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Enamored To A Fool

Page 6

by Jackie Nacht

  Torque stood there, nodding before turning to Puck. “Can they come over with us?”

  “We’ll have to get it okayed,” Foster answered. “When are you leaving?”

  “Tomorrow,” Puck's brows were furrowed.

  His brother wasn’t pleased with the idea of them tagging along. Well, he better get used to it. Foster was nervous as hell to go over to the mortal realm, but he would do it if Axle could get the help he needed.

  “I’ll go talk to Queen Titania tonight then. We’ll be ready in the morning.” Foster moved to stand next to Axle. He was shaking, standing there alone in that damn sheet as his brother stood out of reach. He knew it was going to take time for the two of them to bridge that gap between them. Foster pulled him into a one-arm embrace.

  Puck stood up and stepped behind Torque, putting his hands on Torque’s shoulders. “C’mon, we have a lot to do tonight, and apparently, they do too.” Puck grunted. But then, he turned and looked right at Foster. “It’ll be good having you around more. I miss you, brother.”

  “Miss you too, Puck.” Foster had always wished there was some way for them to be together.

  Puck and Torque walked out and the soft snick of the door was deafening.

  “You really want to go?” Axle asked.

  “Will it help you?” Foster asked.

  Axle nodded.

  “Then, I want to go. C’mon, we have to do some smooth talking with the queen and get ready to go.” Foster thought he would need a lot of smooth talking if they were going to leave during the gathering. The queen liked her entire court present for the occasion.

  Two hours later, Foster and Axle stood before the queen as she scrutinized the two of them. They had asked to leave, and the other Seelie stood in silence, waiting for the queen’s response. Except, she just pursed her lips as if she was mulling over all the details and not willing to share them out loud.

  Foster was used to it, so he stood still, silent and waiting. Axle, on the other hand, fidgeted, began biting a thumb nail and had a bead of sweat running down his temple. Foster reached over and grabbed his hand for support.

  “Go, but Axle isn’t to be out of your sight except for the therapy sessions.” Queen Titania looked over at Axle. “Can you handle someone watching over you all the time? Hell, I don’t want you taking a piss without Foster nearby.”

  Axle seemed a little taken back from the last comment as Foster watched his eyes widen.

  Axle cleared his throat before answering. “I’m okay with that as long as I can go talk to someone.”

  “Then, get ready to leave.” Queen Titania got up and walked over to the volleyball court, completely dismissing them.

  She waited until a few Seelie joined her and then served the volleyball. Queen Titania played as if her decision wasn’t one of immense importance to Foster and Axle. However, as he stood staring at her with his jaw practically to the ground from her lack of care, he saw her wink and smile at him. The Seelie queen would always be a mystery to him.

  Foster grabbed Axle’s hand. “You ready to get started? We have a lot to do today.”

  Axle straightened his shoulders as if he was getting ready for battle. In a way, he was.

  Chapter Nine

  Four mortal years later

  Axle was running out of the building at top speed. After having his last therapy session, he ran over to the lime green Lotus that was waiting for him in the parking lot. Once inside, Axle leaned over and gave Foster a chaste kiss. Then, Foster shifted it into gear, and they blew out of the parking lot.

  “We’ve only got fifteen minutes before it starts.” Axle tapped his knuckles on the dash as Foster took a left at sixty. Fuck!

  “We’ll make it.” Foster drove with a calm ease. Axle would have had the sports car around a telephone pole by now. Pesky fae.

  Axle tightened his tie that he had loosened during his session. He was so happy that they'd made the decision to come back to the mortal realm. The therapy had helped, and now, he felt better equipped to go back over to the fae realm without feeling like he was drowning.

  His relationship with his brother had been strained for the first year there. There was no way around it. Axle had broken Torque’s trust, but Axle worked his ass off at bridging that gap, and he couldn’t have done it if Torque hadn’t eventually reached back. He was lucky his brother was willing to forgive him and loved him enough to give him a second chance.

  Now, they'd spent many hours discussing what happened and how much their lives had changed for the better. Their mates had stuck by them and supported them every step of the way. Axle loved the hell out of Foster for all his support.

  Even Puck had grown on him…well, more like a fungus, but he still loved the asshole. Axle got to witness how well Puck treated Torque, and in the last couple of years, the four of them had grown tight while living together.

  They didn’t make it on campus, instead choosing to live near the forest ten minutes away. Foster and Axle went on nightly walks, and Foster seemed to soak up the forest just as much as he did in the fae realm. Axle had grown to love the sounds and smells of the forest just as much…craved it, actually. He and Foster were truly meant to be together. They were two of kind.

  Man, Foster had proven time and again just how much of a miracle he was in Axle’s life. Axle had fallen hard for Foster. There was no way to avoid it, and he had something in his pocket that was a mortal tradition he was going to take over to the fae realm. He just had to work his courage up to ask the question that he so wanted to ask.

  The building came into view, and they screeched to a halt. They both jumped out of the car and hauled ass into the building. The place was crowded, and they searched all over the place for the redhead with white tips. There, over to the side sat Puck, holding two seats for Foster and Axle. Making their way around the people, they took their seats just in time.

  “Good timing.” Puck leaned over, looking at Axle. “How’d your last session go?” he whispered.

  “Good. I’m ready to head home now.” Home…the fae realm where they would all be returning tonight. Yeah, he might not have been from there, but he was going home. Wherever Foster was, that was it for him.

  Puck grabbed him by the back of the neck and hugged him. “You did good, Axle. Glad I don’t have to kill you now.”

  “Gee, thanks.” That was Puck for you. Bloodthirsty brother-in-law that was protective as hell toward Torque. Axle's chest puffed up knowing that Torque would never have to face another dark time with this fae loving him.

  Music came over the sound system as a row of professors filed two at a time down the middle row of the indoor athletic facility. A few moments later, everyone stood up and cheered as the graduates made their way down. Axle long-necked until he found his brother smiling, walking in his cap and gown. Cords and cowl decorated his neck, showing the many achievements and activities he had done in the past four years.

  Dammit if Axle’s eyes didn’t sting a little that his brother had made it. He was so damn proud at how strong and amazing his brother was. Hell, he looked up to his younger brother.

  Foster embraced him. “You okay?” He chuckled at him.

  “Yeah,” Axle said hoarsely, thankful for all the cheering to cover his voice. He wiped his eyes. “I’m just so damn proud. He did it.”

  Foster kissed him softly on the lips and whispered in his ear, “You did it too. I’m so proud of you.”

  While he didn’t go to college when he came back, he started out in therapy three days a week, and now…well, he knew he was on the right road to go back and survive. Instead, Axle confessed he had trouble reading, and Foster would spend their afternoons patiently teaching him to read. It had become one of Axle’s favorite things to do, read to Foster in the woods while Foster rested his head in his lap.

  Axle snapped out of his thoughts when the speaker called for everyone to be seated. Foster held him the entire time as the speeches began and when the graduates walked across for their diplomas.
When Torque started walking across the stage, the three of them stood and shouted. What they didn’t expect was a loud cheer from the back. Turning, Axle recognized Queen Titania and Brokk. Two other individuals were there, and everyone was giving them a wide birth to stand.

  Axle turned his attention back to his brother and clapped, whistling as Torque grabbed his diploma and instead of waving it, hugged it to his chest. Sheesh, he was tearing up again. Axle was a damn mess.

  The three finally sat down, and Axle turned to see the four fae still there. “Who’s that with Queen Titania and Brokk?” Axle whispered to Foster.

  “That’s King Oberon and Khellan. Unseelie king and Puck’s best friend.” Foster whispered back.

  “Damn, they’re…intimidating.” Axle glanced back over his shoulder to see people moving away from them. Hell, Oberon was one scary-looking motherfucker. He was sporting a sharp designer black suit with black undershirt, but the man had his arms crossed and exuded such darkness that everyone was doing swift glimpses at the fae before trying to refocus on the ceremony. Khellan wasn’t quite as intimidating as he stood next to Oberon, but Axle didn’t see anyone in their right mind wanting to start a conversation with him.

  The ceremony ended, and the seven of them waited for Torque to come out and meet them in the hallway.

  Puck approached the others and embraced the scary fae. “I didn’t think to see you here.”

  “Well now, I couldn’t think of a better place to be knowing that Torque was graduating. Plus, we thought you could use some help getting back,” Oberon rumbled.

  From what his brother said, Axle knew that Torque loved the Unseelie king. Un-fucking-believable. Oberon scared the hell out of him.

  “I’m Khellan.” Khellan reached his hand over and introduced himself.

  This fae was slightly less scary with dark looks and bad-boy charm. Fuck, was he ever glad he got stuck on the Seelie side. Khellan had a wicked smile as he smirked at all the people around him. By the spark of mischief in his eyes, Khellan looked like he was just itching to cause havoc on them all. Axle watched Brokk elbow the Unseelie in the gut before shaking his head and frowning up at him.

  Khellan tilted his head back and laughed, causing heads to turn. The laugh didn’t exactly sound sane.

  A moment later, Torque maneuvered through the crowd before running up and hugging Puck. Puck, who Axle learned in the last couple years had no concern whatsoever for public displays, grabbed his brother and deepened the kiss.

  Axle turned, not wanting to see Torque’s ass get grabbed, and Foster laughed while clearing his throat. His lover was such a stinker when he caught Axle blushing, because Puck and Torque were having fun in front of them.

  Although, Axle was excited to see his brother this happy, he'd take the blushing any day over what they used to be.

  Titania stepped forward. Funny how this was the first time he was seeing the queen with something more than a bikini on. “You’re looking much better since the last time I saw you.” She actually smiled as she embraced Axle, looking sharp in her suit and platform heels.

  “How are you feeling?” Titania whispered in his ear.

  Axle glanced over her shoulder at Foster. “Never better.”

  “Good. We better get going. We have you all packed up and ready to return.” Titania pulled away and led the group out the main double doors, snatching Oberon on the way. Oberon and Titania embraced while leading them out. The sun was shining upon them for the occasion. They all climbed into separate cars and headed for the house not too far away from the veil they would soon be leaving.

  The drive only took about ten minutes before they were parking their vehicles in the garage. Puck had gone back once to the Unseelie king while they had been in the mortal realm, and Oberon had told them to have something set up for when other faes came over since the gathering was now over. There would be many going back and forth now.

  Axle climbed out to see several more fae moving their stuff out of the log cabin-style home and disappearing into the woods. Axle sighed in relief that he'd packed before he had left that day and that they wouldn’t have to do all the moving on their own. Foster came over and grabbed his hand, making their way up the porch steps.

  “Wooh, they’ve been busy.” A sprite zipped past them and out the door, running into the woods with another box.

  “I guess so. I thought we would be at this all week.” Axle walked down the hall, seeing all the rooms empty except for the furniture that would stay.

  “There’s nothing left.” Puck said from behind them. “They already took it all. Oberon, Titania, Khellan and Brokk are waiting for us at the veil.”

  Foster put his arm around Axle. Axle sucked up the warmth and leaned into the touch. “You ready to go back home?” Foster asked him.

  Axle was reluctantly ready. He hated being separated from his brother, but he had Foster, his love. “I’m ready.”

  Foster kept his arm around him as they met the rest at the veil then walked through the blinding fog and finally felt the crunch of the fallen leaves as they made their way into the in-between.

  Axle heard Torque gasp and didn’t even think twice before rushing to him. “You okay? What’s wrong?”

  Torque was standing there wide-eyed as he stared over Axle's left shoulder. He followed the line of sight and lost his own damn breath. A castle that had not been there before stood in full glory. It looked as though the colorful fallen leaves had been windswept off the forest floor to make the structure itself. Morning dew made the structure shimmer as the sun shone down on it, and it was just as fucking big as the Unseelie or the Seelie castles.

  Axle watched as several fae disappeared into a huge doorway of solid oak with their boxes. Green vines adorned the entry. What the hell?

  Turning, Axle asked Foster, “What is this?”

  Foster shook his head, looking just as perplexed as Torque and Puck. “I have no idea.”

  Oberon stood next to them, staring at the castle. “It's Puck’s and Foster’s court. Now that you two have mated, it is time that you begin what you were born for. The in-between court or the Fall court has begun. The earth realm as well as this realm is full of Halflings and others that are neither dark nor light. This is the place they will find and call home. It has been needed a long time, but you two weren’t ready. Titania and I believe you are now.”

  Axle shook as he grabbed Foster’s hand.

  Foster sucked in a breath. “This is Puck’s and mine? Our court to share? We can be together?”

  Titania stood next to Foster, face filled with sympathy. “We never wanted you two to be apart, but you were not strong enough to rule. You have the foundation now that will make you strong, as well as your court.”

  “A court of four.” Puck chuckled.

  “A court of six.” Khellan smiled at Puck, and Brokk came to stand next to them.

  “Now that the gathering is over, there’s many in this world that will seek you, but you may want to seek out several changelings to build up your court as well.” Oberon suggested.

  Axle thought it was a pretty good plan. They were going to need a lot of people to fill this castle.

  The rest entered while Foster and Axle continued to stand and stare at the castle.

  “I was afraid.” Foster stated after several moments.

  Huh? “Of what?”

  Foster sighed. “Coming back here. I didn’t think either one of us would have been happy in the Seelie court without our brothers, and it always felt…forced there.”

  Even in the short stay here when he first came, Axle knew exactly what Foster was talking about. The Seelie court was always a lively place to live, but it always felt like the wrong fit.

  “It would have been hard. What do you think of this?” Axle asked.

  “I think it’s a gift and a miracle. I feel like for the first time I’m going home.” Foster gave him a watery smile.

  Axle couldn’t stand it a second longer. He reached over and embraced F
oster while the man hugged him with a strength that showed just how much he appreciated the gift from Oberon and Titania.

  Axle searched for Foster’s lips and kissed him deeply. Tongues dueled and moans filled the surrounding forest.

  Foster pulled back, blue eyes glazed with passion. “I love you.”

  Axle leaned in again and kissed him once more. “I love you, too. Thank you for giving me a chance.”

  Foster hugged him tightly. “I knew all your snarkiness and pissed-off attitude was just a cloak. There was no way I was going to let you go after seeing that sliver of light that was meant for me. Now look how bright you shine.”

  “I still have darkness,” Axle murmured.

  “Scars aren’t darkness, Axle. And you have a full court to help you along the way. Just think how far you’ve come in four years.”

  Axle nodded.

  “So?” Foster smirked. Ooh, there was mischief in the fae's eyes. Maybe living with Puck and Foster under the same roof was going to be a whole hell of a lot of trouble…or fun.

  “So?” Axle raised a brow.

  “Want to go see what our bedroom looks like?”

  “Test out the bed?” Axle chuckled.

  Foster grabbed him and took off toward the oak doors with him in tow. “You got it.”

  Axle laughed. Hell, it felt good to be home with his mate.

  About the Author

  Short, sexy and sweet—where a little love goes a long way.

  That’s the best way to describe Jackie Nacht’s stories. I was introduced to M/M Romance through my sister, Stephani, and read it for years. Then, I thought it was time to put my own stories on paper. I began writing short and sweet stories that ended with a happily ever after…and sometimes more than one, in the case of my YA Fork in the Road series, which has interactive endings.

  Thinking back to my own book addiction, where there were many nights I stayed up way too late so I could read just one more chapter—yeah, right—I decided to write short romances for young adults as well as adults. Hopefully, they will give high school and college students or working men and women something they can read during their lunch hour, in between classes or just when they want to briefly get away from the daily stresses of everyday life.


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