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Deception Page 4

by Silver, Jordan

  Chapter 10


  I was between sleep and wake, that time when you're not quite dreaming but the remnants are there. I felt better than I had in a long time. There was a hard chest under my cheek. I smiled and hugged myself closer to the warmth. Colin, my Colin of course, we were back in Greece. I guess I wasn't quite awake yet the dream seemed so real. It was the best one yet I could actually smell him. I clung to the dream a little longer knowing I'd have to awaken soon, back to reality. I rubbed against my dream Colin like a cat in heat, full body contact.

  "Hmmm, Colin how I wish you were really here."

  "I am."

  I almost fell off the bed I pulled away so hard. Oh my, what had I done? My cheeks were scarlet I'd never been so embarrassed in my life.

  "I' what...?" What was there to say? How much of my dream did I play out in that bed? And what the hell did I say? Colin was...laughing huh, I didn't think he remembered how. At least I hadn't seen him so much as crack a smile all yesterday. Now when we met, that was another story, we laughed together all the time that was one of the reasons we’d worked so well together. We both loved having fun with each other.

  It wasn't one of those laughs where the person was laughing at you, no this was his carefree I'm happy to be alive from the gut laugh. Thank heavens my son came to my rescue, we could hear him working up steam on the monitor.

  "I'll just go get the baby." I said it altogether like it was one word before high tailing it out of there. Whew, catastrophe somewhat abated. I can't sleep next to him again, no matter what there was no way; who knew what I'd wake up doing next time?

  I fed and changed Anthony who promptly fell back asleep, which was good because I needed to put some clothes on. I didn't have much in the way of clothing since I'd only been given ten minutes to prepare and I'd concentrated more on the baby than myself. I chose a pair of low hanging jeans thank goodness I'd lost the baby weight, not to mention a few extra pounds that I probably shouldn't have. I topped it off with a blue short sleeved button up, since nursing my son fashion had taken a back seat to comfort and easy access. I didn't mind though, I'd never been into that stuff anyway. Colin's sister Terry had tried in the little time I'd known her to drag me off shopping every chance she got. Terry, I wondered how she'd react to me being here.

  Colin was up and in the kitchen when I finally found the courage to leave my room.

  "Coffee's ready, help yourself."

  I looked at him askance, my cheeks already ablaze. He seemed...different somehow, softer, I don't know maybe it was my imagination. Good maybe he was in a better mood and I could finally ask him some questions.

  "Thank you." I made a beeline for the coffee pot keeping my back to him as much as possible hoping he didn't bring up this morning's fiasco. I could feel his eyes on me and I grew warm, heat rising to my ears.

  When I finally turned around he was watching me over the newspaper, his eyes stopped on my breasts. Now Colin is a breast man and where mine had been okay before, they were spectacular now if I do say so myself. One of the bennies of pregnancy, one of the only ones except for the baby of course; I wanted to cross my arms but thought better of it.

  "I have some papers for you to sign whenever you're ready."

  And just like that my guard was up again I knew this morning was an anomaly.

  "I'm serious about Anthony having my family name, a lot comes with that name, in case anything should happen to me I want to make sure my son's taken care of."


  "This isn't up for discussion Amber."

  He went back to reading his paper did he want me to throw the coffee cup at him?

  "But I'm not sure that I want..."

  "Listen Amber whatever's between us has nothing to do with my son, I wasn't there when he was born, that was your choice, you will not stop me from taking care of him from now on."

  At least there wasn't any of yesterday's venom in his words, and I did want Anthony to be taken care of, heaven knows Colin could do that way better than I financially. My funds were almost depleted, but what if he used this to take him away from me? Get real Amber giving him his name doesn't automatically make you, his mother null and void. My heart was still beating like a runaway train however; this was a big step.


  He finally lowered his paper and looked at me fully.

  "Wow that was easy, I thought I'd have to fight you for at least the better part of the morning."

  Was he being playful? What the hell did I do in that bed anyway? He got up from the table and went to an attaché case on the side bar. Handing me the papers and a pen, he regained his seat.

  I read them carefully I wasn't sure that this new Colin as different as he was this morning, wouldn't try to trick me into signing over the rights to my son. They looked on the up and up so I signed before returning them to him.

  He stared at my signature for the longest time, his brow puckered. When he finally looked at me he looked all kinds of confused.

  "Are you ambidextrous?"

  What the hell!

  "Uh, not that I know of." Now I was the one confused.

  He placed the fingers of one hand over his mouth while crossing the other over his chest. I remembered this was his thinking look. He seemed overly interested in my signature, what did he think I had written a fake name? That was easily proven since my signature was very legible, I could never get the hang of the slash and slant method some used.

  He looked at me again like he wasn't sure about something. Without another word he left the room with the papers in hand.

  "Well good morning to you too sunshine."

  "I heard that." I almost spit coffee all over myself. I decided to play it safe by keeping quiet and seeing about breakfast.


  This isn't the signature I had become so familiar with, what the hell was really going on here anyway? Was I losing my mind? Nothing was adding the fuck up, I hate when that happens.

  I picked up the phone and made a phone call.

  "How'd things go yesterday sir, was it what we expected?"

  "Yes Kurt it was just as you said, now I need something else from you."

  "Name it boss."

  "Same subject, only I need you to go back almost a year ago, anything you can find but focus especially around the time we were here."

  "I'll get right on it sir."

  "I appreciate it Kurt thank you." I hung up the phone my mind in total chaos, it was going in too many directions and I didn't like any of them. I hurried back to the kitchen because let's face it I couldn't stay away from her.

  Waking up with her all over me had been a welcomed surprise, I'd been awake for a good five minutes with her doing her best to climb me while I did everything not to take her up on her offer. I knew she would've been livid if I had. And since when do you care about that? Less than twenty four hours in her presence and already you're going soft. I decided to put that aside for now and turned to the happy task of informing my mother that she had another grandchild.

  Chapter 11


  Colin returned to the kitchen just as I was putting breakfast on the table. I hadn't even checked whether he wanted to eat or not, just fell back into the old routine we'd had from our short-lived romance. He liked my cooking or at least that's what he'd said, this new Colin might refuse it just to spite me though so I was prepared to get my feelings hurt.

  "Thank you." He sat down to his vegetable cheese omelet with home fries and toast. I took a smaller portion for myself and sat across from him.

  "You're welcome." I kept my head down I'm usually a timid person by nature and with the added hostility I wanted to make myself as invisible as possible. I didn't know what would set him off and though this new calmer being was much more welcomed than the tyrant I had met yesterday, I didn't fool myself for one second that things would remain this ...civil.

  "I called my mother and told her about Anthony, I had a hard time talking
her out of rushing right over, she's given us one day before she invades."

  I tensed my whole body, if his mother knew that meant others soon would; what would that mean for me, for my son?

  "Why the fuck do you keep tensing up every time I mention my family? And don't try telling me that one of them did or said anything to you the last time because I know it's a fucking lie."

  "If you have all the answers why the...hell do you keep asking me then? If you don't want to hear the answer, then don't ask the question." I'd lost my appetite, I was truly over his attitude who the hell did he think he was anyway?

  "Watch your tone."

  "Fuck...You." I threw down my fork and made to rise from the table but he was too fast for me.

  "I warned you." He grabbed my upper arms bringing me closer to him; before I knew what he was doing he was kissing me. No that's not right, this wasn't a kiss it was a ravishing. His tongue was halfway down my throat before I realized I was responding. My body clung to his like a limpet while I tried telling myself we should stop, but I didn't want to stop. It had been so long since I’d felt like this he had awakened my body, taught it to want his, only for me to be torn away after too short a time. My body recognized his it wanted it burned. My nipples were pebbles of aching need as I pulled on his hair trying to get even closer to him. He kissed me like my Colin, with passion. The kiss was punishing but oh so good, and when he ran his fingertips over my nipples I was a puddle of goo. I lost all thought and sense of being as the kiss consumed me I felt the heat of his need against me and mewled. His answering groan was loud, and I guess that's what broke the spell. He drew away from me abruptly and without another word turned and left the kitchen. I was left catching my breath and wondering what the hell was happening to my life.


  What, the fuck, was that? Was I so desperate that I'd wade in that pool again? Didn't she burn me badly enough before? Fuck. My heart was still racing and my body refused to obey me. I knew I still wanted her, but not like this I wanted her on my own terms. Not with the same old passion with which she’d ruled me.

  I spent the rest of the day holed up in my office. Face it Colin you're hiding out. I peaked in on my son in the afternoon but apart from that I stayed the hell away from her. When it was nearing Anthony's bedtime I snuck into my room heading to the en suite bathroom to have a shower. I heard her on the monitor, I couldn't quite hear what she was saying so I turned it up, and got my second shock of the day. She was singing some slow sad melody about love abiding and loving me for a long, long time.

  Fuck me, oh my fucking hell, what the hell is she trying to do to me? She sounded so sad, so alone; why was she singing those words? What the hell did it mean? I pulled my hair in frustration as tears ran down my cheeks. I dared anyone to listen to those words sung in her sweet, melancholic voice and not break. The saddest part was that she was singing to herself, that was no lullaby for my son and she had no idea I was in my room listening in. That was a woman's broken heart put into song. How many times had she sung this shit to herself?

  She broke my fucking heart for the second time.

  Chapter 12

  Almost One Year Earlier

  After our second full day together Colin insisted I move out of the hostel where I was staying and move into the villa with him. Separate rooms of course. There was no hesitation on my part. I'd fallen madly and completely in love with this man.

  For someone who's usually overly cautious I threw caution to the wind and jumped right in with both feet. It was the first time in my life that I'd relaxed my guard and allowed myself to be free.

  After losing my mom and dad in a car accident at fifteen I was pretty much alone in the world. Melissa's family had been awarded guardianship since they were my godparents, but I 'd never felt like one of them, though Melissa and I were pretty close. The proceeds from the insurance was in trust until I turned twenty one, but the executor said they were stipulations that allowed for a graduation gift among other things, I chose this trip.

  Melissa was supposed to join me but had to cancel at the last minute when Keith her boyfriend of three years got hurt and was hospitalized.

  So that's how I came to be alone on the Isle of Greece. It was very badly done of me but I was very happy that I was alone, now there would be no one to distract from my time with Colin.

  We spent our days getting to know each other. Our likes and dislikes. What our dreams were. I was amazed to find that he was so down to earth. A rich, gorgeous young guy who was, if not exactly shy very laid back.

  He treated me like the proverbial princess, always holding my chair, opening doors for me, making me walk on the inside. He was so attentive and sweet that he captivated me. I was so taken with him and the way he made me feel that there was no remorse when I gave him my virginity one week after meeting him for the first time. He made that experience so memorable, so special. With candlelight and strewn rose petals, soft words of praise, those things that most took for granted but meant the world to me. I was so in love, we were so in love. It was magical.

  Present Day

  After putting the baby to bed I wasn't sure what to do with myself, it was too early for bed, and Colin had been missing since this morning, hiding out in his office.

  I wasn't quite sure how to handle the news about his family's impending visit, there were some members of his family that I didn't want anywhere near my son.

  They'd been able to scare me away last time, but no force on earth could make me run and leave my child. And since Colin was adamant that I wasn't taking Anthony anywhere I guess he was stuck with me or he'll have the fight of a lifetime on his hands.

  I sat there for so long with my wandering thoughts that it was bedtime before I knew it.

  This of course posed another dilemma. Was I supposed to just go to his bedroom and climb into his bed? I couldn't bring myself to do it still, so hoping for the best I tiptoed pass his room to the other guest room.

  I had barely put my head to the pillow after changing into my tank and shorts when the door opened and he came in. Without a word exchanged between us he picked me up and took me to his bed. He threw the sheet back and laid me down before covering me back up and climbing in on his side. He pulled my back to his front holding me close.

  "I thought I made it clear that this is where you sleep, don't let me have to come find you again you wouldn't like what happens."

  "Must you always threaten me? In case you haven't noticed I'm a new mother who has hardly had any sleep in the last month and a half, my body feels like a foreign object and my boobs hurt, so forgive me if I don't give a damn what you want right now."

  Did I just tell him my boobs hurt? T.M.I Amber, really T.M.I.

  "What do you mean your boobs hurt?"

  "Just drop it okay."

  "No I will not just drop it, I asked you a question, why does your boobs hurt?"

  "It's from the nursing okay, sometimes they're too full even after the baby feeds now can we please go to sleep or do you have any more embarrassing questions you'd like to ask me?" I tried pulling away from him but he held on for another minute before getting up and leaving the room. I tried not to cry, firstly because I didn't know why the hell I felt like crying and secondly because I didn't want him to know he could hurt me.

  He returned some time later and sat on my side of the bed.

  "Turn over on your back." He said it so gently that I didn't question it I just did what he asked. When he took my top off I started to tense up; until I felt the most amazing sensation against my breasts. He'd brought me a warm cloth to ease the strain. Wow! Who knew he could show such kindness.

  "Where'd you learn this trick?"

  "I called my mom, she suggested it along with some of this Aloe Vera cream."

  He proceeded to press the warm cloth into my nipples soothing them and making me burn at the same time. I squirmed uncomfortably as my body reacted to his ministrations. He just looked me in the eye with no outward expression on
his face, but I could see the tight rein he had on himself by the tension in his jaw. "You asked your mom about this?" I was mortified, what must she be thinking about me? First I run away now I reappear with a baby in tow. She must have a million and one questions and I didn't have the first clue how to answer any of them.

  "Of course, she's a mother and the wife of a doctor, I took it for granted that she would know what to do."

  I had the most relief I'd had in ages as I felt the pain ease out of my sore tissue.

  "She also suggested switching sides when feeding Anthony, apparently if he feeds at the same nipple continuously it will cause soreness and discomfort." Wow, how long was that conversation? I barely had the thought before I felt his mouth cover my nipple.

  Oh my.

  Chapter 13


  I can't believe I'm doing this I had no intentions on touching her like this. I’d only wanted to give her some comfort. I didn't like knowing that feeding my son caused her pain. And why is that Colin? Shut up.

  I gave her nipple one last lick removing the bead of milk that my sucking had pulled forth. Fuck this shit is potent. I wanted so badly to finish what I started; I mean she wasn't exactly fighting me off. In fact she was writhing beneath me as though starved for my touch. I pulled away from her and sat up taking deep cleansing breaths.


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