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To Touch the Sun

Page 6

by Gia Dawn

  “Excellent,” he said his other hand resuming its torture of her clit. “We will work up to full double penetration.”

  Kiera trembled uncontrollably at his words. Full double penetration. The thought filled her with both terror and a wicked excitement that nearly sent her over the edge.

  But Marco was demanding her attention once more. “Take me back into your mouth.” He slid his cock between her lips with a greater urgency, practically lifting his hips from the chair as he drove all the way to the back of her throat.

  “Oh God, cara mia, that feels so good. Take me harder…use your hands…yes, that’s it, I—”

  He left the rest of the sentence unfinished as Kiera pumped him faster. Soon, every muscle in his body stiffened and he threw back his head and closed his eyes, thrusting into her mouth a final time, coming to his climax with a force she tried her best to swallow.

  And Jason continued to fuck her from behind, his cock and finger working in perfect rhythm as Marco moved his hands to her shoulders and pushed her back against Jason as his partner bored into her deeper and deeper. Her cunt ached from the force of his thrusts, her ass stung so bad it brought tears to her eyes when he added a second finger to the first, spreading the muscle so far apart Kiera finally did break down and scream, the sound turning into a keen of pleasure as Marco leaned forward and buried his hand between her legs, twisting her clit between his fingers until there was no discomfort, there was no pain, there was only the need and the want and the fire as she let herself fall completely into the light, her body shuddering with the power of her orgasm as the two men held her safe between them.

  She heard Jason mutter a curse as her cunt clenched tight around his erection, sending him at last into his own release.

  And then they sat her back on the couch, this time with Marco’s head between her legs while Jason bent to suck one breast into his mouth, biting her nipple as Marco rolled his tongue along her clit, ignoring Kiera’s pleas that she’d already had enough, she couldn’t possible come another time, until they proved her deliciously wrong with the skill of their fingers and tongues and teeth.

  Kiera was the first to leave. They helped her dress and made certain her mask was still in place before they kissed her a final time and guided her to the door.

  “Good night, little one.” Jason brought her hand to his lips.

  “Sleep tight, tesoro,” Marco added, running his fingers over her cheek. “Until we meet again.”

  And meet again they did. The next week they brought edible body paint and Kiera had the most amazing experience as she spread it across them, never having worked on live canvasses before. She paid particular attention to how the light moved over muscle and bone, fascinated by the unexpected shadows she created.

  The week after that they tied her to the St. Andrew’s cross, fulfilling her fantasy of being bound helpless to their desires. Marco put a blindfold over her eyes while Jason used a sturdy paddle to initiate her into the art of spanking. To her surprise she found the pain brought her to an even harder release, until she began to crave the added stimulation on a constant basis.

  And in every encounter Jason continued with his anal play, expanding her tolerance with every session.

  In the real world they checked in on her constantly, bringing her offerings of food and flowers, never once hinting they knew she was their secret lover. Kiera was having the most wickedly wonderful time of her life…until she received a note from the Red Mask telling her they would no longer be meeting her at the club.

  Chapter Seven

  For the most part when it came to women, Marco was more than happy to let Jason do the talking. His friend was the brains of the operation and never failed to bring in the catch. But on those very rare occasions when they seriously courted a mate, Jason insisted that both of them make the effort to get to know her on an individual basis. She had to understand each man’s personality and appreciate them equally.

  And it was doubly important now that they were headed toward serious with the beautiful Miss Kiera. So they’d called off their clandestine meetings at the Red Mask and decided to court her properly.

  Now Marco found himself standing on her doorstep, clenching and unclenching his hands as he garnered the nerve to knock. He had no problems with women in the bedroom where his physical strength and stamina held sway, but he always worried that his stolid personality and lack of eloquence failed in comparison to Jason’s witty charm. Especially now he was left to face Kiera without a backup.

  But he wanted her just as much as Jason did so he screwed up his courage and knocked, running a finger beneath the collar of his shirt as he waited for her to answer.


  He knocked again, louder, putting his ear to the door to see if he could hear any sound coming from within.

  Again the stubborn silence.

  “Kiera? Are you home? Hello,” he added when there was still no answer.

  He knew she was home, he’d seen her out in the yard just half an hour ago, trying to dig up some bushes that resisted her every effort. Which was how he’d gotten the idea to stroll casually over and bring her dinner. After he’d showered and shaved, of course.

  Marco tried the door and grew even more concerned when the knob turned in his hand. She always kept the door locked. Day and night. Not even with him and Jason living just across the lawn did she ever forget to lock herself in.

  Without another thought Marco opened the door and stepped inside, leaving the pan of lasagna sitting on her couch while he scoured the room and poked his head down the hallway toward her studio. Using a stealth born of years in the military he made certain each downstairs room had been secured as he surveyed the entire first floor of her house.

  Then he padded up the stairs, doing the same to both spare rooms before he stopped to listen by Kiera’s bedroom door. When he heard a thump followed by a muttered curse he burst into the room, scaring the hell out of Kiera who stood barely covered by a towel as she stepped out of the shower.

  She screamed and ducked back into the water, holding her hands out in self-defense as she huddled against the tile.

  “Kiera, it’s me, Marco.” The biggest jackass on the planet. “I didn’t mean to scare you, honey.” Nothing like making a total wank of yourself the one time you really needed to impress.

  “Marco? What are you doing here?” Her voice was shrill with fear. And anger, damn it all to hell.

  “Sorry. I really am sorry. I swear I didn’t mean to walk in on you like this.”

  When she twirled a finger at him he turned around as ordered, still managing to get a look out of the corner of his eye. She looked good wet, he decided, her skin all flushed and her hair tangling across her shoulders.

  “So why did you?” He could tell she was still really pissed, but at least her voice had lost its earlier terror. He let his gaze follow her as she stormed into the bedroom, leaving tiny wet footprints on the hardwood floor.

  “I knocked and when you didn’t answer I got worried. Then the door was unlocked and I got really worried.” At least he had an honest answer.

  “Unlocked?” She blinked, her lashes dark and spiky and so damned sexy Marco felt his dick begin to stir. “I left the door unlocked?” Sitting on the edge of the bed, she sucked her bottom lip into her mouth, making his flesh grow even harder.

  With a muffled curse he turned and headed back into the bathroom, shutting off the shower and using a towel from the hamper to wipe the water from the floor. “I knew you were home,” he continued to explain as he managed to get his body back under control, “so I let myself in to make sure you weren’t hurt.”

  He tossed the towel back into the hamper and snagged her robe from the hook, holding it out to her as if it were an offering of peace. This was not going well, was all he could think as she motioned for him to turn around once more.

  Kiera had been beyond shocked to find Marco standing in her bathroom but now that she was over her initial terror, she was totally ha
ppy to see him there—and she would have liked to see much more of him. The thought made her blush as he handed her the robe.

  But she’d been lax to leave the door unlocked. How many times had she done that before? She knew she could be absentminded when she was painting but she hadn’t been painting today. She had been thinking about her nights at the Red Mask and wondering what horrible thing she had done to make them discard her so abruptly.

  She’d cried herself asleep on several lonely nights before she managed to get a grip on her emotions. It wasn’t as if they’d taken on another lover. They had not entertained a single woman since she had been with them last, and showed no sign of the major cleaning that heralded a play night.

  She frowned. Marco was too big in her room. Too close for comfort and way too sexy for her state of mental health. “I promise never to forget again,” she said, making a cross over her chest with one hand. “Scout’s honor.”

  Now get the hell out before I beg you to take me back.

  His smile was decadent. “Never was a boy scout,” he said, running his tongue across his teeth. “Too goody-two-shoes for me.”

  She didn’t doubt that for a second. “Great. I’m fine. You’re fine. We’re all fine. What else do you want?”

  He gave her a quizzical look. “Something wrong?”

  Every damn thing is wrong, and if you had any sense in your addled brain you would know exactly what was the problem. You dumped me, you ass, you and your pretty roommate too. “Not a thing.”

  “I brought you dinner.”

  “Made it himself.” Jason strolled through the door and leaned casually against the wall, looking better than any man had the right to. Especially one she couldn’t get her hands on again. “Special family recipe.”

  Kiera’s laugh was strained as she fought her attraction to the pair. They overwhelmed the small space of her room, making her want to throw off her robe and fall to her knees before them.

  Which she absolutely could not do. Not here. Not without the mask. Not ever again, she remembered in distress.

  But she would never let them know just how much they’d hurt her. She might be a crazy, reclusive idiot, but she did have her pride.

  “I’ll meet you in the kitchen,” she said, rummaging in her drawers for something suitable to put on—like a sack that covered every inch of her body so they couldn’t see the way her nipples had peaked.

  And still they watched her, making no move to do as she’d said. “Uh-hum.” Kiera cleared her throat loudly and nodded toward the door. “Get out.”

  “Right.” Marco finally got the hint and turned, grabbing Jason by the shoulder and pulling him out the door with him. “Oh, by the way,” he said, poking his head back around the corner, “don’t be long, the lasagna is getting cold.”

  When Kiera finally made her way downstairs she found them pawing around her kitchen. “I can’t stay,” Jason informed her. “I pulled evening shift.”

  “Oh.” Kiera felt the disappointment keenly. Well, what had she expected, that they were going to explain why they no longer needed her services? She chose not to pursue the subject as Marco cut into the thick pan of food and passed a huge portion to Jason on a paper plate.

  Jason’s grin was ecstatic. “He makes the best lasagna in the country. I’m only good at clean-up detail. But you know that already.” He coughed and looked down at his feet.

  Marco threw back his head and laughed way too loud. “I make sure to leave him a huge mess every time.”

  “Bastard,” Jason muttered beneath his breath, causing Marco to laugh even harder. “But the food is so good I can’t complain. At any rate, I’m off.” He moved close enough Kiera could feel his breath along her cheek as he bent down to whisper in her ear, “So…um…I’ll see you later?”

  She’d never known the men to act so awkward, especially Jason who always knew what to say.

  “Yeah, well, have a good night,” she managed to answer carelessly, moving far enough away she couldn’t be tempted by the heat of his skin.

  A dark expression flashed across his face, hurriedly smoothed aside as he turned to the other man. “Take good care of her.”

  Marco shot Jason the same intense look. “Absolutely, bro.”

  With a curt nod Jason let himself out the back door, leaving Kiera alone with Marco. Unable to sit down or relax, she flitted around the room, wondering if she should ask him to stay for dinner or if he’d already taken it as a granted.

  Or if she should just throw him out and spare herself the torment of having to make inane conversation when her heart was crumbling to breadcrumbs at her feet.

  She nearly jumped out of her skin when he reached up to grab two plates from the cabinet, circling his arms around her. “Sit down and let me serve you,” he ordered, his tone so soft she had to tilt her head to hear.

  Which was what he’d intended, she understood as she felt his breath graze her cheek. He made no move to step away when she turned around to find herself completely captive in his arms, her breasts brushing across his chest as her nipples beaded and fought against her shirt.

  Her breath came out in a needy gasp as he leaned even closer, pressing his chest to hers as he transferred the plates to one hand and grabbed two cups with the other.

  But he kept his expression carefully bland while he set the cups on the counter behind her and pulled out a drawer, forcing her to press her hips to his as she tried to get out of the way. Only the tic of muscle in his jaw gave any sign he was as aware of their compromising position as she was.

  Although the glitter in his eyes told an entirely different story. He knew she wanted him, the bastard. With a disgruntled snort Kiera slid beneath one chiseled arm and headed for the fridge. “You want wine or beer?”

  “I thought the appropriate line was coffee-tea-or-me.”

  “You wish.” But when she turned to find him bent over her table, serving out huge portions of the lasagna, Kiera forgot the retort that sprang to her lips. He looked as tasty as the pile of food he’d slid onto the plates. His skin sparkled with specks of bronze in a stray ray of sunlight that poked through the curtains, his hair glimmering with subtle shades of gold and copper.

  A gladiator, she thought in sudden inspiration, already losing herself to the vision. He stood amidst the chaos of the arena, head bowed in complete exhaustion as the crowd roared its approval and Caesar stood to crown him victor. And she was the prize he’d fought so valiantly for. Slaves they both might be, but on this day they were free to find their pleasure, willing the night to last forever so that they might never be forced to part again.

  It was only when she began to see the finished work in her mind that she saw the other warrior who stood beside him, a companion so close they might be of a single blood, a brother, both in friendship and battle with an unbreakable bond that neither man could tear asunder.

  It really was impossible to think of one without the other.

  “Cara mia, supper’s getting cold.”

  Kiera surfaced from her musings to find Marco staring at her, his brows drawn together. “You okay?”

  “Fine.” Although she shook her head to clear away the image, her hands itched to get the sketch on paper, and she found herself digging in a drawer for pencil and paper.

  Marco shook his head and propelled her back to the table. “Eat now. Draw later.” He sat down beside her and dug into his own plate, pointing his fork at her plate when she hesitated. “Would you rather I feed it to you instead?” His mouth bowed into a glorious frown.

  With a sigh of resignation Kiera lifted a bite to her lips. “It is good,” she admitted grudgingly. When Marco smiled she stuffed another forkful into her mouth, concentrating completely on the food until she’d managed to gobble down a good portion. “Wonderful, really, but I can’t eat that much.”

  “Don’t worry, I can.” He put her plate on top of his empty one and finished off the rest. Kiera watched him in fascination, barely able to stifle the need to reach out and stro
ke her hand down his arm…and across his chest and over his stomach.

  Need stabbed treacherously along her senses, the sensation sharp and brutal. She had no business wanting him so badly. Not after the two of them had gone and bruised her heart.

  When Marco pushed himself away from the table and began to gather up the dishes, Kiera snatched them from his grip. “You cook, you don’t clean. Jason made that perfectly clear.” She dumped the dishes unceremoniously in the sink. “I’ll take care of them later.”

  “You won’t hear me complain.” Marco leaned back in his chair, stretched out his legs and crossed one ankle over the other, looking perfectly at home. “I would take another glass of wine.”

  When he nodded toward his empty glass Kiera hurried to refill it, knowing she shouldn’t rush to please him but unable to stop herself all the same.

  “I think I have some ice cream in the freezer,” she heard herself offer, “or a bag of something covered in chocolate.” She frowned when she dug out the battered bag of discarded candy, wondering just how long she’d had it. The Halloween design on the label hinted that it had been several months. “Does chocolate ever go bad?”

  Marco nodded in all seriousness as he took the bag and pulled out a piece. “Let me see.” He popped the candy into his mouth and chewed, grimacing as he swallowed. “Probably poison by now,” he remarked, reaching into the bag once more. “I’d better have another just to make certain.”

  Kiera giggled despite herself and caught the piece he tossed in her direction. “If you choke, don’t expect me to give you mouth to mouth.”

  “Now that’s the saddest thing I’ve heard all day.” He pouted very well. “Could I at least get the Heimlich maneuver?” He batted his pitch-black lashes.

  “I don’t think I’d have a chance of squeezing you hard enough.” Kiera shook her head as she studied the width of his chest—a chest she longed to touch again.

  Marco sat up and leaned forward like a hound that had scented a fox. “Want to try?”


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