Book Read Free

Double Trouble

Page 1

by Sam Crescent

  Evernight Publishing ®

  Copyright© 2015 Sam Crescent

  ISBN: 978-1-77233-400-5

  Cover Artist: Sour Cherry Designs

  Editor: Karyn White


  WARNING: The unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this copyrighted work is illegal. No part of this book may be used or reproduced electronically or in print without written permission, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in reviews.

  This is a work of fiction. All names, characters, and places are fictitious. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, organizations, or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.


  I want to thank my lovely readers, Evernight Publishing, and Karyn While. You're all amazing and awesome.


  The Pack Claims a Mate, 5

  Sam Crescent

  Copyright © 2015

  Chapter One

  Mark and Joey stood in the front yard glancing up at the house.

  “Do you really think this is going to work?” Mark asked.

  Joey snorted at his brother. This was a plan for pussies, and at the moment they both wanted to get into Kitty’s pussy. When they’d woken up that morning surrounded by their brothers, Joey had felt the challenge of competing against each of them. Tom was the alpha, and he was able to make any woman melt just by listening to his voice. Roy was the quiet and caring one, and no one questioned him. Guy was all action without using many words. From the way Stuart was last night, he was all about the sex and passion. While he and Mark had each other, and there wasn’t a lot they did without each other. Their parents had often called them “double trouble”.

  They could both have Kitty screaming with pleasure between them. Joey didn’t want to get straight down to sex. Yes, he wanted to be inside Kitty more than anything, and to leave his mark on her body, but he also wanted to get inside her heart, and he knew deep down that Mark felt the same way. The main part of the Claiming was not only for each brother to fall in love with their mate, but for their mate to fall in love with them. If a pack only had two or three men, that was fine. The biggest problems happened when it was five or more men. Kitty didn’t have it easy. Falling in love was almost impossible at the best of times, but they knew they loved Kitty. They were wolves, and their feelings were heightened in ways that Kitty wouldn’t understand. Each of them wanted to own a small piece of her heart. Reaching out, Joey stroked behind the little golden retriever’s ears. The puppy was so cute and adorable. She’d had her first lot of injections and would be going back to the vet in a couple of weeks for her second lot, so she’d be fine.

  “This is a dumbass thing,” Mark said.

  “It’s a cute thing.”

  Standing outside their home, Joey yelled for Kitty to come to them.

  “It’s dumb.”

  “It’s cute.”

  Over and over they argued until Guy was the first one to appear. When their brother spotted the little puppy resting in Mark’s arms, he burst out laughing, then stopped, glaring at each of them. “You little shits.”

  Kitty came out of the house, followed by the rest of their brothers. Roy, Tom, and Stuart glared at them, but Kitty’s eyes grew all teary and excited.

  “Oh my God, is she for me?” she asked, rushing down the steps. She didn’t snatch the dog from Mark’s arms. Joey smiled as she reached out to pet the little pup. Like Joey had predicted, the little pup wanted Kitty. They’d taken one of her shirts to see which pup responded best to Kitty’s scent. The one pup that came over, and pretty much went to sleep in her shirt, they’d taken, after purchasing of course.

  “She is for you.”

  “I can’t believe you got me a puppy.”

  Mark eased the little dog into her arms, and Kitty pressed her face against the little pup.

  “We thought it would help with the loneliness,” Mark said.

  “She’s beautiful. I can’t thank you enough. Really.” Kitty stroked over the little pup, who had settled easily into her arms.

  Joey was pleased with his idea of getting her a pet. Both of them refused to get a kitten, but a dog, they could all handle around the house. From the glares of their brothers, he knew they’d done the right thing.

  “You’ve got to name her.”

  “I will. Wow, I can’t believe this.” She reached out, wrapping her arms first around Mark, then around Joey. “Thank you both so much for this.”

  Next came the kiss, which Joey was happy with, and so was Mark from the look on his face.

  “We’ve got the car loaded with everything she’s going to need. We’ll bring it in,” Mark said.

  “Okay. I’ve got breakfast in the kitchen for the pair of you.” She gave them each another large smile before rushing into the house. Their other four brothers didn’t even get a look in.

  Joey laughed at the jealousy on their faces.

  “I can’t believe you went and bought her a pup,” Roy said.

  “Hey, we’ve got to get inside her heart somehow. Each of you brought a little something extra to the mix. Mark and I, we had to use something else.”

  Tom frowned. “You don’t need to buy her love with gifts.”

  “Look, this wasn’t about getting Kitty to love us with a gift. She’s going to get lonely out here at times. With a dog or two, it might help,” Mark said. “We were thinking of her.”

  “I think it’s great,” Stuart said. “Did you see the smile on her face? She looked so damned happy.” Their bookworm of a brother moved toward the car and picked out several large bags of puppy food.

  They all began to bring in the pup’s stuff listening as Kitty talked to her. Joey couldn’t help but smile at the love already blooming in her eyes from having the pup.

  “Have you decided what to call her yet?” Joey asked.

  “Yes, she’s going to be called Angel. Her coat is so pale, and the way she just sits and takes it all in, she’s an Angel.”

  “Angel it is.”

  Sitting at the table, Joey waited while Kitty grabbed out his breakfast. He was starting to eat as Mark entered. Kitty did the same, grabbing him some food. Angel started to fall asleep, and Kitty began arranging her bedding, putting the pup down to sleep.

  His brothers had disappeared. This was still their mating month, so Mark and Joey needed to be close to her.

  “I missed you both this morning.”

  “Sorry about that. We wanted to do something special for you,” Mark said.

  Joey shot his twin a smile. They’d woken up wanting to do a hell of a lot of things to Kitty. Instead, they’d decided on the pup.

  “She’s called her Angel.”


  “Thank you so much.” Kitty moved around the kitchen kissing first Mark’s cheek, then his. “I really don’t know how to thank you enough.”

  “Keep kissing us like that and we’ll call it even,” Joey said.

  Kitty took a seat between them. Her gaze flitted over each of them then back at her cup. She looked nervous, and it didn’t sit well with Joey for her to be nervous.

  “What’s the matter?” he asked.


  After the sweet gesture the twins had shown her today, Kitty didn’t want to say anything to dampen the mood. When she’d woken up that morning to find them gone, she’d felt alone. Now, seeing as they were getting a gift for her, she felt bad.

  “It’s nothing. I was just wondering how this is going to work?”

  “How what is going to work?” Mark asked.

  “This between us. I’ve, erm, never been in a threesome let alone—God, this is embarrassing. I mean, I’m sleeping with six brothers. It seems
so damn surreal to be even saying I’ve never been part of—oh just stop me from talking.”

  Both men were laughing at her.

  “We’re going to take this slow or as slow as the mating month will allow.”

  She felt like a dork. The last four months she’d been with four different men, yet she was nervous about the twins.

  “We know it’s hard for you,” Joey said.

  “It’s okay.” She glanced toward Angel, charmed that they’d bought her a dog. “Thank you so much for buying me a puppy. I’ve never had a pet of my own.”

  Damn, Kitty. They’ve probably been with more experienced women than you.

  Angel popped her little head up, yawning and rolling over. Kitty giggled, getting down on the floor to play with her. Mark and Joey didn’t disappear like she expected. They joined her while she was playing. They were passing a small ball between them. Angel was rushing around going onto their legs.

  Kitty loved it, and when Angel needed to go outside, she moved toward the door.

  “The owner did say they were trained,” Mark said.

  All three left the house, following after Angel. The small pup didn’t rush to the forest. She took her time exploring the gardens close to her. Kitty kept her gaze on Angel but leaned back. Mark wrapped his arm around her shoulders while Joey linked their hands together. This was right to Kitty. Their warmth washed over her, surrounded her, and made her feel safe. It was one of the things all the brothers had in common. They all left her feeling safe. Both of these men were going to have to share her, and it was the thought of what was happening during the sharing that made her nervous. She’d never had anal sex, and she didn’t want to have it anytime soon. But the last thing she wanted to do was to fail her mates. She loved all of them.

  The day wore on, and she loved every second of it. At nine o’clock that night, Kitty excused herself and made her way up to her room. This was going to be where Joey and Mark came to her. She was nervous with both men. They were used to sharing their women while she wasn’t used to sharing anything.

  After taking a long leisurely bath, she climbed out, and made her way into the bedroom in time to find Mark already half naked. His hair was damp from having a shower.

  “Where’s Joey?”

  “He’ll be here soon. You don’t need to worry.”

  She held the bathrobe tight around her. Modesty was a waste of time. They had all seen her naked in the past few months. Last night they’d seen her submit to Stuart’s brand of passion.

  “I’m not worried.” She pushed all of her personal doubts aside. Mark and Joey were no different from their brothers. They were the same. Both men looked almost identical, but Kitty could tell them apart. Mark had slightly darker hair than Joey, and Joey was mostly the quiet one. He was reaching out to her, and she appreciated it.

  Stepping toward him, she dropped her towel, and saw the hungry look that passed across his face. “I think it’s time we stopped being nervous around each other,” she said.

  “Two men is a lot to take,” he said.

  “I know, but I’m going to have six men, Mark. I’m not going to lie to you. I’m worried about taking you both. I shouldn’t be worried, I know, but I am.” She ran her hands up his naked chest, relishing each smooth contour of muscle. He really was a sculpture of male perfection.

  “We’re going to make it good for you, Kitty. I promise.” Mark gave her a reassuring smile, and she couldn’t help but respond to him.

  “There’s no rule book to say I can’t learn how you liked to be touched or kissed while we wait for Joey.”

  “We don’t have to share you until the night of the full moon, Kitty.”

  “Then why are we afraid to explore each other?” She ran her fingers across his breast, moving down to tease the opening of his jeans. Glancing up at him, she bit her lip, trying her hardest to tempt him. “Do you want me, Mark?”

  “Yes. More than you could know.”

  Kitty took hold of his hand and placed it over her breast. “Then touch me, baby. Touch me and show me what you want.”

  He took over cupping her breast. His other hand grabbed her ass pulling her closer to him. The hard ridge of his cock pushed against her stomach. She arched up, wrapping her hands around his neck.

  Arousal spilled from the lips of her pussy, and she heard him take a deep inhale.

  “Fuck, you smell so damn good.”

  “It’s all for you, Mark.”

  “Now that is fucking hot,” Joey said, entering the room.

  Both of them turned toward the new arrival.

  “Don’t mind me. I’m going to take a seat and enjoy the show.”

  Kitty smiled as she watched him lower into the chair in the corner. Joey was also dressed in a pair of jeans and nothing else. Both men weren’t wearing any shoes either.

  Turning her attention back to Mark, she glided her hand down the front of his body, pushing her hand into his pants to feel the soft skin of hard cock.

  He was big. She couldn’t wait to see him completely naked.

  “Her ass is so fucking big and ripe,” Joey said. “Show it to me.”

  “She’s nervous,” Mark said.

  “She’s got nothing to be nervous about. When we take her together, she’ll be more than prepared. We’re not going to hurt you.”

  Mark turned her, running his hand all over the cheeks of her ass. Their arousal was only deepening hers, making it hard for her to focus on anything else.

  “I can smell how damn hot she is. She loves your touch,” Joey said.

  “And she loves you watching, don’t you, Kitty?” Mark asked.

  “Yes to everything. I love your touch, and I love him watching.” Kitty didn’t know how she was going to survive the month. Both men already had her soaking wet from the talking between them. She couldn’t wait for them both to be naked and ravishing her.

  The claiming moon couldn’t come soon enough to her.

  Chapter Two

  Mark groaned as she leaned down and sucked on one of his nipples. He sank his fingers into her hair, watching her. Out of the corner of his eye he saw Joey pushing his jeans down to expose his cock.

  Her fingers wrapped around Mark’s cock and started pumping his length. Taking hold of her hand, he gently shoved her away.

  “There’s only one way this is going to go, Kitty, and that’s with me in charge.” He tugged open his jeans, letting them drop to the floor in a heap. “Sit on the bed.”

  She slowly eased down on the bed. Her eyes kept darting from his cock to his face.

  “With the way she keeps licking her lips I think she wants a taste of you, Mark,” Joey said.

  “Do you want to suck my cock?” he asked, wrapping his fingers around his exposed length.

  “Yes, I want your cock.”

  “Then open those sweet lips and show me how much you want it.”

  Kitty opened her mouth, and he stepped closer, presenting her with his long shaft. She was so beautiful he couldn’t believe that he and his brothers had gotten so lucky. Pressing the tip of his cock into her mouth, he groaned as the wet heat swallowed him down.

  Gliding his fingers through her hair, he watched his cock disappear within the recess of her mouth then reappear. His dick was coated with her saliva, and he couldn’t recall ever seeing a more welcoming sight.

  She moaned around his length, and the vibration only increased his arousal. He was so near to orgasm that he withdrew from her mouth. Without saying a word he pushed her to the bed and dove between her thighs. He sucked her clit into his mouth, moaning as the taste of her cum exploded on his tongue.

  He lapped her up, plunging his tongue into her tight pussy. Moving up, he circled her clit, tapping the swollen nub over and over again. The bed dipped, and out of the corner of his eye he saw Joey join them. With his tongue still on her cunt, he watched Kitty reach out, touching his twin. They were joined as one on the bed.

  “Such a pretty mouth,” Joey said, sliding his dick in
side her.

  Fucking his fingers inside her, Mark tongued her clit repeatedly. Within seconds she came on his fingers, and he licked up her cum, loving the taste of her.

  Joey groaned in the background, pumping his dick into her mouth. Mark climbed up her body, aligned the tip of his cock to her entrance and slammed inside. She released Joey to scream and beg.

  “That feels so damn good,” she said, thrusting up to meet him.

  He gripped her hips, watching her, unable to look away from the beauty that she was displaying.

  Pulling out of her warm heat, he stared down at where they were joined. His cock was slick with her cream, and he wanted to fuck her harder. Joey looked like he was at the brink of his control.

  Reaching down, Mark fingered her clit, bringing her to a second orgasm as he found his first, filling her sweet pussy. Joey found his own release in her mouth, and afterward they were left wrapped around each other and panting on the bed.

  “That was mind-blowing and amazing,” Kitty said.

  Climbing onto the bed, Mark wrapped his arm around her waist as Joey held onto her hip.

  “Kitty, I know my brothers have already told you this, but I do love you,” Joey said.

  “I love you, too.”

  Kissing her neck, Mark told her the same. He did love her. The whole pack was in love with her. During the last mating it had opened the connection so they were able to sense her feelings. He didn’t like her hurting and would do everything in his power to make her happy. She was the only woman he’d ever cared about.

  “Do you two share women often?” Kitty asked.

  “No, not as often as you’re probably thinking,” Mark said. “We’ve shared women, and you’ll be the last one we share. I don’t want another woman.”

  “Me neither,” Joey said. “You’re in here, baby.” He placed her hand over his heart.

  Mark continued to kiss her neck, and she shuddered in his arms.


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