystal sing for me, because my crystal sang for Katrina," Eric said, knowing his joy was flooding his bond with his mate. At his words, pleasure poured from her.

  He felt Katrina shiver.

  MuskLeke growled and leaned forward.

  "Try it," Warren said softly, his voice a threat of pure violence. Power thrummed through the air.

  MuskLeke's nostrils flared.

  Clarisse went bone-white and swayed. "I was joking around and…"

  "Silence!" MuskLeke roared, glaring at his daughter.

  She cringed under his thundered order.

  A single camera flash triggered the flood. The brightly lit area turned even brighter as photographers came out of their stupor.

  Reporters shouted questions, challenging Clarisse's very public announcement of finding her lifeMate.

  Eric felt no guilt as MuskLeke grabbed his daughter's arm, yanking her toward an arriving limo.

  ~ ~ ~

  The next morning, on the front page of Clan Valley News, a picture of Clarisse's gaping mouth stared-out at readers. The picture caught the redhead’s look of sheer horror as her father dragged her into a strange limo.

  Eric flipped the newspaper open. The two-page center detailed the high council verdict. A full color picture showed Clarisse shoveling skrivett droppings into a waiting wheelbarrow. Around her throat was a thick silver collar. Her head was shaved bald. On the side of her head, just above her ear, a bold tattoo was stamped. It stated her prisoner identification number. Katrina knew a matching tattoo would be stamped above Clarisse’s other ear.

  Too bad the tattoo was temporary.

  "Serves her right," Katrina said in growly voice, leaning against Eric's back as he sat at her kitchen table. Her satisfaction blended with his. “I just can’t believe they only sentenced her to two months of manual labor. If her father wasn’t on the council she would’ve lost her head.”

  "True," he said, looking up at her.

  He woke-up thirty minutes earlier feeling her love pulsing through their bond. He had rushed through a shower and was knocking on her backdoor within ten minutes of opening his eyes.

  Her eyes gazed into his and he knew he'd never get tired of looking at her. She was the perfect mate.

  "You've got that goofy-look on your face," she whispered, leaning closer. She brushed her lips against his. A gentle touch between mates, one not meant to inflame the constant desire he felt for her, but a touch of eternal love.

  "For you, always," he said, meaning every word. He adored her and wanted the world to know it.

  ~ The End ~

  Eric and Katrina are very briefly mentioned in Forbidden Temptation of a Vampire.

  Nick and Clarisse are secondary characters in Forbidden Temptation of a Vampire and Vampire’s Forbidden Territory.

  Jared is a primary character in Forbidden Temptation of a Vampire and Vampire’s Forbidden Territory.

  Preview: Forbidden Temptation of a Vampire

  Prologue: Dragon Council Proclamation

  In order to remain undetected by mundane humans on Earth, The Dragon High Council has decided peace between the Sídhí races is critical.

  Therefore, all Sídhí Valleys will participate in a summer camp hosted by Dragon Valley. It is believed the unique blending of races within the summer camp will achieve the first step toward peace.

  Participants shall include the eldest two teenage children (or direct descendants) of each council member. Participation in the Peace Camp is not optional. If any Sídhí Valley refuses to participate, all known gateways within that valley will be shut down immediately.

  NOTE: A copy of this proclamation has been dispatched to the governmental bodies of all known valleys.

  Dragon Valley: Day of Arrival

  Hate was a sin, but Katie couldn’t help it. At the moment, she truly hated the Dragon Council. The dragons destroyed her summer. Forcing her to attend camp with hundreds of full bloods was not her idea of fun. She’d have to watch her back every single moment or she might find a dagger plunged through it.

  “Katie, you okay?” Mitch asked. His deep male voice appeared in her head without warning.

  He was on the other side of the cabin,
in the guy’s dorm room, unpacking his clothes and stuff, same as she was. Yet, from the tone of his mental voice, he was worried about her. Sometimes, having a twin-bond wasn’t a good thing. Thank goodness, he couldn’t hear her thoughts unless she projected them.

  She groaned, realizing her shields must’ve slipped. Again. It was either slipped shields or she’d been muttering out loud, which was worse than slipped shields, especially when someone heard. It was such a mundane thing to do.

  What did she expect? She hadn’t grown up inside one of the ‘oh, so perfect’ immortal valleys. She grew up on Earth around normal mundane humans.

  “Yeah, fine,” Katie answered glumly. She didn’t try to sound cheerful. He wouldn’t believe her if she tried. They were both in a rotten mood. She didn’t think anything could make her happy today. Though, she would be happier if she knew where they were. She still wasn’t sure.

  Oh, she knew they were in Dragon Valley. The valley was probably hundreds of miles wide, possibly thousands of miles wide. She just didn’t know where ’on’ Earth Dragon Valley was located. They could be anywhere.

  Not that it mattered. She couldn’t leave the campgrounds, not even to port home for a few minutes. The stupid dragons had strictly forbidden teleporting, or porting, as vampires called it. Even if she tried to leave the camp, she was too young to port very far. Without knowing where Dragon Valley was located, she’d have to port without a specific destination in mind, which meant porting blind.

  Katie shuddered at the thought of porting blind. Horrible things happened to people that ported blind. The synth crystal in her blood could heal nearly any injury, but she didn’t want to test the theory and end up squished in the middle of a mountain.

  Sighing, she reached into the nearly empty suitcase and snatched up the last two items. She tossed the fluffy pile of colorful panties into the top dresser drawer, and laid her worn Bible on the nightstand. That was it. Finally, everything was unpacked.

  She shoved the bulky suitcase under her bed, the one farthest away from the bathroom. Six girls would make the bathroom the busiest room in the cabin. She could imagine the chaos that would reign every morning. Mixing teenage elves and vampires in a single bathroom was the perfect way to create a daily fight. By adding her into the mix, it was a recipe for disaster.


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