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Double Trouble

Page 3

by Sam Crescent

  Joey kissed her lips, and Mark ran his hands down her ass, squeezing her plump flesh.

  “Bend over, baby.”

  Kitty turned her back toward them and bent over the bed. Her nerves were easily scented on the air. While Joey started to unwrap the anal plug, Mark touched her slick pussy.

  She moaned, and he easily slid a finger into her pussy. Pumping in and out of her tight cunt, he pinched her clit with his other hand.

  “That’s so good,” Kitty said.

  Mark didn’t move his hand as Joey moved closer with the lubrication in his hands. “Fuck, baby, I’ll take this slow, but I’m not going to lie, you look so damn beautiful.”

  The claiming was getting closer. Mark felt the need to claim growing higher inside him.

  Chapter Four

  Kitty moaned as she moved. Joey and Mark had each spent the past week fucking her while also preparing her ass. The first night they’d tried to use the anal kit, but they had failed. It had hurt too much for her, and it had only made her upset. Over the next couple of days, she’d been able to take the kit, and to prepare herself for what was about to happen. The final claiming was happening within days, and she didn’t know how long she was going to be able to handle having more than an anal plug in her ass.

  Tom was sat in the kitchen watching and chuckling at her.

  “Will you stop it?” she asked, growling at him.


  “Laughing at me.”

  “I’m not laughing at you.”

  “Then what exactly are you doing?”

  “I’m trying to distract myself so I won’t come over there, bend you over the table and fuck you hard.”

  She paused, turning to look at him. Tom, Roy, Guy, and Stuart were no longer holding back in letting her know exactly how they wanted her. Yesterday she’d been sitting in living room, and while watching a movie, Guy had taken out his cock and started masturbating.

  This month was Mark and Joey’s, so no one else was touching her, not really. Their presence was only heightening her arousal.

  Biting her lip, she moved toward him until she was invading his space.

  “We’ve got days to wait, and then you don’t have to hold back.” She grabbed his hand and placed it over her breast. Reaching down she rubbed his cock, feeling him swell beneath her hand.

  “Fuck, baby.” She started to work him up, touching him and wishing Mark and Joey were there to ease her need. “It’s a shame I can’t do anything about that,” she said, moving away.

  Kitty didn’t stay to see the fallout. She made her way upstairs toward her bedroom. The moment she closed the doors, she climbed on the bed, needing the fabric to be off her body. The anal plug was driving her crazy.

  When she was naked, she climbed onto the bed and started to touch herself, cupping her tits before sliding down to finger her pussy.

  Some time passed, and her door opened to show Mark and Joey entering.

  “Fuck, baby, that is a beautiful sight.” Mark spoke first, removing his clothes. It didn’t take long for Joey to join in.

  Kitty didn’t stop touching herself, fingering her pussy while her men undressed. They were so handsome, and it only helped to make her wet.

  Mark shoved her hand away, replacing her fingers with his tongue. She arched up into his touch, moaning, whimpering as he sucked on her clit.

  “She tastes so damn good,” Mark said.

  He moved out of the way to allow Joey to have a taste of her pussy. She gripped his cock, fucking the length with her fingers. Kitty watched as he clenched his teeth, clearly struggling with his touch.

  “Fuck, baby, you’re the best I’ve ever had.”

  Her touch was broken by Joey flipping her to her knees. She released a little cry at her world being thrown off balance.

  “So fucking sexy.”

  Hands touched her body, and the arousal and need intensified with his touch.

  “Now, this is beautiful.”

  Fingers skimmed over the anal plug in her ass, and she moaned. The small touch pressed the anal plug a little deeper within her ass.

  In the next instance, Joey pressed the tip of his cock inside her, sliding in deep. She groaned. With the plug in her ass, her pussy was tighter, and he felt bigger rubbing against the walls of her pussy. Slowly, her fears about having a cock in her ass were starting to disappear.

  The mating couldn’t come soon enough. She needed the mating to be over.

  “You left Tom in a right state,” Mark said, lifting her body up.

  His cock was leaking pre-cum, and she licked her lips, needing him within her mouth. She took his cock, bringing him close.

  “He wants the claiming to be over, and he wants you, Kitty. We all want you.” She loved it when Mark talked. He made everything clear to her, and put everything in focus. “We all love you. You don’t have a clue how much you mean to us, but in a few days you’re going to know. The connection is going to finally open up, and you’re going to know exactly what we want from you, and what we feel.”

  She couldn’t wait.

  Kitty believed their words, but at times she couldn’t help but doubt just a little.

  Joey slammed within her, and she sucked Mark down. She wanted to drive them crazy with need, and to have them at the brink of arousal, which was how they left her.

  “Fucking tight, fucking perfect, fucking beautiful. Our woman, our mate, and I love you,” Joey said.

  “I love you, too, baby. I love you so much.”

  She moaned.

  Mark touched her clit, and it didn’t take her long to find release. Her own release sparked her men’s release. She swallowed down Mark’s while Joey pumped his seed inside her.

  Afterward, she collapsed to the bed.

  Mark and Joey wrapped their arms around her. This was what she loved more than anything. The moment they found their release they didn’t run from her. They each held her tightly against them, holding her close.

  “What are you think?” Joey asked.

  “I never want this to end.”

  “What?” Mark asked.

  “The love, the touching, the need. I don’t want it to end. I hope in fifty years we’re still holding each other, loving and never wanting to let go.”

  “Fifty years is never going to be enough for what we’re going to want.” Mark tilted her head back and kissed her lips. “You’re going to be the most loved woman in the whole world.”

  She smiled. “I’m going to hold you to that. I’m going to hold each of you to that.”

  Kitty ran her fingers down Mark’s chest before turning to face Joey giving him the same kind of affection.

  The moon was near, and Kitty couldn’t wait for it to be over.


  “This is it,” Tom said, rubbing his hands together. The full moon was hours away from going high in the sky. Kitty was preparing herself in her room. Joey looked across the sitting room toward his brother. They were both in robes while they waited for the moon to rise.

  Kitty was more than prepared for them. The past month had come and gone so fast.

  “We had it easy,” Joey said, looking at Mark. “We don’t have to walk away and leave her.”

  “I know. She’s going to be our woman,” Mark said.

  Tom, Roy, Guy, and Stuart sat in the room with them. The anticipation was killing all of them. He didn’t know how long he was going to last. Kitty was going to be between them all, shared, and loved.

  “Do you have it?” Joey asked, looking at Tom.

  His oldest brother pulled out the small velvet box. From the first moon they had all given their opinions on the kind of ring they wanted for her to have. They’d settled on a diamond ring with the words “Snows’ Mate” inscribed in the gold.

  “I’ve got it. I’m not going to give up a chance to make this final mating perfect. I want her to feel as special as she’s meant to be. Do you think it’s, erm, do you think it’s going to be okay?” Tom asked.

r the first time in his life, Joey heard the nerves in his brother’s voice.

  “She’ll love it, and we can make it amazing,” Joey said.

  “We’re going to do this,” Guy said. “We’re finally going to be mated after all this time.”

  “It’s surreal,” Stuart said. “She’s going to be all ours.”

  “How did we get so fucking lucky?” Roy asked.

  “You waited for the right woman,” Kitty said, drawing their attention away from the room and toward where she stood in the doorway. “The moon is high, and none of you were outside.” She locked her fingers together. “You’ve not, erm, I didn’t mishear anything, did I? You all still wish to remain mated to me?”

  “Yes.” All six brothers spoke at the same time.

  Joey’s heart pounded. She wore a simple, pastel blue negligee, and her hair was bound on top of her head, cascading around her in curls.

  Mark moved toward her first, catching her hand. “Are you ready?”

  “Yes, are you?”

  “I am.”

  She turned toward Joey. “Are you ready?”

  “You don’t know how ready I’ve been for this moment.”

  Joey couldn’t wait to finally make her their woman, their mated female.

  Kitty reached out for his hand. “There’s no point in waiting,” she said.

  Taking hold of her hand, he, Mark, and Kitty made their way outside where the moon was high in the sky.

  They were bound together, holding each other’s hands. Joey had never been so nervous and joyous at the same time.

  All three of them stared up at the sky while their brothers gathered around, creating a circle. This was the final moment that would bind them all together for life.

  Squeezing her hand, Joey turned to the beautiful woman who would be his mate and bear children for him and the pack.

  “No backing out?” he asked.

  “No. I’m not going anywhere.” Tears filled her eyes, but they were not the kind of sad tears he was expecting. They were happy tears.

  Mark stepped in behind her, kissing her neck. “I love you.”

  “I love you, Mark and Joey.”

  “And I love you.” Joey cupped her face, pressing his lips to hers. The mating had begun with the moon high in the sky.

  Mark cupped her shoulders and brought the thin slender straps of her negligee down her arms. She dropped her arms from where she cupped Joey’s face so that Mark could remove her negligee. After it cleared her tits, it fell around her waist.

  With his brother’s gaze on him, Joey tuned them all out and focused on Kitty. He couldn’t think with their excitement about the change about to happen in their lives.

  Removing his robe, he watched Kitty’s body appear. Cupping her tits, he sucked on her nipples, watching her eyes close as Mark dove his hand between her thighs, teasing her clit.

  “You’re so wet,” Mark said, sucking on the flesh of her neck.

  “I want this. I want you both, and it has been driving me crazy needing you both.” She gripped Joey’s cock, rubbing her thumb over the tip of his cock.

  Mark handed him the tube of lubricant that had been stored in the robe. Releasing her long enough to apply a generous amount of lube, he stared into Kitty’s eyes.

  “I can’t wait to be inside you, Kitty. You’re like a drug, addictive.”

  She was turned around before she could say anything.

  “We’re going to mate you, seal our bond first.”


  Mark went down to the ground, drawing her down to straddle his cock.

  Joey watched as his brother teased her entrance, getting his cock nice and slick with her cream, stroking over her clit at the same time.

  Her moans were loud and carried along with the slight breeze in the air. Fall and winter were gaining on them, but by the time they hit, they’d be cemented in their mating.

  “Mark, I can’t take much more,” she said.

  Joey watched Mark press the tip of his cock to her entrance, and slowly ease her down on his length. He couldn’t recall seeing a more mesmerizing sight. She cried out, gripping Mark’s shoulders as she took him to the hilt.

  Squeezing more lubricant onto his fingers, Joey settled behind her, slicking up her ass so that she could take him.

  The mating call was getting harder to deny. He needed to be inside her, fucking her harder than ever before.

  Mark stroked over her clit, keeping his cock still within her.

  Only when there was enough lube covering her anus and his cock, Joey started to feed his cock into her hungry ass.

  Chapter Five

  Kitty cried out as Joey slowly eased his cock within her ass. He stretched and filled her to the point of pain, yet it wasn’t painful. She asked for him to stop when the pain seemed to be too much, taking time to get used to the width of him. After a few seconds, she got him to continue. She loved all of the brothers, and didn’t want to ruin the mating. Joey stretched her, and it was a combination of pleasure and pain, driving her arousal high, spiking her need for them to just take her.

  “So tight, so fucking tight,” Joey said.

  Mark groaned, rubbing at her clit. They were both joined to her, and it was unlike anything she ever felt. Their touch ignited a flame that only the two men could put out.

  She took a deep breath exactly how her men had shown her while taking the anal plug. Pushing out, she felt Joey slide in deep within her ass.

  They all cried out, and she could only imagine that the pressure became too much for Mark. His cock seemed to get incredibly hard within her. The pressure built up once again. Joey paused inside her, letting her get accustomed to the length of him inside her.

  “Fuck, I can’t hold back,” he said.

  “Then don’t. Don’t hold back, and fuck me,” Kitty said, sinking her nails into Mark’s skin.

  It took them several minutes, but they soon found a pace that had all three of them drawing closer to orgasm. The brothers moved in closer, and Kitty realized they were seconds away from the claiming. Joey wrapped his fingers in her hair, moving it off her neck.

  “Kitty Evans, you are mine as I am yours. Nothing will tear us apart. I mate with you. Please accept my life and my protection as yours.” Mark and Joey spoke the words together.

  Their teeth sank into either side of her neck, marking her with both of their passion. Their cocks swelled inside her as they took her blood.

  Remembering the words she needed to say, she spoke them aloud, clear and precisely. “Yes, I accept your claiming and your love.” She sank her nails into Mark’s shoulders. They pulled away and pressed their joined palms to her lips. She licked the blood, and an explosion of emotion swamped her. Any barrier she had crumbled down as the mating from the twins sealed the bond among them.

  Opening her eyes, she saw Tom, Roy, Guy, Stuart, Mark, and Joey, her pack, her alphas, her lovers. They were all close, licking the blood from her neck. With each brother who tasted her, the bond cemented until Stuart took the last blood.

  The love she felt from the connection that had been opened surprised her. They had awakened the bond, their mating.

  Mark and Joey grunted as they filled her with their cum.

  Kitty couldn’t believe what she was feeling. They all loved her, and it was being channeled through the bond, the connection that had surprised her more than anything. She splintered apart with all of her men wrapped around her.

  She expected them to pull away from her, so she was shocked when they all gathered her up in their arms, each of them loving and touching her. The connection opened them up together, showing how much love could be shared among people.

  Tom held her tightly. Roy kissed her cheek, her arm, wherever he could get his lips. Guy held onto her hand, kissing her knuckles. Stuart stroked her back. Mark pressed against her back along with Joey. Their presence and love made up for the last few months of pain.

  “I can feel you, all of you,” she said.

; “We love you, Kitty,” Tom said.

  “It has killed all of us to leave you alone.”

  “None of us ever wanted to leave you alone.”

  Together they wrapped their arms around her, holding her close.

  Later that night when they were all in the mating room, Tom got down on one knee and proposed marriage.

  “Marriage? I thought we were married?”

  “No, this will make us married in the eyes of the law. You’ll have everything and be taken care of as my wife. To the pack, you’ll belong to all of us.”

  She took the ring, sliding it on her finger. Her heart melted at the men in her life and in her bed. She’d never been so happy before in her life. “Yes, I’ll marry you.”

  Her men pulled her back onto the bed, showing her exactly how much they loved her.


  Twenty-five years later

  Kitty looked out of the window to see her eldest son talking to the girl who delivered their paper every morning. She was a good girl, a local girl and only sixteen while her son, Tom Junior, was eighteen.

  “Do you think she’s their mate?” Kitty asked.

  “I don’t know.” Tom came to stand behind her. It didn’t take long for the rest of her mates to join them. Tom, Roy, Guy, Stuart, Mark, and Joey were her mates, the love of her lives, and the reason she’d been the happiest woman in the world.

  The last twenty-five years had been amazing. She couldn’t find a single complaint with the way she’d been loved by the pack. They had ten children, five boys and five girls, all of them a pack, but her girls would leave and find their own mates in time whereas the boys, they’d find a mate to share together.

  “I heard TJ talking,” Mark said, which was his special nickname for Tom Junior. “He really believes she is. He can’t stop thinking about her. The scent of the girl, everything, it drives him crazy.”

  “He’s flunking math so he can be tutored by her.”

  “Well, I hope he’s found their mate. I wouldn’t dream of our boys suffering like you suffered.” Over the years she’d learned the truth of what would happen if she’d not mated with her men. They would have been bound to their wolves, never breaking free. The thought of never being around any of her men filled her with so much distress. She hated thinking about it.


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