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Mr. Always & Forever

Page 134

by Ashlee Price

  “Thanks for coming Jake. I don’t know why I took that tire out. I think it was for a load of feed and I just never put it back in.”

  “I’m just glad I could be here to help.”

  “You are pretty helpful, aren’t you?”

  He turned around and moved closer suddenly.

  “Any help you need at any time.”

  “Like on call?”

  He pulled back and had an embarrassed look on his face. She had gone from hot to not in just minutes. He never knew where he stood with her, but he knew that soon they would be around each other all the time and she would not be able to brush him off so easily. It would be different if she didn’t desire him as much as she did. He could see it in her eyes sometime, still remembering the raw moment when he first arrived. It is what gave him hope.

  Chapter 7

  Jake followed her back to make sure she didn’t need have any more problems. He insisted and like most things, wouldn’t take no for an answer. Bella was even more nervous and was thinking that maybe she didn’t need to tell anyone. She was chickening out and debating it the rest of the way home.

  He helped her with the horses, getting them back in stalls and fed. “Thanks Jake. I seem to be saying that a lot.”

  “I wish you would say other things.”


  “Please, more, it’s too sensitive.”

  Bella’s quim throbbed with his words and she shivered for a second before looking down. It had been far too long.

  “Please Jake, bring in more hay. My hands are too sensitive. How’s that?”

  Her eyes smiled at him, a bare grin on her lips but he didn’t seem amused. When she looked back up he was standing in front of her close. Touching her face, he pulled her in for a kiss, pressing her against him. Bella moaned softly from his touch, their lips meeting and he was so gentle she felt like glass. Bella had thought to pull away, but when he touched her like that, she couldn’t.

  Jake was not missing the moment and pressed her against the wood bannister. His mouth kept hers occupied so she couldn’t say no. His fingers moved over her jeans and unbuttoned them, pushing them down as soon as they were opened. Moving to her panties, he rubbed softly on her wetness as she jumped underneath him. The jeans were at her knees, making it hard to move, but plenty of room for his hand to slide in.

  Bella’s inside wept with need and she whimpered when his free hand cupped one of her breasts. They were so sensitive lately. He turned her around, pushing her over the bannister. Bella braced herself against it, her ass going out, seeking his length.

  He didn’t know what had changed and didn’t care. Jake was out and pulling his shirt up to watch his fat cock slide into her tightness. He growled as she moaned, her ass pushing back to take him fully. Cursing, Bella felt like she was going to explode instantly. It was what she had needed for so long, his hardness stretching her insides like before. Gasping, she thrust back against him, close to her end so quickly.

  Pulling out slowly, Bella tried to push him back in. Jake was holding off though, just barely staying inside as she only was able to get his cockhead inside of her. His shallow thrusts drove her wild, but it wasn’t enough to give her what she truly needed. She needed to come so badly, aching for it with every fiber of her being.

  “Please Jake.”

  She heard a chuckle behind him, but was rewarded with another inch as he moved closer. Bella gripped him with her insides, moaning as she fucked herself back against him. The extra was filling, but she still needed more. Bella needed more than anything to feel him bottom out, stretching her to the point that she would explode. “Please Jake.”

  Jake smiled to himself. He had her right where he wanted her, though her efforts were not lost on him. His teeth had been gritted for quick some time, trying to hold back his need. But he had to hear it, what she said in her dreams at night. Looking down between their bodies, his thrust became shallower. “What do you need Bella?”

  “I need more Jake, all of it, please!”

  Her tits bounced. The sensitive tips full of blood. As he pushed in fully, she was pinned against the bannister. Each time he thrust in deep and slow, her nipples scraped against the rough wood. It just added to her pleasure, her eyes closed as the pleasure built. With no sight, all Bella could do was feel and her moans got louder as she came closer to her peak. He moved forward, pulling himself deeper as he grabbed her tits from underneath. Pulling on the hardness, Bella’s insides started to quiver around his shaft. With each push, he twisted them and pulled. Her wetness was the first indication of her orgasm, then her scream.

  The sound pushed him over the edge, slamming into her as hard as he could, unable to control himself any longer. Pushing as deep and as hard as he could, he groaned low and moved his hand to her quim. Rubbing quickly, he felt the essence pour out of her as she came again. He was still waiting for the magical words, the ones that she had had enough and couldn’t take anymore.

  His cock had grown as she thrashed underneath him, her insides contracting with each wave of pleasure. Starting to rut back in and out, her cries got louder, higher pitched and drowned out the sounds of the barns inhabitants. Jake drilled her as he played with her clit. It wasn’t long before he finally heard what he wanted.

  “Please Jake, I can’t. It’s too sensitive.”

  Jake fucked harder and then pushed deep one last time. His repeated her name, over and over again as he filled her again with his hot man seed. He pulled back and stared down at the steam coming off his cock. She was soaked, her pants damp, as well as his own.

  Taking his shirt off, he moved to wipe her quivering thighs and then her heat, he rubbed more than he needed to, winding her up. Turning her around, he started to repeat the process. Bella’s eyes were closed, concentrating on his soft touches. She didn’t notice the way his hand stopped on her stomach or the sharp intake of breath when he noticed the difference. It was only when he finally said something that she realized her mistake in a moment of passion.

  “You’re pregnant.”

  It wasn’t a question, but a statement. His hand and damp shirt moved. Pulling her shirt up, it was clear her bump that was starting. “Is it, is it mine?”

  Bella looked down, grabbed her pants and started to pull her jeans up.

  The wetness didn’t help the snug fit. “Yes it’s yours.”

  “When were you going to tell me?”

  “Well I was going to eventually. Can’t really keep it a secret could I?”

  Jake just stood there for a moment while she got dressed and took away his view. His cock was still out, yet far less excited. He was overwhelmed and she was irritated. “So now you know and I got to go get changed.”


  He had not handled it well. Jake knew that, but it was not what he had been expecting. She never was. Bella left pretty abruptly after that. She had stayed in the main house most of the day and he was left stewing about it all. It was later in the evening when she finally came by his room.

  “Can we talk?”

  Jake moved back to let her in. The small room looked different then the last time she had been in there. “I’m surprised to see you here.”

  “Well if we are going to be working together, we might as well get it all out in the opening. By the way you reacted, it doesn’t…”

  “Wait, I know I didn’t take that well. It was just a shock really.”

  “Well don’t worry about it, it’s not like I am going to push anything on you. I mean, it’s not like I want you to marry me or something.”

  “What if I asked?”

  Bella stopped for a minute and looked back at him. “I would think you were crazy.”

  “So is that a no?”


  Jake wasn’t sure what she meant. Nothing was easy with her. He sat down on the bed and ran his hand through his hair. “I want us to be married, do it proper.”

  “I don’t know if I can.”


sp; “Because I promised myself that I wouldn’t ever again. I don’t want to get hurt again.”

  “I’m not going anywhere Bella and I would certainly never hurt you.”


  He nodded and pulled her down to his lap. She didn’t fight back, wanting to be exactly where she was. With him. Their lips met for a tender kiss that soon turned heated. Bella whimpered in his ear as he held her close. “What is it that you want?”

  “Your seed, Jake. I need you inside of me, filling me up.”

  Jake groaned and met her lips. It was the best way to talk to her, naked and moaning.


  Filled At the Office

  Chapter 1

  Ana was excited for her first day at her new job. She had just gotten her Associates at a community college and was finally able to break away from restaurant work. Ana had been a waitress for years and then a bartender when she turned 21. While the money was not too bad, the environment left much to be desired. The co-workers were raunchy and after eleven o’ clock, so were most of the customers.

  The young woman now was a paralegal for a local law firm. She was trading her black work slacks and button up polo shirt, for actual clothes and for that, it would have been enough for the change. She had spent the rest of the afternoon looking for business clothes and she thought she had found some cute outfits to wear. As she swiped her credit card at the third store, she balked at the final price, but Ana kept reminder herself of the considerable wage increase she would be making.

  “You have to look the part,” this is what Ana told herself anyways.

  So as she drove to her new job, she checked her makeup three times, to make sure none had smudged in the hot car. It was one of the hottest days of the year and Ana had chosen one of the lighter skirt and blouse sets. Even then, she was sweaty by the time she got to work. She would fix the air conditioner in her car, the first check she promised herself as she dabbed the extra moisture from her brow.

  The law office of Clint and Campbell was a small practice in a small town, so everyone knew the two older men. They had been friends in college who had come home to start a business together. Both men were in their early forties and many thought they were the catch of the town, especially since neither of the wealthy men had married. Ana could not deny the attraction she had felt for Gerald Clint when he had interviewed her.The gossip she had heard about the man was unfounded, yet she still couldn’t look at him without feeling some influence.

  Walking in, Ana waved at the older woman named Bernice. She was going to be showing her around and as the secretary, she was relieved to have someone else around to help with motions that she had found herself writing up before. As the small business had branched out to the rest of the county, one transcriptionist was just not enough anymore.

  “Ana, am I glad to see you! I was afraid you wouldn’t show up.”

  “It is good to see you too Bernice. Where should I put my things?”

  “Well when they hired you Friday, Mr. Clint had one of the conference rooms rearranged for you to have an office. It isn’t much, but it will at least give you a place to put your items.”

  Ana followed the middle-aged woman and was pleasantly surprised when she was shown to her office. It was small and certainly didn’t have a window, but it was hers. Her name was on the door and there was a small bouquet of flowers that had a card that read, “Welcome.” It was signed with a C, so she figured it was from Gerald, but she couldn’t be sure.

  “Are Clint and Campbell in yet?”

  “Oh no. Gerald comes in around 10 or so, but John won’t be in till noon, unless he has to go to court, though he always gets it pushed into the afternoon. Guy is like a vampire in that way. He will stay till midnight, but he is never in before noon. If you see him here in the morning, it is never good news.”

  “Ah, okay. So what would you like me to do?”

  “Why don’t you go over those deposition notes and highlight everything that the defendant said.”


  Ana was left to her work in her very own office and she was almost done with sixty pages of notes, when Gerald stuck his head in the office to say good morning. She felt her cheeks turn slightly pink with his devastating grin. She watched the dark-haired man walk into his office that was next to hers and she wondered if he ever opened the blinds that separated the two rooms with a pane of glass. If he wanted to do that, she would be able to see into his office and likewise. Ana wasn’t sure if she liked that set-up, though she was just tickled pink to have an actual office.

  When the woman tried to bring the work to Beatrice, she sent her into see Gerald. After a soft knock on the door, he called her in. She stuck her head in and asked him where he wanted the depositions.

  “Come on in Ana, we are all pretty non-formal around here.”

  Ana walked through the door and sat down at the indicated chair. Her blue eyes met the man’s brown ones and she handed him the paper-clipped packet of papers. He went through a few pages and gave her several more stacks with instructions. The rest of the day went about the same way and by lunch, Ana’s neck was a bit sore. She rubbed it for a few minutes before getting up to go to lunch.

  “Would you like to go to lunch with me?”

  “Um, sure. Where are you going?”

  “McNaley’s. It is where I go every day.”

  “Not many choices around here, is there?”

  Gerald chuckled and shook his head in agreement. The town was small and there were a total of three restaurants, but two of them were not even open in the daytime hours. There were a few food trucks that would pop up around lunch, but the choices were limited.

  When they got outside, she was going to walk towards her car, but he told her to hop in his. What Gerald was known best in town for, was his red sport’s car. Ana did not even know what kind it was, but it looked hot and he looked hot driving it. The black seats were leather and the car sat low. Her skirt rose halfway up her thighs when she sat down and she tried to pull it back down, but his eyes had already saw the extra flesh.

  They talked about the job and the town on the way. It didn’t take but five minutes to get across town and parked on the side of Main Street. Gerald touched her gently on her lower back as he steered her through the door. The hostess sat him at his “usual table” and the two ended up ordering the same thing. She giggled, “I order the same thing since I was a kid here.”

  “I know, me too. Though it has been a lot longer since I was a kid. I remember old Mcnaley before he retired. Damn that makes me feel old.”

  “You are not that old Sir.”

  “Somehow that doesn’t make me feel all that much better.”

  Her hand went to his arm before she realized she had touched him. Ana pulled her hand back and took a drink of her tea nervously. She tried to get the subject back on track, but the man’s eyes stalled her with a window into his debauchery. Ana knew then why Gerald had such a reputation. He looked at her like she was naked and crawling towards him on the table.

  The food finally came and Ana was happy for the distraction. Gerald asked some personal questions and they all seemed to revolve around her dating other people. When he found out that she was single or close enough, there seemed to be an extra gleam in his eyes. Ana thanked him for the meal and retreated to her cramped office to get her mind off of the lunch. She knew that this was her first serious job and she didn’t need to mess it up with naughty thoughts, though it was hard with such a handsome boss.

  Ana was not into older guys, meaning she really didn’t have a daddy issue like most woman her age that dated forty year olds. Ana also didn’t really care about money too much, so she had never even considered a man that was Gerald’s age. However, there was a promise in his eyes that was hard to deny. He was a pleaser and Ana wanted to be pleased.

  She spent the rest of her day in her office and only went to his office once. She ignored his eyes and almost ran out of the place before she was stopp
ed by him. Ana needed some space to process and the longer she did that night, the more she wondered what it would be like. She wondered if the rest of the stories and gossip she had heard about him was true.

  Chapter 2

  Ana’s boyfriend came by that night to see how her first day had gone. He was a man that she had met at the community college. He was going on to transfer to a four year college to finish out his Bachelors, so he would be leaving soon. Ana knew that she was going to miss him, but it was not a situation that there was a lot of love loss. They had fun together and had some good sex, but Ana was looking for more in a relationship. She didn’t need love at the time, though lust was always nice.

  Andrew brought a movie with him and since it was a romantic comedy, she knew that it was his way of getting close. They snuggled against each other on the couch and his hands were all over her before ten minutes had passed. The young blonde gave up trying to stop him and she found herself on top of him, straddling his legs on the couch.

  Her lips met his and soon she was pulling her shirt off to reveal her large, bare breasts and her nipples pressed out to him, begging for attention. Andrew was obsessed with her tits and he was quickly suckling on them greedily. Ana pushed her hips and covered quim across her core and whimpered as she could feel herself getting wet. Her hands pushed into his long, shoulder length hair and gripped the stands as he nibbled on her erect tips.

  “Mmm Andrew, I don’t want to wait.”

  She moved away, pulling her luscious mounds out of his mouth and he watched her stand up to take off her skirt. His own hands went to his fly, pulling his pants down to his knees, his long cock standing straight up in preparation.

  “It looks like someone has been missing me.”

  She giggled as his eyes darkened, watching her come back to him. Her thick thighs led to the small triangle of blonde curls. His eyes narrowed on her honey hole and he stopped her before she could descend all the way. He bent his head down to lick her and she pushed his head back.


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