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Releasing the Wolf (The Rossi Pack Book 1)

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by Aimie Jennison

  Chapter Two


  “Wake up sleepy head.” I hear Joey shout as a cushion hits me on the head.

  I groan, annoyed by the intrusion. “Remind me why I gave you that spare key again?” I ask, snuggling further under the covers in an attempt to evade any more flying cushions.

  He laughs. “Because I’m your best friend and without these wake up calls - which you love so very much - you would never leave your pit.”

  I feel another pillow hit me through the security of the covers. “Okay, I’ll make a deal with you. I’ll go in the bathroom if you have fresh coffee waiting for me when I come out.” I offer peeking out from under the covers.

  He jerks his head in a sharp nod. “Deal.”

  I throw the covers back and get up before grabbing some clothes out of the chest of drawers, Following through on my end of the deal, I head for the shower. My studio apartment is tiny. It’s made up of one room that’s big enough for a two-seater sofa bed, TV cupboard and a chest of drawers - all of which makes up the lounge/bedroom area. And then there is the kitchen - if you can call it that! It’s just a corner of my lounge that has a sink, a two seat dining table and a fridge against the corner of the wall; my food has to go in the cupboard under the sink. The only other room that is separate from the main room is the bathroom, which contains a shower, small sink and toilet. I have to return to the farm when I want to do my laundry, unless I manage to sweet talk Joey into taking it for me.

  One day, some six years ago, Joey Metcalfe turned up on Nonna’s doorstep asking for a job on the farm. There was always plenty of work to be done so she took him on immediately, not even taking time to consider it. I’d just turned eighteen and had started working on the farm myself to help pay my way through University to get my veterinary degree. I have no doubt that the fact that Joey was a year younger than me made Nonna think that he’d be good company for me. I wasn’t big on friends and she was always nagging at me to make some. Come to think of it, that hasn’t changed much as I’ve gotten older. I’m twenty-four and still only have one real friend but he’s more than enough.

  Walking out of the bathroom, I’m greeted with the smell of pancakes and coffee. I take a slurp from the big mug, and then pull Joey into a huge bear hug. “Thanks Jo. What would I do without you?”

  “You’d starve for one thing.” He nods towards the plate of pancakes on the table. “Eat up. We have a job to go hunting for.”

  Not being able to face the silent farm house means I’ve given up my job there too, and my funds are really starting to run low. So today my best friend, Joey, has taken the day off work to spend it job hunting with me. Have I mentioned that he’s a godsend?

  We must have been in every store, café and bar in my local suburb of Joondalup. A couple of places took my name and number but nothing ever comes of that. Most of them just shoved my resumé back at me and told me to apply online. It looks like I’m staying unemployed for the time being. Not that I can stay unemployed for long though because I can’t afford to pay for my crappy apartment without a job. I might just have to face my grief and go back to the farm, no matter how quiet it is without Nonna.

  We’re exiting one of the shops in Lakeside Shopping Centre when Joey makes the best offer. “Let’s call it a day. I’ll treat you to a late lunch.” He grins as he digs me in the ribs with his elbow.

  We walk to the Sovereign Arms pub that's attached to the shopping centre, since it’s a hot summer day we choose a seat inside making the most of the air conditioning. I take a seat with my back to the bar knowing Joey would want the one facing the room. He always chooses a seat where he can see everyone in the room. I’ve been kicked out of too many seats over the years to know not to take them in the first place now. Joey heads to the bar without bothering to ask me what I want. I have the same thing every time - vodka and coke in a tall glass, and Fish and Chips. I turn in my seat, watching the show as the two female barmaids rush their current orders just to try and get to serve Joey before the other. They do it every single time; it’s hilarious to watch. The blonde barmaid hands over a beer with the biggest head I have ever seen, and her customer glares at her as she asks him for his money. A mortified look crosses her face as she glances down at the glass and notices her mistake. While she apologises profusely, the brunette with a pixie cut takes Joey’s order, clearly happy to be winning today’s battle. The blonde hands her customer a more presentable pint of beer and walks off glumly.

  I let my eyes roam around the bar before turning them back on Joey who’s now making his way back towards me with our drinks in his hands. “One vodka and coke,” he says placing it down on the table before me. He takes the seat I knew he would and has a mouthful of his beer.

  “Thanks, I need it after today’s wasted effort.” I say, unable to keep the misery out of my voice.

  “You know we all miss you at the farm. I know you’re worried about it being quiet in the house, but what if someone moved in with you?” Joey asks, hope shining in his eyes.

  “I… I can’t, not yet.” Just the thought of it makes my stomach churn and I quickly change the subject. “Are you going to give her a call?” I ask, nodding towards pixie cut.

  He looks at me, furrowing his brows. “How did you know she gave me her number?” he asks, confused.

  I laugh. “They always give you their number. Every. Time.” I can’t wipe the grin off my face. Him being there with me never stops them slipping him their number; we must look as platonic together as we are.

  “You know I’m not,” he says in reply to my earlier question.

  I glance over at her chatting to one of the other girls behind the bar. “Why not? She’s pretty and looks nice enough.”

  He shakes his head, no. “She’s not my type.”

  In all the years I’ve known him he’s never once mentioned a girlfriend. “I’ve never seen you with a girl. What is your type?” A thought suddenly hits me and I can’t hold back my gasp. “Oh my God, are you gay?”

  He laughs. “Frankie, do you really think I’m gay?” When I give him nothing but a questioning look he shakes his head, disbelief written on his face with the slackening of his mouth and the widening of his eyes. “I’m not gay. I’m just not attracted to her, that’s all.”


  Joey cuts me off before I can question him anymore. “Just leave it, please,” he begs.

  I hold up my hands in defeat. “Okay, I give in. I’m going to put some decent music on.”

  Weaving my way through the crowded tables, I head for the jukebox. I choose three songs - Bon Jovi’s Livin’ on a Prayer; Adam Lambert’s Whataya Want From Me and Adele’s Someone Like You. It must have been running on a random loop until someone made a selection because Livin’ on a Prayer comes on immediately.

  As I dance my way back towards the table I notice Carter sitting at our table. Carter is a guy I met at University who’s studying psychology. We’ve been on a couple of dates, but it’s never progressed further than a kiss. I guess I’d call him my boyfriend if someone asked, although I'm sure his answer would be different. Carter’s six-foot, lean athletic body always gets plenty of attention from the girls, which he loves. He’s got short spiky white blonde hair and hazel eyes. In fact, he reminds me of Spike off the TV show Buffy. Now I think of it, I always did have a soft spot for Spike as a teenager.

  Upon reaching the table, I notice Carter has taken my seat. My drink is now sitting on the table in front of the chair with its back to the door and room. I’m not comfortable with my back to the door but I don't want to cause a fuss, so ignoring my gut instincts I pull out the chair and sit down.

  Carter leans across the table and kisses me deeply, causing me to blush and pull away. “Hey Babe, I saw you come in here with this loser,” he motions to Joey with an upward nod, “and I thought you might want some decent company.”

  “Carter!” I say, astonished by his rudeness. “Don’t be horrible. You can’t call random strangers losers

  Joey doesn’t appear affected at all by Carter’s rudeness. “Its okay, Frankie,” he says, staring him down from across the table. “We know each other, he’s just being a dick, as usual.”

  I want to know how, but before I can ask a dark shadow falls over me. Someone’s standing behind me and it’s someone big. Really big. I can feel it.

  I turn to face some nice abs showing through a tight grey t-shirt, which are matched with a pair of light faded jeans. I look up to an attractive yet intimidating man who looks to be about thirty. Some men ooze sex like Carter, but this guy oozes power. Mr Big and Powerful has a strong jawline with kissable full lips and a nose that fits his face perfectly. I catch a glimpse of blue from his eyes before he slips some sunglasses on. Who puts sunglasses on indoors? His dark blonde hair is short to his head in a military style cut.

  “Joey. Carter.” He nods at each of them before looking down at me. At least I think he’s looking at me, with those sunglasses on he could be looking at the table for all I know.

  “This is Rosa Rossi, my boss, I guess?” Joey says nervously. I glance at him stunned; I don’t think I have ever seen carefree Joey nervous.

  A large manly hand appears in front of me and I have no choice but to take it, feeling a jolt of energy that shoots straight to my heart as we touch. I quickly pull back, discreetly rubbing my hand on my jeans under the table.

  “Nice to meet you, Rosa Rossi.” His voice is casual, giving no hint that he’d felt the spark too. “I’m Jesse, Joey’s other boss. Carter’s too.”

  “Call me Frankie. Nonna was Rosa, so I go by my middle name. I’m more Joey’s friend than I am his boss.” I glance across the table to Joey, trying to get out from under Jesse’s hidden gaze. “I’ve only been your boss for a month.”

  “Carter, I need to speak to you in private,” Jesse informs him, clearly dismissing both Joey and I before he turns and leaves the pub.

  Carter jumps up and follows Jesse out of the building, shouting “bye!” over his shoulder just before the door closes behind him.

  The pager Joey had brought back from the bar with our drinks starts to vibrate, flash and beep on the table, signalling that our food is ready to be picked up from the bar.

  “Finally! I’m starving.” He picks up the pager before heading to the bar for the food.

  Joey comes back with a plate in each hand and another balanced on the crook of his arm. I give the extra plate with a cheeseburger and chips he’s holding a second glance. “You weren’t kidding about being starving,” I joke.

  He laughs, placing it on the table next to his own plate. “It was Carter’s order. I’m not a complete pig.”

  I lift up a piece of fish on my fork but, before I take a bite, I focus my attention to Joey. “Why did that big guy make you so nervous?”

  He slowly chews on a mouthful of burger, deliberating. I can practically see the cogs in his brain turning over. I’ve never felt like Joey has secrets but seeing him with Jesse and Carter has left me thinking he may just have some.

  I tuck into my own meal while I wait for his response.

  “There’s been some tension between Carter and Jesse. I didn’t want them to start fighting while you were sat in between them,” he tells me, sounding honest enough. He practically inhales the rest of the food on his plate before moving onto Carter’s plate. “There’s no point letting good food go to waste.” I stare at him in disbelief, inciting a cheeky grin. Has he got hollow legs or something?

  Chapter Three


  Striding out of the Sovereign Arms, there is no doubt in my mind that Carter will follow me – not if he knows what’s good for him anyway. Wanting Carter to see my eyes, I remove my shades. As I come to a stop outside the boarded up store next door, I take a deep calming breath before turning to face him.

  Carter nods stiffly. “Boss,” he greets, not quite meeting my eyes.

  “What the hell do you think you’re doing, Carter?” His flinch tells me he hears the growl behind my words.

  “You told me to watch her.” He shrugs. “I am.”

  “No!” I snap. How fucking dare he twist my words like that. My whole body tenses in an effort not to pounce and cause a scene. “You’re dating her, not watching her.” Unable to contain my anger, a wave of energy flows out of me and hits Carter full force.

  “I… I thought… that, that would be the best way to protect her,” he stammers, wincing in pain as my energy burns against his skin.

  “You and your bed post notches. I knew I should have put Nate onto this. Dammit!” I take a deep breath, trying to reign in my temper. “You will not sleep with her, Carter.” I place all my Alpha power behind my words, making sure he understands the consequences if he defies my order.

  “I understand,” he agrees, looking down at his feet.

  On the drive home I can’t help but kick myself for giving him the job. I’d gone into this thinking Rosa wouldn’t fall for his player attitude. Clearly I’d been mistaken. The only reason I hadn’t given Nate the job was because I was worried that she’d fall for him. In fact, I knew she would fall for him. All women do. She is just his type too so I know the feeling would be mutual. This mess serves me right for being so selfish thinking I can keep her to myself. Who am I kidding? She didn’t even know I existed until ten minutes ago.

  Chapter Four


  We leave the pub just as the sun is setting. Both Joey and I often enjoy the short walk back to my apartment in silence. It’s comfortable, and today is no exception. I can’t help wondering about Joey’s employer Jesse, Carter, and what causes the obvious bad vibe between the two of them. If things are that bad why wouldn’t Jesse just fire him? Not that I want my boyfriend jobless or anything.

  “What are you thinking so hard about?” Joey asks.

  Unlocking the main door of the apartments without my key sticking takes all my concentration. “Nothing,” I mumble. The lock clicks and I let out a little cheer. “Yes!” I glance at Joey as I hold the door open. “What are we watching today? It’s your choice this week.” Once a week we have a marathon night of watching a TV show. Last week I chose Game of Thrones, season one, so this week it’s Joey’s choice.

  His eyes glint as he flashes me a cheeky grin. “You’ll have to wait and see.”

  I open my apartment door and walk straight to the kitchen, grabbing a bag of popcorn and placing it in the microwave. Even though Joey just ate two meals, I know he’ll have no trouble eating some popcorn too. As I watch the popcorn spin around, I send up ‘thanks’ to the angels or whoever it was that sent Joey down to me the day he knocked on Nonna’s door. He really is a gift and I love him to bits. Joey is like the little brother I never had. The microwave beeps and I pour the popcorn into a large bowl. “Stick the disc in, Jo. I’ll turn out the lights on the way.”

  I sit down on the sofa and cuddle up to Joey. He hits play and the opening theme song, “Bad Things”, comes on with its creepy videos. “Yay,” I cheer excitedly as I clap my hands. I’ve needed a good True Blood fix for a while now.

  We both sang along giggling to the song until the opening scene comes on the screen. “SHHH!” I say as I flap my hands in the air, emphasising my excitement.

  “I was, you’re the one shhh-ing,” Joey says with a laugh. Pulling me into his side, he shoves his hand into the bowl of popcorn.

  We’re no more than five minutes into it when there’s a knock on the door. Knowing I never get any visitors, Joey makes a move to get up, concern is clear in the frowning of his eyebrows.

  I pat his leg. “It’s alright, it’ll probably be Betty from across the hall wanting some milk or something.” I watch as he settles back, but the tension doesn't leave his body.

  Getting up, I dash across the room to the door, pulling it open. “Did you forget to buy your milk again, Betty?” Instead of my forgetful old neighbour, I find myself faced with Carter sporting a cheeky grin. “You’re disturbing a very important True Blood ma
rathon, it better be worth it.” I say in jest, trying to hide my surprise at seeing him.

  “Only you can answer that.” He leans forward kissing me quickly and thoroughly. I can taste alcohol on his tongue. “Am I worth it?”

  I pull away and turn to look at Joey, asking with my eyes if I can invite Carter in. It’s our night and I’ll turn Carter away if he wants me to. Joey gives me a smile but I can see the disappointment in his eyes. “Hurry up you two, I can’t hear a thing,” he says, waving us both in.

  I give Joey an appreciative smile and answer Carter’s question. “I guess you are. You can only come if you’ll be quiet and watch the show.” I step back, giving him room to enter.

  “Of course I will. I can smell popcorn; that’ll keep me quiet,” he says walking straight over to my empty spot on the two seater sofa. Joey and Carter are both quite large men, so I grab my pillows and quilt - which are always folded up in the corner of the room waiting for me to use them when I change the sofa into a bed on a night - and use them to sit between their legs on the floor.

  “Do you want to sit here, Frankie?” Joey offers. Always the gentleman.

  I shake my head and pat his leg in thanks.

  Joey gets up when the closing credits of the third episode start rolling on the screen. “I’m gonna head off, it’s getting late.”

  I frown. We’d planned to make a full night of it and watch until we fall asleep. I’d guessed from the atmosphere in the pub earlier, it’s not only Jesse and Carter that don’t get along, and tonight’s atmosphere hasn’t been much better. I get up and walk him to the door making sure to step out into the hall and I give him a hug as always. I want to say sorry about Carter turning up and spoiling things, but he places his finger over my mouth before the word escapes. He inclines his head towards my door and he mouths the words “don’t worry”.


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