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My Blind Familiar_The Ash Golem

Page 13

by Nathan Valerio

  “Why couldn’t it be a fire breath or something. Oh well, let's see, poisonous bite would make it a poison variant dragon later on. I don’t want that.” She thought and brought out a book on dragon monsters.

  Did not worry about the magical formula developing to quickly, it would take several hours for a dragon creature to develop their Innate spells.

  She found the section with unique dragons like her Blue winged salamander which is a known salamander type.

  “Developing wind and fire would make it a Sapphire Flare dragon eventually but the endurance is quite low. But then there is even the rare Ice dragons I can make but those are hard conditions that I might not get right.” She muttered. Looking between each element there were pure elements and mixed elements but mixed ones are harder to achieve. “I think for now maybe I should try to make his endurance higher. There are several dragons in all types that need a high endurance level gained through earth magic.” She muttered and felt the seal again and looked at the magical formula and found the ‘Poison’ rune and changed it to ‘Metal’. The chain reaction caused more than half of the formed formula to burst and from the first broken part it reformed. She slowly accompanied it. Some spots changed breaking another section but this followed efficency but the spell was simple compared to the complex fire ball that needs to be formed and spit out. “There, Metal Fang. Close range spell that makes his fangs sharp and made of metal for a duration of several minutes.” She nodded but as the light of the seal faded it lit up again.

  “Another one?” She exclaimed and looked. This time the magical formula was forming quickly and she quickly found it was a Tail smash attack but unlike other innate spells this one didn’t have an element making harder to integrate one into a spell that wouldn’t have it. If added it would cost much more mana to form it and if the familiar doesn’t have all the mana it might not finish.

  She bites her bottom lip before nodding and adding the ‘Earth’ rune into the proper spot. She crashed large parts of the spell that began to reform soon after. “Tail Quake.” She muttered and kept doing small changes which slowly altered the spell. Each change she would fuel with her large supply of mana.

  Unlike Xero, she had huge talent for absorbing mana and had an abundant amount so she use it at this time to fuel the creation of the Innate Spell. When the spell finally reached its end she sighed happily that it finished.

  “Seismic Earth Smash, impacting the Salamander's tail on the ground will cause an earthquake in the immediate area and can cause the ground to shift and if controlled can cause rock pillars to rise under other creatures. If the attack hits the body of another creature it would be like causing an earthquake in their body but the strength decreases by 75% unless it’s a creature made of earth or elements of earth.”

  She smiled extremely happily at the spell. This was a perfect control spell for trapping monsters. She only needs to properly train these spells but they aren’t complex spells. It will cause problems at the start due to her salamanders lack of affinity for the elements but that is all. “Maybe the Seismic Earth Smash will backfire and kill him and he may evolve?” She muttered and looked at the salamander that was waking up at this moment.

  She nodded and called it before walking outside and into the forest before removing her wand and activated the Seismic Earth Smash. The mana instantly smashed into several snags but the lizard hissed and raised before slamming it tail only for it to backfire and its body completely exploded like a balloon. All that soon turned into light and gathered into the seal.

  Following the last piece turning into mana and entering the seal, a powerful wave of mana burst out and was sucked back in. Three powerful waves followed and made the trees in the surrounding creak as the strain to remain standing was hard under the force of the waves.

  She frowned at the sight and wondered how many deaths it would take for it to grow accustomed to the magic.

  She walked back towards the camp as she poured her mana into the seal. Since she didn’t have the elements for replacing the body of her familiar she will need to use extra mana and already it was using more mana than before but as she reached the doorway she noticed Xero arrive at the same time.

  “Oh Boy, girly! I saw you both leave before and heard to big bangs! Did you go and blow up your familiars?” Grunt laughed.

  “Yeah, Ash wanted me to use one of his new Innate skills and it gave him a completely new form that even stumped Miss Gilbody about what race it is. Even her familiar didn’t know exactly what race it is and just said a few that were closest.” Xero said excited.

  “Oh? Let me see.” Grunt asked.

  Xero summoned the tall demon. It couldn’t even be called an Imp any longer and its figure was too human, if it got rid of the scales, wings horns and claws it would look elf like.

  “I also got a similar reaction, I brought Tryus to the forest and used a new Innate spell. It… looked a bit painful.” She said.

  “Yeah, for anything besides Imps it's a painful deal.” Grunt said. “So did it grow up?” He asked.

  Univa looked at her seal and after seeing it could summon she did so. A blue light flies up and lands behind her. It expands almost twice as much as it did before and what appeared was a much larger Blue scaled salamander but this time it looked more majestic.

  The neck was longer and it formed an S shape with the head at the top looking around curiously. It no longer dragged itself on the ground the hind legs were larger and strong enough to support the body as were the front legs. All the paws had four fingers, the underside of the salamander formed plate like scales from compacted scales overlapping each other making it more powerful. The tail was also thicker but it could move up and down and would slap the ground. On its head were two horns and a few spikes around it. The lizard face now turned a bit more dragon like and the eyes held a hint of intelligence. The blue scales shined under the sunlight reflecting the light beautifully. If it stretched its neck out from the nose to the tip of the tail it would be a length of 3 meters and it stood about the height of a horse. On its back were the two huge wings that folded on its side.

  “Well what do you know, you had a triple level up and evolution girly. From level 4 to level 7 you got yourself a Lesser Sapphire Drake Adolescent. With thicker Dragon blood this beauty can already be used as a mount for one person. They are quite intelligent but not enough so to speak the human. If you're smart you can evolve it early on without losing the Lesser and Adolescent parts. You have a ways to climb to true dragon and Drake is one step only.” Grunt said bellowing a laugh.

  Univa was almost in tears, to think that in one jump she could rise so many levels and get closer to proving herself to her father.

  She walked up and put her hand on her drakes snout. He bent down and pushed his head on her. Her hand moved to his chin and she scratched a small scar he had on the side of his mouth which left a small bald spot without scales. It was sensitive but with her touch she scratched and he liked it. It caused him to purr a bit and she giggled.

  “Come on Tyrus, let’s go eat the rest of that meat and then we can go out and train.” She said.


  He blew out a lot of hot air and rose up before roaring. He then looked at Ash and growled. The Imp looked at it and grinned. Strangely, looking at the white part inside the Iris it seem to shrink as if it was a pupil and it looked directly at the dragon clearly showing that Ash had formed his eye enough to see in detail within a short distance of himself and with a momentary boost he can increase his visual range.

  The two glared at each other before they looked away and they both began to glow and suddenly flashed and hid in the seal.

  The three just stood in silence but Grunt suddenly laughed, “Oh boy, this is good, the two familiar formed enough intelligence to become rivals this is rich!” Grunt almost fell over.

  “Hey Grunt, can you give me a larger suit, ash doesn’t fit anymore.” Xero said.

  Only after a long time did he stop and took the
restraints. “I had guessed he would grow bigger quick so I prepared a few extra.” He said.

  “Um teacher, can you give me one my size, with Tyrus as a Drake his physical strength is really high so I can probably grow stronger, I don’t want to…” She lookes at Xero, “I don’t want to depend on others to protect me.”

  Grunt grinned and fished out another one. “Brat go do your own thing, I need to teach the girly how to get in these.” Grunt shooed Xero away who shrugged and walked inside in a good mood.

  At his tent he dressed the evolved Ash and dropped the dragon's tail and Ash started to eat it until there wasn’t even bone left. Then his body flashed and returned to the seal and a large burst came and he appeared again a bit more muscular.

  “I guess he leveled up even more. It’s starting to get hard to keep up.” Xero said and tightened the restraints and walked outside with Ash to start training, doing so until night time and going to sleep.

  Chapter 12

  One month has passed since the beginning of the camping trip. One week after it began the City of Niska released an alert. The wave of monsters came soon after. Like it was warned the herd was made up of all kinds of monsters and the levels ranged, the first ones to appear were flying creatures and were also levels 1-3.

  Most of the familiars were able to take care of them and the students were all equipped with bows and arrows that Grunt had showed them how to make.

  Following them came weak land creatures. Rats, dogs, cats, felines, reptiles and anything else slowly came in waves slowly growing.

  Grunt lead the students and each released the Familiars in waves as well from the weakest to strongest.

  It should be said that the dragon meat was distributed to all the second year students and it had a significantly boosted and a number of the creatures evolved and the lowest level was 4 and the highest level at the moment for the second year was 8.

  The owner, or owners, of this level were Univa and Xero due to having a huge piece of meat from the dragon that leveled up their familiars.

  Xero had found a chance to go to Niska with Grunt and identified Ash as a Obsidian Scaled Imp (Unique variant). It hadn’t become anything new and instead just grew into the next phase but a unique variant that only he possesses. He was also level 8 which was caused by eating the meat.

  Later in the fight Ash and Tyrus were released to fight level 7 monsters. In Ash’s hand was a long sword and he grinned as he flew cutting down monsters and landing before causing a bloodbath. Every so often Xero would have him us Imp Fire which grew more powerful thanks to all the evolutions and because the new channels that the new spell opened up tried to move air mana into the new channels. When the Blue Imp Flame Claws is perfected it would probably cause the Imp Fire to become Blue Imp Fire.

  Another thing that worked innately was the Super Pounce. Because it was a Buff spell it didn’t affect the body and only boosted the body. Using it Ash quickly assaulted several larger creatures and brought their corpses against the wall and kept slaughtering.

  For Tyrus he took to the air and would fire out fire spitballs which had a large range of explosion which reached 2 meters now. The dragon blood made the fire magic even more potent and explosive.

  It also put into practice its newfound strength. With scales harder then reinforced iron the drake jumped into the incoming herd and ate and slaughtered coming out blooded with cuts and scars but most of the blood is from the enemies it killed.

  After a while a powerful roar came from the herd and the monster retreated before several powerful monsters walked of the woods.

  Grunt and Miss Gilbody took the front while the students retreated behind the walls. Grunts Living armor shined in the light and was made of pure gem as it coated his body, having been pounded since the start it developed diamond level defense. In the back Miss Gilbody stood with Merlin just in case.

  She didn’t need to move though, once Grunt started it was at max 4 hits each creature, the highest level being only 25 didn’t match up to him in the least, especially when it is said that Grunt only knows physical boost spells and most are high leveled and he also has the Innate spells of the armor which are all defensive spells, none of which he actually needed to use.

  When the several ‘boss’ were utterly destroyed the herd withdrew from this camp returning to the deeper parts of the forest.

  The slaughtered monsters, afterward, were butchered and fed to the familiars or used as food for the people. The meat gained from the boss aided greatly in a number of people in developing a second Innate skill and evolve while those who had evolved already grew more. Ash in particular gained a boost to level 9 but no evolution or Innate skill was formed even when he was given pieces of the Boss monster meat.

  The following attack came the following week and the last one had come this week.

  At the moment Xero was watching the approaching flying beast. With pure white feathers it released snow behind it and it had three long tail feathers. The wing span was 30 meters and the body was 10 meters long.

  On the back sat two adults and behind them were two children. It was unknown what their purpose was but Grunt explained who they were.

  The people approaching are from an academy known as the Holy Institute. In this world a pantheon of gods exist. Due to this there exists a church for each and every one of them and it was also they who lead the exertion into the underworld that uncovered the magic for Familiar binding. That said just like all things, there are gods of Light and gods of Dark. Something like the Monster God is considered a dark god because humans and monsters never had a harmonious existence and even Demon Cults exist for Demon Gods. Until the crusade into hell, light and dark churches were at each others throat but once the light church's encountered the demons and the spawn pool they needed help to figure out and so an uneasy alliance was formed in the underworld.

  After the creation of the familiar seal magical academies became a centerpiece to recruit talents because the familiars affected the body of the master and as long as a small amount of magical or combat potential was found they could recruit it. So reinforcing the alliance of the churches they created an academy dedicated to training the next generation of priests and paladins of all the churches in one location and when the children graduate they could choose the god they wished to follow. Like this the Holy Institute was born and today is considered the second most powerful school behind Hellvine because it follows the complete opposite principles of any other Academy.

  They never expel unless an incident that calls for it happens, if a student doesn’t possess magical potential they train the body in the first year and the familiar is given magical stones or items to improve its magical abilities which will later transfer to the master and cause a chain reaction improving his magical talent. This is only possible due to the resources and money gained by all the countless church of the main gods both from the Light and Dark. The are the most financially powerful magic academy but once graduated you will dedicate your entire life to the god you choose meaning the freedom of choice is restricted only to the god.

  The large bird gets closer and soon it arrives and lands in front of the gates.

  The big bird was proud as it stood and looked down at the humans.

  Grunt whistled, “Damn they sent Madrid and her Ice Phoenix.” He grumbled.

  Miss Gilbody frowns and raises her foot before stomping on his foot with the pointy heel.

  “Ouch!” He yelps.

  “Silence before they hear you.” She grumbled.

  The four people jumped off and the Ice Phoenix glows before entering the hand of the second person. She was an extremely beautiful woman with long ice blue hair and pale skin. She wore a light blue robe and on her neck was a pendant that showed an ice phoenix.

  The other adult was an older man with dark hair and was dressed in a grey robe and had pale skin. His face was emotionless and his black eyes seem to suck in light.

  Beside the two were a boy and a girl. The girl wa
s extremely beautiful without a fault, she had long white hair, yellow glowing eyes, had a slight tanned skin and wore white robes with yellow trim. The other boy was a pretty boy with long hair tied in a ponytail, the hair still reached his waist. He had a refined face that had hints of somewhat girly features but because he looked 11 or 12 years old he still had a slight charm of a boy. His hair was light red as were his eyes. His robe was pure white.

  The four walk towards the gate and everyone inside was waiting. Grunt pushes open the palisade doors and walks out with the teachers.

  The woman's eyes narrow as she sees Grunt and he starts to sweat a bit.

  “Greetings students and representatives of the Holy Institute.” Grunt said.

  “Grunt you animal, you have some balls appearing before me again.” She said coldly like ten thousand year old ice.

  The entire area was silent frozen in an awkward silence that no one could seem to break.

  Finally Miss Gilbody took the initiative and stepped forward, "I am sorry if Grunt insulted you but please speak of such in private, anyways I am Miss Gilbody, the main representative of Everlight Academy. May I know why you have come here?” Miss Gilbody asked respectfully.

  "I am Madrid Gale, I am the representative of the Holy Institute and this is Cress Snide, a teacher of the institute like myself. Our Institute wants to have casual relations between our students so after discussing, our teachers and some students were spread from Niska to the other camps.” Madrid said.

  Grunt snorted and grumbled, “Aren’t you just opening up the spaces you're all taking up in the town?”

  The young boy chuckled but the girl frowned and stepped forward.

  “How dare you speak to Miss Gales in such a tone!” She said in a pompous tone.

  Grunt just crossed his arms and looked at her before looking at the two teachers.

  “Don’t provoke this animal Silvia, any attack you send his way will only bounce off his fat.” Madrid said.


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