Sons of Lyra: Runaway Hearts [Sons of Lyra Series]

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Sons of Lyra: Runaway Hearts [Sons of Lyra Series] Page 4

by Felicity Heaton

  She shifted on his lap and his jaw muscles tensed. He liked that. She glanced at his hands. She moved again and his fingers flexed and inched closer to her thighs.

  She brought the glass to his lips. He parted them and she tilted the glass, slowly tipping the liquid into his mouth. He frowned. His hands went to her thighs, sending a jolt through her that electrified every nerve ending in her body and made her groin throb. He slid them higher. She pressed her cheek against his, trying to steel herself against the effect he was having on her. Her fingers tipped the glass up and then it fell from them, tumbling to the floor as his hands reached her backside and pulled her closer.

  She breathed hard into his ear, struggling for control, and dragged her cheek against his as she drew back. Her eyes met his for a moment, long enough to see all the desire and sense it in him, and then she closed hers. Her hands captured his cheeks. She kissed him.

  It wasn't gentle or sweet. It was rough, demanding and passionate, and she couldn't stop herself. Her mind screamed that she was supposed to be escaping now, that the Koji had done its work and he was beyond tipsy. Her heart screamed that she had to stay right here, where it felt so good and warm, and where she felt so safe. Her body cried out for his touch.

  She leaned forwards, pressing him into the back of the long seat and pinning him there with her hands. They pushed against his shoulders, restraining him. His hands caressed her thighs, stirring the fire inside her until she felt a slave to her desire. Her teeth clashed with his as she kissed him, their tongues tangling and breath hard against each other's lips. She didn't care. She needed more. He tasted sweet like Koji but he felt strong. His fingers flexed against her backside, drawing her closer still. He raised his hips and ground against her, eliciting a moan from her that she didn't even try to contain.

  Her hips moved against him, her heart pounding when she felt the evidence of his arousal rubbing her crotch. She kissed him harder, lost in the hunger and the feel of him.

  This wasn't supposed to have happened.

  She pushed off him but his hands went to her back, stopping her from escaping.

  She stared into his eyes. This wasn't right. She'd had it with men. They were nothing but trouble. She had to get away.

  His hands locked against her, holding her tight. She frowned at him, pushed against his chest and then pleaded him with her eyes to let her go.

  "Stay,” he whispered and she stilled in his arms. There was such an earnest look in his eyes and no trace of lust in his feelings. He wanted her but it wasn't empty desire feeding his hunger. She touched his cheek, trying to decipher his feelings and needing the contact to make them clearer. “I can protect you ... whatever it is that you're running from, we can run together."

  They were tempting words, an alluring promise that spoke to her heart and provoked a response. It told her to stay. He was strong. Perhaps he could protect her.

  But he was Lyran.

  She turned her head away from him, needing to see something other than his face in order to make her decision. He was too tempting, too handsome and powerful. She closed her eyes. Could he really protect her? Could anyone?

  She grabbed the bottle and swigged it, needing the numbing affect to kill off the part of her brain telling her that she was insane. He took the bottle from her and she opened her eyes. He drank some and then leaned towards her. She breathed in sharply when his tongue brushed her neck and he kissed it. It sent tingles racing across her skin. Her eyes closed again and she tilted her head back. His free hand tightened against her upper back, supporting her as he kissed across her chest.

  Her hand found his and she took the bottle again. She drank another mouthful and then reached out behind her and placed it down on the table.

  Even if he couldn't protect her, she still wanted this time with him.

  His mouth reached her breasts and he made fast work of the laces holding her dress closed. She stared at the ceiling with a wide open mouth as he exposed her to the cool air of the room. His fingers grazed her nipple as he pulled the material away and then she moaned when his lips fastened around it. She arched into him, her hand settling against the back of his head while her other one went to his shirt. She wanted it off him. She wanted to see him and feel him.

  She unbuttoned his shirt and pushed the two sides apart, exposing his body. It was a struggle to get him off her, but she shoved him until he gave up and leaned back into the seat. Her eyes raked over his body. It was stunning. Golden smooth skin stretched tight over pronounced muscles that made her mouth water and her pussy throb.

  She didn't care if he was Lyran or a criminal or that she didn't know him. This attraction was too strong to ignore. She had to have him. It would ruin her, but it didn't matter. Perhaps if she was tainted by another man, her father wouldn't be able to give her to the highest bidder. Perhaps no one but this man would want her then.

  She'd be happy if that were the case.

  Her fingers traced down his chest to his stomach and from there to his trousers. She unbuckled them, ignoring his weak protests, and slid her hand inside to find his hard cock. It was bigger than she'd imagined it would be. The skin was silken and hot. She kept one hand against his chest as she wriggled out of her underwear, having to shift onto one foot at a time to get them off. It was a farce and she was thankful he didn't laugh at how ridiculous she must have looked. His eyes never left her face.

  When she was free of her underwear, she tugged his trousers down enough to release his cock. It rested flat against his belly. She met his gaze and ran her fingers down the length of it. His eyes darkened and narrowed. She smiled, swallowed her nerves, and stroked it again. This time his eyes rolled closed and he sighed.

  She'd been taught well about how to pleasure a man but all that knowledge was rapidly leaving her as she sat astride his legs, treading the fine line between going forwards and running away. If she did this, she would spoil herself. No man would want her. Her father would kill her.

  If she did this, she would be a woman and she would be happy that her first time hadn't been with a man she had been given to.

  He was a man of her own choosing.

  He opened his eyes as she took hold of his length, wrapping her fingers around it. His lips parted as though he was going to say something and fear lanced through her when she sensed he was going to tell her to stop. She kissed him, silencing his words and distracting him. He couldn't stop her. She didn't want to stop.

  His hands wrapped around her back, tight and strong, as she raised herself up and moved forwards. Nerves fluttered in her stomach when lowered herself and the tip of his cock pressed against her slick arousal. She kept going, driven by desire and a need to escape her old life completely.

  Their sighs combined when she bore down on him, his cock sliding into her. It stung but she didn't let it show. She didn't want him to know that this was her first time. She'd been told everything, shown everything. She knew what to do.

  He stopped kissing her and pushed her backwards, his eyes searching hers. She kept the answer to their question hidden inside. He didn't need to know. Closing her eyes to hide from him, she grasped hold of his shoulders and raised herself up the length of his cock. She moaned at the delicious friction and then eased back down. It felt so good. Her teacher had never told her how good it was.

  She moved again, slowly building a rhythm that had him breathing hard and her heart thundering. He grabbed her hips, assisting her, and slid further down the chair. Her pussy hit his pelvis on the way down and she groaned at the sweep of pleasure that spread from her clit.

  Her eyes opened and she stared into his, losing herself in him and the feeling of their joined bodies. It was divine. His breath was hot against her skin, washing over her, his fingers grasping her waist. He tensed beneath her and she moaned hoarsely when he bucked up inside her, hard and rough. She moved faster, sliding up and down his cock, riding it into oblivion. He dragged her back to him and kissed her so deep that she lost all sense of who she wa
s and who he was. They became one inside her, one mind and one heart, one soul and set of feelings. She clung to him, moaning into his mouth with each thrust of his cock into her. Her whole body tightened.

  So did his.

  He groaned against her lips, deep and strained, as he came, shooting his seed deep into her. She pressed her cheek against his and kept going, reaching for her own orgasm.

  It came swift and fast, rushing through her like molten lava and leaving her breathless. Bright white sparks burst against the darkness of her closed eyes. She buried her face into his neck and stilled, keeping him inside her and breathing hard against him as she trembled.

  That definitely wasn't like her teacher had told her it would be.

  His arms wrapped around her, holding her close. She nuzzled his neck and leaned hard against him, sagging in his embrace and memorising how comfortable she felt.

  Sebastian stroked her hair, his fingers loosening it from the bun at the back of her head and combing through the long dark length of it. Her breath was hot against his throat but was becoming steady. He knew she'd never admit that she was a virgin, and she hadn't acted like one. She'd been incredibly skilled and confident for one without any real knowledge of what she'd been doing. He held her closer, a need to protect her rising up inside him, and kissed her exposed shoulder. Her breasts pressed against his chest, warm and soft.

  He hadn't expected this to happen with her, and he got the impression neither had she. She'd ordered the strongest drink on the menu in the hope of getting him drunk, that much was obvious. What she didn't know what that he'd had plenty of experience of drinking with soldiers, with his brothers all being in the imperial army, and he had drunk them under the table every time. A third of a bottle of Koji was never going to be enough to make him pass out. He could probably manage a whole one before that happened.

  She shifted but he held her, forcing her to remain. His soft cock slipped from her warm folds and he wished he were back inside her. When he'd been in her, an incredible sensation of completion had filled him. He'd felt so connected to her. It was probably an illusion brought about by the alcohol.

  He frowned when a strange feeling rose up inside him.

  "We're slowing down,” she said and pulled back, looking out of the window behind him.

  He stared at her a moment, taking in her beautiful flushed cheeks and bright eyes, and then looked out the window too.

  They were in deep space. They must have left the Lyra system behind while they'd been making love.

  An alarm sounded, low and booming, loud enough that Terea covered her ears.

  "What is it?” she shouted over the noise.

  He could see fear in her eyes when she looked at him for an answer. He lifted her off him, tucked himself back into his trousers and did his shirt up.

  "Wait here.” He touched her cheek to reassure her and went to leave.

  She caught his hand. “Where are you going?"

  "I'm going to see what's happening. I won't be long. Just stay here and don't let anyone in.” He smiled at her, hoping it would help calm her nerves. She shook her head.

  "I'm coming with you,” she said and went to stand. He placed a hand on her shoulder, forcing her to sit back down.

  "I'll be right back. You'll be safe here."

  He left before she had a chance to protest again. The door closed behind him. His head spun and he pressed a hand to it. Perhaps trying to take command of a situation with a sex and Koji addled brain wasn't the brightest of ideas. He cleared his throat and walked down the corridor. It had to be done. He needed to know what was happening.

  The ship rocked and he grabbed the wall as he was thrown to one side. He waited for the vessel to steady and then continued walking down the corridor. At the end of it, he turned right and went to the window. His heart accelerated when he saw the Minervan fighter docked with the ship.

  What did the military want with a transport ship?

  He left the window and headed for the lift. The moment he neared it, the doors slid open and he ground to a halt.

  "Cruskin!” he said under his breath and stared at the five men.

  They shouldered their weapons.

  He raised his hands.

  This really wasn't good.

  One of the men stepped forwards, his sharp teeth glinting in the low light as he grinned. The other four flanked him with their large black laser rifles trained on him.

  He frowned and gritted his teeth as the man grabbed his hands and twisted his arms behind his back. Who had sent them? Lyran military had no right to board a Minervan vessel. Was that the reason the Minervans had boarded the ship, or were they acting for their own system?

  He closed his eyes and winced when they locked thick metal cuffs around his forearms, pinning them behind his back.

  "What's happening here!” A female voice echoed down the corridor.

  He looked up.


  Stupid woman. She'd get herself killed.

  She stormed towards them and he noticed that she'd dressed but hadn't put her cloak on. A glance at the man holding him revealed that she had the Minervan's attention.

  "This man is—” The man started.

  "This man belongs to me,” she said, cutting him off. Sebastian raised a brow. He belonged to her? She gave him a little look that made him even more confused. It looked as though she was asking him to keep quiet and play along. She was the one who was better off keeping out of this. He'd told her to stay in the room for a reason. He didn't want her getting hurt.

  "We have orders to detain him in the name of Minerva."

  "Who's orders?” she said and stepped up to the man. She was fearless.

  Sebastian tried to look at her but the man turned him away so all he could see was a wall and the two guns of the men nearest him. They were very close to his face.

  "Chief General Misea's,” the man said and then added, “and King Atelier's."


  He tried to move so he could see what was happening but the soldier nearest him pushed the rifle in his face in an obvious warning to keep still.

  "I'll repeat myself just this once,” Terea said and he heard her move. “This man belongs to me. No harm will befall him. I will tell your Chief General in person. Take me to him."

  She was asking a lot. He frowned at the wall and then the gun, waiting for their reaction to what she'd said.

  "Certainly, my lady,” the man said and the soldiers nearest him lowered their guns.

  My lady?

  Why was a woman of rank running away? If she had the power to make these men release him and go against their orders, then she had to be important. He risked it and turned to face her and the man. The man bowed his head to her and then reached around and pressed the button on the tight metal cuffs that had been restraining Sebastian's arms. They clattered to the floor.

  "If you would accompany us,” the man said to Terea and indicated the lift.

  "May I have one moment?” she said and the man nodded. She turned to face him.

  Her fingers brushed his cheek and he stared at her.

  "I don't know what you've done wrong,” she whispered with tears in her eyes, “and I don't need to know. I think this is goodbye."

  He frowned. “Goodbye?"

  "If I go with them, I won't be coming back. I'll see to it that they don't follow you. Get away from here. I hadn't realised Minervans wanted you. If you'd explained that to me...” She placed her palm against his cheek and the tears in her eyes trembled on the brink of falling. “All this could have been so different. We could've been free."

  Her hand slipped from his cheek to rest on his chest for a moment before it fell to her side. He stared at the space where she'd been when she turned away and started walking towards the lift and the man.

  "Wait!” he said and took a step in her direction.

  She stopped and turned her head to the side, but didn't move to face him completely.

  "Don't follow me,�
� she said in a pained voice. A tear streaked her soft cheek. “They'll kill you if you do ... and I don't want that. I'd rather live a life knowing you were out there somewhere and we could meet again, than spend it mourning you."

  He reached a hand out to her but she walked away. She stepped into the lift and turned to face him, her head bent and eyes fixed on the floor. As the doors slid shut, she looked up at him and smiled.

  This wasn't right.

  In Iskara's name, what was she thinking, handing herself over to the Minervans and bargaining for his life. Without him there to protect her, they might harm her, or worse. Her words rang in his head, a veiled declaration of feelings that made him warm inside but caused his heart to ache. A few hours with her had been more wonderful and adventurous than his entire life. He wanted her back. He couldn't leave her to disappear. What if he never saw her again?

  He stood in the hall staring at the wall and not knowing what to do. If he went after her, he'd be going against her wishes and placing himself in danger. He knew the Minervans wouldn't kill him, but they would ransom him, and they might hurt her in order to make him speak and tell them the secrets of Lyra. It was impossible for him to choose between her and his people. He wanted to protect them both.

  But he had to protect her foremost.

  He ran back to the room, grabbed the knife she'd tossed onto the table, and then back out again.

  He sprinted to the lift and pressed the button. The doors opened and he scanned the deck listing on the panel until he found the docking bay. He hit the button for it and paced the small cylindrical room while it went down. The doors slid open to reveal the cargo hold of the ship. A light caught his attention and he frowned when he realised it was doors closing.

  "Terea,” he whispered and ran towards it.

  Before he could reach it, the doors had shut completely and then the ship rocked as the Minervan fighter disengaged. He braced himself against the shaking and stared at the closed airlock. His heart sank. She was gone.


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