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FINNED (The Merworld Water Wars)

Page 29

by Sutton Shields

  “You know what you need? You need to get finned. Badly. There’s no such thing as invincibility, you little gnome.” Airianna whimpered, Troy sighed, and I instantly knew I should’ve kept my mouth shut...even though it was kind of funny.

  “Well, certainly not for you five,” he said, swirling his trident over his head.

  “What do we do?” Airianna shrieked.

  “The orbs,” said Benji.

  “No time!” Treeva stared at her mother. “How could you?”

  “LOOK OUT!” screamed Troy.

  Even though I knew I should have been afraid, I felt nothing but anger. To put it bluntly, I was totally pissed. This arrogant bastard has changed my life, stabbed my boyfriend, and stolen my best friends. He and his clan can go to hell.

  “DIBROM!” screamed King Zale, sending five violet daggers streaming for us.

  Somehow, that familiar bubble-like barrier—the very same that protected me from Katrina at the town Christmas party—shielded us from King Zale’s death rays and sent them rebounding across the room, killing two guards and three squid.

  “Troy! You did it!” I said. “Just like at Christmas!”

  “Marina, I’m not doing anything,” he said, staring at me.

  In fact, Benji, Treeva, and Airianna were all staring oddly at my hands. When I looked down, my hands were glowing gold—the same color as the shield.

  “It’s me. I saved us,” I said, mystified.

  There was no time to think about this newfound ability that I’m sure will weird me out later. King Zale unleashed a scream so fierce, it shook the room like an earthquake. In that moment, we escaped, flying down palace corridors, out the front gate, and into clear waters.

  “They’re coming,” said Treeva. “Get Marina out of the water, Troy. Go! We’ll handle these idiots.”

  Troy never slowed. Treeva, Airianna, and Benji remained to battle the Zale’s reinforcements. Everything was a haze until we reached the surface.

  “Get out of the water,” said Troy, frantically pushing me towards the area of beach just beyond where the sea kisses the shore.

  “I’m out, I’m out,” I said, still holding his hand. “Let’s go find Doctor Tenly—”

  “Marina,” said Troy, tugging on my hand.

  I turned to find him on his stomach in the wet sand, the sea still slapping against his fin.

  “What are you doing? You have to get out of the water! If they catch you, they’ll kill you!”

  “They’re on their way,” he said.

  “No! No!” I cried, trying desperately to pull him out of the water.

  “We haven’t much time,” he said, holding tightly to my hand.

  I crawled to barely an inch from his sad face and took his hands in mine.

  “Your eyes captivated me the first time I saw you. I remember seeing the pureness of your soul.” He smiled as he wiped the tears from my eyes.

  “If you could have seen my thoughts, you might have thought otherwise.”

  “You always know how to make me smile. You have made this past year of my life the greatest I have ever known. Before you, I was cold, selfish, and cruel. I would’ve remained that way, had it not been for you. You have my have my laughter…you have my tears. I can die in peace, knowing you have what I didn’t think I even possessed—my heart.”

  I bowed my head and sobbed.

  Troy raised my head, whispering, “I want to die drowning in your eyes. I will forever be with you. I love you, Marina Valentine,” he said, kissing me. “Now…close your eyes.”

  Reluctantly, I did as he said. “I love y—”

  I felt his hands rip from mine. When I opened my eyes, he was gone.

  Chapter Twenty-Five

  Independence Day

  July Fourth: My birthday, mid-afternoon. I stayed curled in a ball on the beach for what must have been hours. Somewhere between lost and numb, I found the strength to go inside, shower, and change clothes, even though I barely remember doing so. Since then, I’ve been sitting on the beach, staring mindlessly at the water. The boy I love was dead—murdered—because of me.

  “This sand taken?” It was Doctor Tenly.

  I shook my head. “He said that when we were first becoming friends.”

  “I am sorry, Marina. Troy was a good kid. There was more to him.”

  “Surprised you’re out in the open. The Ravenflames could see you,” I said, wanting to change the subject.

  “They’re not watching. Too dumbfounded by a little Normal winning round one. Besides, they wouldn’t be able to see me.”

  “How’s that?”

  “Picky Pickle Capsule. Only people I program into this little pickle-shaped remote can see me.”

  “Pretty clever.”

  “Yeah, still has kinks, though. Sometimes I can’t see certain parts of myself. Very disconcerting.”

  “You know, your total insanity is sort of cool.”

  “So I’ve heard. Now, to try my hand at Marina-talk—warning, completely unnatural transition ahead…everyone is okay. I haven’t talked to Tree yet, but Airianna assures me she is just fine. I imagine she’s with her father today.”

  “Was there a transition in there somewhere? Because I didn’t catch it. I’m glad everyone else is safe,” I said, only able to think of the one that didn’t get away.

  “I’ve actually come to take you to your mom and get you two out of here.”

  I shook my head and chuckled disbelievingly. “Leave Saxet Shores. Leave one deathtrap for another in a world that wants to Salem-witch-trial my kind. I’m thinking no.”

  “Somehow, I knew that.”

  “I know my expiration date just got a lot closer to rot, but I have to try and help you get those stones. Maybe I could even talk to King Tombolo. I have to try. Couldn’t live with myself if I didn’t, especially knowing how he…” Doctor Tenly reached over and took my hand as a lone gray feather dropped in my lap. “Looks like I have support from heaven…or, you know, from heaven’s holding cell. It’s in the vicinity of heaven, at least.”

  “Manakel is an interesting being. Loyalty usually comes with a price, unless you’re me, which you’re not, so just watch your step with him.” I nodded. “You’ll be glad to know our task just got a little easier. Aside from bringing back a mental encyclopedia on Zale’s network of Normals, Airianna got Katrina’s bracelet. She’s very proud.”

  “Really? Epic Airi moment.”

  “She’s come a long way, due in no small part to you, Marina.”

  “I’m pretty sure Airi had it in her all along. She just needed a little kick in the fin.”

  “At some point, we will need to talk,” he said seriously.

  “About the network, I know.”

  “And about you. I heard how you protected everyone, Marina.”

  “Did it have something to do with being the Siren Savior?”

  “I think not. You know you’re the Siren Savior because that’s what you’ve been told. In essence, you’re the Savior in name only. You haven’t awakened.”

  “Eyes are open, they’ve seen carnage, humans hooked up as emotional dumpsters…pretty sure I’m awake.”

  “Not awake in the literal sense.”

  “Oh. I have trouble with non-literal.”

  “Yes, I’ve noticed. There’s not much about the Savior, I grant you. Just a myth and a dress. But one thing I have found…the Savior’s abilities are unparalleled. When they are ready to blossom, you will know it, Marina. You will awaken.”

  “Something to look forward to,” I groaned.

  “Yes, it is. You’ll see in time. What you created…the barrier…you can’t possibly realize how much is going on here,” he said, shaking his head.

  “Believe me, I realize. But, can it wait? Please? Anything too heavy right now and my head will go POW.”

  “Fair enough.”

  “Doctor, I want you to make sure my mom and Meikle escape this town.”

  “Might be difficult, since you
r mom won’t leave without her ‘baby girl,’” he said, grinning. “Meikle wanted me to inform you that should you block her return, she will send a ‘warrior from the darkened depths to feed on your hair follicles.’ Given her quite frightening delivery, I tend to believe she will keep her word. And you have rather nice hair. Would be a shame to see it fed upon.”

  I smiled a little. “Was worth a try, though,” I said, shrugging.

  “Indeed. I’ll bring them back after midnight,” he said, standing up. “Not that it means much right now, but, Happy Birthday, Marina.”

  “Thanks,” I said.

  “I have a gift for you,” he said, rummaging inside his coat pocket.

  “You really shouldn’t have—gum,” I said as he handed me a bright yellow pack of gum with a pretty pink bow tied around it.

  “Banana-cherry flavored. Made it myself, and the wrappings,” he said, puffing out his chest.

  “Very cool. Thank you.”

  “Now, I want you to chew each piece, place the chewed gum in a plastic bag, and bring them to me.”

  “The gift of gum wads. It really is the gift that returns itself,” I said, slightly grossed out.

  “I should be heading back to your mom and Meikle.”

  “Doctor Tenly?”


  “Did it hurt? I mean, I know it hurt him, but…do you think it went fast?” I asked, tears threatening my already swollen eyes.

  “You were in his eyes, Marina. You were his last memory. The vision of the one he loved—and the knowledge that you are safe—got him through.”

  “B-but…was it quick?”

  “Yes, it was quick.” He lied.

  “Thank you.”

  He squeezed my shoulder until he faded away.

  Sunset. As the sun set on the horizon, I felt Troy in every pore of my body. I closed my eyes and bathed in the feeling of his presence.

  “For you,” I whispered. “Through the crest, beyond the storm…my crying heart…”

  Tears fell in perfect harmony with the lyrics I simply couldn’t sing any longer.

  “Sees its forevermore…”

  On the breeze, I could swear I heard his voice continuing the lyrics to Behind the Waves. It was as comforting as church bells on Christmas morning. The cold, creeping pain that had been dragging my spirit to the ground faded into a lighter shade of despair.

  I looked through my tears, searching for what my heart so desperately wanted to see. “And I find you…”

  “…behind the waves.”

  Then, in an instant, the singing stopped, and in its place came a question.

  “Is this sand taken?”

  There he was, looking down at me, just as he had on Thanksgiving Day. Troy. He looked almost ethereal.

  “Are you a ghost?”

  “You tell me,” he said, sitting next to me.

  Slowly, with tears falling down, I stroked his silky hair, traced the lines of his face, and wound my fingers in and out and around his hands. He felt so warm—so alive.

  “If I’m dreaming, please don’t let me wake up. Oh, wait. You’re not Manakel’s new cloud-mate are you?”

  “I’m alive, Rubylocks,” he said, running his hands through my hair.

  I threw my arms around him and squeezed. “How’s this possible?”

  “I guess my dad loves me more than he let on,” he said, hugging me tightly.

  “Your dad came back for you?”

  “And you. Turns out, he’s not so opposed to us after all.”

  “How did he get you away from Zale?”

  “I don’t really know. They had started the…skinning,” he said carefully, watching me quiver. “I woke up at home with some ancient merp healers around me. I would have gotten to you sooner, but it took a while to heal.”

  Resting my head on his shoulder, I sighed. “You’re here. That’s all that matters.”

  “I’m surprised Trey hasn’t found you.”


  “Trey escaped,” he said, smirking.

  “He did? How?”

  “No idea. He managed to take Ophelia with him.”

  “And Polly?”

  He shook his head. “We’ll get her back. I promise.”

  “I believe you,” I said. “Plus, I’m ready to bring some smash-up fun to the Zale’s, and that cage is first on my to damage list.”

  “Things are about to change,” he sighed.

  “For the better.”

  “I hope so. Marina, we need to talk about what you did underwater.”

  “I know,” I said, looking down.

  “But not now. Fireworks are about to begin,” he said, pulling me closer. No sooner had the words left his lips than did the fireworks blanket the sky in red, white, and blue. “These fireworks mean something to me this year. I think I actually get it now.”

  “Get what?”

  “What they represent,” he said.

  “Freedom,” I supplied.

  “Freedom.” With a single sweeping motion towards our houses, Troy waved his arm and smiled. “A gift from my father.”

  “And a promise to his people…and to mine.”

  Gracefully fluttering in this sweet, Southern summer breeze were two very clear messages: the aqua, gold, and silver flag of the Fairhairs stood stoically behind his house, while broad stripes and bright stars valiantly waved behind mine.

  “Troy, there’s something I didn’t get to tell you before they took you…”

  He caressed my face. “What’s that?”

  “I love you, too,” I said.

  His blue eyes twinkled. “Funny thing, because there’s something I didn’t get to tell you,” he teased.

  “Oh, do tell.”

  “Happy Birthday, Marina Valentine.”

  I smiled and shook my head. “Happy Independence Day, Troy Tombolo.”

  Our souls faded together as roman candles soared above us, their beauty shimmering off the sea, pledging liberty to those hiding in the deep purple depths. While vowing freedom from oppression, the sparkling lights stirred something unimaginable inside of me. I gasped and trembled as the magnificent sensation rolled through my body.

  I’ve awakened.

  The merbitch and her merpsycho family better grab hold of their fins…because the Siren Savior was about to unleash.

  Table of Contents

  Chapter One

  The Hoodoo Council

  Chapter Two

  Jeepers, Creepers

  Chapter Three

  Butt of the Joke

  Chapter Four

  A First Date with Tricks & Treats

  Chapter Five

  Halloween Freak Outs

  Chapter Six

  Visits With Mr. Campbell, Troy, & a Seal Pup

  Chapter Seven

  A Christmas Eve Gathering

  Chapter Eight

  Bite Me

  Chapter Nine

  History…Not Always Boring

  Chapter Ten

  The Cave & the Man

  Chapter Eleven

  The “V” Stands for Vomit

  Chapter Twelve

  Ballerina Interrupted

  Chapter Thirteen

  Sprinkles or Showers?

  Chapter Fourteen

  A Fair to Remember

  Chapter Fifteen

  Under the Sea

  Chapter Sixteen

  Royal Flush

  Chapter Seventeen

  Misty Eyed

  Chapter Eighteen

  The Race

  Chapter Nineteen


  Chapter Twenty

  Prehendo Animus

  Chapter Twenty-One

  Invisible Transportation, Familiar Faces, and One Red Stone

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  2+2 = 4 Watery Graves

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  Lie To Me

  Chapter Twenty-Four


  Chapter Twenty-Five

ce Day




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