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Alfie Abused

Page 11

by Heather Mar-Gerrison

Tate explained that Hessey had been known to pick up young, vulnerable boys of between twelve and seventeen – all young enough to satisfy a certain type of customer. “Are we talking sex slaves?” I asked.

  He sighed on his end of the phone, “Yeah.” He said, “I’m really sorry to be the bearer of this news and I honestly don’t want to upset you – but he’ll have been grooming your friend Alfie for this for as long as they’ve been together. It’s kind of what he does.”

  I wanted to throw up. That certainly explained the weight-loss and the lack of hair on his body... “Yeah, okay. Thanks for the warning. What’s the plan?” I didn’t care. I’d get him all the help he needed to get over this ordeal... I told Tate that Blaine and Denny were staking out the apartments at the moment and he said he’d get some of his guys to join them so they and the two others could have a break. We arranged to meet back outside the apartments at six and then we were going in...

  I was completely stressed out for the rest of the afternoon. It was the waiting – the feeling of utter helplessness. It was completely excruciating. Thank God it was only another two hours to wait because I honestly didn’t think I could survive another sleepless night just wondering and waiting.

  Rob had agreed for River, Buzz, Simon and Seth to have the rest of the evening off to help us go and get Alfie back.

  He was utterly mortified that Alfie had gotten himself mixed up with someone that was hurting him. “Why did no one tell me?” He asked in horror, “I’ve got a duty of care! His mother is going to fucking kill me!”

  I growled as I thought about anyone hurting my beautiful guy, “I swear to God, if that guy’s hurt him – I’m gonna rip his fucking head off.”

  “Let’s just get there first,” River said, squeezing my arm and looking worried. “We don’t know what we’re gonna find and we need to remember to just be really strong for him.”

  My heart dropped. River was obviously thinking the worst. Even though Tate had painted a pretty dark picture of things I still didn’t want to think about what he might have been through. I was angry that I’d not known more about this guy who was pretending to be this really successful and upfront business man but was actually about as foul as foul got.

  He was suspected of and in contact with others that had been done for people trafficking, prostitution and really dark porn with underage actors/models. I wanted to kill him with my bare hands.

  Finally it was time to go.

  I drove, since I really had to do something to stop myself from going insane.

  River was riding shotgun and Seth, Buzz and Simon were in the back. I had no idea how I thought I was going to get Alfie in the car too, but I wasn’t really thinking that far ahead – I just wanted to find him in one piece if I’m honest.


  Tate was already there – as was Kody and Peyton.

  I leapt out of the car and ran across to where they were stood, “What’s going on?” I asked.

  Tate sighed, “I’ve got clearance for the entry system.” He said, “But we’re actually going to have to break into his apartment if he doesn’t answer – and that could give us a problem if he’s done nothing wrong.”

  I shrugged, “Don’t care.” I said, “He’s got Alfie. Alfie came here to finish things. That’s enough for me.”

  Tate nodded. “When you’re ready then.” He said.

  I straightened my shoulders and sucked in a huge breath of air, “I’m ready.” I said, “Let’s do this.”


  We all got into the lift and pressed the button for the top floor, “Did you say he owned the entire top floor?” I asked.

  Tate nodded, a tic going in his jaw. I wasn’t the only one who was feeling stressed out... “Yeah, rents them out to top businessmen apparently.”

  “Really?” I asked sarcastically, “And we have proof of that, do we?”

  He nodded, “Yup.” He said, “We’ve been watching and waiting a long time for this, Harley – please don’t think we’re not taking this threat seriously.”

  I sighed and closed my eyes. I was being unreasonable with good guys who were taking my concerns seriously and were doing their best to help me. “I just want him back safe.” I said.

  Tate patted my shoulder, “We’ll do our best.” He said, “It’s all we can do.”

  I nodded.

  Tate knocked on the door. Two other officers with him stood to the side, out of sight. I stood at his side. There was no way on this earth I was going to hide out of the way. I wanted Alfie to be able to see that I’d been ready to rescue him.

  The look on Hessey’s face when Tate flashed him his badge was one of utterly horrified disbelief. “How can I help you?” He asked smoothly. The bastard. He was still going to try to blag his way out of trouble.

  Tate smiled, “We’re just following up on a lead,” he said, “I believe you have a young man staying here with you – he’s been reported missing from home by his worried mother. His name is Alfie Hanson.”

  Hessey relaxed, “Ah, yes.” He nodded, “I’ll get him to give her a call. He’s my boyfriend. We’ve uh, been having quite a good time.” He chuckled, “We get a bit carried away with each other sometimes – forget the time, you know.”

  My heart started to thump so loudly in my chest I was actually kind of surprised that no one else could hear it. Liar. I stuck my face in his. “Well, if you could point me in the direction of where he is, then.” I said, “We’ll be happy to report to his mother that he’s perfectly okay and she can stop worrying.”

  His face changed, “That won’t be necessary – I’ll take him there later myself.”

  I looked at Tate, who nodded, “Mr Hessey.” He said, “I’m arresting you on the suspicion of people trafficking, prostitution and using underage models for your porn business, you do not have to say anything...”

  I shot off through the flat, shouting Alfie’s name. I opened door after door, almost sick to my stomach at what I was finding behind each of the doors. Young men, skinny, naked and terrified; some of them in chains, others tethered by their necks on what looked like dog leads. Finally there was only one door left. With my heart in my mouth I opened it and I swear I felt my heart break at what I was looking at.

  I wanted to be sick when I saw the set-up he had going on in the room that had been Alfie’s prison for the past couple of days. Shit. He could have been infected with anything in that space of time – and not just through sex either. He’d clearly been using drugs and it didn’t appear to be voluntarily either...

  I crouched down next to the filthy, stinking mattress and stroked Alfie’s matted hair, “It’s okay, baby.” I whispered, “I’ve got you now – you’re safe again.”

  He whimpered and backed away from my touch. I bit my lip, willing myself not to cry for him, “Lionel Hessey will go down for a very long time for this, Alfie – I can promise you that.”

  He looked up at me, his massive blue eyes still filled with fear and horror at what he’d been through, “Th-thank you.” He managed to whisper.

  “Can you move, sweetheart?” I asked, “Because I really need to get you to the hospital with all of the others now.” I said.

  He frowned at me, “The others?” he asked, blinking his massive eyes, “What others?”

  I took a deep breath. This was going to come as a shock to him, “You’re not alone here, Alfie,” I said quietly and calmly, hoping the anger in my voice at what I was feeling towards Hessey didn’t scare him any more than he already was, “it’s like a holding camp. All the young men are around your age – mostly younger. You were going to be sold to some guy in London who has connections with some place abroad. We got here just in time.”

  He blinked, his jaw dropping, “Oh, God.” He muttered.

  I reached a hand out and then thought the better of it. I didn’t want to freak him out, “Did he hurt you?” I asked gently.

  He nodded, “Yeah.” He said, “He hurt me. He hurt me a lot.” He sucked in a shuddery breath, “b-but
I d-don’t want to t-talk about it...”

  The anger welling up inside of me was almost too much for me to bear but I couldn’t show it. I didn’t want to frighten Alfie anymore than he already was. I had to be strong for him because, God knew, he needed me to be...

  “We’ll get you back home once you’ve seen a doctor – we’re taking you to the hospital.”

  He shook his head, “I don’t want to go home, Harley. Mum and Dad went on a cruise with their friends. Can’t I go to Buzz’s or something? George will just freak out if he sees me like this.”

  I nodded, “Sure, sure.” I agreed. My heart sank that he wanted to go to Buzz’s instead of mine. Maybe I was being too sensitive about the whole thing but I was beginning to panic that he didn’t want to have anything to do with me anymore... I gave myself a stern internal talking to. This wasn’t about me – this was about doing the best thing for Alfie.

  Tate stomped into the room. “Looks like we got here just in time.” He said, “There were seven others behind held – just like this.” He nodded to the filthy mattress, “All of them ready to be shipped off somewhere else. They were gonna be sold like cattle... it’s absolutely sickening.” He turned to look at me, “Well done, Fitz,” he said, “You’ve uncovered what looks like the tip of a very large iceberg.”

  I nodded stiffly. It was praise indeed but all I wanted to do was throw up. And I had to keep my emotions in check. Alfie would only think I was angry with him, or worse – disgusted with him – and I wasn’t. I was angry and disgusted with his so-called boyfriend but never with him.

  “Seize his PC and his laptop and anything else that he could be using – the camera equipment.” Tate’s voice rang out clearly as two of his officers entered the room.

  Two other’s were ushering Alfie out of the room and to the safety of one of the ambulances that had just arrived. “Where’s Hessey?” I growled to Tate.

  He nodded towards the door, “Don’t kill him,” he said, “We still need to make sure all of this shit sticks and get him sent down for the maximum sentence possible.”

  I didn’t answer – I couldn’t promise not to kill him...

  Chapter 30 – Super-hero...


  Alfie slept for a solid twelve hours once we’d got him back to Buzz’s place from the hospital and got him showered and into some clothes. They were Buzz’s and therefore far too big for him, but still. At least he was warm and comfortable. He’d been a good couple of hours at the hospital and was clearly exhausted by the time we’d got him sorted out. I didn’t want to leave his side, but was also wary of freaking him out, so I slept on the bed next to him. If he woke up in the night, having a nightmare or something I was going to be there for him. It was the least I could do. I felt as if I’d let him down quite enough by going on that stupid secondment...

  I woke up early since Buzz’s spare room had no curtains at the window and the sun was shining in through the window. I looked at Alfie’s beautiful little face as he slept and my stomach clenched at what had happened to him.

  How could Lionel have done that to him? What the hell was wrong with the man? How could he not see what I saw when he looked at him? What sort of a man was Lionel? Well, I already knew the answer to that one. He was a sick pervert, that’s what...

  As I watched him sleeping, he started to move. His eyes fluttered open like a pair of big blue butterflies. I smiled at him, “Morning.” I said, “You’ve been asleep a long time.”

  He nodded and smiled, backing away from me ever so slightly as he pulled the blankets up over himself, “I’m so glad you’re here.” He whispered.

  I smiled back at him, “I’ll never leave your side again for more than a few hours – I promise.”

  His eyes filled with tears but he smiled, “You were wrong, you know?” He whispered, his voice cracking.

  I leaned forward, frowning in confusion, “What do you mean, baby?” I asked, “What was I wrong about?” I was bang on the money about Hessey...

  He looked at me, his massive eyes serious, “You once told me that you weren’t a super-hero.”

  I blinked, “That’s because I’m not,” I said, feeling embarrassed.

  He smiled, then, the haunted look on his face that would stay with me for a long time disappearing momentarily, “Well, you are to me.” He said, “You saved my life last night – and you kicked Lionel’s arse – well done for that,” his grin got even wider for a second before it disappeared again, “and you got him locked up... so thank you.”

  I gathered him to me. I really shouldn’t have hit Lionel but I was so damned angry... “I came looking for you because I love you,” I said, “I couldn’t stand the idea of you being with that man after I saw the way he’d been treating you when I came back to the club. What were you thinking of, Alfie?”

  He shook his head, “Oh, God. I don’t know,” he groaned, “You’d gone and I was heartbroken,” his voice cracked, “and he was really attentive and really nice...”

  “But look what he did to you,” I cried, “what he made you do with all of those men...” It turned my stomach. We still didn’t know exactly what he had done because he’d been drugged for most of it – but some of the still images on the computer we’d seized showed that he’d been involved in sexual intercourse with a number of men and without any sort of protection either. I was terrified for him that he’d been infected with all sorts of hideous STD’s. The worst of course was HIV. It was still a big possibility and I prayed to every god I knew of that he’d be okay.

  He was too innocent for this and far too adorable...

  “I love you too.” He whispered, “And not just because you came for me. I already loved you before that. But I’ve ruined everything – you’re never going to want to be with me. Not now...” his voice broke as he spoke and my heart squeezed painfully in my chest. I would never let him go – never...

  I hugged him even closer to me, “I do want to be with you. I’ll always want to be with you, Alfie. Being abused at the hands of someone you trusted doesn’t change the way I feel about you. I promise.”

  He sobbed against my chest, “I don’t deserve you.” He choked out, “You need someone as strong and brave as you are.”

  I shook my head, “You are as strong and as brave as I am,” I said, “You’re out and proud and so sure of yourself.”

  He looked at me, “I was.” He whispered, “I thought I knew what I was doing, being all grown up and going out with him...”

  I shook my head, “He charmed you, Alfie. He’s gifted at what he does – he groomed you. He’s a dangerous sexual predator.”

  He nodded, “And I was a pathetic idiot who thought he actually wanted to be with me.” He shook his head and let out a huff of humourless laughter, “What a fucking idiot. I should have known better – I’d never have looked twice at him...” he trailed off.

  I frowned, “How could you have possibly known?” I asked gently, “He’s good at this, Alfie – it’s what he does for a living.” The sick bastard...

  I went to put my arms back around him, since he’d started to cry again but he put his hands up, “Don’t,” he said, “I can’t....”

  I nodded and swallowed the lump in my throat. I’d feared that he’d be like this once the shock had worn off but it still hurt like hell. He didn’t want to be with me right now. Hell, he might never want to be with me ever again – and it was all my own doing for being a prick who was crap at keeping in touch. I’d never felt guiltier about anything in my whole life.

  Chapter 31 – Breakdowns and boasting...


  As if being duped, drugged and raped wasn’t enough, I then had to face my mother and Dad and I can’t say it was worse than what I’d already been through but fuck, it wasn’t far off...

  For her part, Mum went nuts. Well, that was understandable but then she got all morose... that was pretty hard to take when my own emotions were all over the fucking place. Even worse than Mum having a total meltdown, Dad
cried, feeling that he’d let me down. How could he feel like that after what I’d said to him? God, it was awful...

  Harley was amazing – again. I really owed him so much but I was so embarrassed about the way I’d gotten into the situation with Hessey in the first place and I honestly couldn’t bear to be around him. Not because I didn’t want to be around him – I really did. I wished with all my heart that things were different and that I’d never even heard of Hessey but things weren’t different and I had gotten myself in over my head. If only I’d been a little more astute. I should have totally known what he was involved in that first time he took me to that party – when I’d had to escape in my makeshift toga.

  God, I was so fucking stupid.



  As if seeing stills from Hessey’s computer hadn’t been bad enough, watching the footage from the camera equipment was absolutely sickening. I didn’t want to watch what had been done to Alfie. It was bad enough to see what had happened to the other young men held in the rooms and to know that similar had to have happened to Alfie – there was no way he’d have gotten any better treatment and after the way I’d found him in that stinking room – I knew it had to be bad.

  When Lionel’s grinning face came up to the camera with him boasting about leaving his best little fucker until last, I had to leave the room. I knew it was going to be Alfie that he was talking about. He was the only one that hadn’t appeared yet.

  There was no way I was going to sit and watch him being violated. Bad enough that it had happened to him at all. For him to know that I’d seen the footage with six other police officers would be too humiliating for him and I’m ashamed to admit that I wasn’t sure I’d be able to handle it anyway...

  Tate came out of the room once it had finished. He called me over and looked at me gravely. “I know this is going to be painful to hear but you have to know. Alfie was raped repeatedly by numerous different men while Lionel filmed the whole thing before editing it ready to be uploaded to his website that he used to sell his boys. He was chatting with his friends while it all happened. It was as if Alfie wasn’t even human. It was horrifying – and I’m very pleased that you were out here instead of being subjected to seeing that happen to the person you love. What I am pleased to report is that there’s definitely enough evidence on the recordings to put him away for a very long time.”


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