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Releasing the Wolf (The Rossi Pack Book 1)

Page 7

by Aimie Jennison

  Joey smiles, making me think he can’t be too insulted at the comment since his pancakes always held the number one spot before now.

  Kelly leans over the table and lowers his voice to a whisper even though we can all still hear. “The secret ingredient is bacon fat. I cook them in the pan after frying the bacon,” he admits with a proud smile.

  Chapter Eleven


  After storming out of Frankie’s, knowing I’d been a complete dick and blown any chance I had with her, I find myself pacing back and forth outside the Wolves Den, our local bar, waiting for it to open. I can’t quite believe how upset I am at losing Frankie. I knew I liked her more than any of the other women I’ve been with, but now I’m starting to think I may have fallen deeper than that. Dare I say it? Love. I let the word flow through my mind and decide… No. Love is not my thing, never has been.

  Catching sight of my reflection in the window in the door, I’m filled with the urge to punch it. I want to do nothing more than give myself a good fucking beating. I pull my fist back ready to let it fly as the reflection disappears and Big Mac’s face with brows furrowed in concern replaces it, having opened the door. I drop my fist. I wouldn’t want to hit the Beta of the pack and suffer those consequences, no matter how tempting the thought of the pain is.

  Big Mac steps back, allowing me to enter the building and find a stool at the bar. “Jesus Carter, it’s early for you. Do you need to talk about it? I could feel your anger from out in the cellar, it won’t do you any good.” He pulls a glass down and pours two shots of whisky into it. “It won’t do the person on the receiving end any good either.”

  “No, thanks, Big Mac. I just need a drink.” He passes me the glass and I accept it with a small grateful smile. “Don’t worry, it’s me on the other side of the anger.” I down the drink and slide the glass back to Big Mac. “Nate’s right, I’m a jerk,” I say to myself as Big Mac hands me a bottle so I can refill my own glass.

  Big Mac

  I leave Carter with his thoughts as I get back to setting up the bar. I’m somewhat grateful that I’d let Carter in after sensing his anger outside. No one wants a werewolf that angry in a public space, no matter who he’s angry at. Unless you want bloodshed and, no doubt, more pups. We already have a new female pup that’s crawled out of the woodwork with potential to cause mayhem in our happy pack. That’s not even taking her Omega status into account.

  I think back to the time Frankie would have been born and struggle to place it. It’s all a blur; I can remember there being trouble of some sort and Rossi selling the pack house to Jesse but I can’t remember the cause of it. Rossi was still Alpha. Maria, Giuseppe and himself were always at the pack house; they just didn’t live there. I can’t remember a baby, not even talk of one. Shaking my head to clear mind of memories I can’t find, I resign myself to the fact that my Alpha Jesse will explain everything soon enough since it seems he knew about Frankie all along. Word running through the pack grapevine is that Jesse, in wolf form, had been meeting up with her on a regular basis. It was a ballsy move, any werewolf meeting in wolf form with a child could easily lead to disaster but Jessie is Alpha for a reason. In fact he’s one of the only werewolves I know whose human side is in full control of the wolf. Being a werewolf isn’t easy, you are in a constant battle of wills with your wolf fighting over control. One outside argument weakening the human side even for a second means the wolf could prevail.

  I drop my musings and plaster a smile on my face as I greet the customer who is walking through the door.

  Chapter Twelve


  Being placed on twenty-four-seven watch is driving me crazy. I understand it’s a must to keep everyone safe. If my wolf decides to take over and I start eating people it would not be fun – well, it might be for her. I’ve been assured that usually new pups don’t release the wolf until the first full moon after their attack. They have all the heightened senses, speed and strength of a werewolf but they don’t have the ability to slip into wolf form until they get the help from the full moon. Sometimes it takes more than one full moon before they can change form on command or with emotions like anger or rage, but since I was wolf born and she’d been suppressed for so long she’s unpredictable.

  Personally, I don’t think Jesse’s really worried about me losing control. My wolf seems pretty happy with me in the driving seat. To be honest I think he’s more concerned about my Omega status and other wolves he and my father have been trying to protect me from all my life.

  My main baby sitter is Kelly, he’s been sleeping in the third bedroom which is a tiny box room, barely big enough to swing a cat in. I offered to sort out Nonna’s room for him but he insisted it was fine, saying ‘I only need a bed, and that one is perfectly fine.’ I’m certain the real reason behind him sleeping in there is because he doesn’t want me to have to go through Nonna’s things. He lost his wife, Gabby, two months ago and he hasn’t stepped foot in their house since her death. He knows how painful a loved ones death is, and how real taking that step would make it.

  We’ve fallen into a routine, Joey comes for breakfast before heading to work, which is handily on the farm, so he gets to come back to the house for lunch and dinner too. He often stays to watch TV on a night when the workday is over. Other guys working on the farm come in and out of the kitchen for lunch and coffee breaks, which makes me wonder why I’d stayed away so long. It’s nowhere near as lonely as I’d imagined. If I need to go anywhere, Kelly comes too - he’s like a second shadow.

  As I walk back into the kitchen after waving Joey off for work, Kelly strides into he room. “So Darl’, where are we going today?” The tone of his voice tells me being housebound may be turning him a little crazy, too. We’ve been out on a couple of nice long motorbike rides, just to pass the time. We both have motorbikes and love nothing more than feeling the wind against our faces.

  “I was wondering if you’d do me a favour?” I ask with a flutter of my eyelashes.

  “Of course, anything,” he replies instantly, no questions asked.


  He’d just given me his word that he will do anything and wolves never go back on their word.

  “I want you to take me to Jesse,” I say as I clear the table of our breakfast plates and place them in the dishwasher.

  “I can’t,” he says with an edge of worry to his voice.

  I smile smugly, feeling proud I’ve learnt something about wolf behaviour I can use to my advantage. “You just said you’d do anything. You have to.”

  He shakes his head, looking at me grimly. “Jesse ordered the whole pack to not take you to him. I’m sorry Frankie but I can’t disobey him. He feels guilty about what he did to you.” Kelly’s eyes drop to my stomach referring to the bite mark that’s hidden behind my grey scoop neck tee. “He thinks you hate him. He doesn’t want you to have to see him.”

  My hands form fists by my side. “Damn him! He won’t take my calls. He doesn’t turn up as Tony anymore. I miss him.” My vision blurs as my eyes well with tears. “He won’t even let me feel him through the pack bonds. If he did he’d know I don’t hate him. Surely he can’t avoid me forever, he’s my Alpha.”

  Kelly pulls me into his embrace giving me a gentle squeeze. “I’m sorry Darl’. You’re right, but I still can’t take you.”

  Suddenly hit with a light bulb moment I pull out of his arms. He can’t take me... but I can take him. Pulling out my mobile phone I dial Joey’s number, not bothering to search his name because I know the number better than I do my own.

  “Joey can’t disobey his order either,” Kelly says, evidently recognising Joey’s number and jumping to conclusions.

  I grin at Kelly as Joey answers. “What’s up Frank?”

  “Hey, quick question. Is Jesse in the phone book?”

  “Yes, wha—”

  I cut him off mid sentence, having heard all I need to. “Thanks Joey, I love ya.” I hang up not giving him time to question me. />
  I run to the pantry knowing the residential pages have always lived on the top shelf. Spotting them exactly where I thought they’d be I pull them down and, not bothering to move from the pantry, I flick through the pages straight to O’Keefe. There are seven O’Keefe’s listed but Lady Luck is shining down on me because only one has the initial J. I type the address into the map app on my phone, before tapping on the arrow for the directions and up pops a map with a beautiful blue line showing me the way to go. Jackpot.

  Glancing up I find Kelly frozen to the spot, staring at me with wide horror stricken eyes. “He’s gonna to kill me. He’ll think I disobeyed him.”

  I pat him on the back as I pass him in search of my leathers. “Don’t stress. I’ll tell him you didn’t. I’ll be leading the way on the bikes, so there will be no lie for him to smell and nothing for him to blame you for.” I throw my jacket on and pass him his. “Now you can either come with me or stay here - it’s your choice!”

  Taking his jacket and settling it on his broad shoulders he smiles at me. “On Jesse’s orders, wherever you go I must follow.” Kelly gives me a wide grin.

  Looking at the directions one last time, I snatch my bike keys off the hook beside the back door as I pass. I slip my phone into my pocket and kick off my sleek black Ninja ZX while I wait for Kelly to fire up his Boulevard M109RZ.

  Chapter Thirteen


  Within fifteen minutes we’re pulling up in front of Jesse’s house. Not that I’d call it a house. A mansion is more like it. It’s strange to think that I lived here once. My parents chose this house as their family home. I only wish I remembered it.

  We park the bikes side by side next to a gorgeous grey Aston Martin DB9. Pulling my helmet off I hook it over the handle bars and take my jacket off before I overheat. Driving around wearing full leathers during a Western Australian summer is torture, but it can save your life. Kelly assures me as a werewolf my skin would heal pretty quick if I didn't wear them anymore but I’d rather not have to feel the pain I know I’d have if I tested the theory. I glance at Kelly as he pulls his helmet off without making a move to get off his bike.

  “I’ll stay here. Just in case he looks for someone to blame,” Kelly says.

  “Chicken shit,” I call over my shoulder as I walk towards the large double doors at the front of the house. You’d easily be able to drive a large 4X4 through them, providing you had the skill to drive it up the twenty steps leading up to the verandah. The solid wooden doors each have a wolf carved into them, howling at the circular frosted window in the top of the door on the right. I run my hand along the wolf on the right feeling the exquisite ridges of the carved fur before I knock on the glass of the moon.

  It opens almost immediately and I find myself engulfed in the lavender scent that I’d smelt on Carter the last time I saw him. The petite brunette standing in the doorway must be Clarissa. She’s delicate looking with pretty chocolate brown eyes; she can’t be much older than nineteen years old.

  My wolf reaches out to gauge her wolf, finding no threat she settles back deep within me trusting that I can handle her on my own. Clarissa stands before me, staring. No welcome greeting. Nothing.

  With Chicken Shit staying on his bike it’s up to me to gain entry. I offer my hand for her to shake. “Hi Clarissa, I’m Frankie. I need to see Jesse.” I smile as she shakes my offered hand, hoping to ease her concern she’s showing through a furrow between her thinly shaped brows.

  “How do you know who I am?” she says, with a nervous edge to her voice.

  “Your scent was on Carter last week. Nate referred to you by name.”

  She nods clearly accepting my explanation. “I’m sorry, but I can’t let you in. Jesse ordered me not to,” she says, the smug smile plastered on her face makes me think she is anything but sorry. It gives me the feeling that our dear Clarissa here doesn’t like me very much. From what I’ve seen from her in the last couple of minutes I’m starting the think the feeling is going to be mutual.

  I plaster a friendly smile on my face. “Is Jesse in?”

  “Yes,” she answers. The cautious tone of her voice would make anyone think I have a reputation of pulling the wool over ones eyes. I’m sure the trickery I played on Kelly and Joey earlier won’t have gotten around the pack already.

  “Well you’re either going to move aside and let me pass or I’ll move you out of my way.” I give my shoulders a shrug. “I’m not bothered either way.”

  She gazes at me and presses her lips together tightly as she plants her feet in a wide stance making it clear she chose the latter. We are pretty well matched in height and weight but I need to get in that house. There is no way I will give up without a fight.

  Not only do I feel her wolf come to the surface I can see it in the flicker of amber in her eyes. Her energy runs along my skin, coaxing my wolf out of her slumber. A smile crosses her face and I know she's felt my wolf as submissive. Being an Omega she’s gentle and comes across as submissive but she’ll stand up against any dominant wolf if she feels the need to. She won’t cower like other true submissive wolves would. My wolf doesn’t comprehend orders; that’s what makes her so dangerous.

  Reaching my hand out I push her, aiming to move her aside, but she stands her ground. Allowing my wolf to come forward I feel my eyes change shape slightly and a growl escapes my mouth. She gasps in surprise and her mouth falls open as she pins herself to the wall and allows me entry. I quickly step in trying to ignore my own surprise at my eyes changing shape. It’s the first time my wolf has come so close to the surface since releasing her.

  I hear Kelly’s pounding footsteps behind me as he makes his way up the stairs. Leaving the door open for him, Clarissa steps away from the door still making sure to give me a wide berth. “Carter won’t stay faithful to you,” she says in a scathing tone.

  “Carter and I aren’t together anymore. You are very much welcome to him,” I state, not bothering to look at her. I couldn't care less what she thinks. I look around the large entrance hall and focus on the reason I came here in the first place. Jesse. “Jesse, are you going to come and see me or am I going to have to search every room for you?” I stand waiting for a reply for a solid minute before I decide to take action. “Ready or not here I come,” I mutter under my breath.

  Kelly gives an amused laugh behind me. “Fancy a game of pool, Clarissa?”

  I hear Clarissa’s flirtatious tone as she replies, “I’ll whoop your arse.” I can’t help but picture the fluttering eyelashes she’s probably throwing his way as I glance around deciding where to start with my hunt for Jesse.

  Through a glass sliding door directly in front of me there’s a paved courtyard with a large outdoor table placed in the centre. I’ve never seen a courtyard in the middle of a house before, you’d think it would look out of place but it doesn’t. In fact it looks so welcoming I can imagine having some wonderful family meals out there. Seeing there is no one out there I look in the room on my left and find an equally empty formal dining room.

  Walking into the room on the right I find Clarissa setting up the pool table, as Kelly stands chalking his cue. There’s a sofa along the wall to the right the doorway, facing the pool table, and a bar in the back left corner of the room with three stools in front of it. To the left of the bar there’s a closed, heavy wooden door. I knock on the door hoping it’s an office and try turning the handle but find it’s locked. Hearing no one shout from inside I turn to go find another room to look in.

  “He’s in there but he doesn’t want to see you,” Clarissa informs me as she takes her shot hitting a red ball straight into the middle pocket. “Just face facts, one of the males in the pack doesn’t want you.”

  Facing the door once again, I plead with him. “Please, Jesse. Open the door and talk to me.”

  “I’m sorry, Frankie. I made a promise. I can’t,” he says through the door, his voice sounds so close making me think he must be standing right behind the door. My wolf reaches out
to feel his energy, but there’s nothing; the door is too heavy to feel it through. She’s craving his energy and, if I’m honest, I’m craving having him near me. I’ve seen him as Tony on such a regular basis, not seeing him is leaving a big gaping hole inside me.

  “Is Clarissa right? Do you not want me…Do you not want me in your pack?” I ask, before holding my breath as I await his answer. His answer doesn’t come and I can’t bear the silence any longer. Silence to a question like that is an answer in itself. “I don’t know what I’ve done wrong, but I’m sorry.” Laying my hand on his door, I take a deep breath knowing I really don’t want to give him the only option I can think of. “I’m sorry I’ve been so much trouble. I’ll find another pack, another Alpha might take me in.”

  The door flies open and Jesse’s eucalyptus scent hits with so much force it takes my breath away. “No!” he orders as he reaches a finger out and wipes tears that I didn’t know I had from my cheeks. He tugs me into his office and wraps his strong arms around me. “I’m sorry,” he apologises into my hair. “I promised you, you wouldn’t have to look at me again. Not after what I did to you, but I can’t bear to lose you to another pack. I can’t let you go.”

  Pulling my head off his chest, I look up at him, with my head tilted to one side and my brows knitted together in confusion. “What you did?”


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