Mr. Always & Forever

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Mr. Always & Forever Page 73

by Ashlee Price

  She noticed and moved to touch me there as she had once before. My eyes closed to the pleasure and I heard her giggle slightly. “Is that what you wanted?”

  Opening my eyes I nodded my head that it wasn’t and I had had enough of her teasing. Pulling her to me, she made an attempt to slow me down, but it was impossible with all of her body in view. She was thicker, her shape more womanly and I was beside myself with need.

  “Why are you rushing, Damien? We have all night.”

  I groaned with the idea of it, but I knew that I wasn’t going to last another minute if she continued to stand there as she was. Instead I pulled her over onto me and her legs straddled my thighs. Her eyes went to the hardness underneath her and she slipped down lower to open my pants and set my manhood free. Her eyes widened and then mine did as well as she leaned down to take me into her mouth.

  My member disappeared into her mouth and I finally couldn’t stand the sight any longer. Closing my eyes, it only made the sensation harder to deny and soon I had to stop her before I lost myself so quickly. I wanted it to last, but more than anything, I wanted inside of her.

  Pulling her back up to my waist, I lifted her up and eased her down onto my hardness. She gasped and I groaned as I filled her slowly. It had been so long since I had felt the perfection, every inch fully taken and squeezed from all sides by her slick, suffocating folds. She whimpered above me when I held her hips still. I needed a moment to adjust to the pure heaven that I experienced, still wanting to last as long as I could.

  She was impatient though, as she had been the first time and started to move, grinding me deeper with only the inch or two that she was able to manipulate inside of her. She was becoming frantic, wanting more and I could feel her wetness surrounding me. “Please, Damien, I need all of you.”

  I could no longer prolong the inevitable and instead of trying, I slammed her body the rest of the way down as my hips thrust upwards. Harriet screamed out my name as I felt the rush of fluid around me. It was too much to take and as I gripped her, I thrust upwards over and over again until I too was groaning her name in release. It was always so perfect with her.

  Harriet collapsed on my body and I moved the silken strands out of my face as she tried to catch her breath, my thickness still inside of her, pumping seed and being clenched with each lingering spasm of pleasure. It was a time before she started to sit up and I felt myself growing larger in her again. Harriet whimpered and I asked her if she wanted me to stop.

  “Never, Damien, please don’t ever stop.” A surge from beneath stopped her words and her bright eyes were gone behind her lids again, as I felt the inner cling of her sheath around me. Harriet was made for me and no matter what happened next, it didn’t matter if she was with me and our son was healthy. They were all that mattered to me now.


  My Stepbrother in Charge

  The limo reached the hotel and I got out, looking around at the bright lights, the people on the street, each going their own way, intent on their own purpose. Some looked happy, others, well, let’s just say not so much. Vegas is, as history has shown, a town where fortunes have been made and lost with the single sweep of a one-armed bandit or the roll of a dice. I was careful to make sure there were no creases in my cream pants suit. It was, after all, a long time since I had seen my estranged stepbrother. The last time was seven years ago. I was a sophomore in college, home for the holidays. I remember having just got home, and had sneaked a look into the kitchen, hoping for some of Abby, the cooks’ famous pastries, when I heard Godfrey, my stepfather, screaming at Drew, calling him names, fag and a gay bastard being the most prevalent. That was the last time I had seen Drew, the thump of the front door as he left seeming to be the end of that particular conversation, if that is what it could be called. Although it was the last time I had seen him, we kept in touch over the years, sending each other the occasional email, you know, Christmas and birthdays and such.

  And then I had met Andy. Beautiful, wife-beating, fucked up Andy, who had seemed to be the perfect choice of husband material; tall, rich, handsome, intelligent, in short, everything a woman could ask for…almost. His low self-esteem coupled with his insecurities which he would take out me seemed to be the highlight of his life – taking it out on me, that is, not the self-esteem and insecurity issues. Well, it is two years later and a divorce is pending. Not all the money in the world is enough to make me stay with him. I’ve had one cracked rib and one blue eye too many, especially since my natural eye color is brown. Anyway, to make a long story short, after leaving Andy, I went back to stay with Mom and Godfrey, received an invite from Drew to come visit, and here I am, standing on the sidewalk, in Las Vegas, taking some time off from work and looking forward to spending time in the desert with the stepbrother, the hotel magnate.

  I took a deep breath and walked up to the door, which was opened for me, and I was ushered in. There was no stopping at the concierge for me. Nope, I was ushered towards a private elevator, taken all the way up to the top floor, shown my bedroom, and left to my own devices, being told that Mr. Backstromb, that’s Drew and the stepdad’s surname, so by the way, and my mother’s as well, come to think of it, would be with me presently.

  I have to say it was a little bit of a letdown. I had dressed to the nines, even put on six inch heels, all in preparation of seeing my sexy stepbrother, at least, that’s how I remember him, and the man was not even around. The anticipation had gotten me all hot and bothered, and truth be told, I was a little edgy. There was, however, one thing that tended to calm me down: sex. Luckily I had Fred with me; this being what I called my little fucking ridiculous electronic device, if you were wondering. Besides, Andy had been a terrible lay. Sex with Fred had always been much more satisfying, and he didn’t last five minutes, tops, and he didn’t only knew one position, missionary. Fred could fuck me any way I wanted. Hell, Fred lasted as long as I needed him to, and he satisfied me in all the ways I needed to be. Mostly. A little human contact and some dirty words would have been a nice addition, but they don’t get made that way. Just a thought to throw in here: this is my idea, and I am going to approach a company with it, so please, don’t go stealing it!

  Back to me and Fred. Seeing as I was a little hot under the collar round about this time, I decided to go do something about it. I got undressed and took a quick shower, took Fred out, lay on the bed, and set to work. And then, it happened. Let me explain. Fred was inside me, buzzing around merrily, working on my G-spot while my one hand was rubbing away at my clit, driving me towards a most successful conclusion. However, that is when the unthinkable happened. Just as my climax hit me, and let me add, I am vocal about it, my door burst open. There I lay, butt naked, my pussy exposed with Fred doing its thing inside me, my climax causing a squirt, and two startle-faced men were seeing the whole thing happen! I wished, at that moment, the earth would open and swallow me, literally! It was the most embarrassing thing that had ever happened to me. Could you possibly imagine how mortified I was?

  “Hi, Mel,” Drew managed ever so calmly. “This is my friend Jace. He’s on leave for a while and visiting. A marine, might I add, and used to just about everything, although I have to say this must be a first. Finish up and come say hi when you’re done. Take your time, though. I can see you are busy.”

  I managed a weak “Hi, Jace, nice meeting you,” and a limp wave of my hand before the door closed between us, shutting out the two men. Fred, all but forgotten, was still buzzing away, the eternal pussy pleaser. Needless to say, I pulled him out and shut him off, hiding him away in the drawer of the nightstand. I was so busted! There was me, wanting to make a great first impression, but instead, I went and made one that was unforgettable! I wanted to cry, but, my mother didn’t raise a wimp, so I got up, cleaned myself up a little, patted on a little makeup, and got dressed in a demure little black frock and kitten heels before pulling a brush through my hair, which is auburn, so by the way. Alright, actually it is a non-descript brown, but my
hairdresser is magic with color, so auburn it is!

  I took a deep breath, and opened the door.

  The two men were seated out on the verandah, each with a drink, conversing softly and looking out over the skyline, the consistent Vegas lights forming a backdrop to their physiques. Two sexy asses were presented to me for my perusal, and believe me, peruse I did! Drew’s were tight, perfect for his tall lean body, whereas Jace’s fitted out the back of his jeans to perfection, the perfect fit to the rest of his perfectly muscled body. After my little sexual encounter of a few minutes ago, my walls were still lubricated, and I felt them give a slight twinge. Behave, girl! You might be in Vegas with a hidden agenda, but these two guys don’t have eyes for you!

  Both of them turned when my shoe scuffed the tiled floor, and looked at me. I felt like a fly under a microscope, with students inspecting all my parts; not that it could be an inspection of a sexual nature, could it? If course not! They were gay, after all.

  “Can I pour you a drink, Mel? I’m sure you could use one after your…ride.” The innuendo was not last on me, but hey, what could I do?

  Blushing, but trying to keep my composure, I nodded. I turned to his companion. “So you are a real life marine?”

  “Honest to goodness down to earth marine, ma’am.” His voice was low, husky, the kind that played along your nerve endings in a never-ending symphony and left you wanting for more. And I wanted more. Plenty more. Except, well, for that other thing.

  “And you’re on leave?” I battled to make small talk. His icy stare, in the tanned, chiseled face, seemed to be eating me up, looking into my soul, and burning me at the same time.

  “Yup. I go back next week. How long are you out here for?”

  “A week. It’s all the leave I have available at the moment.”

  “Drew tells me you’re getting a divorce? Marriage not your thing?”

  “No, it’s not that, exactly. It turned out he likes hitting women, and after one cracked rib and blue eye too many, I decided to call it quits. Besides, he was terrible in the sack.” I wished the earth would open and swallow me once more! What on earth had possessed me to mention Andy’s sexual prowess or the lack in my sex life to a total stranger? I turned my head and looked out at the landscape in an effort to hide my embarrassment while cursing my wayward tongue.

  Drew had come up behind me during the little tête-à-tête, and offered me a glass. “Gin and tonic? If memory serves me correctly, it used to be your drink of choice.”

  I accepted the proffered glass and took a sip, at a loss for words, which, as you might have realized by now, is not my natural state of being.

  “I couldn’t help but overhear what you told Jace, about your sex life. I take it then that one of the reasons you accepted my offer was so that you could get a little action on the side away from the prying eyes of your matre and my patre, hm?”

  I almost choked on my drink. “Well, I wouldn’t put it that way exactly! But yes, not that it’s any of your business!”

  “Okay, but why? “

  “What do you mean, Drew?”

  “I think,” Jace interjected, “that Drew wants to know why you have a need to look for men or sex out here in Vegas, while you could just as easily have your pick of any man at home.”

  “Oh. It’s because…well… Okay. It’s because during my marriage Andy would always and consistently tell me that no man would want me, and that our lack of sex was my fault. I was not sexy or pretty enough. Okay? And besides, I wouldn’t want any little escapade I might get entangled in ending up with my mother!”

  The truth was humiliating. Yet suddenly, saying it out loud was a freeing experience. Admitting my feelings of inadequacy and my dependence on another’s confirmation of my self-worth was not something that I had admitted out loud before.

  “So the dumb schmuck you got married to continued eroding your self-confidence after my father had his go at you, did he?”

  Drew laughed at my startled expression. “You think I didn’t know? Hell, he did a bang up job on me all those years, didn’t he? I should know. I’ve been there, done that and I have shitloads of tshirts to prove it! But you know what, Mel? You are a survivor, just like me, and maybe I can help you out. I think we should discuss what I have in mind later, maybe after dinner. I think we need to go out. Jace and I will wine and dine you to your heart’s content, even help you pick some eye candy! Let’s go.”

  Dinner was marvelous. We sat at a corner while watching a show, which was excellent. Every now and then one of them would fill my glass (dom perignon, so by the way, Drew has excellent taste), or point out some random stranger for comment. It was fun, and I was having the time of my life, so much so, in fact, that I didn’t notice, at the time, that Drew had his arm around me, and Jace’s hand was on my leg. It all seemed so utterly, entirely, natural; three friends out on a night on the town. Besides, a corner of my brain had shut down, and they were gay, weren’t they? I was perfectly safe.

  I have to admit, I got drunk. Utterly, completely, irrevocably drunk, pissed, intoxicated, inebriated, wasted, faded, paralytic. And horny. As hell. Champagne, for some odd reason, has that effect on me. I was in trouble without knowing it. Or I might have been, if I had not been with two gay guys.

  I woke, slowly, and lifted one heavy eye. My head was pounding, as if the US Navy’s brass band was recruiting new members who had not learnt to keep their timing, thudding away at the back of my head in discordant harmony. I quickly shut my eye, deciding that darkness was better than the dull light filtering through the curtains of my bedroom. Bedroom? How the hell did I get into bed? I sat up, the jarring pain in my skull made me utter an involuntary groan, while my mouth was so dry it felt as if my tongue had been plastered to my pallet. Then it struck me. I was not alone. Nor was I dressed. I was stark naked, in bed, sandwiched between two, well-built male bodies! Holy hell where did they come from? My first coherent thought was followed by: Shit, I’m in bed with two unknown men! What the hell did I do last night? One of the bodies stirred, and I realized, it was stark naked as well, as was the other, and the two men in bed with me were none other than Drew and Jace. “What the fuck?”

  “Shh, Drew, I think, is still asleep. Keep it down.”

  Realizing my 36 D’s were on show, I hurriedly grabbed the bedding and covered up, Jace’s soft chuckle letting me know he’d had a good view.

  “Hey, don’t cover up on my account. I’ve seen them before, remember? Might I add that they are quite nice?”

  “Oh god!” I managed, as I tried wedging the sheet out from under the two men before giving it up as a bad job and clambering, inelegantly, out of the bed, giving him a full view of my ass. I was so not going to live it down! I ran out of the room and made my way to my own bedroom, and banged the door shut behind me, a soft, male chuckle following. What had I been up to!

  I had a cool shower, got dressed in a t-shirt and sweats, swallowed two pain killers, and gulped down a glass of water. Not necessarily in that order. By the time I had composed myself, I heard noise coming through the door. I couldn’t stay holed up the whole day, so, once again, bracing myself, I went out. It was the smell of bacon coming from the kitchenette that called me. It was tantalizing, to say the least. I followed my nose and found the two of them looking none the worse for wear rustling up breakfast. “Want a coffee?” Jace asked. I nodded, not trusting myself to speak.

  Jace placed a mug in front of me and spooned in two sugars without asking, while Drew unceremoniously plonked down a plate of scrambled eggs and bacon.

  “Eat,” he commanded.

  I looked at the food. It was greasy, not in the least up to my usual standards. “I think I’ll skip.”

  “Eat, Mel. It will help with the hangover. Trust me on this. Now stop arguing, and eat.”

  I picked up a fork and speared a slice of bacon, bit off a piece and started chewing. “When did you get all bossy? And who put me to bed. And why was I in bed with you and Jace? I mean, did I? You kno
w, did we? You know?”

  Drew laughed. “What do you think, Mel?”

  “Well,” I hesitated, and decided to tackle the proverbial bull by the horns. “Well, I know you are gay and everything, so I don’t suppose anything happened. But who took off my clothes, and more importantly, why? And why your bedroom?”

  “Quite simply put, we were all out of it, Mel. Don’t get your g-string into a knot! Besides, you didn’t want to sleep alone you said, and you had spilt champagne all over yourself, so we thought it was a good idea to get you undressed and into bed. Nothing happened, okay? Besides, we are not the sort to take advantage of an inebriated woman!”

  “Not the sort…” I had to laugh at this point. “You wouldn’t anyway, would you? Take advantage of a woman. I mean, you being gay and all.”

  “Gay? You think I am gay? In the strictest sense of the word?” Drew looked at Jake and they both started laughing. “Mel, I’m not gay! I am bisexual. There is quite a difference, you know? Just because I can find a man attractive, does not mean that I don’t find women attractive as well, and you, my dear, are a very attractive woman!”

  I was at a sudden loss for words. “You think I am attractive?”

  “Yes, Mel, always have, always will! You are beautiful, funny, and intelligent! Hell, don’t you see the way men look at you? But what interests me, is the fact that you haven’t mentioned the fact that I am bisexual. Doesn’t that put you off?”

  Round about this time, my head was spinning, and not only from the aftereffects of my previous night’s alcohol intake.

  “You mean to say, I mean, that is, you find women attractive? You have sex with women?”


  “And what about you, Jace?”

  “Well babe, I am a military man, and as that goes, I don’t see too many women, you know? So yeah, I guess you could call me bisexual as well. I have found the odd man appealing, although my orientation leans more towards women. Besides, I see nothing wrong with sex so long as there is a mutual attraction and understanding between those involved, know what I mean? So States side, if there is no woman around, Drew is my preferred choice of, let’s call it, partner.”


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