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Burning Wild

Page 42

by Feehan, Christine

  Movement caught her eye and she shifted her gaze to see the captain approach Stavros and whisper something in his ear. She was adept at reading lips but she couldn’t see his mouth clearly. Stavros frowned and shook his head, glanced at his watch and then over at Elle. She kept her face still and turned her gaze back to the sea. Stavros’s bodyguard, Sid, said something as well. He was facing her and she caught his words distinctly.

  “It will be dangerous to have her on the island, sir. Think about this. Take her off the boat now and we’ll give the driver orders to take her to your villa. They can hold her there until the meeting is over.”

  Elle’s stomach tightened. The bodyguard was talking about her. Stavros shook his head and said something she couldn’t catch, but the bodyguard and captain both looked toward her again and neither looked happy.

  That built-in alarm, which had saved her numerous times on countless assignments, shrieked at her and she didn’t hesitate. She moved quickly through the thinning crowd toward the side of the yacht where the boats were coming in to pick up the guests and return them to shore. Though her purse and overnight bag were still in the cabin down below, Elle was careful never to carry anything in her purse or her belongings that could betray her. She would leave the yacht, and if Dane wanted her to return, she could use the retrieval of her things as an excuse to contact Stavros again.

  She made herself small, trying to blend in with the other guests. As Elle she could disappear easily into the shadows, but Sheena stood out. Her heart sped up and a sense of urgency rode her as she wound her way to the departing boats. It wouldn’t do to look back and check to see if she was being hunted; she already knew she was. She had one chance to step onto the departing boat as it was taking off. She had to time it perfectly.

  Elle slid through the last of the guests waiting for the next boat and stepped onto the platform, holding out her hand to the young man pushing off the departing boat. He grinned and guided the boat back into position so she could step into it. Just as his fingers slid around her hand, she felt another hand catch her upper arm in a firm grip, pulling her back.

  “Mr. Gratsos would like the pleasure of Ms. MacKenzie’s company a while longer,” Sid said smoothly, drawing her much smaller frame against him.

  Elle inhaled sharply, feeling the burst of emotion spilling from Stavros’s bodyguard. He almost wished he hadn’t caught her—in fact he’d considered just missing her, but knew Stavros would have stopped the other boat. She allowed herself to be pulled back without a struggle. The bodyguard was bigger and much stronger than she was, and even if she could have caught him by surprise, what would be the point? None of Stavros’s men were going to let her leave the yacht against his orders. She smiled graciously at the driver and looked up at the bodyguard. He wasn’t Greek; she wasn’t certain exactly where he was from. He spoke with a Greek accent, but there was something off about him.

  “You’re hurting me.” She kept her tone low, very low, her gaze on his face.

  He let her go immediately, so fast as if her skin burned him. “I’m sorry, Ms. MacKenzie. Mr. Gratsos asked me to bring you back to him and I was afraid you’d fall into the sea if I didn’t keep hold of you. I didn’t realize how hard I was gripping you.”

  He’s been afraid she’d make a scene, but strangely, that was all she could get from him. Why was that? How was the bodyguard protected from her psychic abilities in the same way Stavros was? It couldn’t be coincidence that two people who worked together had strong natural barriers, and yet Sid’s barrier was as strong as or stronger than Stavros’s, although it felt different.

  Elle flashed him a quick, forgiving smile, very much in keeping with Sheena’s sweet personality. “I certainly wouldn’t want to fall into the sea with this dress on.”

  He stepped back and indicated for her to make her way through the small knot of guests. Elle hesitated. “Sid, this is the last boat for shore and they’re already boarding. I have to get off.” Deliberately she glanced at her slim, diamond watch. “I have an appointment this afternoon.”

  “Mr. Gratsos will get you to your appointment in time,” Sid assured.

  That was a lie. He didn’t like lying to her. Whatever protection he had built on or had been provided with, his more intense emotions slipped through—unless he’d allowed it, which was possible. She could do that. Sid was worried about her, and if he was worried, she needed to be worried too. She stayed very still, measuring the distance to the boat. She was fast, but she doubted the boat would take her against Stavros’s orders.

  Sid shook his head. “Don’t try it, Ms. MacKenzie. If Mr. Gratsos wants you here, you’ll stay.”

  It was a warning. A clear warning. And had he read her mind? She didn’t think she’d given away her thoughts on her face. He looked at her directly, his dark eyes meeting hers. Her heart jumped at the caution, her mouth going dry. “Let me go now.”

  For a moment regret showed in his eyes, but she knew he wasn’t going to cross his boss. “You’ll have to take that up with him.”

  Elle nodded and made her way back toward the shipping magnate, very aware of Sid following directly behind her.

  Stavros held out his hand to her, closing his fingers around hers to draw her to his side. “I thought you were trying to leave me.”

  “I told you I couldn’t stay,” Elle reminded him. “I want to, Stavros, but I’ve already been gone long enough.” She was careful to keep her tone light and regretful even as she deliberately opened her senses and tried to psychically read him.

  Stavros was very used to getting his way, and trying to force her to comply with his will would be something he might do without thinking it was wrong. It was her first real reprimand, gentle as she could make it when she really wanted to spit fire at him. He seemed to have a natural barrier in place that prevented her from sliding into his mind the way she did everyone else.

  His eyes darkened to a stormy color. “I asked you to stay with me. To go to my home with me. I told you, Sheena, I’ve never brought a woman there.”

  She took a deep breath. He was taking her to his island and she would be cut off from all aid. Did he suspect her? And if he did, did that mean he had something to hide? Already the engines were starting to rumble and she could feel the deck vibrating beneath her feet. “Stavros, maybe I should meet you there later, tomorrow or the day after.”

  Stavros patted her hand and led her across the deck to seat her in a plush chair. “We need time together, Sheena. I want to spend a week together, just the two of us, and perhaps you’ll change your mind about me.”

  “I don’t have enough clothes for a week,” Elle said, trying to be practical.

  “I’ll send for them.”

  “I’m not sleeping with you, Stavros. I told you I can’t be in a relationship right now, I’m not ready.”

  “You told me this man broke your heart, Sheena. Who is he?”

  She shrugged, suddenly concerned by the steel in his eyes. She had the uneasy feeling that if she named anyone, he might turn up dead. Which was silly, since up until now she’d been very certain that Stavros was no criminal. But then why were all her internal radars screaming at her?

  “He’s of no consequence.”

  “He must be, if you won’t consider another relationship.” Stavros drummed his fingers on the table. She’d seen him do that when he was deep in thought or very agitated. “Did you live with him? How long were you with him?”

  “That isn’t your business,” Elle said firmly.

  His eyes narrowed. “I can hire someone to find out these answers for me.”

  Her heart jumped. He’d had her investigated. Dane had told her to be prepared for that. They had meticulously built her life and provided everything down to college pictures and records as well as a detailed past, but would it stand up to the kind of investigation a man like Stavros Gratsos would demand? Was this the reason he was taking her to his island? Because he’d discovered that she was undercover?

  “Why a
re you pushing me?”

  Stavros leaned toward her, his gaze locking with hers. “I want you. I have never wanted a woman the way I want you.”

  Was that the simple truth? She doubted it. Sheena was beautiful and a woman of mystery and intelligence, the type that would attract and intrigue Stavros. But he wasn’t known for falling for women. He escorted them, spent time with them, but he inevitably walked away. Why was he so determined to claim Sheena for his own?

  Elle sighed. “You’re going to have to get over it, Stavros. I’ll be as honest as possible with you. Birth control won’t work on me. I have this anomaly that runs in my family. No form of birth control works. Even if you used a condom, chances are still very high that I can get pregnant. I’m not doing that to you. Or to me, for that matter.”

  His eyes darkened even more as he searched her face for the truth. She actually felt his mind reach out to hers and she pulled back, afraid for the first time that he might be able to read her as she did others. She allowed only the truth of her statement in her mind where he might catch her thoughts. Not only did he look intrigued, he looked pleased.

  “You speak the truth.”

  She nodded. “I have no reason to lie. I really can’t take the chance, and since I want children someday, I can’t take care of the problem permanently.”

  “So you didn’t sleep with the man who broke your heart?”

  She shook her head and looked out toward sea. The shore was fading as the yacht picked up speed, heading toward his private island.

  Stavros let out his breath, drawing her attention back to him. “Then I will be your first. Your only.” There was deep satisfaction in his purring voice.

  “I told you I can get pregnant. No, not can, Stavros. I will get pregnant.”

  “I want children,” he said. “I have no problem with you getting pregnant.”

  Her heart jumped. There it was. Stavros was handsome, charming, wealthy, and he wanted children. She was certain he was psychic. Why couldn’t the Drake house choose him? Maybe there was more than one man who would fit with her, and fate had intervened to give her another choice. Stavros Gratsos who was forcing her to accompany him home.

  “Stavros,” she said gently, “you are the sweetest man, but you’re way out of my league. Half your guests wonder what you’re doing with me.”

  “Let them wonder.”

  Sid approached in his silent way and leaned down to whisper in Stavros’s ear. Stavros immediately patted her hand. “We’ll be home soon. I have to take this call.” He dropped a kiss on top of her head as if they had already settled everything and walked away.

  Elle stayed by herself as they moved across the water, but either Sid or one of the other bodyguards hovered close to her, as if Stavros was afraid she might fling herself overboard. She fought with herself, trying to figure out whether she should try to reach out to Jackson. She knew it would take a trauma to reach her sisters across the distance, but Jackson—the worm—could find her just about anywhere. And why was that? Why did it have to be him when he didn’t want her? They weren’t that far from their destination—Stavros’s island was only a few miles off the mainland—and they were rapidly getting closer.

  Elle took a breath and let it out. As the yacht approached the island, she could feel a faint buzzing in her head. At first it was annoying, but it began to swell in volume almost to the point of pain. Pressing her fingers to her temples in an effort to relieve the ache, she caught Stavros watching her. There was a gleam of satisfaction in his eyes, as if he knew of the pressure in her head. She glanced at Sid. Whatever she was feeling, so was he, but he hid it better. He kept walking with Stavros, his face turned away from his boss, but she knew that same pressure was in his head as well.

  She closed her eyes. She needed to reach her sisters and let them know where she was, but the distance was too great. They were back in the United States, and unless the psychic link between them was shattered, they wouldn’t feel her. But . . . There was the worm. Jackson Deveau. His psychic connection to her was strong, and if she reached out to him, she might be able to connect and let him know she where she was being taken. Did pride count when one’s life might be in danger? Was she really that stupid?

  Elle took a deep breath and let it out. The island was getting closer, and the pressure in her head increasing. It was now or never. She closed her eyes and blocked out everything but Jackson. The way he looked. Remote. Broad shoulders. Scars. Thick chest. Piercing eyes filled with shadows. Jackson. She whispered his name in her mind, sent it out into the universe.

  There was a brief moment of silence, as if the world around her held its breath. A dolphin leapt from the sea and somersaulted back under the glassy waves. Elle nearly screamed when Stavros jerked her from her seat. She hadn’t even sensed him coming up behind her.

  “What are you doing?” he bit out, his white teeth snapping together. Fury etched the lines in his face.

  He knew. Elle glanced toward his bodyguard. Sid knew too. They not only had natural barriers, but they were sensitive to telepathy. Both of them. She was in way over her head.

  “Sheena! Answer me.”

  “Let go of me.” Elle jerked her body away from him. “I don’t understand why you’re behaving this way.” Even Sheena, as calm and collected as she was, wouldn’t put up with being manhandled. Elle glared at him. “I’ve had enough, Stavros. I want to go home.”

  She was never going home again. The thought came unbidden but settled into her churning stomach. Once she set foot on that island, her life as she knew it would be over.

  Elle? Where are you? Stay alive, baby, any way you have to. Stay alive for me. I’ll come to you. I’ll find you. Do whatever you have to do.

  Jackson’s voice was warm, a soft, intimate slide into her mind—into her body. He felt like home. Like comfort. She wanted to fling herself inside him and shelter there. He must have heard or felt the despair in her—the fear.

  Stavros caught both of her arms and yanked her against him, giving her a little shake as he brought her up onto her toes. “You will stop this moment unless you wish Sid to put you to sleep. I know what you’re doing.”

  Elle. Answer me. There was a hard command in his voice, almost a compulsion to answer. She gasped when Stavros’s fingers tightened hard on her upper arms.

  “Don’t!” he warned.

  Had he heard? She doubted it. But he’d felt the energy vibrating and knew she’d received a response.

  Damn it, baby. Just fucking stay alive. Whatever it takes.

  Elle glanced at Sid. He held a syringe in his hand. She forced her body to relax, not wanting to go to his island unconscious. “You know about me.” She kept her voice even. Very calm.

  “That you are telepathic? Yes, of course. I felt it immediately.”

  “Well, at least I don’t have to try to explain that to you,” Elle said, spilling relief into her voice. “I hate hiding who I am from the world, but people think I’m crazy.”

  His fingers relaxed their hold on her, although she knew she’d have bruises. “You don’t ever have to hide from me Sheena. I’m very much like you are.”

  Elle studied his face. Stavros was just a little too okay with kidnapping her to be as clean as she’d first believed him.

  “We’ll talk at my home,” Stavros said, effectively stopping her questions.

  Elle remained silent, determined not to allow him to see that she was afraid. She let Sid help her from the yacht to the pier and then into the waiting car. The island was beautiful, lush and green under the late morning sun. She noted the way as they drove along the road up toward the villa.

  Once there, Elle turned gracefully on the rich leather seats of the chauffeur-driven car and extended her high-heeled foot out the door, allowing the slit along her glittering gown to slip open and reveal her shapely leg just for a brief flash as she exited the vehicle. Beside her, Stavros tucked her hand into the crook of his arm and guided her up the walkway to the enormous house that overlooke
d the sea. He stroked her fingers and she glanced up at him, sending him a faint smile before turning her attention to his masterpiece of a house.

  The structure was long and sprawling with multiple levels, nearly all of which appeared to have glass walls so the views could be seen from any direction. Since it was reachable only by small plane, helicopter or boat, the island afforded Stavros as much privacy as he wanted. She knew he was trying to impress her, that she had intrigued him, because so far nothing of his world had impressed her. He was used to women throwing themselves at him, and she was different enough to be a challenge. Well . . . that and he somehow had a built-in radar when it came to psychic abilities. It must have been how he’d found his bodyguard and why he had been so drawn to her.

  At least she knew why he was so interested in her now, or it might have been difficult not to be flattered by his attentions. Stavros was a handsome, intelligent man, and he knew how to pull out every stop to seduce a woman. He was charming about it, but there was an aura of danger surrounding him, and she never discounted reading auras. He wasn’t going to let her go, his black eyes piercing and cunning, a predator unsheathing his claws. She was in trouble and she knew it. Stavros didn’t like taking no for an answer.

  Her heart beat a little too fast, and she took a couple of deep breaths to calm the flood of adrenaline. She knew she would be out of range of communication here, completely cut off from all help, especially with that bothersome pain growing stronger in her head. The current felt electrical, interfering with her ability to reach out psychically. There had to be a transmission of some kind to block psychic energy. She wasn’t certain it was even possible, but the moment she was alone, she was going to test her theory.

  “Sheena?” Stavros rubbed the back of her hand again. “I wanted you to see my home.” His voice purred. “Say you’re not you upset with me for kidnapping you and bringing you home with me,” He paused on the intricate walkway leading to his magnificent home, tipping up her face to stare intently into her eyes.

  Elle could imagine that his intent look would make most women feel a little faint. She just felt sick. Whatever Stavros’s intentions were, he didn’t much care if she agreed or not.


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